PUM20010122PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING - CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved Minutes of Meeting Held Monday January 22, 2001 Chairman David Sanders called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. Present were committee members Ald. Mark • Slocomb and A]& William Le Doux. Also present were Utilities Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, Engineering/Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen and Ruckert-Mielke representative Richard Eberhardt. It was noted by Chairman David Sanders that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meetin¢ Ald Slocomb moved to approve the minutes of the November 16, 2000 and December 12, 2000 meetings. Seconded by Ald. Le Doux, motion carried Status of Proiects Richard Eberhardt reviewed the status of projects (as per attached) noting the following updates. Scott reported the North Shore Lift Station Building and generator are in place and utility should be connecting in a week. The Hillendale Water Project restoration should begin in spring. The appraisal for the North Cape Lift Station easement was faxed to Attorney Molter's office then forwarded directly to the property owner's attorney along with their rights letter. SEWER UNFINISHED Status of Town of Norwav Contract The Mayor reported the City of Muskego is still waiting for the DNR's final rulings. The staff will be meeting with Jim Fiacco from Ruekert-Mielke to discuss the over charges and the credits issued. Status of Sewer Meterintt Utility Superintendent Kloskowski reported that the Utility is still waiting delivery of the large meters. A letter will be mailed to the property owners who have not yet picked up their meters. The meters will be read this week for the • Freedom Square & Pioneer Centre Condo's, then read again at the end of the quarter. An average will be prorated for the first three weeks of the quarter for these two property owners. Status of MMSD Proposed Storm Water Rules The committee noted that the City of Muskego, along with other concerned communities, has sent correspondence to MMSD pointing out various items of concern with their proposal. Review request for sewer capacity — Nature Estates (Boehm) Mr. Wayne Salentine appeared before the committee at the 11/16/00 meeting, to request sewer capacity for a fifteen (15)-lot subdivision on the south side of Woods Road. Director McMullen reported the City is waiting for a further clarification on the Amended 208 Sewer Service Area from SEWRPC. Review Deadline of Sewer Connections Two of the properties on the North Cape Ryan Sewer Project had been given a deadline of connection of December 24, 2000, but still had not yet complied. The property owner of 42257.976 did pay for the connection fee on July 14, 2000. Both property owners had been invited to the meeting,and asked to supply the committee with a copy of their signed contract. The committee did not receive their copies of their contracts. Ald. Sanders made a motion to extend the amended deadline for connection to the sewer system for the two property owners (#2257.976 & #2257.978.005) until the April, 2001 Public Utilities Committee Meeting. Ald Le Doux seconded, motion carried. The property owner of S69 W 16643 Martin Dr. (#2171.113) had been given a deadline to connect to the sewer system of November 24, 2000. The property owner did supply the committee a copy of their signed contract, and was hoping to be connected. The committee would like to be informed each month of the status of the connection. • FFther discussion on claim received from Zaharopoulos — Boxhorn-Grovewav-Ryan Sewer Project Ald. Slocomb noted that he had spoken with Mr. Zaharopoulos and his request was for an additional $2,000.00 plus the amount of $5,350.00 recommended by the City Engineers in their letter dated June 2, 1999. Ald Le Doux made a motion to defer the request for the additional amount until the committee can review further documentation ofcost by Mr. Zaharpoulos. Seconded by Aid. Sanders, motion carried. ty\ Public Utilities Committee Minutes — 1/22/2001 — Page 2 SEWER NEW BUSINESS • Discuss Policy Charging for Sewer Usage for those whose meters are not installed by Deadline Meters had been required to be installed no later than December 31, 2000 for all commercial and industrial users. Due