PUM20020318CITY OF MUSKEGO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING Approved Minutes of Meeting Held Monday, March 18, 2002 Chairman Dave Sanders called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Also present were Committee members Aid. Mark Slocomb and Aid. Rick Petfalski, Mayor David DeAngelis, Engineering/Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen, Public Utilities Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, Ruekert & Mielke representative Rich Eberhardt, and those per the attached list. It was noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Aid. Slocomb moved to approve minutes of meeting held February 18, 2002. Seconded by Aid. Petfalski, motion carried 3-0. STATUS OF PROJECTS: Rich Eberhardt updated the Committee on the status of projects dated March 18, 2002, as attached. Superintendent Kloskowski reported on cost assessment study done on Freedom Square facilities. A new assessment was done after the DNR determined the Freedom Square Well #1 was not usable by the municipal utility. Assessment shows value of system minus DNR required improvements which is still near equal to the value of the WCA's. Aid. Slocomb moved to proceed with acquisition of Freedom Square water system as long as value of the system remains within 10% of the value of the possible WCA's. Seconded by Aid. Petfalski, motion carried 2-0. Superintendent Kloskowski and Rich Eberhardt reported on the bid opening for the McShane storage facility. Base bid of $3,244,114.00 from Miron Construction is the apparent low bidder Since the bids were opened this afternoon, Ruekert & Mielke will analyze the bids and make a recommendation for a future meeting. Rich Eberhardt also explained some of the alternate bid items in the proposal for the McShane storage facility. Superintendent Kloskowski reported that an informational meeting would be scheduled with the residents in the area of the new storage facility in April, 2002. SEWER UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Status of Town of Norway Contract — Nothing new to report. Public Utilities Committee Minutes March 18, 2002 — Page 2 Status of Sewer Connections — Nothing new to report. Status of Proposed Amendment to SEWRPC's 208 Plan — Building/Engineering Inspection Director McMullen reported that a preliminary plat was received for the Blattner property. After review by the Plan Commission, the preliminary plat will be sent to SEWRPC for review. After review of the preliminary plat, SEWRPC will make a recommendation on the 208 area amendment. Further Review of Development Standards for Sewer & Water — This item was deferred. Further Review Request to Have City Purchase Property/Jacobus (Indian Trail) —Mayor DeAngelis explained why this issue was sent back to the Committee from the Common Council. When a Relocation Order is filed on a property it is attached to the title pf the property at the County. This makes it difficult to market a property. Since the intent of last month's Committee meeting was for Mr Jacobus to try to market his property before the Committee would • agree to purchase the property, a Relocation Order on the property would hinder the sale. Mr Jacobus explained that he did not feel that he could market the property in its current condition and did not think this was a good idea. Aid. Slocomb explained the process used in the EPI Landfill protection area when a property is sold within the protection area. Aid. Slocomb moved to agree in concept to the possible purchase or supplement to market value of the Jacobus property under the parameters used in the EPI Landfill agreement for property protection. The Sewer Utility will pay for the initial appraisal which will be done by an appraiser hired by Mr Jacobus. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried 2-1 with Aid. Petfalski voting nay. Further Review of Sewer Usage Charts and Compare REC Purchases — The Committee reviewed letter sent to commercial and industrial customers that may need to purchase extra capacity if the RCA is changed to be charged on actual use rather than the REC chart. SEWER - NEW BUSINESS: . Discuss Sewer Connection Fees/Schacht (Greenridge Trail) — Mr Schacht explained to the Committee that he built a new home on Greenridge Trail that • Public Utilities Committee Minutes March 18, 2002 — Page 3 was connected to sewers in November, 2000. When he took occupancy in November, 2001 he received a sewer usage bill back to the time of