PUM20030421CITY OF MUSKEGO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING Approved Minutes of Meeting Held Monday April 21, 2003 Acting -Chairman Rick Petfalski called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. Also present was Committee members Aid. Eric Schroeder, Engineer and Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen, Ruekert & Mielke representative Steve Schultz and those per attached list. Chairman Eileen Madden and Superintendent Scott Kloskowski were excused. It was noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Aid. Schroeder moved to approve minutes of March 18 and 25, and April 8, 2003. Seconded by Aid. Petfalski, motion carried 3-0. STATUS OF PROJECTS Ruekert & Mielke representative Steve Schultz updated the committee on the attached status of on -going projects as follows: • Janesville Road Water Project— Construction began April 15, 2003. Freedom Square Water System — Plans sent to the DNR April 21, 2003. Water Main plans will be submitted by the end of the week. Pending the City's review will then be forwarded to the DNR for review also. Ruekert & Mielke will be working with the City Attorney to discuss his concerns. Well Explorations Project — Review of the six possible sites continues. Field recognizance on potential sites will take place within the next couple weeks and test borings will be done on the Carity site. • McShane Storage Facility —Owner training started last week. Contractor had to replace bad valves on the flushing gates used to clean out the tank after the event. Impellors were taken out and trimmed. Public Utilities Committee Meeting — April 21, 2003 Page 2 • SEWER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Status of Town of Norway Contract - Nothing new to report. Review Accruing Deferred Assessment Interest report from Finance Director — Deferred to next meeting. SEWER NEW BUSINESS Ordinance to Amend Chapter 3 and Chapter 21 Sewer Service Areas (Sewer Utility) to update service area to include all areas include in the Amended Linnie Lac Agreement — The old sewer agreement with New Berlin was under Chapter 3. The last agreement, Chapter 21, allowed connection with bordering lots where capacity was available known as the Linnie Lac Agreement. Aid. Petfalski moved to recommend to Council approval of amending Chapter 3 and Chapter 21 Sewer Service Areas. Aid. Schroeder seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Discuss deferred assessment — May property - Director McMullen explained that Towne Realty just purchased the property and were under the assumption that the assessment did not come due until the property was divided and lots were sold. Because the tax key had to be split up, the assessment will come due at . the time the tax key is recorded. Director McMullen referred to the assessment policy 6 A (1) which states as an alternative, the City, at its sole option may negotiate with a property owner having an assessment come due. Aid. Schroeder moved to defer to the next meeting. Aid. Petfalski seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Review 1st Qtr MMSD & Town of Norway Charges - After reviewing charges, Aid. Petfalski moved to approve 1st quarter MMSD and Town of Norway sewer charges. Aid. Schroeder seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Review quotes for renovation of Lake Lore Liftstation — Director McMullen reported the pumps at the Lake Lore Liftstation are 18-22 years old and are due to be replaced. Aid. Petfalski moved to approve the quote of $31,132.00 from Smith & Loveless for the replacement of pumps for the Lake Lore Liftstation . Aid. Schroeder seconded. Motion carried unanimously. WATER UNFINISHED BUSINESS WATER NEW BUSINESS None. Discuss_ proposed water main extension / Freedom Square — Director McMullen explained the City Attorney sent out a letter of concerns that he would like met . before the final closing date. Director McMullen is requesting the Committee approve the acquisition and extension and recommend to Council. The water Public Utilities Committee Meeting — April 21, 2003 Page 3 • main extension is being reviewed by City of Muskego Engineering Department and designed by Ruekert & Mielke. The plans must go to the DNR for approval and once approved the project can be bid out and the results brought back to the Committee. In the meantime staff can be working on the final closing and converting the residents over to City water. Aid. Petfalski moved to recommend to Council approval of the acquisition and extension of water main for Freedom Square. Aid. Schroeder seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Sal Corrao — Lakewood Meadows Subdivision — City to take over communitv well system — Lori Eilers, Michael Ligocki and Sal Carro of Lakewood Meadows Subdivision were present to discuss the possibility of the City taking over the community well. Lori Eilers presented to the Committee the attached partial list of the subdivision's well maintenance and repair records. The well had also been televised and information was given to Superintendent Kloskowski. After discussing the issue it was staffs recommendation that it would be in the City's best interest to take over the system providing there are no major problems. Aid. Peffalski stated he is concerned with having an island utility and also the water may not have the same quality as City water. Aid. Schroeder moved to proceed with the system exploration by Ruekert & Mielke, not to exceed $10,000.00. Aid. Petfalski seconded. Motion carried unanimously. . Discuss writing of specific policies relating to water assessments — This