PUM20031117APPROVED CITY OF MUSKEGO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of Meeting Held Monday November 17, 2003 Chairman Eric Schroeder called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. Also present were Committee members Ald. Rick Petfalski, Ald Pat Patterson, Utilities Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, Engineer and Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen, Ruekert & Mielke representative Dr. John Jansen, and those per attached list. It was noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Aid. Petfalski moved to approve minutes of October 20, 2003. Seconded by Aid. Patterson, motion carried 3-0. STATUS OF PROJECTS Director McMullen updated the committee on the attached status of on -going projects as follows: • Janesville Road Water Main — All restoration is completed. Final payment should go to Council December 9th • Janesville Road Box Culvert — Originally scheduled for a fall 2003 completion date. Due to reallocation of funds the completion date is tentatively scheduled for spring 2005. • Parkland Drive — Construction completed. Safe samples and pressure tests all passed. Road pavement replaced. Contractor doing restoration this week. 60 new customers connected. • Champions Village Water System — Dr. John Jansen reported the system looks feasible to take over. Several red flags were reported. - The access road into the well #1 house off Ryan Road has a 30ft easement over two driveways. A new access easement Public Utilities Committee Meeting — November 18, 2003 Page 2 could be required of the developer of St. Andrew's Village which is to the west of the well. Well # 3 has a storm water pond within 400'. DNR requires a 400' setback. Variance should be granted if necessary. - Children's playground equipment is located on the well #3 site. The City can require the developer to remove. • Chamberlain Hill — Proof roll completed and passed. First lift of binder will be done this week. • Prairie Meadows — Two laterals repaired. System will be re - televised by City tomorrow. SEWER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Status of Town of Norway Contract - Committee will review the agreement. Superintendent Kloskowski and Director McMullen will meet with Bill Mielke and the Mayor to discuss and will have a report by next meeting. Status of claims from West Lake, Lake Lore and Lake Brittany — Superintendent — Kloskowski received an email from the Lake Association. Their report has been completed and they will bring it to the December meeting. Review Invoices for water treatment — West Lake Homeowner's Association - Aid. Patterson moved to deferred until after the City receives the report from the USGS. Seconded by Aid. Petfalski. Motion carried 3-0. SEWER NEW BUSINESS — None. WATER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Status of DNR consent order for radium compliance - Wells 4 & 5 - . Superintendent Kloskowski stated the DNR does not have sufficient data to find wells 4&5 in violation. Director McMullen requested an email from the DNR stating the December 8th deadline does not affect the City of Muskego. WATER NEW BUSINESS Zubarik at W 156 S7471 Martin Ct — water usage credit — Mr. Mike Zubarik was present to request an adjustment on his water bill. Mr. Zubarik explained that with his sprinkler system running 4 times a day using about 400 gallons of water each cycle that would be 1600 gallons a day. Mr. Zubarik estimated his bill to - 137,000 gallons which is exactly 100,000 gallons off. Superintendent Kloskowski informed the Committee the Utility Department checked the meter and the head and saw no problems but can not explain why the usage would be so high. Public Utilities Committee Meeting — November 18, 2003 Page 3 Director McMullen stated it would be unlikely to use the amount of water he is being billed for. Aid. Petfalski moved to deduct 100,000 gallons off of the water bill. Aid. Patterson seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Superintendent Kloskowski stated the Utility Clerk will adjust the bill. Discussion and action on taking over Lakewood Meadows Water System — Superintendent Kloskowski received the vote of membership of 3/ or better from the who want to join the City's system. Aid Petfalski moved to direct Ruekert- Mielke to prepare and submit all needed materials to PSC and DNR for acquisition of this community water system. Seconded by Aid. Patterson. Motion carried 3-0. Discuss expansion of the WCA District #15 — Director McMullen referred to the 15t Amended WCA District Map. He noted the areas from Lembezeder Dr. to Tans Dr. include the Lakewood Meadows subdivision and existing water main service. South of Lembezeder is a future development of 37-39 single family homes. Because the City is looking to take over the Lakewood Meadows system there is a potential the new development could drill the well that is needed to supply the capacity and interconnect with the Lakewood Meadows well and become part of the City's system. The developer is required to drill the well to City specifications. Aid. Petfalski made a recommendation for approval of the 15th Amended WCA District. Seconded by Aid. Patterson. Motion carried 3-0. Review bids for Well No. 9 — Big Muskego Estates — Director McMullen reviewed with the Committee the bids for Well No. 9. The low bidder was Layne Northwest at $64,390.00. Director McMullen noted they have successfully completed similar projects. Aid. Patterson moved to award the contract to Layne Northwest with a bid of $64,390.00. Aid. Petfalski seconded. Motion carried 3-0. SUBDIVIDER'S EXHIBITS - None. ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS — Nothing to report. REVIEW OF DEFERRED ASSESSMENTS/SEWER & WATER — Nothing to report. ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS — Discussion, update and possible action may be taken on any or all of the following: REPORT OF THE UTILITY SUPERINTENDENT — Superintendent Kloskowski reported Parks and Recreation bought the Martin property and house. The house was never connected to sewer and was stipulated if the house was ever sold the owner must connect. The house will be razed. At the next meeting this will be an agenda item to remove stipulation of connecting to sewer. Public Utilities Committee Meeting — November 18, 2003 Page 4 REPORT OF ENGINEERING/BUILDING INSPECTION DIRECTOR — Nothing to report. COMMUICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Aid. Schroeder questioned the well head protection issue and the golf course. Dr. John Jansen explained because turf grasses absorb the chemicals and fertilizers golf courses are not as big of a fear as row type crops. Aid. Petfalski moved to adjourn at 7:56 PM. Seconded by Aid. Patterson, motion carried 3-0. Respectfully submitted, Kellie Renk, Recording Secretary Q- 1 ✓ISP� Zuqfz 1, c