PUM20040216APPROVED CITY OF MUSKEGO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of Meeting Held Monday February 16, 2004 Chairman Eric Schroeder called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Also present were Committee members Aid Pat Patterson, Aid. Rick Petfalski, Utilities Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, Engineer and Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen and Ruekert & Mielke representative Steve Schultz. It was noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Aid. Patterson moved to approve minutes of January 19, 2004. Seconded by Aid. Petfalski, motion carried 3-0. Aid. Patterson moved to approve minutes of January 27, 2004. Seconded by Aid. Petfalski, motion carried 3-0. STATUS OF PROJECTS Steve Schultz updated the committee on the attached status of on -going projects as follows: • Big Muskego Estates — Utility construction completed week of February 1, 2004. Punch list repairs waiting for pavement installation. • Well exploration project — Finished geophysics on all sites except North Cape and Ryan. A different piece of equipment is needed. Reports for all other sites being done. Borings can be started. • Northfield Green - Revised construction plans received for review February 10, 2004. Utility plans recommended for approval February 11, 2004. • Stonerige Ground Water Remediation —There was a meeting with the consultant of Stoneridge. EPA should have the consultants final work plan. Sampling on Well 7 should be started. • Lakewood Meadows — Legal documents'are done. Two issues that remain are the legal description does not match what is actually out Public Utilities Committee Meeting — February 16, 2004 Page 2 there and trying to finalize who has to sign the agreement, the water trust or 70% of the members. • CCV/Stonebridge Watermain Extension — All exeptions have been taken off the title. Three signatures are needed. Recapture Agreement will go to Council on February 24, 2004. • Proposed Development — Valley Sand and Gravel site — New Berlin Plan Commission will be meeting in March. Ruekert & Mielke will be doing a ground water remediation presentation. SEWER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Status of Town of Norway Contract - Director McMullen explained a contract is no longer needed. Town of Norway agreed to 16% of planned capacity for Muskego. Muskego and Town of Norway came to agreement what flow allocations will be and lift station upgrade cost will be. Item will remain on the agenda until the City receives the new Resolution. Status of claims from West Lake, Lake Lore and Lake Brittany — Nothing new to report. Review Invoices for water treatment — West Lake Homeowner's Association - Nothing new to report. SEWER NEW BUSINESS — Nothing new. WATER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Establish policy for Champions Villaae (WCA) connection charae — Director McMullen explained six of the remaining buildable lots are owned either by the Developer or a subsidiary of Burke Properties. One of the remaining lots is owned by Mr. Heidenreich, and possibly the lot is not buildable. Aid. Petfalski moved to charge WCA charges 60 days after the date of signing the agreement. Aid. Patterson seconded, motion carried 3-0. WATER NEW BUSINESS Review quotes for water tower inspection — Superintendent Kloskowski reviewed a letter from Ruekert & Mielke explaining the four ways the tank was proposed to be inspected. Aid. Petfalski moved to approve Dixon Engineering doing a dry tank inspection at $4015.00. Seconded by Aid. Patterson, motion carried 3-0. Discuss possibilities for water service — Kenwood Place — Mr. Kenneth Laschen and Mr. Wayne Salentine were present to discuss water service to the 37-lot Public Utilities Committee Meeting — February 16, 2004 Page 3 subdivision. Superintendent Kloskowski explained that subdivision of this size the City requires a community well. The proposed subdivision is immediately adjacent to Lakewood Meadows. Mr. Kloskowski recommended they tie into the Lakewood Meadows system and that would save them from having to provide storage. Depending on what New Berlin decides, municipal water may be a possibility in the future. DNR would approve connection to the existing Lakewood Meadows as a temporary connection until the City takes over the system. Mr. Kloskowski noted that the City will not be treating the tannins that are currently in the Lakewood Meadow water system. Mr. Salentine asked if the City would consider fixing the tannin problem with the money the developer puts up to the City. The Committee directed Mr. Salentine and Mr. Laschen to design the water main because it would be needed regardless if they connected to Lakewood Meadows our drilled their own well. The Committee should know more about Lakewood Meadows system and also New Berlin's plans for extending water main by the next meeting. Mr. Salentine will obtain an estimate from Layne Northwest, and staff or Ruekert & Mielke will review the estimate. SUBDIVIDER'S EXHIBITS - Sewer and Water plans for Northfield Green Subdivision — Director McMullen explained this piece of land is multifamily and commercial part of Carity Subdivision off Janesville Rd. There is a large retention pond next to connection. The maximum spacing between hydrants is 400 feet. There will be a hydrant that is has a 616 foot spacing due to the retention pond. This spacing is within the DNR requirements of 800 feet. The plans meet all City standards. Ald. Petfalski moved to approve sewer and water plans for Northfield Green subject to DNR and MMSD approval. Ald. Patterson seconded, motion carried 3-0. ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS — Nothing to report. REVIEW OF DEFERRED ASSESSMENTS/SEWER & WATER — Nothing to report. ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS — Discussion, update and possible action may be taken on any or all of the following: REPORT OF THE UTILITY SUPERINTENDENT — The Utility Department has discontinued the sale of water to the directional boring companies. Use during the cold weather is damaging the hydrants. REPORT OF ENGINEERING/BUILDING INSPECTION DIRECTOR — Nothing to report. COMMUICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Aid. Petfalski moved to adjourn at 8:04 PM. Seconded by Aid. Patterson, motion carried 2-0. Public Utilities Committee Meeting — February 16, 2004 Page 4 Respectfully submitted, ,PC, V u�—� Kellie Renk, Recording Secretary CONSULTANTS REPORT FOR: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Monday February 16, 2004 Submitted Wednesday February 11, 2004 BOLD ITALICS INDICATE NEW INFORMATION CITY PROJECTS: JANESVILLE ROAD BOX CULVERT UTILITY RELOCATES Design alternate selected August 28, 2002 County does not anticipate box culvert reconstruction prior to Fall 2003 Design to be sent to City for review by May 15, 2003 After City review, plans must be sent to County and State for approvals Plans sent to County for review June 4, 2003 No comments have been received from County or City as of November 1, 2003 JANESVILLE ROAD WATER MAIN — JEWEL-OSCO TO COLLEGE AVENUE City authorized design to College Avenue September 12, 2002 Plans for entire project to be submitted by January 17, 2003 Project revised to be from Kohl's to 1000 feet East of Tess Corners Drive Potential contaminated soils discovered on site June 6, 2003, BLS Environmental retained to assist City. Additional contaminated soils encountered week of July 7, 2003 Record drawings to be submitted to City for first review week of September 15 Contractor called on October 13, 2003 punch list completed Site review confirmed all restoration completed Final Payment and Close Out Change Order issued week of December 8, 2003 Mc Shane Pump Station — Bluhm Drive Storage Facility Project close out paper work in process Vibration damage to property claims remain unresolved Moorland Road Water Main (will be removed from status report next month) Sample by City tested safe Punch list repairs completed Parkland Drive Freedom Square water main connection Construction completed Safe samples and pressure tests all passed Road pavement replaced As Built survey completed, drawings in process Punch list waiting for valve operation by Utility in spring Public Utilities Committee Meeting — February 16, 2004 Page 5 Well Number 9 - Big Muskego Estates Project bid opened November 7, 2003 Recommendation of award sent week of November 10, 2003 DNR approval received January 8, 2004 Preconstruction meeting scheduled for January 16, 2004 PAGE 2 Consultant's report for PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Monday February 16, 2004 Well Site Exploration Contract for test borings to Layne Northwest Test borings completed in Woods Road area Geophysical surveys conducted at Big Muskego Estates site Three test borings drilled in Big Muskego Estates area week of March 3, 2003, Additional resistivity tests completed Quietwood East Resistivity and seismic testing completed on two sites, processing data Report with recommendations to be submitted week of January 19, 2004 DEVELOPMENTS: Big Muskego Estates First review letter sent to City March 6, 2003 Second review letter sent to City April 8, 2003 Preconstruction conference held October 2, 2003 Sanitary sewer installed, Storm sewer west of Durham Drive is installed Water main under construction east of Durham Drive Utility construction completed week of February 1, 2004 Punch list repairs waiting for pavement installation. Big Muskego Estates II First construction plan review completed week of December 1, 2003 Second construction plan review completed January 13, 2004 Remaining items are storm water related Utility plans recommended for approval CANDLEWOOD (INTERIOR) (will be removed from status report next month) Repairs completed, manhole now passed tests. City authorized GIS updates on September 9, 2003 Chamberlain Hill A portion of this project was determined to be in the boosted pressure area on April 2, 2003 Contractor has not submitted shop drawings or condition report for existing booster station. Pavement and sump discharge lines installed Field survey started for As Builts week of December 8, 2003 City televised sanitary sewer lines and found broken pipe Public Utilities Committee Meeting — February 16, 2004 Page 6 Contractor working on punch list repairs Water booster station not operational as of January 14, 2004 First start up test February 4, 2004 with USEMCO, City, and Contractor Items to complete were identified PAGE 3 Consultant's report for PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Monday February 16, 2004 LAKEWOOD CONDOMINIUMS (OVERLOOK BAY) (will be removed from status report next month) Punch list repairs completed Record drawings for sanitary sewer submitted to MMSD November 14, 2002 Storm water system record drawings submitted to City, pending location of pond outfall south of building number 4 Northfield Green First construction plan review completed December 15, 2003 Revised construction plans received for review February 10, 2004 Utility plans recommended for approval February 11, 2004 Quietwood Creek East First design review letter submitted on August 22, 2002 Second design review letter submitted on December 3, 2002 Final design review letter submitted January 09, 2003 Utility installation on hold pending final plat Underground utility construction began July 7, 2003 Utility construction nearing completion September 9, 2003 Field survey for as builts drawings started week of December 1, 2003 Punch list repairs completed Sanitary sewer lines televised by the City Quietwood Creek South Construction complete as of November 10, 2003 Waiting for contractor to finish inverts before punch list and as constructed