PUM20021216CITY OF MUSKEGO Unapproved PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of Meeting Held Monday, December 16, 2002 Chairman Eileen Madden called the meeting to order at 6:50 p.m. Also present were Committee members Aid. Rick Petfalski and Aid. Eric Schroeder, Utilities Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, Engineer Dave Simpson, and Ruekert & Mielke representative Steve Schultz. It was noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Those in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Aid. PefFalski moved to accept minutes of meeting held November 18, 2002. Seconded by Aid. Schroeder, motion carried 3-0. STATUS OF PROJECTS Steve Schultz reviewed the status of projects as listed on Consultant's Report dated December 16, 2002, as attached. Steve Schultz also reported that the western portion of the Janesville Road watermain project design is nearly finished with the eastern portion continuing. Lack of road plans from Waukesha County is delaying design completion of the plans. Freedom Square water acquisition is moving ahead. The City is awaiting an answer from the PSC regarding taking over ownership of the system without having ownership of all the easements. Well explorations are continuing with one possible well site identified in the Quietwood Creek East subdivision and more testing being done on the Big Muskego Estates site. The McShane Storage Facility has waterproofing on 65% of the walls and backfilling has begun. The building walls are complete. Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski reported that an informational meeting has been scheduled for the Pioneer Drive water project for January 7, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. at the Library. Public Utilities Committee Meeting December 16, 2002 — Page 2 SEWER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Status of Town of Norway Contract — The Committee reviewed letter from the PSC indicating that the PSC will not hold a hearing on the City's complaint against the Town of Norway. SEWER NEW BUSINESS Review Sewer Backup Manual — The Committee reviewed packet from the City's insurance company on sewer backups and policies. Aid. Schroeder moved to defer Seconded by Aid. Petfalski, motion carried 3-0. Review Sewer, Water, and Forcemain Plans for Settlement on Woods Road — Dave Simpson submitted sewer and water plans for the Settlement on Woods Road subdivision and reported all consultant issues have been addressed. Ald. Petfalski moved to accept sewer and water plans and to submit to MMSD and the DNR. Seconded by Aid. Schroeder, motion carried 3-0. WATER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Status of Request to PSC for Water Rate Change — Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski reported that the auditors are compiling the necessary information for submittal to the PSC. WATER NEW BUSINESS Review of Draft CDA Redevelopment District Plan — The Committee reviewed the CDA Redevelopment District Plan. Janesville Road Water Project/Possible Durham Drive & Tess Corners Drive Extension — Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski explained that he would like to extend water service south from Janesville Road to Cornell Circle on Durham Drive and south to the Tess Corners Fire Department on Tess Corners Drive as part of the Janesville Road water project. Aid. Petfalski moved to direct Ruekert & Mielke to include watermain on Durham Drive south to Cornell Circle and on Tess Corners Drive far enough south to serve the Tess Corners Fire Department in the design of Janesville Road watermain. Seconded by Ald. Schroeder, motion carried 3-0. Review Agreement with Freedom Square Condominium — The Committee reviewed draft agreement. Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski stated that some details need to be completed before approval can be voted on. Public Utilities Committee Meeting December 16, 2002 — Page 3 Discuss Boundaries of WCA 10 District and Direct City Engineer to Draft Map and Legals — Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski explained the WCA map and proposed amendment provided by the Planning Department. Aid. PetFalski moved to approve WCA amendment to include Draft'A' and 'B' and to include all properties with frontage on McShane Road and on Courtland Lane, and to direct the Engineering Department to draft a map and legal description. Seconded by Aid. Schroeder. motion carried 3-0. Review Water Extension Agreement with Towne Realty - The Committee reviewed agreement with Towne Realty regarding watermain extension. The Engineering Department will continue to finalize plans. REPORT OF UTILITY SUPERINTENDENT Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski discussed radium issue with the Committee in an effort to update new Committee member Aid. Schroeder The City is required to report to the DNR by the end of January, 2003 the remedies that will be implemented in order to come into compliance with the DNR radium standard. ADJOURNMENT Aid. Petfalski moved to adjourn at 7:52 p.m. Seconded by Aid. Schroeder, motion carried 3-0. Respectfully submitted, )Wtt Scott Kloskowski Public Utilities Superintendent jz CONSULTANTS REPORT FOR: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Monday December 16, 2002 Submitted Tuesday December 10, 2002 BOLD ITALICS INDICATE NEW INFORMATION CITY PROJECTS: FREEDOM SQUARE WATER SYSTEM Design plans cannot be located by City or Freedom Square Easements submitted to City for review and action week of May 13" First floor elevation of pump house has to be more than 2 feet above regional flood elevation. Working on proposal to modify Freedom Square pond outlet to lower this elevation. DNR will allow facilities to be acquired by easement (August 1) Utility Superintendent forwarded easements to Condo Association to obtain from Parkland Development Group Connection approved by DNR October 30, 2002 JANESVILLE ROAD BOX CULVERT UTILITY RELOCATES Cost estimates to be submitted to City week of February 18 Estimates and design alternatives submitted to City for review February 21, 2002 