PUM20020906• CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved
Minutes of Meeting Held Friday, September 6, 2002
Acting Chairman Rick Petfalski called the meeting to order at 3:04 p.m. Also present
were Committee member Ald. Eileen Madden, Engineering/Building Inspection
Director Sean McMullen, Public Utilities Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, and those
per the attached list. Mayor Mark Slocomb was present for the majority of the
Acting Chairman Rick Petfalski led the committee in the Pledge of Allegiance.
It was noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law
Ald. Madden moved to approve minutes of meeting held July 15, 2002. Seconded
by Ald. Petfalski, motion carried 2-0.
It was the consensus of the committee that the only item needing to be updated
would be the McShane Storage Facility as the committee would be meeting again on
September 16, 2002, for their regularly scheduled meeting. Sean advised that the
• contractor had started pouring the concrete for the wet well and other portion.
Status of Town of Norway Contract — There was nothing new to report
Status of Proposed Amendment to SEWRPC's 208 Plan — Sean advised that he
has been approached by the May property and another property on Ryan Road to be
added in the 208 service plan. He will proceed to contact SEWRPC.
Further Review Request to Have City Purchase Property/Jacobus (Indian Trail)
— Mr Jacobus appeared before the committee advising that he had problems
securing a real estate agent interested in listing his property. He now has an
interested agent who will be putting together two appraisals; one as to the value of
the property as it is now and one with the value when the necessary repair work on
the basement and foundation was completed. After considerable discussion, the
committee again reiterated that the procedure that must be followed is for Mr
Jacobus to submit to Sean McMullen an appraisal of the property and then Sean will
bring that information to the Committee. It was stated numerous time that the
committee was not committing to anything except that it would go through the
process and bring a recommendation, if any, to Council, if necessary.
Further Review of Sewer Usage Charts and Compare REC Purchases — Ald.
Madden moved to continue charging RCA by use of the REC chart as we have in the
past and not by sewer usage. Seconded by Ald. Petfalski, motion carried 2-0.
Public Utilities Committee — September 6, 2002
• Further Review of Deferred Sewer Assessment (Richard Patterson, #2256.993
North Cape Road) — Aid. Pettalski moved to remove from future agendas until
something new is received. Seconded by Aid. Madden, motion carried 2-0.
Review Deadline for Connection/O'Malley — Mr Jack Henry, representing Mr
O'Malley, appeared before the committee to discuss sewer connection. Mr Henry
referred to a portion of the City's sewer utility ordinance (Chapter 21, Section 21.05
(2) (a) stating that his attorney felt that since the ordinance refers to "buildings or
properties used for human occupancy, employment, recreation, or other habitations,'
that this would not relate to his building as all service and utilities have been
removed and it is not being inhabited. Scott referred to the history of this property
when the sewer project was in process indicating that there was a business in the
building. Mr Henry stated that he wants to cooperate with the City and when
building is ever put back into use, he will make all required connections. Aid.
Petfalski reminded Mr Henry that the conditions of the July meeting indicated that "if
all conditions are not met" the City would proceed with a forced connection. Mr
Henry indicated that all conditions were met with the exception that Mr O'Malley will
not cash the check. Aid. Madden moved to defer to allow Sean to check with the
City Attorney on interpretation of the above ordinance. Seconded by Aid. Petfalski,
motion carried 2-0.
Discuss Results of Survey Sent on Proposed Sewer Extension/Hwy. G (Old
Loomis Road) — Engineering/Building Inspection Director McMullen reported on
is properties
survey results with a response of seven (7) 'no' and two (3) 'yes' Two of the
properties requesting sewers are the smaller properties and one is currently on a
holding tank. ,After further discussion, Aid. Petfalski moved to authorize Sean to work
with the Town of Norway to request that these two properties be allowed to connect
to an existing forcemain. These properties are 2295.993 and 2295.994. Seconded
by Aid. Madden, motion carried 2-0. It was requested that this item be removed from
future agendas.
Review Revised Sewer Plans — Rosewood Estates, Addn. #1 — Sean reviewed
with the committee the sewer plans for this 9 lot subdivision. Aid. Petfalski moved to
approve plant:. Seconded by Aid. Madden, motion carried 2-0.
Review sewer plans for Prairie Meadows (North Cape & Ryan Road) - Sean
reviewed with the Committee sewer plans for the Prairie Meadows Subdivision which
also includes a sewer crossing which will serve the Laimon property on North Cape.
Scott questioned the possibility of a parcel abutting this subdivision to be serviced
through this subdivision. Aid. Petfalski moved to approve plans subject to an
additional lateral stub left in the road right-of-way pursuant to developer not
purchasing abutting property by the time of installation. Seconded by Aid. Madden,
motion carried 2-0.