survey Roads paved week of November 17, 2003 Punch list repairs have been completed Prairie Meadows Estates Sanitary sewer installed, storm sewers installed Road construction completed August 1, 2003 Sump discharge line installation completed August 21, 2003 Punch list repairs completed City waiting for sanitary sewers to be cleaned before City televises lines Two laterals repaired System re -televised by City Reserve at Champions Village (will be removed from status report next month) Public Utilities Committee Meeting — February 16, 2004 Page 7 Sanitary and Storm sewer main and water mains installed Resubmitted sanitary sewer and water main record drawings to City August 1 Storm sewer record drawings submitted to City August 1, 2002 Punch list repairs completed. PAGE 4 Consultant's report for PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Monday February 16, 2004 Riverview Court (will be removed from status report next month) Utility installation completed and tested as of October 7, 2002 except for vacuum test on sanitary manhole number 8 Water main locator wire continuity test completed Final record drawings submitted to City March 10, 2003 Manhole repaired and past test, late May 2003 Rosewood Estates Addition Number 1 (will be removed from status report next month) Utility construction completed February 21, 2003 Road paved week of July 7, 2003 Sump lines installed Completion letter sent August 6, 2003 SAL FERRITO SEWER (PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER) DEWATERING WELL NOT REMOVED LATERALS NOT CONNECTED YET SARAH ESTATES (WOODS ROAD) (will be removed from status report next month) Record drawings for Sanitary Sewer submitted to MMSD November 14, 2002 Storm Sewer record drawings on hold until adjustments before surface course paving Punch lists are completed. Stonebridge subdivision Second plan review completed August 8, 2003 Third plan review completed October 9, 2003 Fourth plan review completed January 13, 2004 Remaining items related to storm water Utility plans recommended for approval 13-00000.010 Ac�(J(L U}; li hes Cbmmi qee +e�vuc�2�p l �O, ��� U kyCPle�s� n 1,4 APPROVED CITY OF MUSKEGO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of Meeting Held Monday February 16, 2004 Chairman Eric Schroeder called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Also present were Committee members Aid Pat Patterson, Aid. Rick Petfalski, Utilities Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, Engineer and Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen and Ruekert & Mielke representative Steve Schultz. It was noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Aid. Patterson moved to approve minutes of January 19, 2004. Seconded by Aid. Petfalski, motion carried 3-0. Aid. Patterson moved to approve minutes of January 27, 2004. Seconded by Aid. Petfalski, motion carried 3-0. STATUS OF PROJECTS Steve Schultz updated the committee on the attached status of on -going projects as follows: • Big Muskego Estates — Utility construction completed week of February 1, 2004. Punch list repairs waiting for pavement installation. • Well exploration project — Finished geophysics on all sites except North Cape and Ryan. A different piece of equipment is needed. Reports for all other sites being done. Borings can be started. • Northfield Green - Revised construction plans received for review February 10, 2004. Utility plans recommended for approval February 11, 2004. • Stonerige Ground Water Remediation —There was a meeting with the consultant of Stoneridge. EPA should have the consultants final work plan. Sampling on Well 7 should be started. • Lakewood Meadows — Legal documents'are done. Two issues that remain are the legal description does not match what is actually out Public Utilities Committee Meeting — February 16, 2004 Page 2 there and trying to finalize who has to sign the agreement, the water trust or 70% of the members. • CCV/Stonebridge Watermain Extension — All exeptions have been taken off the title. Three signatures are needed. Recapture Agreement will go to Council on February 24, 2004. • Proposed Development — Valley Sand and Gravel site — New Berlin Plan Commission will be meeting in March. Ruekert & Mielke will be doing a ground water remediation presentation. SEWER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Status of Town of Norway Contract - Director McMullen explained a contract is no longer needed. Town of Norway agreed to 16% of planned capacity for Muskego. Muskego and Town of Norway came to agreement what flow allocations will be and lift station upgrade cost will be. Item will remain on the agenda until the City receives the new Resolution. Status of claims from West Lake, Lake Lore and Lake Brittany — Nothing new to report. Review Invoices for water treatment — West Lake Homeowner's Association - Nothing new to report. SEWER NEW BUSINESS — Nothing new. WATER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Establish policy for Champions Villaae (WCA) connection charae — Director McMullen explained six of the remaining buildable lots are owned either by the Developer or a subsidiary of Burke Properties. One of the remaining lots is owned by Mr. Heidenreich, and possibly the lot is not buildable. Aid. Petfalski moved to charge WCA charges 60 days after the date of signing the agreement. Aid. Patterson seconded, motion carried 3-0. WATER NEW BUSINESS Review quotes for water tower inspection — Superintendent Kloskowski reviewed a letter from Ruekert & Mielke explaining the four ways the tank was proposed to be inspected. Aid. Petfalski moved to approve Dixon Engineering doing a dry tank inspection at $4015.00. Seconded by Aid. Patterson, motion carried 3-0. Discuss possibilities for water service — Kenwood Place — Mr. Kenneth Laschen and Mr. Wayne Salentine were present to discuss water service to the 37-lot