PUM20030519CITY OF MUSKEGO APPROVED, PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of Meeting Held Monday May 19, 2003 Chairman Eric Schroeder called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. Also present were Committee members Aid. Rick Petfalski, Aid Pat Patterson (7:10PM), Engineer and Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen, Utilities Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, Ruekert & Mielke representative Dr. John Jansen, Aid. Chris Buckmaster, Aid. Eileen Madden and those per attached list. It was noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Aid. Petfalski moved to approve minutes of April 21, 2003. Seconded by Aid. Schroeder, motion carried 2-0. STATUS OF PROJECTS Director McMullen updated the committee on the attached status of on -going projects as follows: Janesville Road Water Project — Started directional boring under the Le Doux leather, Choir Practice, and Schaumberg's Suburban House; and should continue over the next few days. Project will continue east through E. J. Salentine's parking lot to about the center of St. Paul's Church. Janesville Road Box Culvert Utility Relocates — Design plans should be sent to the City for review by the end of this week for the box culvert on Janesville Rd. and Pioneer Dr. Sanitary Sewer and 16" water main will need to be relocated. Bypass traffic will be sent down Pioneer Drive and will also be looking into temporary signals on Racine Ave. Well Explorations Project — Review of the six possible sites for geophysical surveys continue. Dr. John Jansen stated studies are being done for environmental issues and once these are completed field work will begin. McShane Storage Facility — Start up has been completed. Storm Sewer and road paving will be completed by the end of next week. Public Utilities Committee Meeting — May 19, 2003 Page 2 When storm sewer and road paving are completed the temporary access drive will be removed and the area restored. • Chamberlain Hill — Construction start tentatively scheduled for first week of July. SEWRPC's 208 Plan Amendment — May property. Expected to hear back from SEWRPC within the next two months on plan amendment. Freedom Square Water Project — City should have the DNR approval for the redesign going up Parkland Dr. within the next few days and the project can be bid out. Once the system is up and running, the City can take over the Freedom Square system. Superintendent Kloskowski added the City did get the approval from the DNR on easement changes. • Status on potential impacts to Well #7 / Stoneridge ground water remediation — Nothing new to report. SEWER UNFINISHED BUSINESS 110 Status of Town of Norway Contract - Nothing new to report. Review Accruing Deferred Assessment Interest report from Finance Director — Finance Director Dawn Gunderson is finishing up a report on the interest rates for future projects and also a time frame to stop the interest on deferred assessments. Aid. Petfalski moved to defer. Aid. Patterson seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Further discussion on deferred assessment — May property — Superintendent Kloskowski explained that Towne Realty would pay the assessment when it comes due, so there is no need for committee action. SEWER NEW BUSINESS Confer with CDA re Redevelopment District #2 — Planning Director Brian Turk presented to the Committee a draft of the Redevelopment Plan created by the Community Development Authority through the Planning Department for the Redevelopment District No. 2 project area extending along Janesville Rd from Pioneer Dr. to Bay Lane. The CDA previously held a Public Hearing on May 15, 2003. Wisconsin Statutes require the CDA to confer with any Committee of jurisdiction prior to taking formal action. The district includes sewer and water mains under the Public Utility Committee's jurisdiction. Director Turk noted that Public Utilities Committee Meeting — May 19, 2003 Page 3 the Public Works Committee met earlier this evening and conferred with the plan. Director Turk also noted under State Statute the Public Utilities Committee does not have to approve or deny the plans. The Committee had no questions for . Director Turk. Review Ryan Creek Interceptor Sewer Project —The City of Muskego has received a proposal from MMSD and City