PUM20011015CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of Meeting Held Monday, October 15, 2001 Chairman Dave Sanders called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Also present were Committee members Ald. Mark Slocomb and Ald. Rick Petfalski, Mayor David DeAngelis, Building/Engineering Director Sean McMullen, Utilities Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, Finance Director Dawn Gunderson, Ruekert & Mielke representatives Rich Eberhardt and Steve Schultz, and those per the attached list. It was noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Ald. Slocomb moved to approve minutes of meeting held September 17, 2001 Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried 3-0. Finance Director Gunderson presented sewer and water budgets for 2002 and explained highlights in each budget. Proposed sewer rates are $157.36 connection charge plus $3.36 per thousand gallons consumption charge for commercial/industrial/multi-family and $387.44 per year for residential. This represents an $11.24 yearly increase for residential customers. Director Gunderson reported that the water utility would likely also apply to the PSC for a simplified rate increase after it files this year's PSC report. The amount of increase is not yet known. Ald. Slocomb questioned the amount of cash reserves and will work with Director Gunderson to answer his questions. Aid. Petfalski moved to accept both the sewer and water budgets and set the sewer usage rates as proposed. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried 3-0. STATUS OF PROJECTS The Committee reviewed the status of projects and consultant's report dated 10/10/01, as attached, with Rich Eberhardt, Building/Engineering Director McMullen, and Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski. Building/Engineering Director McMullen reported that a meeting will be held with the contractor on the North Cape sewer and EPI sewer forcemain to find out when they will be completed. SEWER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Status of Town of Norway Contract/Current Sewer Rates — The Mayor reported that parts of the City's case were referred to the PSC. • Public Utilities Committee — October 15, 2001 — Page 2 Status of Sewer Metering — Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski reported that one multi -family building and one business were left to have sewer meters installed and appointments were set up for this week. Status of Alternatives for In -Line Storage at McShane Lift Station — Rich Eberhardt presented a timeline and design estimates to the Committee. Discussion ensued on alternatives to lower costs. The Committee decided to continue with design while investigating cost saving measures. Discuss Utility Bills for Tax Key #2223.994.002 (Maciolek) — Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski gave the Committee background on the request for an adjustment to sewer and water bills for Maciolek. Utilities Superintendent reported that the meter tests were okay and a leak in the building's plumbing is suspected but could not be confirmed. Ald. Slocomb moved to deny request for adjustment due to lack of direct evidence of a leak. Seconded by Aid. Sanders, motion carried 3-0. Discuss Status of Sewer Connections — Mr Henry appeared representing O'Malley Investments property. Mr Henry explained that the project manager • that was in charge of this project has recently left town and Mr Henry is asking for an extension so he can take up this project and complete a deal with Mr Tom Laimon that will provide sewer service to both parcels. A letter was received from the Moose Lodge indicating that they are working with the Muskego Fire Department for demolition of their building. They are asking for an extension to December 31, 2001 A copy of a Release of Liability between the Tess Corners Fire Department and Loomis Martin LLC was presented as evidence that the Tess Corners Fire Department will be demolishing the building on the Loomis Martin property. Aid. Slocomb moved to grant extensions for connection to all three buildings until December 31, 2001 asking for progress reports in November, 2001 Seconded by Aid. Petfalski, motion carried 3-0. SEWER NEW BUSINESS Discuss Recent Billing Payment and Interest Charges for North Cape/Ryan to Boxhorn Sewer Extension (Miller) — Residents appeared to request that the assessments on this project be deferred until 2002 because they cannot make use of the sewers because the contractor is not finished. Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski explained why the assessment is levied as it is. Ald. Slocomb moved Public Utilities Committee — October 15, 2001 — Page 3 to change assessment resolution to reflect Novemer 1, 2002 instead of November 1, 2001 Seconded by Aid. Petfalski, motion carried 3-0. Review Proposed Amendment to SEWRPC's 208 Plan (Blattner/Benke/JEK 1-LLC) — Building/Engineering Director McMullen explained proposal on the Blattner property where Blattners are requesting to move sewer service area for Tax Key #2253.999 from the east side of North Cape Road to the west side since land west of North Cape Road is more desirable for development. Aid. Petfalski moved to approve request and submit to MMSD and SEWRPC. Seconded by Aid. Sanders, motion carried 3-0. Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski explained request to be included in service area for the JEK1 LLC property (Tax Key #2253.998) This property is directly north of the Blattner property and adjacent to it. The owners had been discussing developing this parcel with on -site waste disposal systems and Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski suggested that now might be a good time to request sewer service again before proceeding further Ald. Petfalski moved to petition MMSD and SEWRPC for inclusion of this property in the sewer service area (208 area) Seconded by Aid. Sanders, motion carried 3-0. • Review 3`d Quarter Sewer and Water Bill/Tax Key #2228.999.009 (Tesch) — Mr Tesch appeared to request an adjustment to his sewer and water bills due to a leak found in a toilet in his building. Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski explained that his employees confirmed that they found a toilet that was running constantly and was the reason for his high usage. Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski also explained that the PSC has a rate schedule set for water lost due to leaks and the Committee does not need to take action on the water billing. That adjustment can be done administratively. Aid. Sanders moved to adjust the sewer bill for the 3`d quarter to reflect an average of the previous four quarters due to evidence of the leaking toilet confirmed by Utility employees. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb, motion carried 2-0 with Aid. Petfalski abstaining due to a personal relationship with Mr. Tesch. WATER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Status of Potential Impacts to Well V/Status of Stoneridge Groundwater Remediation — There was nothing new to report. Status of Proposed Power Plants — Muskego/New Berlin — There was nothing new to report. • Public Utilities Committee — October 15, 2001 — Page 4 Status of Repainting of Water Tower — Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski reported that prep work should be completed the week of 10/15/01 Status of Freedom Square Water Service — Freedom Square Board members Sue Church and Gerry Biwer appeared to request connection to the municipal water system for the Freedom Square Condominiums. They propose to turn over their water system to the Utility which includes two wells along with hydrants and mains. A letter from the Association president along with General Meeting Minutes of an October 4, 2001 Association meeting indicate a 39-3 vote in favor of connecting to the Utility. Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski and Steve Schultz explained the costs associated with taking over the system and bringing the wells up to current code. Aid. Sanders moved to approve taking over the Freedom Square water system "as is" and direct Ruekert & Mielke to proceed with collecting data and to move ahead with application to the PSC and DNR for approval. Seconded by Aid. Petfalski, motion carried 3-0. • Status of Proposed Janesville Road Water Project — Ruekert & Mielke is currently working on the design. Review of Water Study — Steve Schultz appeared to present the Water Study along with a summary and a proposed 5-Year Capital Plan. WATER NEW BUSINESS Review Amendments to WCA District (Freedom Square/Lannon Drive Properties/Janesville Road Water Project Properties) — Aid. Sanders moved to expand the WCA District and water service area to include the Freedom Square Condominiums and to set a Public Hearing date of 1/22/02. Seconded by Aid. Petfalski, motion carried 3-0. Set Front Foot Water Rates for Residential/Commercial — Building/Engineering Director McMullen presented a memo suggesting new front foot rates for water assessments. Aid. Sanders moved to set the residential rate at $37.82 and the commercial rate at $42.73. Seconded by Aid. Petfalski, motion carried 3-0. Report of Utilities Superintendent — Superintendent Kloskowski that the camera truck should be delivered in late December and that he and Sean • McMullen will travel to the plant for tour and console set up in late November Public Utilities Committee — October 15, 2001 — Page 5 Aid. Sanders moved for adjournment at 12:00 a.m. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb, motion carried 3-0. Respectfully submitted, Scott Kloskowski Public Utilities Superintendent jz • fo-is- or e-,-64j"w Kellk 1-6K saeOL0N G,a.ed¢7 a e f�E/✓jZ, e/�-S CONSULTANTS REPORT FOR: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE • MONDAY, October 15, 2001 Submitted Wednesday October 10, 2001 BOLD ITALICS INDICATE NEW INFORMATION CITY PROJECTS: HIGHVIEW ACRES WAITING ON CHIMNEY SEAL REINSTALLATION HILLENDALE DR 1300 FT S TO 3500 FT S OF JANESVILLE RD Has the city processed final payment? MANHOLE REHABILITATION 2001 Pending Final Change Order Mc Shane Pump Station — Bluhm Drive Storage Facility Design in process Met with Director of Engineering and Superintendent of Public Utilities NORTH SHORE LIFT STATION GENERATOR Received WEPCO cost estimate Waiting for Miller Electric proposal NORTH CAPE ROAD / RYAN RD TO 500 FT N. OF BOXHORN DR. Construction continues. All pipeline construction completed • Contractor sent letters regarding completion deadlines WOODS ROAD — BROOKE LANE TO EAST OF RACINE AVENUE Project close out paper work sent to contractor DEVELOPMENTS: CANDLEWOOD (INTERIOR) Phase one plans have been reviewed. EPI LIFT STATION / FORCE MAIN Shop drawing submittal and approvals almost complete. Contractor waiting for EPI internal sewer approval to make connection in wet well before finishing site grading and paving Contractor sent letters regarding completion deadlines JEWEL — OSCO FORCE MAIN AND LIFT STATION Revised plans reviewed Plans submitted to MMSD and DNR September 6, 2001 for approval LAKEWOOD CONDOMINIUMS (OVERLOOK BAY) SAFE SAMPLE RECEIVED WET CONNECTION OF WATER MAIN WAS COMPLETED Field survey completed except for one filled inlet Field check revealed paving and grading damaged several valve boxes • Punch list will be sent to contractor PAGE 2 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Monday October 15, 2001 MUSKEGO CENTER/BERG AS BUILTS COMPLETED PUNCH LIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR MUSKEGO MOTOR CAR CO PUNCH LIST RESENT TO CONTRACTOR MMSD REVIEWED AS BUILTS FEBRUARY 2, 2000 CONTRACTOR TOLD R/M THEY WILL NOT COMPLETE DUE TO PAYMENTS NOT RECEIVED QUIETWOOD CREEK (CARITY) Internal construction completed Record drawings in process Punch list was sent out RAUSCH SANITARY PRESSURE SEWER— WOODS ROAD COMPLETED WEEK OF FEBRUARY 19Tn Restoration is only remaining item. Record drawings submitted to MMSD and City April 6, 2001 SAL FERRITO SEWER (PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER) DEWATERING WELL NOT REMOVED LATERALS NOT CONNECTED YET SARAH ESTATES (WOODS ROAD Water main connection in Parkland Drive and wet connections at Woods Road and Green Street completed Curbs installed VICTORIAN VILLAS VIDEO OF SEWER NOT YET RECEIVED City has hired Visu-Sewer COMPLETED PROJECTS ONLY AWAITING MMSD APPROVAL OF RECORD DRAWINGS (AS BUILTS): CHAMPIONS VILLAGES — ADDITION 2 (PHASE THREE) HOLTZ-ARROWOOD KNUDSON FORCE MAIN NORTH CAPE FARM WISA FORCE MAIN — HILLENDALE DRIVE 0