PUM20000320PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING —CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved Minutes of Meeting Held Monday, March 20, 2000 • The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Chairman David Sanders. Present were committee members Ald. Mark Slocomb, Ald. William Le Doux, Utility Supt. Scott Kloskowski, and Ruekert-Mielke representatives Richard Eberhardt and Steve Schultz. Mayor arrived at 8:23 p.m. It was noted by Ald. Sanders that the meeting was posted on 3/15/00 in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Ald. Sanders read the closed session notice. Review of Minutes of Previous Meeting The minutes of the meeting held on February 21, 2000 were reviewed and placed on file. Status of Projects Mr Rich Eberhardt gave status of City Projects as attached. North Cape Ryan N 500' Boxhorn Sewer Project: An informational meeting will be held Thursday, March 23, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. in the Alderman's room. Hwy 36/45 Project: The committee was advised that the manhole in front of the church was installed incorrectly and there was a leak in the boot. Wayne Stever corrected the • work and submitted a bill of $ 756.50 which will be subtracted from the original contractor's bill. The engineers are looking for a way to prevent this from happening again. I & I Repairs Program: The committee directed Scott to send a certified letter to the property on West Tower Drive informing them of a possible citation being issued if the illegal sump pump discharging in the sewer is not corrected. The Utility men checked the property prior to sending a letter and noted the sump pump had been disconnected. 2000 Manhole Rehab. Bids will be opened March 23, 2000. A special Public Utilities Committee Meeting will be held March 28, 2000 at 6:45 p.m. to review bids for I & I Reduction Program. McShane Pump Station: The committee directed Scott to contact Mr Renner regarding the performance base. Scott reported the generator works, and testing of the bypass should be done this week. Further discussion on Hi View connections: A memo sent by the Sewer Utility Clerk advised the committee the property was connected to the sewer on March 7, 2000. This item can be removed form the agenda. St. Leonards Forcemain and Water Main: A letter dated February 24, 2000 was • received from St. Leonards Congregation requesting the City of Muskego to stop any further design and construction plans and request final billing costs related to these charges. Ruekert-Mielke submitted an invoice dated March 8, 2000 which will be processed. This item can be removed from the agenda. Public Utilities Meeting March 20, 2000 Page2 • Sandy Beach Lift Station/Forcemain: Woods Rd. Forcemain Bids were opened February 24, 2000. The committee reviewed the letter dated March 1, 2000 from Ruekert-Mielke, that recommends award of bid to the Wanasek Corp. low bidder in the amount of $209,600.00. Ald. Sanders moved to approve the recommendation of bid from the Wanasek Corp. in the amount of $209,600.00 for the Woods Rd. Sandy Beach forcemain which will go to CC on March 28, 2000. Aid. Le Doux seconded, motion carried. Review Policy for Connections: The Capacity Utilization Permit Application was reviewed and discussed for possible changes needed to Chapter 21 to address issues of connections verses capacity approval. The committee will continue to explore options of the process of approval of capacity. The committee needs the Engineers to determine the flow capacity prior to the connections being approved. Mayor recommends all allocations be granted upon capacity. This item will be further discussed. Review Plans for Forcemain Loughney/Salentine: The committee reviewed the letter from Ruekert-Mielke, dated March 15, 2000 to Mr Brian Turk, Plan Director Mr Bob Gassert spoke on behalf of Mr. Wayne Salentine and Mr John Loughney who also appeared to address comments in the letter Mr Rich Eberhardt recommends the plans indicate where the large tiles are located on Kelsey and also to include an easement on the CSM