of Franklin to participate in a future Ryan Creek Interceptor. This interceptor could eventually act as all of the City's trunking system if we ever abandoned the southeast lift station on Loomis Dr. This interceptor would open up the southeastern portion of Muskego and the southwestern portion of Franklin for development. MMSD requires more than one community to buy into the system. If interested the City of Muskego would send a letter to MMSD stating an interest in this project. MMSD would do the design and ultimate configuration of what the interceptor would service and which lift stations the City could abandon. MMSD would pay for the construction of the project. Director McMullen noted by sending a letter of interest there is no commitment by the City of Muskego. Aid. Petfalski recommended to Council for the City to send a letter of interest of the Ryan Creek Interceptor Sewer Project to MMSD and the City of Franklin. Aid. Patterson seconded. Motion carried. Chairman Schroeder recessed at 7:32 PM for a five-minute break. A Chairman Schroeder reconvened at 7:40 PM. Discuss requests from West Lake, Lake Lore, and Lake Brittanv — Chairman Schroeder welcomed the residents of West Lake, Lake Lore, and Lake Brittany. Superintendent Kloskowski gave a brief background into the McShane Storage Facility. Dewatering was done in area for the construction of an underground sanitary sewer storage facility. Residents contend the dewatering lowered levels in lakes and water level has not returned. The City met with representatives from the three lakes last week and went over the list of their concerns. Issues were addressed at the Park and Recreation Board meeting on May 12, 2003. Director McMullen reported on the following from the Park and Rec. meeting: - A fence will be installed in front of the Klinka property to the right of way, extending to the south access drive for the parking lot. - Curb will be installed to the parking lot to redirect water into the park. - Park and Rec. board made a motion at the May 12, 2003, meeting to extend fencing around the south side of the large gully. This item will be sent back to the Board for reconsideration at the June meeting. After a conversation with the Mayor and Aldermen there may be legal issues with fencing off the public from a public park. Public Utilities Committee Meeting —May 19, 2003 Page 4 • - A 6-7 foot cantilever fence will be installed a couple feet into the ravine by Department of Public Works. Fence will be ordered this week and should take 2-3 weeks to arrive. - At Lake Lore and Lake Brittany work continues on the erosion coming out of the storm sewer system. Small stones will be added to the outfall areas where riprap was installed. Staff will meet with representatives from the lake associations for a walkthrough. Chairman Schroeder opened the floor for resident's comments. Joseph Heil, of S76 W13468 Fairfield Ct., spoke on behalf of the Lake Lore Subdivision. Mr. Heil stated in 1998 the water level came just to the underside of his pier. Seasonally the water level would drop about 12" and would rise to normal levels. This year the levels did not rise and the pier is standing out of water. Mr. Heil referred to the following letters: June 30, 2002 - job minutes by Miron Construction — referring to Gillen looking at cracks in ceiling, and retention wall moving. June 13, 2002 — DNR letter of approval for use of 32 high capacity dewatering wells. May 20, 2002 — Ruekert and Mielke letter— referring to names and address of the residents on private wells participating in the well monitoring program. May 16, 2002 — DNR letter approving the McShane Storage Facility. Mr. Heil questioned why the depth of the tank was not mentioned or any negative impacts on adjacent wells or lakes. April 24, 2002 — Press Release prepared by Ruekert — Mielke Mr. Heil question why an environmental impact statement was not made. He sited the Wisconsin Environmental Policy Act stating that for major actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment a detailed statement of proposed action and the impact to the agency of jurisdiction (DNR) must be made. Oct. 2, 2001 — Giles Engineering — referring to SEC 5.2 dewatering and the use of recharge wells. In summary Mr. Heil stated there was no environmental statement