• Discuss purchase of utility vehicle — Sean and Scott explained to the committee
that they would like to replace an old vehicle (tan blazer) with a larger truck and
Public Utilities Committee — September 6, 2002
• crane in order to be able to remove large pumps out of lift stations on North Cape
Road. They requested authorization to order now even though it is in the 2003
budget and stated they would not receive it until January 1, 2003. Aid. Petfalski
moved to defer to the September 16, 2002 meeting in order for estimates to be
reviewed. Seconded by Aid. Madden, motion carried 2-0
Set quarterly charge for sewer deduct meters — Scott advised that he and the
Finance Director had met with the auditor and it was suggested that the Utility
recover the costs of replacing the meter plus any service required over the life of the
meter The current price of the Neptune meters plus radio transmitters is
approximately $160.00. It is recommended that a quarterly charge of $6.00 (yearly
cost of $24.00) be initiated which would cover cost increases over the ten years for
meter replacement and any service required. Aid. Petfalski moved to approve
quarterly charge of $6.00 for sewer deduct meters. Seconded by Aid. Madden,
motion carried 2-0.
Discuss RCA for relocation of Old Town Hall/Racine Avenue — Mayor Mark
Slocomb appeared before the committee to discuss whether or not there should be
an RCA charge assessed to the recently moved old town hall. Mayor explained that
he had spent considerable time analyzing this situation and conferred with legal
counsel. It is the Mayor and City Attorney's recommendation that an RCA is a per
parcel issue and that they are given to the individual property. If a building is
relocated to a vacant parcel, there will be a new RCA assessed to that parcel. Aid.
Petfalski moved to agree with present policy and that an assessment of one (1) RCA
• be given to the old town hall and review this assessment annually for water usage.
Seconded by Aid. Madden, motion carried 2-0.
Status on Potential Impacts to Well #7/Status of Stoneridge Groundwater
Remediation — It was reported that the EPA has responded to submittal from the
Remediation Group. The report has now been sent back to the Remediation Group
for comment.
Further Discussion of Water Service — Rosewood Estates, Addn. #1 (Deferred
from Meeting of 6/17/2002 and July 15, 2002) — Engineering/Building Inspection
Director McMullen updated the Committee on his recent discussions with Redmond
Construction. Aid. Madden moved that if Redmond Construction Company can work
something out with the developer of Rosewood Estates, Addn. #1, for extension of
municipal water, that should be the plan and if timing does not work out, the
committee is agreeable to the subdivision proceeding with private wells. Seconded
by Aid. Petfalski, motion carried 2-0.
Discuss installation of water on Pioneer Drive - Carol Fischer and Jean Marenda
• from the Pioneer Center Homeowner's Association appeared before the committee
to discuss possible water extension on Pioneer Drive. Scott explained that when
well #2 runs hard, it draws several shallow wells in the area dry. He is looking at
Public Utilities Committee — September 6, 2002 Page4
• some way to get water down Pioneer Drive to eliminate future problems. The DNR
states that if usage from a high capacity well affects smaller wells, the property
owners with the small wells need to be compensated. After considerable discussion,
the committee directed Scott to check well logs on all homes on Pioneer Drive, that
are now currently served by water, to see if pumps could be lowered or if wells are
so shallow that they would have to be replaced. It is hopeful that this information
can be obtained for the September 16t" meeting and will be left on the agenda.
Discuss cost recovery on water extension — Big Muskego Lake Estates — Mr.
Jim Doering of Towne Realty appeared before the committee to discuss possible
cost recovery if they were to extend a 12" watermain from the Candlewood Creek
Subdivision to the Muskego Estates which would comprise approximately 9000
linear foot of pipe. Sean explained that a cost recovery plan is something that is
used in other communities and it allows for reimbursement when vacant lands would
make use of the water facility provided by the developer whereby the person making
the connection would pay the City for the cost and the City would then pass this
payment onto the developer The committee agreed that is a worthwhile concept
realizing that the City would have to negotiate the interest rate, sunset clause and
other particulars. Aid. Petfalski moved to direct Sean to work with the City Attorney
to start preliminary discussion to pursue a draft ordinance. Seconded by Ald.
Madden, motion carried 2-0. It is hopeful that a draft would be ready for the October
meeting, realizing that the earliest an ordinance could be adopted would be
December 2002.
Aid. Petfalski moved to adjourn at 4:30 p.m. Seconded by Aid. Madden, motion
carried 2-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Pat1hie M. dersotf "
-Recording Secretary
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