PUM20031020r APPROVED CITY OF MUSKEGO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of Meeting Held Monday October 20, 2003 Chairman Eric Schroeder called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m. Also present were Committee members Aid. Rick Petfalski, Aid Pat Patterson, Utilities Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, Engineer and Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen, Finance Director Dawn Gunderson, Ruekert & Mielke representative Steve Schultz, and those per attached list. It was noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Aid. Petfalski moved to approve minutes of September 15, 2003. Seconded by Aid. Patterson, motion carried 2-0. Review Proposed 2004 Sewer & Water Budgets with Finance Director — Finance Director Gunderson review with the Committee the proposed 2004 sewer and water budgets. Director Gunderson stated if the Committee approved the budget it will go to Council on November 11th. Aid. Petfalski moved to approve the proposed 2004 water budget. Aid. Patterson seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Aid. Patterson moved to approve the proposed 2004 sewer budget. Seconded by Aid. Petfalski. Motion carried 3-0. STATUS OF PROJECTS Ruekert-Mielke representative Steve Schultz updated the committee on the attached status of on -going projects as follows: • Janesville Road Water Main — Punch list completed. Meeting with environmental specialists on contaminated soils along Tess Corners. • Parkland Drive — Construction started October 2, 2003. Main installed as of October 13th. Changes from the DNR on the testing and sampling on the main. The City will sample tomorrow. Well Site Exploration — The well site investigation report is 95% complete. Specifications were sent to City for review October 3rd Public Utilities Committee Meeting — October 20, 2003 Page 2 Then sent to the DNR for approval and the bidding process starts. Geophysics will start within the next few weeks on the other sites. • Stoneridge Ground Water Remediation — Contacted the Water Supply Section at the EPA and they will check into the status with the Landfill contact at EPA and if it is not moving ahead the Water Supply Section can take it over. • Lakewood Meadows / Acquisition of Water System - Study has been submitted. Waiting to hear back from residents. • Champions Village Water System — Study will be submitted at next meeting. • Chamberlain Hill — Curb and gutter installed the week of October 6, 2003. Pavement and sump discharge lines remain to be installed. • Prairie Meadows — Punch list completed. SEWER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Status of Town of Norway Contract - Nothing new to report. Status of claims from West Lake, Lake Lore and Lake Brittany — Mr. Schultz contacted Jim Krohelski of the USGS. The study has not been started and the USGS is still waiting to receive the report from the Homeowners Association. Mr. Schultz reported the lake levels are still dropping. Review Invoices for water treatment — West Lake Homeowner's Association - Deferred until after the City receives the report from the USGS. SEWER NEW BUSINESS — Review RCA charges — Hair Maqic — Mr. Peter Jungbluth was present to request the Committee review the RCA charges for the hair salon. Mr. Jungbluth explained at the previous location the usage would equal about 1.42 REC's which includes a duplex. The duplex no longer exists and the hair salon is being charged 3.25 REC's. Aid. Patterson moved to approve lowering the REC's to 1.5. Aid. Schroeder seconded. Aid. Schroeder explained he was basing the 1.5 REC's off of the residential equivalent chart. Aid. Petfalski suggested lowering to 1.25 REC's based on actual usage and taking into consideration the duplex no longer exists. Upon voice vote motion was denied 1-2 with Aid. Petfalski and Aid. Schroeder voting no. Aid. Petfalski moved to approve lowering to 1.25 REC's. Aid. Schroeder seconded. Motion carried 2-1 with Aid. Patterson voting no. Public Utilities Committee Meeting — October 20, 2003 Page 3 Review quarterly payment to MMSD and Town of Norway — The Committee reviewed charges. Aid. Petfalski moved to approve charges from MMSD and Town of Norway. Seconded by Aid. Patterson. Motion carried 3-0. Review amendment to RCA District Boundary-- Director McMullen stated the Committee discussed in the past to amend the RCA District to mimic the 208 District, which include the Blattner and May properties. Aid. Patterson moved to approve amendment to the RCA District to include the Blattner and May properties. Aid. Schroeder seconded. Motion carried 2-0-1. Aid. Petfalski abstaining. WATER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Further discussion possible