item was brought about from the Big Muskego Estates WCA Public Hearing. Residents were concerned the City would be charging them a recapture if a developer comes in and decides to run the 12" water main down McShane Dr. Director McMullen explained to the Committee that it would not be possible to write a policy relating to water assessments. He further explained that the PSC rules change so it would not be possible to write a specific policy because the City takes each on a case -by -case basis. The existing policy allows the City to make exceptions and recommendations on assessments prior to the assessment roll being sent out. Discuss Chamberlain Hill Water Booster Pump Station — Chamberlain Hills Subdivision has five lots where the base elevation of the property is higher than 860 feet. These five properties will need to be in a separate boosted zone. A booster station will need to be installed to provide pressurized water similar to Lake Forest. A booster station was purchased and installed by the City for Lake Forest Subdivision. Since then the booster station has been abandoned and obsolete for its intended use in its current location. Chamberlain Hills Subdivision needs a booster station and staff is recommending the City allow Cedar Mill Homes to remove the station, do all restoration and install it in an easement granted to the City Water Utility in Chamberlain Hills. Cedar Mill Homes will also be responsible for any corrections and repairs, and under the • direction of Ruekert & Mielke to put the pump station on line. Once the station is on line Cedar Mill Homes would then turn it back over the City Utility Department. Public Utilities Committee Meeting — April 21, 2003 Page 4 In the future if the Borchardt or Sonnentag property develops they would also make use of the booster station. There would be no additional cost to the Borchardt's, Sonnentag's or the City because the water capacity assessment has already been paid. Cedar Mill Homes drafted an agreement that will be sent to the City Attorney for review. The agreement will include Cedar Mill Homes will hold the City harmless as they remove and install the station. Aid. Schroeder moved to allow Cedar Mill Homes to remove the booster station, do all restoration and install it in an easement granted to the City Water Utility in Chamberlain Hills, after review of the City Attorney. Seconded by Aid. Schroeder. Motion carried unanimously. SUBDIVIDER'S EXHIBITS - Big Muskego Estates Sewer and Water Extension - Director McMullen stated the plans are for sewer and water only for the sanitary sewer extension to Big Muskego Estates Phase 1. Plans include the 16" water main through the development to tie into Big Muskego Estates Addition 1, which could then service North Cape Farms. Director McMullen noted there has been concern of the wells drying up along Schaeffer Drive. Because of this, the City is requiring the developer to run 16" municipal main underneath Hwy "00" to south side of Hwy "00". Plans will be sent to MMSD and DNR for approval and will be brought back next month. Deferred to next month. ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS — Nothing to report. 0 REVIEW OF DEFERRED ASSESSMENTS/SEWER & WATER — None. ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS — Discussion, update and possible action may be taken on any or all of the following: REPORT OF THE UTILITY SUPERINTENDENT — Nothing to report. REPORT OF ENGINEERING/BUILDING INSPECTION DIRECTOR — Nothing to report. COMMUICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW — None. Aid. Schroeder moved to adjourn at 8:30 PM. Seconded by Aid. Petfalski, motion carried 3-0. Res ectfully submitted, 7 Kellie Renk Recording Secretary 0 Public Utilities Committee Meeting — April 21, 2003 Page 5 0 CONSULTANTS REPORT FOR: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Monday April 21, 2003 Submitted Tuesday April 15, 2003 BOLD ITALICS INDICATE NEW INFORMATION CITY PROJECTS: FREEDOM SQUARE WATER SYSTEM Easements submitted to City for review and action week of May 13"' First floor elevation of pump house has to be more than 2 feet above regional flood. Working on proposal to modify Freedom Square pond outlet to lower this elevation. DNR will allow facilities to be acquired by easement (August 1, 2002) Utility Superintendent forwarded easements to Condo Association to obtain from Parkland Development Group Connection approved by DNR October 30, 2002 Revised easements submitted to City April 10, 2003 for connections to Parkland Drive Parkland Drive water main plan submitted to City and DNR concurrently for review week of April 14, 2003 JANESVILLE ROAD BOX CULVERT UTILITY RELOCATES Cost estimates to be submitted to City week of February 18 Estimates and design alternatives submitted to City for review February 21, 2002 Design alternate selected August 28, 2002 Design to be sent to City for review by April 1, 2003 County does not anticipate box culvert reconstruction prior to Fall 2003 Project revised to be from Kohl's to 1000 feet East of Tess Corners Drive Construction began April15, 2003 JANESVILLE ROAD WATER MAIN — JEWEL-OSCO TO COLLEGE AVENUE City authorized design to College Avenue September 12, 2002 Additional survey completed Plans for entire project to be submitted by January 17, 2003 First advertisement January 30, 2003 Bid opening February 13, 2003 WCA public hearing 8s' Amended area scheduled for March 25, 2003 MANHOLE REHABILITATION 2001 Project closeout paperwork and Final Payment Recommendation forwarded to the City April 1, 2002 Martin Drive Relocation — Utility extensions On hold