connection. Mr Schacht stated that if he had gotten a bill after the first quarter he would have disconnected his home. Engineering/Building Inspection Director McMullen stated that his department gives the paperwork for the connection to the Utility Clerk upon occupancy as a policy. In most homes, the timeframe between sewer connection and final occupancy is a matter of weeks or months rather than a year which Mr Schacht took while building his home himself. The Committee took a five minute break at 8:25 p.m. to allow Engineering/Building Inspection Director McMullen to obtain the Building file for this property. The meeting resumed at 8:30 p.m. with Ald. Slocomb as chair Aid. Sanders and Mayor DeAngelis were excused. Engineering/Building Inspection Direction McMullen cited dates from the Building file: • 11/21/00 Outside sewer approved 1/15/01 Rough plumbing approved 11/5/01 Final inspection Aid. Slocomb suggested that the Building Inspection Department review their procedures on notification to the Utility Clerk for sewer connections. Aid. Petfalski moved to forgive all but the first quarter bill since quarterly bills were not received and builder was not given an opportunity to disconnect the home from the sewer. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb, motion carried 2-0. WATER UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Status of Potential Impacts to Well V/Status of Stoneridge Groundwater Remediation — There was nothing new to report. Status of Proposed Power Plants — Muskego/New Berlin — Ald. Slocomb updated the Committee on the power plants stating that neither plant is moving forward quickly. The El Paso Power Plant has made some submittals to the DNR. WATER NEW BUSINESS: 0 Public Utilities Committee Minutes March 18, 2002 — Page 4 Review Request for Partial Payment on Hardship Assessment (Water) — Brian Schneider —The Committee reviewed memorandum from Clerk/Treasurer Marenda dated March 1, 2002 requesting authorization to accept payments from Mr Schneider Aid. Slocomb moved to approve accepting payment of $1,550.75 from Mr Schneider as a partial payment towards his deferred water assessment. Seconded by Aid. Petfalski, motion carried 2-0. The Committee would like the Clerk/Treasurer to review partial payment policy to possibly take more partial payments in the future. Review Community Well Specifications — Engineering/Building Inspection Director McMullen explained the reason for the proposed changes. Review Community Well Trust Documents — Engineering/Building Inspection Director McMullen explained the reason for the proposed changes. Establish Criteria for the Assessment of Moorland Road, Janesville to Candlewood Water Project — Review Bids, Determine Method of Assessment, Establish Interest Rates, Establish Date of Hardship Application, and Date to Tax Roll for installments — The Committee reviewed • the Assessment Roll for the Moorland Road watermain extension. Engineering/Building Inspection Director McMullen explained the Engineer's Report. Aid. Petfalski moved to establish the assessment method as front foot. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb, motion carried 2-0. Aid. Slocomb moved to establish interest rate on payment plan at 8.0%. Seconded by Aid. Pettalski, motion carried 2-0. Aid. Slocomb moved to set date of hardship application as September 1, 2002. Seconded by Aid. Petfalski, motion carried 2-0. Aid. Petfalski moved to establish date to tax roll as November 1, 2002 for installments. Seconded Aid. Slocomb, motion carried 2-0. Aid. Petfalski moved to approve Preliminary Assessment Roll dated March 5, 2002 as presented. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb, motion carried 2-0. Determine Need for Special Meeting on 3/28/02 to Review Bids on Moorland Road, Janesville to Candlewood Water Project — The Committee agreed that there will be a need for a special meeting on March 28, 2002 at 3:00 p.m. to . review several items including bids for the Moorland Road watermain project. • Public Utilities Committee Minutes March 18, 2002 — Page 5 UTILITIES SUPERINTENDENT REPORT Superintendent Kloskowski reported to the Committee on the progress of sewer televising. Many leaks have been found and a repair program will be put in place for future year's budgets. ADJOURNMENT Ald. Petfalski moved to adjourn at 10:00 p.m. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb, motion carried 2-0. Respectfully submitted, Scott Kloskowski Public Utilities Superintendent jz • �/-1� Sf-/j/ACU%� 567 G✓�G-Hc.