acquisition of Champions Village community water system — Director McMullen explained because of the existing golf course the City would potentially need to create a wellhead protection district due to the chemicals used. Aid. Patterson moved to direct Ruekert & Mielke to begin a wellhead protection district for the two potential community well acquisitions of Champions Village. Aid. Petfalski seconded. Motion carried 3-0. WATER NEW BUSINESS Discuss DNR consent order for radium compliance - Wells 4 & 5 - Superintendent Kloskowski stated there is no update at this time. There may be a need to hold a special meeting. Aid. Patterson moved to defer. Seconded by Aid. Petfalski. Motion carried 3-0. Review comments from Informational Session on 13th Amended WCA District and 10.10 Agreement and Recapture Roll- Some comments that were heard was a strong opposition to an increase on monthly charges and the developers of Champions Village lack of notification to the residents. Residents along the watermain route were not opposed to it. Aid. Petfalski moved to recommend approval to Council of the 13'h Amended WCA District. Aid. Patterson seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Aid. Petfalski moved to approve the X21B Agreement. Seconded by Aid. Patterson. Motion carried 3-0. Review proposed amendment to the 14th Amended WCA District (MSKC 2171.997.002 & .003 (Brauch Property— Oak Hill Trail) — Director McMullen explained as part of the Chamberlain Hill subdivision Mr. Paul Brauch requested the contractor for Chamberlain Hills install two watermain laterals to his property without prior approval from the City. The two laterals are outside the WCA District. Mr. Brauch has signed a waiver of special assessment notice and hearing. The WCA District needs to be amended to include this service. Aid. Public Utilities Committee Meeting — October 20, 2003 Page 4 Petfaiski moved to approve the 14th Amendment to WCA District. Aid. Patterson seconded. Motion carried 3-0. SUBDIVIDER'S EXHIBITS - None. ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS — Nothing to report. REVIEW OF DEFERRED ASSESSMENTS/SEWER & WATER — Director McMullen stated the Committee will review the interest rates for future deferred assessments on a case by case basis. ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS — Discussion, update and possible action may be taken on any or all of the following: REPORT OF THE UTILITY SUPERINTENDENT — Nothing to report. REPORT OF ENGINEERING/BUILDING INSPECTION DIRECTOR — Nothing to report. COMMUICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW — None. Aid. Petfalski moved to adjourn at 8:41 PM. Seconded by Aid. Patterson, motion carried 3-0. Respectfully submitted, Kellie Renk, Recording Secretary Public Utilities Committee Meeting — October 20, 2003 Page 5 CONSULTANTS REPORT FOR: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Monday October 20, 2003 Submitted Wednesday October 15, 2003 BOLD ITALICS INDICATE NEW INFORMATION CITY PROJECTS: JANESVILLE ROAD BOX CULVERT UTILITY RELOCATES Design alternate selected August 28, 2002 County does not anticipate box culvert reconstruction prior to Fall 2003 Design to be sent to City for review by May 15, 2003 After City review, plans must be sent to County and State for approvals Plans sent to County for review June 4, 2003 JANESVILLE ROAD WATER MAIN — JEWEL-OSCO TO COLLEGE AVENUE City authorized design to College Avenue September 12, 2002 Plans for entire project to be submitted by January 17, 2003 Project revised to be from Kohl's to 1000 feet East of Tess Corners Drive Potential contaminated soils discovered on site June 6, 2003, BLS Environmental retained to assist City. Additional contaminated soils encountered week of July 7, 2003 Record drawings to be submitted to City for first review week of September 15 Paving completed September 8, 2003 Restoration has not taken due to dry weather Contractor called on October 13, 2003punch list completed Site review scheduled for week of October 13, 2003 Mc Shane Pump Station — Bluhm Drive Storage Facility Site grading and punch list items in process Storm sewer and road installation completed Post construction well level monitoring completed Restoration by seeding completed Need substantial grass growth Project close out paper work in process Request for USGS review of declining groundwater levels sent August 15 Moorland Road Water Main Sample by City tested safe Punch list repairs completed Parkland Drive Freedom Square water main connection Construction started October 2, 2003 Main installed as of October 13, 2003 no connections are made DNR required initial safe sample taken October 13, 2003 from 8 inch only Pressure tests and final safe sample