to the delay in receiving the meters, not all the meters have been installed. Aid. Slocomb made a motion to continue to charge the properties that do not have a meter installed by the old method until the meter is installed. Ald Sanders seconded, motion carried Review Bids for North Cape Rvan 500' N of Boxhorn Sewer Project The committee reviewed the following bids for the project: Contractor Base Bid Underground Pipeline $675,212.75 Rawson Contractors $691,728.50 Advanced Sewer & Water $691,412.00 Mainline Sewer & Water $749,889.00 Globe Contractors $695,122.00 United Sewer & Water $718,956.00 Super Excavators $720,728.00 Aid. Sanders moved to reject the low bid from Underground Pipeline due to the fact the bid was not completed properly and deemed unresponsive and to accept the recommendation from the engineers to accept the bid from Advanced Sewer and Water Inc. in the amount of $691, 412.00 with a net reduction of $9, 730.00 Mandatory Alternate Item MA-1 an addition of$1.00 bid Item 26 for a total of $681, 683.00, contingent on DNR & MMSD approval of the project and acquisition of Lift Station site. Ald.Le Doux seconded, motion carried. • Assessment calculations were discussed. The committee would like the method of calculating interest to be researched. Determine the rate by the amount charged from the borrowing plus charge an additional percentage for the cost of administrative charge. Aid Slocomb made a motion to set the interest rate at 8% and to review the calculation of rate, at the rate of initial borrowing plus administrative charges. Ald. Sanders seconded, motion carried. Ald Sanders made a motion to set a deadline to apply far the hardship application of September 1, 2001 and approval date of October 1, 2001 for hardship status. Ald. Slocomb seconded, motion carried. Ald Sanders made a motion to have the assessments due on or before November 1, 2001, and the first year of installments on the 2001 tax roll. Ald Le Doux seconded, motion carried. The committee discussed the county access restrictions on several properties and how this would affect their assessments. The committee directed Mr. McMullen to take the sewer plans and meet with the DOT to determine the possible number of access points for several property owners. Ald Slocomb made a motion to charge the Lorenz property owners (#2253.996.001) only for a 2 inch pressure lateral because this property will be developed internally. Ald Sanders seconded, motion carried Ald Slocomb made a motion to reduce the Lang property (#2256.986) total number of units from 11 to 3 units due to the number of access points for the property and to reduce the frontage by the amount that will be needed for the lift station, that cost will be non assessable. Ald. Le Doux seconded, motion carried Ald Sanders made a motion to have the assessment method prepared three ways: by Front Foot Cost, Unit Cost, or 50150 Front Foot/Unit Rate. Aid Le Doux seconded, motion carried E Public Utilities Committee Minutes — 1/22/2001 — Page 3 Review Bids for EPI ForcemainlLiftstation & Garage Construction • The committee reviewed the following bids for the project: Contractor Base Bid Globe Contractors $614,545.00 Mainline Sewer $668,003.00 Rawson Contractors $667,707.00 United Sewer & Water $666,699.00 Westra $559,309.00 Advanced Sewer & Water $477,546.00 Underground Pipeline $597,773.00 Super Excavators $523,935.00 Terra Engineering $834,313.75 Michaels Pipeline $755,874.00 Ald Sanders moved to accept the recommendation of the engineers for the low bid, Advanced Sewer & Water in the amount of $477, 546.00 contingent on DNR & MtLISD approval of the Superior EPI Lift Station and Force Main project. Ald Slocomb seconded, motion carried Review Ouarterly Billing The committee reviewed the payment made for the Town of Norway for the 3rd Qtr bill and a V Qtr credit of $2,192.10 & 2"d Qtr credit of $3,213.01 for a TOTAL of $15,067.39. The committee reviewed the 4 h quarter bill received from Town of Norway. Ald. Sanders moved to approve payment for the 41h Qtr bill to the Town of Norway in the amount of$16,669.70. Seconded by Ald. Le Doux, motion carried • The committee reviewed the 4d' quarter bill received from MMSD. Ald Sanders moved to approve payment for the 4`" Qtr bill to MMSD in the amount of$130,258.65. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb, motion carried. Review 2001 Capital Charges from MMSD The committee reviewed the invoice due April 1, 2001, Capital Charge for 2001 of $224,467.00 plus an additional billing of $397,545.00 for 1999 Capital Charges because actual watercourse expenditures were less in 1999 than budgeted. Ald. Sanders made a motion to approve payment to MMSD for the total of $622, 012.00 in Capital Charges. Ald Le Doux seconded, motion carried. The committee noted the District will either issue an additional charge or credit in the year 2003, after the actual watercourse expenditures in year 2001 are finalized. WATER UNFINISHED Status of Stoneridge Ground Water Remediation Utility Superintendent Kloskowski advised that the Mayor has sent a letter to USEPA-Region 5 expressing concern regarding potential groundwater contamination from the Muskego Sanitary Landfill as it relates to private wells in the city and, in particular, to Well V, Mayor reported a meeting is to be scheduled with the USEPA. Ald. Sanders would Re to be notified when the meeting is scheduled. Status on proposed electrical power plant — New Berlin Nothing new to report. Status of Repainting of the Water Tower Mayor reported the City is waiting to hear back from the Bonding Company. 0 Public Utilities Committee Minutes — 1/22/2001 — Page 4 WATER NEW BUSINESS • Review Pellmann Water Assessment -Woods Rd. The original assessment on the property #2218.990 was calculated by the frontage on the south side of the street of Woods Rd. The property owners requested at the time the assessment was done to take into consideration the pond. The committee advised them to bring this item back at the time a final plat was to be done. AId. Slocomb made a motion to reduce the MW-26-99 water assessment on the property (92218.990) for the amount of the nonbuddable frontage plus the interest on the portion due to the stormwater retainage pond subject to the approval and recording of the final plat. Ald Le Doux seconded, motion carried. The Pellmann's had also been looking for a reduction on the Kurtze Lane Sewer Project. Ald Sanders made a motion to deny reduction for the sewer assessment. Ald. Slocomb seconded, motion carried. The amount of the water assessment will be determined at the time the final plat sketch is approved. REVIEW OF DEFERRED ASSESSMENTS/SEWER & WATER — Nothing new to report. REVIEW OF FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL PLAN Review alternatives for in -line storaze at McShane Lift Station The committee reviewed correspondence from Ken Ward, Ruekert & Mielke, requested by Utility Superintendent Kloskowski on alternatives for in -line sewage storage in the McShane Drive pump station access drive. Utility Superintendent Kloskowski requested this information as in -line storage has the advantage of not having to be pumped into or out of The estimates are as follows: Alternative No. Pipe Size • 1 108" diameter 2 120" diameter 3 87" x 138" upsidedown arch pipe 4 10" x 10' concrete box with flume 5 12' x 10' concrete box with flume 6 Twin 8' x 8' concrete box with flume Storage Volume Estimated Cost 475,000 gallons $1,187,500 587,000 gallons $1,312,500 475,000 gallons $1,200,000 703,000 gallons $1,062,000 852,000gallons $1,437,000 1,120,000 gallons $2,400,000 Ald Slocomb made a motion to direct the engineers to do field survey for cost effective way for storing volume between 850,000 and 1,000,000 gallons and to construct in 2002. Ald Sanders seconded, motion carried ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS -None REPORT OF UTILITY SUPERINTENDENTIREPORT OF CITY ENGINEER None COMMUNICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW —None Ald.Slocomb moved to adjourn at 9:55 PM. Seconded by Ald.Le Doux, motion carried. Res ectfully sub fitted, I Ren e Kowahk Recording Secretary • CONSULTANTS REPORT FOR: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 2001 Submitted Wednesday January 17, 2001 BOLD ITALICS INDICATE NEW INFORMATION CITY PROJECTS: BOXHORN, RYAN, GROVEWAY CLOSEOUT BEING HANDLED BY THE CITY HIGHVIEW ACRES WAITING ON CHIMNEY SEAL REINSTALLATION HILLENDALE DR 1300 FT S TO 3500 FT S OF JANESVILLE RD PROJECT CLOSE OUT PAPER WORK IN PROCESS LOOMIS DRIVE / NORTH CAPE RD - US45 / MSS-1 C-96 - LETTER SENT WITH FINAL PAPERWORK REQUIREMENTS PROJECT FINAL PAYMENT ON HOLD PENDING LIEN