which is an issue for the Public Works Dept. Ald. Slocomb . made a motion to approve the forcemain connection for the Loughney/Salentine property on Kelsey Dr, subject to City Engineers final approval and will then submit to the Town of Norway for approval. Ald. Sanders seconded, motion carried. Review Damage Claim-Zaharopoulos: A letter was received requesting reimbursement for damages to property #2261.989 on the Boxhorn/Groveway/Ryan Sewer Project from Mr Nick Zaharopoulos in the amount of $8,537.00. This item was deferred to next months meeting. The committee requires an itemized list of costs from Mr Zaharopoulos. Review Sewer & Water Plans Champions Village Addition #3: Mr Bill Pucillo of Burke Properties appeared on behalf of the Champions Villiage Addition #3. The committee had not received plans or a letter of recommendation for approval of these plans. Discussion was held on procedure. Aid. Sanders made a motion to approve the sewer and water plans for Champions Village Addition #3 subject to reviewing the recommendation letter from engineers prior to the Common Council meeting held to approve the minutes. Aid. Slocomb seconded, motion carried. Mr Rich Eberhardt indicated he would Email letter for the Alderman to review. Status of properties to be included in WCA District extension south side of Woods Rd./Moorland Corridor: An informational meeting was held Thursday, March 16, 2000. Scott indicated that a followup post card will be sent to the property owners asking them to indicate • whether they wish to be included in the WCA District. This item will be deferred to next months meeting, at that time the committee will review results. Public Utilities Meeting March 20, 2000 Page3 • Discuss facility plan for water system: Ruekert-Mielke prepared a cost estimate and list of services to update the Water System Master Plan which had been done in 1990. This process will take between four and five months to complete at an estimated labor cost of $22,000.00 - $26,000.00 plus reimbursable expenses. The budget didn't include this study this year, but the committee understood the need for a 10 year plan. Mr Steve Schultz, of Ruekert-Mielke, discussed the list of services with the committee and suggested where cost could be reduced if the committee decided. The committee directed the engineers to prepare cost estimate for potential well and tower sites for next months meeting. Other items will be addressed at budget time. Mr Steve Schultz left at 8:28 p.m. Discussion COM 83/Chapter 21: Mayor discussed with the committee the need to make some language changes to Chapter 21, upon the State adoption COM 83. This item was deferred. Mr Rich Eberhardt had been excused at 9:18 p.m. Status of Town of Norway Contract: The committee did not go into Closed Session due to nothing new to report. Report from the Utility Supervisor: Scott reported a problem with a sewer lateral that • had been installed on a property on Hillendale N of Hwy L. which had been back pitched when laid. The contractor reported that when they connected the lateral, was full of water Scott asked the contractor to stop and take a look to see what the problem was but the contractor didn't stop. The contractor's opinion was that something was in the lateral and it was our problem and had continued with the installation to the house which is about 400' back. Now we are trying to track back the lateral; the pitch is still about 8" high. The inspector should have caught the original problem, which appeared that the lateral had been laid backwards, so the Utility will notify Ruekert-Mielke to find some resolution. Scott also reported the Utility has flow monitors on two sewer laterals located on Skylark which come out at the manhole. Scott will notify two property owners on Skylark of possible citations that could be issued because of illegal sump pump connections. Discussion was held on amount of the citation and the enforcement of the citation the committee felt this issue should be further discussed ADJOURNMENT - Being no further business to discuss, Ald. Slocomb moved to