tests tentatively scheduled for later the week of October 13 or early the week of October 20, 2003 Well Site Exploration Contract for test borings to Layne Northwest Test borings completed in Woods Road area Public Utilities Committee Meeting — October 20, 2003 Page 6 PAGE 2 Consultant's report for PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Monday October 20, 2003 Well Site Exploration (continued) Geophysical surveys conducted at Big Muskego Estates site Three test borings drilled in Big Muskego Estates area week of March 3, 2003, Additional resistivity tests completed Quietwood East Geophysical surveys will be conducted on additional sites after harvest Well site investigation report and specifications being prepared for DNR submittal and bidding in Fall Well site investigation report 95% complete Specifications were sent to City for review October 3, 2003 DEVELOPMENTS: Big Muskego Estates First review letter sent to City March 6, 2003 Second review letter sent to City April 8, 2003 Preconstruction conference held October 2, 2003 CANDLEWOOD (INTERIOR) Repairs completed, manhole now passed tests. City authorized GIS updates on September 9, 2003 Chamberlain Hill Design engineer picked up print of sanitary system map August 6 for design use Initial plan review completed January 28, 2003 A portion of this project was determined to be in the boosted pressure area on April 2, 2003 Site grading has begun Underground utility construction to begin the week July 15, 2003 DNR approval received August 1, 2003 Underground utilities 75% complete Contractor has not excavated nor evaluated existing booster station, has not submitted shop drawings or condition report Curb and gutter installe week of October 6, 2003 Pavement and sump discharge lines remain to be installed LAKEWOOD CONDOMINIUMS (OVERLOOK BAY) Punch list repairs completed Record drawings for sanitary sewer submitted to MMSD November 14, 2002 Storm water system record drawings submitted to City, pending location of pond outfall south of building number 4 PAGE 3 Public Utilities Committee Meeting — October 20, 2003 Page 7 �-- Consultant's report for PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Monday October 20, 2003 Quietwood Creek East First design review letter submitted on August 22, 2002 Second design review letter submitted on December 3, 2002 Final design review letter submitted January 09, 2003 Utility installation on hold pending final plat Underground utility construction began July 7, 2003 Utility construction nearing completion September 9, 2003 Prairie Meadows Estates Construction continues. Sanitary sewer installed, storm sewers installed, road installation required prior to sump discharge line installation and final adjustments to the sewers Road construction completed August 1, 2003 Sump discharge line installation completed August 21, 2003 Punch list repairs completed City waiting for sanitary sewers to be cleaned before City televises lines Reserve at Champions Village Sanitary and Storm sewer main and water mains installed Resubmitted sanitary sewer and water main record drawings to City August 1 Storm sewer record drawings submitted to City August 1, 2002 Punch list repairs completed. Riverview Court Utility installation completed and tested as of October 7, 2002 except for vacuum test on sanitary manhole number 8 Water main locator wire continuity test completed Final record drawings submitted to City March 10, 2003 Manhole repaired and past test, late May 2003 Rosewood Estates Addition Number 1 Utility construction completed February 21, 2003 Road paved week of July 7, 2003 Sump lines installed Completion letter sent August 6, 2003 SAL FERRITO SEWER (PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER) DEWATERING WELL NOT REMOVED LATERALS NOT CONNECTED YET SARAH ESTATES (WOODS ROAD Record drawings for Sanitary Sewer submitted to MMSD November 14, 2002 Storm Sewer record drawings on hold until adjustments before surface course paving Punch lists are completed. PAGE 4 Consultant's report for Public Utilities Committee Meeting — October 20, 2003 Page 8 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Monday October 20, 2003 Stonebridge subdivision Second plan review completed August 8, 2003 Third plan review completed October 9, 2003 13-00000.010 SIGN IN SHEET Champion's Village Off -Site Water Main Extension INFORMATIONAL MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2003 NAME (PLEASE PRINT) ADDRESS S�hf� / i&3JUevy 6D- 1.., r3tcr6 00-`( SCM OLTs G--s.1 Z 5 S. g&Os k/. ar"' Ago > 41 SPAR-AcWo 59Sw13023 rJ v tier NR5e.n D,r � S315'v TI/P M I- A/ M a nN W, ;t S_ I C 7 a IV • C A PF R v OU Spa u #1 owl flu.. Iq 6-3.2 es S�7z 5,ctS w.12�CI Ukkf k We FgS`n-)S K rr