RESOLUTION MANHOLE REHABILITATION 2000 CONTRACTOR HAS STARTED CLOSE OUT PAPERWORK PUNCHLIST TO BEREPAIRED INSPRING MANHOLE REHABILITATION 2001 • TENATIVE BID DATE FEBR UARY 15, 2001 NORTH SHORE LIFT STATION GENERATOR BUILDING SET JANUARY 5 CONNECTIONSAND WIRING INPROGRESS TEST TENATIVELY WEEK OF January 22nd NORTH CAPE ROAD / RYAN RD TO 500 FT N. OF BOXHORN DR. WAITING ON PRELIMINARY AGREEMENT AS TO STATION LOCATION COUNTY HAS INQUIRED ABOUT SCHEDULE - THEY PAVE IN 2001 SITE CORNERS TO BE MARKED MONDAY NOVEMBER 13 SEWRPC LOCATED WETLANDS SURVEYED NOVEMBER 21 DNR CHAPTER 103 PERMIT REQUIRED PROOF OFNO ALTERNATIVE PUMP STATION SITE WAS REDESIGNED TO AVOID WETLANDS MMSD/DNR APPROVAL PACKAGE SUBMITTED NOVEMBER 29 WAUKESHA COUNTYDOT PERMITAPPLICA TION SENT NOV. 29 BIDS OPENED JANUARY]], SEE RECOMMENDATION WOODLAND CT / SLABICH LATERAL PROJECT CLOSE OUT PAPER WORK STARTED WOODS ROAD - KURTZE LANE TO BAY LANE PROJECT MW-26-99 PROJECT CLOSE OUT PAPER WORK STARTED WOODS ROAD - BROOKE LANE TO EAST OF RACINE AVENUE 0 CONTRACTOR REQUESTING FINAL PAYMENT • PAGE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MONDAY JANUARY 22, 2001 WOODS ROAD - SANDY BEACH FORCE MAIN PROJECT CLOSE OUT PAPER WORK STARTED DEVELOPMENTS: PUNCHLIST REMAINS CANDLEWOOD (INTERIOR) PHASE ONE PLANS TO BE RECEIVED SOON CANDLEWOOD - WOODS ROAD WATER MAIN WOODS ROAD WATER - PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE HELD DECEMBER 15, 2000 START JANUARY 10, 2001 MUST BE COMPLETED BY MARCH 20, 2001 CHAMPIONS VILLAGES - ADDITION 3 (PHASE FOUR) SANITARY VIDEO SHOWS SOME FRAMES HAVE BEEN SHIFTED PUNCH LIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR DECEMBER 1, 2000 • CHAMPIONS VILLAGES - MUIRFIELD VILLAGE DEER CREEK TWO PUNCH LIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR RESTORATION WAS DONE ADJACENT TO LAKE RIDGE DYER EASEMENT - HILLENDALE DRIVE PUNCHLIST COMPLETED EXCEPT FOR RESTORATION EPI LIFT STATION / FORCE MAIN WORKING WITH WDOT REGARDING DOUBLE WALL FORCE MAIN WAITING FOR EPI RESPONSE TO MMSD PRETREATMENT OF LEACHATE REQUIREMENTS R/M DESIGNING MONITORING STATIONS EASEMENT ACQUISTION IN PROCESS RESUBMITTED TO MMSD/DNR FOR REAPPROVAL NOVEMBER 29, BIDS OPENED JANUARY 9, SEE RECOMMENDATION JEWEL - OSCO FORCE MAIN AND LIFT STATION SEE LETTERS -JANESVILLE ROAD AND INTERNAL WATER MAINS LIFT STATION DESIGN COMPLETED - READY TO SUBMIT FOR APPROVALS DIRECTION REQUIRED ON PUBLIC OR PRIVATE BIDDING LAKEWOOD MEADOWS ADD NO 2 . NOTHING NEW • PAGE 3 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 2001 LAKEWOOD CONDOMINIUMS (OVERLOOK BAY) SAFE SAMPLE RECEIVED WET CONNECTION OF WATER MAIN WAS COMPLETED LOUGHNEY/NETTESHIEM (KELSEY DRIVE)/SALENTINE MAINS INSTALLED AND TESTED (CHIMNEY SEALS ONLY) RESTORATION REMAIN PUNCHLIST REVIEW. RECORD DRAWINGS IN PROGRESS TWO MANHOLES WITH LEAKS IN BARREL SECTIONS REPAIRED CONTRACTOR VACUUM TESTED TWO MANHOLES -PASSED MUSKEGO CENTER/BERG AS BUILTS COMPLETED PUNCH LIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR MUSKEGO MOTOR CAR CO PUNCH LIST RESENT TO CONTRACTOR MMSD REVIEWED AS BUILTS FEBRUARY 2, 2000 CONTRACTOR TOLD R/M THEY WILL NOT COMPLETE DUE TO PAYMENTS NOT RECEIVED OUTLOT 3 KIMBERLY ESTATES SEWER AND WATER • PUNCHLIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR, RESTORATION REMAINS PIONEER DRIVE / PARKS GARAGE FINAL PAPER WORK SENT TO CITY QUIETWOOD CREEK (CARITY) INTERNAL CONSTRUCTION CONTINUES PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT WAS WAITING ON STORM SEWER CROSSING - GAS MAIN CONFLICT SOUTH SIDE WOODS ROAD WATER MAIN WET CONNECTION MADE NOVEMBER 16 RAUSCH SANITARY PRESSURE SEWER- WOODS ROAD PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE HELD OCTOBER I Ith WAITING FOR MMSD/DNR APPROVAL ROSEWOOD ESTATES (FORMERLY WOODGATE ESTATES) POST PAVING PUNCHLIST (UNDERGROUND) COMPLETED SAL FERRITO SEWER (PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER) DEWATERING WELL NOT REMOVED LATERALS NOT CONNECTED YET SARAH ESTATES (WOODS ROAD) SEE PLAN REVIEW LETTER MET WITH DEVELOPER OCTOBER 12, 2000 • VICTORIAN VILLAS VIDEO OF SEWER NOT YET RECEIVED • PAGE 4 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 2001 COMPLETED PROJECTS ONLY AWAITING MMSD APPROVAL OF RECORD DRAWINGS (AS BUILTS): CHAMPIONS VILLAGES - ADDITION 2 (PHASE THREE) HOLTZ-ARROWOOD KNUDSON FORCE MAIN NORTH CAPE FARM WISA FORCE MAIN - HILLENDALE DRIVE