PUM20010724CITY OF MUSKEGO Unapproved
Minutes of Meeting Held Tuesday, July 24, 2001
Acting Chairman Aid. Mark Slocomb called the meeting to order at 6:55 p.m.
Present were Committee member Aid. Rick Petfalski and Mayor De Angelis. Aid,
Dave Sanders was absent.
It was noted by Acting Chairman Slocomb that the meeting was noticed in
accordance with the Open Meeting Law.
1 Review bids for water tower painting.
One bid was received, which was submitted by Aero Painting, Inc. in the amount
of $102,517 Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski and Engineering and Building
Inspection Director McMullen both recommend acceptance of the bid. Aid.
Slocomb moved to recommend acceptance of bid submitted by Aero Painting,
Inc. in the amount of $102,517 for the Industrial Park Water Tower Paint Repair
project. Aid. Petfalski seconded; motion carried.
There was no further business to come before the Committee. Aid. Petfalski
• moved to adjourn at 6:57 Aid. Slocomb seconded; motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
ill Blenski, Deputy Clerk
Recording Secretary