pending WDNR Alternatives Analysis to Wetland impacts DNR approvals received late November 2002 • To be bid as part of the road relocation project. Pending DNR permit for road, City to set bid date Public Utilities Committee Meeting — April 21, 2003 Page 6 • PAGE 2 Consultant's report for PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Monday April 21, 2003 Mc Shane Pump Station — Bluhm Drive Storage Facility Start up tentatively scheduled week of April 14, 2003 Gravity system leak repaired week of March 3, 2003 Training scheduled for April 16, 2003 Moorland Road Water Main Sample by City tested safe Punch list repairs in process Well Site Exploration Contract for exploratory wells to Layne Northwest Test borings completed in Woods Road area Geophysical surveys conducted at Big Muskego Estates site Preparing map showing recommended boring location and letter report on geophysical survey results and recommendations Three exploratory wells drilled in Big Muskego Estates area week of March 3, 2003, data to be reviewed and report filed by April 1, 2003 40 WOODS ROAD — BROOKE LANE TO EAST OF RACINE AVENUE Project close out paper work sent to City July 25, 2002 DEVELOPMENTS: Big Muskego Estates First review letter sent to City March 6, 2003 Second review letter sent to City April 8, 2003 CANDLEWOOD (INTERIOR) Sanitary completed but not fully tested, water installed and tested Storm sewer should be completed week of September 11 Sample test reports safe, wet connections completed Punch list review after sump drains installed week of November 25, 2002 Punch list issued December 10, 2002 to Contractor for sanitary and water Punch list for Storm sewer is pending cleaning of inlets by Contractor Water and force main locator wire continuity tests completed Manhole 6leaks repaired, still failed tests. Chamberlain Hill Design engineer picked up print of sanitary system map August 6 for design use Initial plan review completed January 28, 2003 A portion of this project was determined to be in the boosted pressure area on April2, 2003 Public Utilities Committee Meeting — April 21, 2003 Page 7 • PAGE Consultant's report for PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Monday April 21, 2003 A% JEWEL — OSCO / KOHLS ONSITE UTILITIES AND LIFT STATION Onsite construction completed and tested except for lift station Punch list reviews to began the week of September 12, 2002 All punch list items completed as of October 11, 2002 Water main locator wire continuity test not completed Record drawings submitted week of December 11, 2002 Force main locator wire continuity test completed JEWEL — OSCO / KOHLS Offsite water main Record drawings submitted August 1, 2002 for City Staff review Recheck of punch list items week of November 18, 2002 All punch list items completed as of December 20, 2002 Project can be closed if acceptable to City. LAKEWOOD CONDOMINIUMS (OVERLOOK BAY) Punch list repairs completed Record drawings for sanitary sewer submitted to MMSD November 14, 2002 Storm water system record drawings submitted to City, pending location of pond outfall south of building number 4 MUSKEGO CENTER/BERG AS BUILTS COMPLETED PUNCH LIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR MUSKEGO MOTOR CAR CO PUNCH LIST RESENT TO CONTRACTOR MMSD REVIEWED AS BUILTS FEBRUARY 2, 2000 CONTRACTOR TOLD R/M THEY WILL NOT COMPLETE DUE TO PAYMENTS NOT RECEIVED Nature Estates (Boehm — Woods Road) Second plan review completed November 20, 2001 Revised plans received r/m January 16 for review QUIETWOOD CREEK (CARITY) Sanitary Sewer Record Drawings submitted to MMSD November 14, 2002 Storm Sewer record drawings resubmitted to City August 1, 2002 Quietwood Creek East First design review letter submitted on August 22, 2002 Second design review letter submitted on December 3, 2002 Final design review letter submitted January 09, 2003 PAGE 4 Public Utilities Committee Meeting — April 21, 2003 �0M Consultant's report for PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Monday April 21, 2003 Prairie Meadows Estates Construction started March 31, 2003, delayed due to rain. RAUSCH SANITARY PRESSURE SEWER — WOODS ROAD COMPLETED WEEK OF FEBRUARY 19T11 Restoration is only remaining item. Record drawings submitted to MMSD and City April 6, 2001 Reserve at Champions Village Sanitary and Storm sewer main and water mains installed Resubmitted sanitary sewer and water main record drawings to City August 1 Storm sewer record drawings submitted to City August 1, 2002 Punch list repairs completed. Riverview Court Utility installation completed and tested as of October 7, 2002 except for vacuum test on sanitary manhole number 8 Second punch list sent to contractor on November 19, 2002 Field survey for record drawings completed December 3, 2002 Water main locator wire continuity test completed Sanitary manhole 8 still has not passed vacuum test Final record drawings submitted to City March 10, 2003 Rosewood Estates Addition Number 1 Utility construction completed February2l, 2003 Road construction to begin in Spring, 2003 Saint Leonard's water main (East Tower Drive) All punch list items completed Record drawing sent to City for first review September 27, 2002 SAL FERRITO SEWER (PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER) DEWATERING WELL NOT REMOVED LATERALS NOT CONNECTED YET SARAH ESTATES (WOODS ROAD Record drawings for Sanitary Sewer submitted to MMSD November 14, 2002 Storm Sewer record drawings on hold until adjustments before surface course paving Punch lists are completed. VICTORIAN VILLAS VIDEO OF SEWER NOT YET RECEIVED City has hired Visu-Sewer 13-00000.010