made, Giles advised of dewatering problems, and neither the DNR, City of Muskego, Ruekert- Mielke or Giles Engineering anticipated the draw down of the lakes. Public Utilities Committee Meeting — May 19, 2003 Page 5 • Superintendent Kloskowski clarified the following: At no time did the City of Muskego pump 25-30 wells for dewatering Cracks referred to in the June 30, 2003 job minutes from Miron came from tight sheeting being driven into the ground, not from dewatering. Kelley Dewater and Construction Company's dewatering logs were requested and will be sent to the three representatives of Lake Lore, Lake Brittany and West Lake. Annette Gable, of S76 W 13943 Bluhm Ct., spoke on behalf of the West Lake Subdivision. Ms. Gable stated that Freedom Acres, Settlers Way and McShane homeowners are also affected. Mrs. Gable also wanted it to be on public record that at the Public Utilities meeting of May 20, 2002 discussion took place on lake levels and was not included in the meeting minutes. Ms. Gable discussed the following attached items. Quality of Life / Lake Living: Aesthetics — weeds, muck, silt, erosion Low lake water level Loss of beach areas Loss of beach liners, due to exposure to UV Proliferation of lake weeds Recreation activities severely limited or curtailed (all seasons) Such as: swimming, fishing boating, sailing, ice fishing, ice skating, etc Navigability of waterways limited Impact to Healthy Lakes: Low lake water levels Water quality and clarity Silt and erosion into lakes Diversion of natural springs (may never return) Potential fish and other aquatic animals/insect/plant kill and/or die off Property Impact: House settling, creating cracks, doors not closing, movement of moldings, etc. Patios, driveways, retaining walls fences, decks, landscaping settling and cracks. Well water quality and drink ability affected Landscaping affected Drain tile and sump pump damage I"% Other: Public Utilities Committee Meeting — May 19, 2003 Page 6 Long term and unknown impacts Superintendent Kloskowski clarified when the water level testing is done, wells will be tested for bacteria. Ms. Gable requested immediate attention and correction to the above issues. Don Robins, of S74 W 13048 Courtland Lane, spoke on behalf of Lake Brittany Subdivision. Mr. Robbins clarified an earlier statement of Mrs. Gables that Lake Brittany has come back 2 1/2 inches. Mr. Robins submitted the attached three . pictures taken on May 8, 2003, showing the increased shoreline of Lake Brittany. Mr. Robbins stated Lake Brittany filed Notice of Circumstances on December 8; 2002, to all parties involved including the City of Muskego. Only response' received was from DCIP Co., a professional liability insurer for Ruekert — Mielke. Aid. Petfalksi requested of Don Robbins pictures of the lakes before the draw down took place. Tracy Pfueller, of S76 W13925 Bluhm Ct,. stated she is concerned with cracks in her home. She also stated she wants the lake levels restored and stronger communication with City Staff. Superintendent Kloskowski clarified the notice of claims went to the insurance company and because of that, answers on all issues may not be possible tonight. ' Aid. Petfalski clarified that the insurance company requires certain guidelines be followed. Information sent to the City should be sent to the Clerk's Office. Aid. Schroeder stated the City wants to work with the residents to resolve as many issues as possible. Jeff Spur, of S76 W 12500 McShane Dr, stated he wants the lakes returned to normal levels so he can enjoy swimming with his children everyday. Jim Parnell, of S75 W13153 Oxford Ct. asked for a consultant study of Lake Brittany and Lake Lore, which are served by a deep well with hydrants. Mr. Parnell suggested seeking the advice of an expert to tap the hydrants at night to recharge the lakes. Allen Nau, of W137 S7520 Bluhm Ct, suggested, upon the advise of an Aquatic Biologist, the City drill wells below the water table. Wells discharge water into the lakes and would diffuse among the entire water table. He stated there would be immediate impact to the lakes. Mr. Nau requested an expert opinion. Dr. John Jansen, of Aquifer Science & Technology, a division of Ruekert-Mielke Gave a presentation on groundwater movements and flow systems. By using cross section maps