�N G,�l�'.vr,Lr j,E° ��ol�� I 9 r-. • CONSULTANTS REPORT FOR. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MONDAY, March 18, 2002 Submitted MONDAY March 18, 2002 BOLD ITALICS INDICATE NEW INFORMATION CITY PROJECTS: FREEDOM SQUARE WATER SYSTEM Analysis of system value without well # 1 submitted to City WCA cost analysis submitted to City March 13 HIGHVIEW ACRES WAITING ON CHIMNEY SEAL REINSTALLATION HILLENDALE DR 1300 FT S TO 3500 FT S OF JANESVILLE RD Has the city processed final payment? MANHOLE REHABILITATION 2001 Final Change Order signed by the Contractor and forwarded to City Mc Shane Pump Station — Bluhm Drive Storage Facility Plans submitted to MMSD/DNR in December • Bid opening March 18, 2002, 3: 00 PM Well testing and monitoring letters were sent out by City Over 50 responses already received Approximately 25 have been tested, 15 more are scheduled NORTH SHORE LIFT STATION GENERATOR Alarm modifications being completed with City Operations and Maintenance manuals are being sent to City this week Completed operations insurance certificate has been received Project close out change order has not been signed and returned by Contractor. NORTH CAPE ROAD / RYAN RD TO 500 FT N. OF BOXHORN DR. Project close out paperwork in process WOODS ROAD — BROOKE LANE TO EAST OF RACINE AVENUE Project close out paper work sent to contractor DEVELOPMENTS: CANDLEWOOD (INTERIOR) Phase one plans have been reviewed. Met with Developer's engineer and City on February 7 to clarify design issues New plan submittal received March 12, 2002 for review • EPI LIFT STATION / FORCE MAIN City has all project close out paperwork • PAGE 2 Consultant's report for PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Monday March 18, 2002 JANESVILLE ROAD BOX CULVERT UTILITY RELOCATES Cost estimates to be submitted to City week of February 18 Estimates and design alternatives submitted to Cityfor review JANESVILLE ROAD WATER MAIN — JEWEL-OSCO TO ST, PAULS CHURCH Preliminary field survey completed Preliminary plans in progress JEWEL — OSCO FORCE MAIN AND LIFT STATION On site construction waiting on paperwork Field change for the Lift Station relocation design changes completed and submitted to City and Developer JEWEL — OSCO Offsite water main Safe water sample reports have been received Eastern 300 feet waiting on placement of fill. LAKEWOOD CONDOMINIUMS (OVERLOOK BAY) Punch list sent to contractor Final record drawings for sanitary sewer and water main submitted to City Storm water system record drawings submitted to City, pending location of pond outfall south of building number 4 MUSKEGO CENTER/BERG AS BUILTS COMPLETED PUNCH LIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR MUSKEGO MOTOR CAR CO PUNCH LIST RESENT TO CONTRACTOR MMSD REVIEWED AS BUILTS FEBRUARY 2, 2000 CONTRACTOR TOLD RIM THEY WILL NOT COMPLETE DUE TO PAYMENTS NOT RECEIVED Nature Estates (Boehm — Woods Road) Second plan review completed November 20, 2001 Revised plans received r/m January 16 for review QUIETWOOD CREEK (CARITY) Punch list was sent out Sanitary Sewer Record Drawings submitted to City December 6, 2001 Water and Storm Sewer record drawings pending coordination with Contractor for locations of valves and cleanouts N PAGE Consultant's report for PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Monday March 18, 2002 RAUSCH SANITARY PRESSURE SEWER — WOODS ROAD COMPLETED WEEK OF FEBRUARY 19T" Restoration is only remaining item. Record drawings submitted to MMSD and City April 6, 2001 Reserve at Champions Village Underground installation on hold pending road construction in spring Sanitary and Storm sewer main and water mains installed Saint Leonard's water main (East Tower Drive) Revised design plans and DNR forms submitted to City SAL FERRITO SEWER (PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER) DEWATERING WELL NOT REMOVED LATERALS NOT CONNECTED YET SARAH ESTATES (WOODS ROAD Record drawings for Sanitary Sewer submitted to MMSD January 14, 2002 Record Drawings for Water Main submitted to City January 14, 2002 • Record drawing for Storm Sewer pending coordination with contractor, preliminary drawings provided to City VICTORIAN VILLAS VIDEO OF SEWER NOT YET RECEIVED City has hired Visu-Sewer COMPLETED PROJECTS ONLY AWAITING MMSD APPROVAL OF RECORD DRAWINGS (AS BUILTS): CHAMPIONS VILLAGES — ADDITION 2 (PHASE THREE) HOLTZ - ARROWOOD KNUDSON FORCE MAIN NORTH CAPE FARM WISA FORCE MAIN — HILLENDALE DRIVE FJ