adjourn at 10:16 p.m. Ald. Sanders seconded, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, , • Renee Kowalik Recording Secretary CITY OF MUSKEGO MEETING GUEST SIGN -IN SHEET MEETING NAME (Please P AGENDAITEM • CONSULTANTS REPORT FOR: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MONDAY, MARCH 20, 2000 Submitted Tuesday March 14, 2000 BOLD ITALICS INDICATE NEW INFORMATION CITY PROJECTS: BOXHORN, RYAN, GROVEWAY FINAL RESTORATION AND CLOSEOUT BEING HANDLED BY CITY HIGHVIEW ACRES WAITING ON CHIMNEY SEAL REINSTALLATION HILLENDALE DR 1300 FT S TO 3500 FT S OF JANESVILLE RD PUNCHLIST AND RESTORATION REMAIN CITY WILL INSPECT SERVICES INTO RESIDENCES MC SHANE BYPASS PIPING/STORAGE BUILDING PUNCHLIST SENT OUT RESTORATION IN SPRING NORTH SHORE LIFT STATION GENERATOR AGENDA ITEM • LOOMIS DRIVE / NORTH CAPE RD - US45 / MSS-IC-96 - LETTER SENT WITH FINAL PAPERWORK REQUIREMENTS NORTH CAPE ROAD / RYAN RD TO 500 FT N. OF BOXHORN DR. IN DESIGN WAITING ON PRELIMINARY AGREEMENT AS TO STATION LOCATION ST LEONARDS FORCE MAIN AND WATER MAIN PRELIMINARY PLANS PROVIDED FOR DISCUSSION WITH CHURCH PROJECT PLACED ON HOLD — SEE AGENDA ITEM WOODLAND CT / SLABICH LATERAL PUNCHLIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR WOODS ROAD - KURTZE LANE TO BAY LANE PROJECT MW-26-99 PAVEMENT AND RESTORATIONREMAIN WOODS ROAD - BROOKE LANE TO EAST OF RACINE AVENUE INSTALLING HYDRANTS AND 16INCH WATER MAIN IN RACINE AVENUE WEEK OF MARCH 13, 2000 WOODS ROAD - SANDY BEACH FORCE MAIN SEE AGENDA ITEM— RECOMMENDATION OFA WARD 0 PAGE • PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MONDAY MARCH 20, 2000 DEVELOPMENTS: AVION ESTATES PUNCHLIST REMAINS AS BUILTS SENT TO MMSD CANDLEWOOD PHASE ONE PLANS TO BE RECEIVED SOON WOODS ROAD WATERMAM PLANS TO BE SENT TO DNR AFTER QUIETWOOD PLANS CHAMPIONS VILLAGES — ADDITION 2 (PHASE THREE) PUNCHLIST ITEMS COMPLETED AS BUILTS SENT TO MMSD January 14, 2000 CHAMPIONS VILLAGES — ADDITION 3 (PHASE FOUR) SEE PLAN REVIEW LETTER DEER CREEK CONTRACTOR REPAIRED SAG IN SEWER AT LATERAL CONNECTION DEER CREEK TWO PUNCH LIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR • EPI LIFT STATION / FORCE MAIN RESENT TO WISCONSIN DOT FOR PERMIT RESUBMITTED TO MMSD TO REPLACE LOST MATERIALS WORKING WITH WDOT REGARDING DOUBLE WALL FORCE MAIN WAITING FOR EPI RESPONSE TO MMSD PRETREATMENT OF LEA CHATE REQUIREMENTS hA14VAIWAN:101IM6Z•1Q RESTORATION IS ALL THAT REMAINS AS BUILTS SENT TO MMSD KNUDSON FORCE MAIN RESTORATION REMAINS AS BUILTS SENT TO MMSD FEBRUARY 11, 2000 f�I\ i�P+IiZ�l�7uf�7�iZ�Pd�1\I111NWA NOTHING NEW LOG14NEYINETTESHIEM (KELSEY DRIVE)/SALENTINE SEEAGENDA ITEM- PLANREVIEW LETTER MUSKEGO CENTER/BERG CONSTRUCTION COMPLETED AS BUILTS COMPLETED PUNCH LIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR . PAGE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MONDAY MARCH 20, 2000 MUSKEGO MOTOR CAR CO PUNCH LIST RESENT TO CONTRACTOR MMSD REVIEWED AS BUILTS FEBRUARY 2, 2000 NORTH CAPE FARM CONTRACTOR INSTALLED WRONG MANHOLE FRAMES ORDERED HIM TO REPLACE AS BUILTS SENT TO MMSD AUGUST 12, 1999 PUNCHLIST COMPLETED VIDEO TAPE REVIEWED OUTLOT 3 KIMBERLY ESTATES SEWER AND WATER PUNCHLIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR, RESTORATION REMAINS PIONEER DRIVE / PARKS GARAGE LETTER WITH FINAL PAPERWORK REQUIREMENTS SENT QUIETWOOD CREEK (CARITY) LATEST PLAN SUBMITTAL - SEE LETTER JANUARY 13, 2000 ROSEWOOD ESTATES (FORMERLY WOODGATE ESTATES) UNDERGROUND INSTALLED WAITING FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION TO COMPLETE SAL FERRITO SEWER (PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER) DEWATERBJG WELL NOT REMOVED LATERALS NOT CONNECTED YET VICTORIAN VILLAS VIDEO OF SEWER NOT YET RECEIVED NOTE: MMSD RULES NOW REQUIRE ALL SANITARY MANHOLES TO BE VACUUM TESTED. THIS WILL ADD SIGNIFICANT COSTS TO ALL PROJECTS CONSTRUCTED THIS YEAR. MMSD RULES NO LONGER REQUIRE AS BUILT APPROVALS BY MMSD BEFORE CONNECTIONS CAN BE MADE. THERE IS LESS URGANCY IN THEIR REVIEWS OF THE RECORD DRAWINGS. COMPLETED PROJECTS ONLY AWAITING MMSD APPROVAL OF RECORD DRAWINGS (AS BUILTS): WISA FORCE MAIN - HILLENDALE DRIVE