PUM20030721CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved
Minutes of Meeting Held Monday July 21, 2003
Chairman Eric Schroeder called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Also present
were Committee members Aid. Rick Pettalski, Aid Pat Patterson, Utilities
Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, Engineer and Building Inspection Director
Sean McMullen, Ruekert & Mielke representative Steve Schultz, and those per
attached list.
It was noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting
Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Aid. Patterson moved to approve minutes of June 16, 2003. Seconded by
Aid. Petfalski, motion carried 3-0.
Ruekert-Mielke representative Steve Schultz updated the committee on the
attached status of on -going projects as follows:
• SEWRPC's 208 Plan Amendments — Superintendent Kloskowski
stated this item should be removed from the agenda. The
properties the City was trying to include have been in the SEWRPC
208 Area since 1997 but their maps had not been updated to
include them.
Janesville Road Water Project — Contaminated soils were found in
front of Terra Firma, Salentines, Jerry Smiths, and Choir Practice.
The City is paying for clean up and will possibly be reimbursed by
the State. Water mains are in and laterals are complete. Testing is
taking place. System could be live by next week or the week after.
• Well Explorations Project — Resistivity tests were completed in
Quietwood East. Data acquisition tests were done on three
additional sites with two more to be done. Once tests are done,
data will be analyzed. Six additional sites are scheduled for testing
after the fall harvest.
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• • McShane Storage Facility — Restoration by seeding is completed.
Project close out paperwork is being processed.
Freedom Square Water Project — Final plans and bidding
documents were submitted for City review on July 11, 2003. These
plans included an alternate for the water main vault bypass through
the Blockbuster parking lot. Agreement with Freedom Square will
go to Council July 22, 2003. City Attorney anticipates a closing by
the end of the month.
Lakewood Meadows — Looking into different ways to extend service
to the area. Also looking into the value of the system and the
quality of the water. System looks to be functioning. Well has good
capacity but water quality may not be good. Tannons were found in
the water, but with treatment could be removed.
Status of Town of Norway Contract - Nothing new to report.
Review Accruing Deferred Assessment Interest report from Finance Director —
The Committee will review report from the Finance Director and will discuss at
• next meeting. Aid. Patterson moved to defer. Aid. Petfalski seconded.
Motion carried 3-0.
Status of requests from West Lake, Lake Lore and Lake Brittany— Residents of
West Lake, Lake Lore and Lake Brittany were present to discuss the status of
lake issues. Annette Goebl reviewed with the Committee the following attached
1) Project Progress
A — Building and Parking Lot Landscape
B — Parking Lot and related drainage
C — Gully
D — Fencing east of the project
E — Signage
F — Overall field drainage
Director McMullen reported on the above project progress items:
Evergreen trees will be planted the first week in October. The landscape
company will not warranty the trees if they are planted before that time. A
landscape plan will be developed by the Conservation Coordinator, Tom Zagar,
and will follow the City's standards. The proposals will be passed on to the
residents for input before approved by the City.
The grass will be mowed once and that should remove the annual weeds.
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• The City signed the contract with Payne and Dolan as part of the 2003 Program.
Preconstruction meeting is Wednesday July 22, 2003. Paving the parking lot will
be included in the project. Gravel has been graded to push parking lot drainage
Mrs. Goebl requested elevations of the parking lot.
Discharge from park to lake has been dissipated. The massive discharge has
been solved.
Mrs. Goebl explained there is a new problem with children taking rocks
and throwing them over the fence. Director McMullen and
Superintendent Kloskowksi stated they will monitor the gully.
Contractors should have been out today to remove the brush in the way of the
fence. Fence will be extended down the hill to the property line.
Mrs. Goebl questioned the difference in height of fences. Aid. Petfalski
explained on the property line the maximum height of a fence is 6' by
ordinance. Mrs. Goebl thought that her fence may have gone up before
the ordinance was in effect.
• No trespassing signage was installed up Tuesday July 15th. Two signs are left
and can be installed at the end of the fence. The signs read "No Trespassing —
Private Property", and will be maintained by the City.
The City is working with the contractor on the items related to the field drainage.