of Waukesha County, Dr. Jansen explained how water Public Utilities Committee Meeting — May 19, 2003 Page 7 . moves by gravity through an aquifer. Dr. Jansen explained groundwater is moving from the northeast to the southwest from areas of recharge ultimately to areas of discharge to the surface with lakes being holes in the water table and water continually moving through them. Dr. Jansen reported that maps from the National Drought Monitoring Network show southeastern Wisconsin for the past 6 months having a moderate to severe drought with a participation index of —2 or less, and the USGS maintains a network of monitoring wells that averaged levels 3-6 feet below normal. Dr. Jansen further stated that lakes will recharge by natural means and if pumps were used to recharge the lakes, they would have to be continually pumped and once the pumps are shut off the water would eventually flow out the bottom to find it's equilibrium. Jerzy Skrzyniarz, of W137 S7510 Bluhm Ct, question the monitoring wells distance from project site and depths. Dr. Jansen stated the wells were 10-15 miles from the site and that he would have to look at a topographical map for elevations. Mr. Skrzyniarz further stated that there have been droughts in past years and he has not seen an impact as severe as this. Mr. Skrzyniarz also questioned Little Muskego Lake, Lake Denoon and Lake Michigan levels being higher. Dr. Jansen explained flow paths of groundwater have to be taken into consideration when comparing the lakes. Jim Parnau, of S75 W13153 Oxford Ct, questioned Little Muskego Lake levels. Superintendent Kloskowski clarified that Little Muskego and Big Muskego lakes take on surface drainage. The three lakes being discussed are seepage lakes dependant on ground water. At this time, Superintendent Kloskowski suggested passing info from Dr. Jansen on to the DNR and USGS for an unbiased opinion. Dale Sunstrom, of S76 W 13180 Ludington Circle, questioned Dr. Jansen's statement that if there had been a normal spring, there would have been no notice of dewatering activities to the lakes. Superintendent Kloskowski clarified that according to Dr. Jansen's map there would have been some influence to West Lake. Dr. Jansen stated that if the dewatering had affected the lakes, after the recharge pumps were turned off recovery would have occurred, but did not. Christine Weidner, of S75 W13243 Courtland Lane, stated she is unhappy there was no notice given to the residents of this project. Mrs. Weidner stated there is damage to her property that did not exist a year and a half ago and would like the property and the lake restored. Joel Heil questioned the amount of water removed from the ground and the location. He requested Kelley dewatering logs and also soil boring reports. Public Utilities Committee Meeting — May 19, 2003 Page 8 At this time Aid. Petfalski suggested verifying Dr. Jansen's information with the DNR or an independent consultant. Brad Schlosser, of S74 W13150 Courtland Lane, question why the City did not talk to the expert until 5 hours before the meeting? Superintendent Kloskowski clarified that staff compiled information with Dr. Jansen, and Dr. Jansen has been following the project from the beginning. Aid. Petfalski stated the most important part of tonight's meeting was to gather resident's information. Melinda Klinka, S76 W13975 Bluhm Ct., questioned if the springs in lake were diverted because of dewatering. Dr. Jansen explained aquifer structure has not been changed. Jean Jeanneret, of W 136 S7564 Fairfield Drive, questioned the volume of water being removed and what happens to the sand and gravel mix. Dr. Jansen explained the process of compaction and stated this would not take due to the weight of the gravel. Randall Hojnacki, of W132 S7625 Chevoit Rd., questioned the pond at Muskego Regency, ponds on Woods Rd and Whitnall Park being at a maximum height. Superintendent Kloskowski explained these ponds, all stormwater ponds for surface water, and has no influence from ground water. Don Robbins thanked the committee and asked what the next step will be as far as the City is concerned. MOTION - Aid. Petfalski moved to review the attached list of requests in three parts as the following: 1) Immediate/Minor - soil erosion, beach repair 2) Physical Damage — insurance claims 3) Lake Level / groundwater Studies Dr. Jansen will continue to investigate and representatives from the three lake associations, Aid. Petfalski and Staff will schedule a walkthrough of the lakes. Seconded by Aid. Petfalski. Motion carried 3-0. Superintendent Kloskowski requested scheduling of the walk around be made through the Engineering office. WATER UNFINISHED BUSINESS None WATER NEW BUSINESS None. 0""% Public Utilities Committee Meeting —May 19, 2003 Page 9 • SUBDIVIDER'S EXHIBITS - Big Muskego Estates Sewer and Water Extension - Director McMullen stated the plans are for sewer and water only for the sanitary sewer extension to Big Muskego Estates Phase 1. Plans have been sent to MMSD and DNR for approval. Aid. Schroeder moved to approve the sewer and water extension plans for Big Muskego Estates. Aid. Patterson seconded. Motion carried 2-0 with Aid. Petfalski abstaining. ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS — Nothing to report. REVIEW OF DEFERRED ASSESSMENTS/SEWER & WATER — None. ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS — Discussion, update and possible action may be taken on any or all of the following: REPORT OF THE UTILITY SUPERINTENDENT — Nothing to report. REPORT OF ENGINEERING/BUILDING INSPECTION DIRECTOR — Director McMullen reported a couple of months ago he came to the Committee with oversizing numbers for Chamberlain Hill subdivision. An error on original document showed four at valves at $1000.00/each and it is actually six valves at $1000.00/ea. COMMUICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW — None. Aid. Petfalski moved to adjourn at 10:16 PM. Seconded by Aid. Patterson, motion carried 3-0. Respectfully submitted, Kellie Renk Recording Secretary 0""% Public Utilities Committee Meeting —May 19, 2003 Page 10 • CONSULTANTS REPORT FOR: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Monday May 19, 2003 Submitted Wednesday May 14, 2003 BOLD ITALICS INDICATE NEW INFORMATION CITY PROJECTS: FREEDOM SQUARE WATER SYSTEM First floor elevation of pump house has to be more than 2 feet above regional flood. Working on proposal to modify Freedom Square pond outlet to lower this elevation. DNR will allow facilities to be acquired by easement (August 1, 2002) Utility Superintendent forwarded easements to Condo Association to obtain from Parkland Development Group Connection approved by DNR October 30, 2002 Revised easements submitted to City April 10, 2003 for connections to Parkland Drive Parkland Drive water main plan submitted to City and DNR concurrently for review week of April 14, 2003 JANESVILLE ROAD BOX CULVERT UTILITY RELOCATES Design alternate selected August 28, 2002 County does not anticipate box culvert reconstruction prior to Fall 2003 Design to be sent to City for review by May 15, 2003 After City review, plans must be sent to County and State for approvals JANESVILLE ROAD WATER MAIN — JEWEL-OSCO TO COLLEGE AVENUE City authorized design to College Avenue September 12, 2002 Plans for entire project to be submitted by January 17, 2003 Project revised to be from Kohl's to 1000 feet East of Tess Corners Drive Construction began April 15, 2003 MANHOLE REHABILITATION 2001 Project closeout paperwork and Final Payment Recommendation forwarded to the City April 1, 2002 Martin Drive Relocation — Utility extensions On hold pending WDNR Alternatives Analysis to Wetland impacts DNR approvals received late November 2002 To be bid as part of the road relocation project. Pending DNR permit for road, City to set bid date Mc Shane Pump Station —Bluhm Drive Storage Facility Start up completed Site grading andpunch list items in process Storm sewer and road paving in next week Moorland Road Water Main 0"4% Sample by City tested safe Punch list repairs in process Public Utilities Committee Meeting — May 19, 2003 Page 11 . PAGE Consultant's report for PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Monday May 19, 2003 Well Site Exploration Contract for exploratory wells to Layne Northwest Test borings completed in Woods Road area Geophysical surveys conducted at Big Muskego Estates site Three exploratory wells drilled in Big Muskego Estates area week of March 3, 2603, Reviewing 6 additional sites for geophysical surveys Field work is weather dependant WOODS ROAD — BROOKE LANE TO