Design alternate selected August 28, 2002 JANESVILLE ROAD WATER MAIN —JEWEL-OSCO TO COLLEGE AVENUE Preliminary field survey completed, Preliminary plans in progress Preliminary design to 1000 feet east of Tess Comers Drive complete City authorized design to College Avenue September 12, 2002 Additional survey completed, preliminary plans in drafting West segment 95% complete East segment to be submitted week of December 15, 2002 MANHOLE REHABILITATION 2001 Project closeout paperwork and Final Payment Recommendation forwarded to the City April 1, 2002 Martin Drive Relocation — Utility extensions On hold pending WDNR Alternatives Analysis to Wetland impacts DNR approvals received late November 2002 Mc Shane Pump Station — Bluhm Drive Storage Facility Shop drawing submittals from contractor continue De -watering started June 28 h Contractor graded and paved base course north of Bluhm Court October 9 Precast planks installed week of November 18, 2002 Visible seepage leaks repaired, leak test completion Week of December 9, 2002 Discharge chamber walls poured, deck is being formed for casting PAGE 2 Consultant's report for PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Monday December 16, 2002 Moorland Road Water Main Sample by City tested safe Punch list repairs in process Well Site Exploration Contract for exploratory wells to Layne Northwest to be executed soon Four test borings completed Working with City on planned development issues. WOODS ROAD — BROOKE LANE TO EAST OF RACINE AVENUE Project close out paper work sent to City July 25, 2002 DEVELOPMENTS: CANDLEWOOD (INTERIOR) Construction started July 26 Sanitary completed but not fully tested, water installed and tested Storm sewer should be completed week of September I 1 Sample test reports safe, wet connections completed Punch list review after sump drains installed week of November 25, 2002 Punch list issued December 10, 2002 to Contractor for sanitary and water Punch list for Storm sewer is pending cleaning of inlets by Contractor Water and force main locator wire continuity tests completed Chamberlain Hill Design engineer picked up print of sanitary system map August 6 for design use JEWEL — OSCO / KOHLS ONSITE UTILITIES AND LIFT STATION Field change for the Lift Station relocation design changes completed and submitted to City and Developer Onsite construction completed and tested except for lift station Punch list reviews to begin the week of September 12, 2002 Record Survey scheduled All punch list items completed as of October 11, 2002 Water main locator wire continuity test not completed Record drawings to be submitted week of December 11, 2002 Force main locator wire continuity test completed JEWEL — OSCO / KOHLS Offsite water main Record drawings submitted August 1, 2002 for City Staff review Recheck of punch list items week of November 18, 2002 PAGE Consultant's report for PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Monday December 16, 2002 LAKEWOOD CONDOMINIUMS (OVERLOOK BAY) Punch list repairs completed Record drawings for sanitary sewer submitted to MMSD November 14, 2002 Storm water system record drawings submitted to City, pending location of pond outfall south of building number 4 MUSKEGO CENTER/BERG AS BUILTS COMPLETED PUNCH LIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR MUSKEGO MOTOR CAR CO PUNCH LIST RESENT TO CONTRACTOR MMSD REVIEWED AS BUILTS FEBRUARY 2, 2000 CONTRACTOR TOLD R/M THEY WILL NOT COMPLETE DUE TO PAYMENTS NOT RECEIVED Nature Estates (Boehm — Woods Road) Second plan review completed November 20, 2001 Revised plans received r/m January 16 for review QUIETWOOD CREEK (CARITY) Sanitary Sewer Record Drawings submitted to MMSD November 14, 2002 Storm Sewer record drawings resubmitted to City August I, 2002 Quietwood Creek East Design engineer picked up print of sanitary system map August 6, 2002 for design use First design review letter submitted on August 22, 2002 Second design review letter submitted on December 3, 2002 Prairie Meadows Estates First plan review completed May 31, 2002 Second plan review completed June 2, 2002 RAUSCH SANITARY PRESSURE SEWER— WOODS ROAD COMPLETED WEEK OF FEBRUARY 19T" Restoration is only remaining item. Record drawings submitted to MMSD and City April 6, 2001 Reserve at Champions Village Sanitary and Storm sewer main and water mains installed Resubmitted sanitary sewer and water main record drawings to City August Storm sewer record drawings submitted to City August 1, 2002 Punch list repairs completed. PAGE 4 Consultant's report for PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Monday December 16, 2002 Riverview Court Sanitary Sewer System map submitted to MMSD July 24, 2002 Construction started week of August 27`h Sanitary installed but not tested, water main installed working on laterals Utility installation completed and tested as of October 7, 2002 except for vacuum test on sanitary manhole number 8 and Second punch list sent to contractor on November 19, 2002 Field survey for record drawings completed December 3, 2002 Water main locator wire continuity test completed Rosewood Estates Addition Number 1 Construction plans received for review August 5, 2002 City picked up Sanitary Sewer System Map September 23, 2002 Saint Leonard's water main (East Tower Drive) Construction completed Punch list repairs in process Locator wire tested Monday September 9, 2002 All punch list items completed Record drawing sent to City for first review September 27, 2002 SAL FERRITO SEWER (PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER) DEWATERING WELL NOT REMOVED LATERALS NOT CONNECTED YET SARAH ESTATES (WOODS ROAD Record drawings for Sanitary Sewer submitted to MMSD November 14, 2002 Storm Sewer record drawings on hold until adjustments before surface course paving Punch lists are completed. VICTORIAN VILLAS VIDEO OF SEWER NOT YET RECEIVED City has hired Visu-Sewer COMPLETED PROJECTS ONLY AWAITING MMSD APPROVAL OF RECORD DRAWINGS (AS BUILTS): CHAMPIONS VILLAGES — ADDITION 2 (PHASE THREE) HOLTZ-ARROWOOD KNUDSON FORCE MAIN NORTH CAPE FARM WISA FORCE MAIN — HILLENDALE DRIVE 13-00000.010