Outfield areas were filled in the other day. Four to five truckloads of infield mix
will be added to the infield.
Mr. Mark Pfueller questioned the trees growing out of the creek. Director
McMullen explained a permit was applied for from the DNR in 2000 and
the City received it two weeks ago. Public Works will come out and clean
out the creek, inspect the culvert and possible clean out the culvert.
Mr. Hojnacki brought it to the Committees attention that there is a large
hole in the road on McShane. Director McMullen stated he would look at it
and repair if necessary.
2) Independent Project Review by USGS — Mrs. Goebl stated the Lakes
Association met and proposed to use the USGS as an independent
investigator. All data should be submitted to the USGS by August 15th.
Jim Krohelski of the USGS should have a response by the end of the 3`d
quarter. Superintendent Kloskowski clarified that Ruekert-Mielke will
submit data representing the City. City will wait to receive letter signed by
Public Utilities Committee Meeting — July 21, 2003 Page 4
the Lake Association and will submit to City Attorney who will then give
approval to proceed.
3) Property Damage Status — Gillan's Insurance was out to the properties to
look at structural damage of the homes. Documents have been submitted
to the construction company for estimates of repairs.
4) Update on fixes to Stormwater outfall — Director McMullen and
Superintendent Kloskowski stated the work has been completed in the
outfall areas. Mr. Hojnacki is having problems with a concrete pad being
at an angle. Director McMullen stated he will come out tomorrow to look
at. Two outfalls on Lake Lore and one on Lake Brittany were repaired.
The two on Lake Lore were rip rapped and one on Lake Brittany on the
east end was dug out within the last two weeks. Mrs. Goebl stated Don
Robbins is the contact person on Lake Brittany.
Review 2nd Qtr MMSD & Town of Norway Invoices- Committee reviewed
invoices. Aid. Pettalski moved to approve. Seconded by Aid. Patterson.
Motion carried.
• Review status of O'Malley standby charge.— Mr. Jack Henry was present to
request the Committee waive the standby charge for tax key 2257.997. Mr.
O'Malley is currently being charged a standby charge, this building has facilities
but has not connected to the sewer utility as they are unsure of what they are
going to do with the building in the future. Mr. Henry stated he has unknowingly
been paying the standby charge for a year. Director McMullen explained that by
ordinance because the building is ready to connect to sewer they must be
charged a standby charge. The only other options they would have is to hook up
to sewer or raze the building. Aid. Petfalski moved to deny waiver of
standby charge for the O'Malley property tax key 2257.997. Aid. Patterson
seconded. Director McMullen clarified for Mr. Henry that the building is ready to
be served by sewer and that is what makes the standby charge necessary. Aid.
Petfalski moved to amend his motion to include, if the building were torn
down or connected to sewer the standby charge would be waived. Aid
Patterson seconded. Motion carried 3-0.
U1bL:U55 CIUIUSLI I ICI IL LU St7UVC1 USClt4U UIII — IVIUbrW(4u ON tVIU l.i1 U551 udy 17CC1
and Liquor building) —Mr. Reid Murphy was present to request a credit on the 2nd
Qtr sewer usage bill. Mr. Murphy explained he has added fish bait tanks which
water is running 24 hrs a day but not discharging into the sewer. Mr. Murphy
further explained he will be installing a deduct meter. Aid. Petfalski moved to
adjust the 2nd Qtr sewer usage from 226,000 gallons to be the same as the
Vt Qtr usage at 33,000 gallons. Motion carried 3-0. Superintendent
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Kloskowski noted the first part of the 3rd quarter may need to be adjusted also,
but can be done at staff level.
Review proposed Amended WCA District(s) - Superintendent Kloskowski
informed the Committee three properties along Janesville Road were not
included in the WCA District. Waivers of a public hearing will be sent to the
owners to sign. If they do not sign the waivers then amendments 13,14 and 15
will be created and Public Hearings will be held.
ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS — Discussion, update and possible action
may be taken on any or all of the following:
— None.
Aid. Patterson moved to adjourn at 8:37 PM. Seconded by Aid. Petfalski,
motion carried 3-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Kellie Renk,
Recording Secretary