EAST OF RACINE AVENUE Project close out paper work sent to City July 25, 2002 DEVELOPMENTS: Big Muskego Estates First review letter sent to City March 6, 2003 Second review letter sent to City April 8, 2003 CANDLEWOOD (INTERIOR) Sanitary completed but not fully tested, water installed and tested Storm sewer should be completed week of September 11 Sample test reports safe, wet connections completed Punch list review after sump drains installed week of November 25, 2002 Punch list issued December 10, 2002 to Contractor for sanitary and water Punch list for Storm sewer is pending cleaning of inlets by Contractor Water and force main locator wire continuity tests completed Manhole 6 leaks repaired, still failed tests. Chamberlain Hill Design engineer picked up print of sanitary system map August 6 for design use Initial plan review completed January 28, 2003 A portion of this project was determined to be in the boosted pressure area on April 2, 2003 Construction start tentatively scheduled for June 9, 2003 JEWEL — OSCO / KOHLS ONSITE UTILITIES AND LIFT STATION All punch list items completed as of October 11, 2002 Record drawings submitted week of December 11, 2002 Force main locator wire continuity test completed Project can be closed if acceptable to City JEWEL — OSCO / KOHLS Offsite water main Record drawings submitted August 1, 2002 for City Staff review All punch list items completed as of December 20, 2002 0.141 h1 Project can be closed if acceptable to City. PAGE Public Utilities Committee Meeting — May 19, 2003 Page 12 • Consultant's report for PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Monday May 19, 2003 LAKEWOOD CONDOMINIUMS (OVERLOOK BAY) Punch list repairs completed Record drawings for sanitary sewer submitted to MMSD November 14, 2002 Storm water system record drawings submitted to City, pending location of pond outfall south of building number 4 MUSKEGO CENTER/BERG AS BUILTS COMPLETED PUNCH LIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR PUNCH LIST RESENT TO CONTRACTOR MMSD REVIEWED AS BUILTS FEBRUARY 2, 2000 CONTRACTOR TOLD R/M THEY WILL NOT COMPLETE DUE TO PAYMENTS NOT RECEIVED Nature Estates (Boehm — Woods Road) Second plan review completed November 20, 2001 Revised plans received r/m January 16 for review QUIETWOOD CREEK (CARITY) Sanitary Sewer Record Drawings submitted to MMSD November 14, 2002 Storm Sewer record drawings resubmitted to City August 1, 2002 Quietwood Creek East First design review letter submitted on August 22, 2002 Second design review letter submitted on December 3, 2002 Final design review letter submitted January 09, 2003 Prairie Meadows Estates Construction continues. RAUSCH SANITARY PRESSURE SEWER — WOODS ROAD COMPLETED WEEK OF FEBRUARY 19Tn Restoration is only remaining item. Record drawings submitted to MMSD and City April 6, 2001 Reserve at Champions Village Sanitary and Storm sewer main and water mains installed Resubmitted sanitary sewer and water main record drawings to City August 1 Storm sewer record drawings submitted to City August 1, 2002 Punch list repairs completed. 0"4% PAGE Consultant's report for Public Utilities Committee Meeting — May 19, 2003 Page 13 . PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Monday May 19, 2003 Riverview Court Utility installation completed and tested as of October 7, 2002 except for vacuum test on sanitary manhole number 8 Second punch list sent to contractor on November 19, 2002 Field survey for record drawings completed December 3, 2002 Water main locator wire continuity test completed Sanitary manhole 8 still has not passed vacuum test Final record drawings submitted to City March 10, 2003 Rosewood Estates Addition Number 1 Utility construction completed February2l, 2003 Road construction to begin in Spring, 2003 SAL FERRITO SEWER (PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER) DEWATERING WELL NOT REMOVED LATERALS NOT CONNECTED YET SARAH ESTATES (WOODS ROAD Record drawings for Sanitary Sewer submitted to MMSD November 14, 2002 Storm Sewer record drawings on hold until adjustments before surface course paving Punch lists are completed. • VICTORIAN VILLAS VIDEO OF SEWER NOT YET RECEIVED City has hired Visu-Sewer 13-00000.010 0 ... ...... . �Kyj �ra J S��i l o s s�er i�.Giq �Atoe Ali A/o AS Akw J��zY SK6?ZY�t+�2Z. 131417/( lr