PUM20000221PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING — CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved Minutes of Meeting Held Monday, February 21, 2000 • The meeting was called to order at 7:20 p.m. by Chairman David Sanders. Present were committee members Aid. Mark Slocomb, Aid. William Le Doux, Utility Supt. Scott Kloskowski, and Ruekert-Mielke representative Richard Eberhardt. It was noted by Aid. Sanders that the meeting was posted on 2/16100 in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Aid. Sanders read the closed session notice. Review of Minutes of Previous Meeting The minutes of the meeting held on January 17, 2000 were reviewed and placed on file. Status of Projects Mr Rich Eberhardt gave status of City Projects as attached. Woods Rd. Water/Sewer Project (Racine/Brooke Ln.); A letter was reviewed sent from the property owners of #2223.990 advising that they will be developing the sewer internally. They have hired a private contractor to perform the sewer work and this will no longer be a city project. Woodland Court Lift Station Renovation is almost complete. The committee directed Scott to notify Mr Sablich of the status. • Well # 3 Rehab has been complete and can be removed from agenda. North Cape Ryan N 500' Boxhorn Sewer Project: An informational meeting will be held Thursday, March 23, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. in the Alderman's room. A correction to the date of the Award of Bid for Woods Rd: Sandy Beach Force Main will be awarded MARCH 28, 2000. Woods Rd. Kurtze Lane to Bay Lane Project: The Pellmann property #2218.990 will have a significant savings due to not installing a new manhole. Hwy 36/45 Project: The committee was advised that the manhole in front of the church was installed incorrectly and there was a leak in the boot. Wayne Stever corrected the work and will be submitting a bill which will be subtracted from the original contractor's bill. The committee directs Rich to find out why the inspector had not caught this. Linnie Lac Sewer Allocation Agreement: Ald. Sanders made a motion to authorize the Mayor, Attomey Molter and Scott to amend the current contract to include the two properties ( Matty's and Gratzek)that are requesting connection as well as including the three properties that have already connected and are not included in the original contact. Aid. Le Doux seconded, motion carried Utility Superintendent Kloskowski • advised the committee of a telephone conference scheduled for Tuesday, 2/22/2000 with Mayor Gatzke, City of New Berlin, to further discuss the Linnie Lac connections. Public Utilities Meeting February 21, 2000 Page2 I & I Repairs Program: The committee directed Scott to send a certified letter to the ` property on West Tower Drive informing them of a possible citation being issued if the illegal sump pump discharging in the sewer is not corrected. Further discussion of North Shore Generator Two bids were received and opened February 10, 2000. Hogen Electric (Hartford, WI) bid $76,000.00 and J. Miller Electric Inc. (Port Washington, WI.) bid $68,318.00. Ald. Sanders made a motion to recommend the low bid of $68,318.00 submitted by J. Miller Electric Inc. but noted that they submitted their Bid Qualification Statement the day of the bid opening which is required to be submitted 5 days prior to the bid opening, which is not a substantial defect in the bid. Aid. Slocomb seconded. Motion carried. Further discussion on Hi View connections: Scott was directed to send a letter to the owner of #2209.996 to advise of the outstanding connection fee that needs to get paid within a week and the connection process needs to proceed, or the committee will continue with the forced hookup procedure. McShane Pump Station: Ruekert-Mielke supplied a proposal for the three stage odor scrubber from U. S. Filters which had increased from $57,700 to $77,157.00 Thomas R. Renner of Ruekert-Mielke contacted them for an explanation for the increase in cost. After discussion of the cost • breakdown and some changes, the cost would total up to $84,043.00. The committee directed Scott to contact Mr Renner regarding the performance base. Aid. Slocomb moved to accept the proposal submitted by U.S. Filter not to exceed $84, 043.00. Ald. Le Doux seconded. Motion Carried. Review RCA charges - Club Durham/St. Paul's Church: A memo was received and reviewed from the Sewer Utility Clerk asking for direction on how to charge the two above properties. Club Durham #2257.974 is a tavern that serves food. This property also has a living unit attached and a hall that is used several times a year According to the REC Chart the determination is done by seat count for the tavern and bedroom count for the living unit. The question was regarding the hall which is only used four to eight times a year A similar situation is for the St. Pauls Old Church which recently connected to sewer The Sewer Utility Clerk contacted the Church to inquire as to use. Mr Fink indicated the Church would be used once or twice a week for gatherings. The types of groups that will meet will be Bible Study, Youth Group or Senior Groups. The average group can be anywhere from 15 - 40 per group. Mr Fink also indicated that the there might be several weddings held during the year The committee decided the Old Church would be considered a hall. Aid. Sanders made a motion to charge Club Durham for the current use of the tavern . and living quarters which would require 3.75 RECs and not charge any additional RE's for the hall due to minimal use. St. Paul's Old Church would be charged the minimal 1 REC per building based on the current use of the hall. These charges will be reviewed annually with the survey that is required to be completed by the property owners. Ald. Le Doux seconded. Motion Carried. Public Utilities Meeting February 21, 2000 Page3 • Status of properties to be included in WCA District extension south side of Woods Rd./Moorland Corridor: An informational meeting will be held Thursday, March 16, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. in the Muskego Room (the committee suggested they would need more room). Scott indicated that there could be a change to the map outlining the district by adding the property on southeast corner of Durham and Woods Rd. A letter will be sent out from the Superintendent of Utilities to invite the property owners to the informational meeting to find out if the property owners want to be included in the WCA District. The committee reviewed the plans for the Candlewood Creek Subdivision. Ald. Slocomb made a motion to approve the watermain plans submitted subject to the e-mail letter of recommendation of the City Engineers prior to the CC meeting on 2/22/00. Ald. Sanders seconded. Motion Carried. The committee requested a hard copy of the letter from the engineers. Towne Realty plans to start project in April of 2000. Review Environmental Assessment - Well #7: The committee reviewed the letter from Aquifer Scenic & Technology dated January 26, 2000. The letter expressed concern with the contamination issues in the Hillendale area. The presence of contamination is in an easterly direction suggesting that the ground water conditions may be different than the regional data. They suggest an investigation of these issues at a cost not to exceed $1,000.00. Ald. Sanders made a • motion for the authorization of the investigation not to exceed $1000.00. Ald. Slocomb seconded. Motion carried. Discuss facility plan for water system: Ruekert-Mielke prepared a cost estimate and list of services to update the Water System Master Plan which had been done in 1990. This process will take between four and five months to complete at an estimated labor cost of $22,000.00 - $26,000.00 plus reimbursable expenses. The budget didn't include this study this year, but the committee understood the need for a 10 year plan. The committee would like to invite Steve Schultz of Ruekert-Mielke to attend next month's meeting and review plans with the committee. Ruekert-Mielke provided the estimate for the water extension along Woods Rd. The estimate will be about $100.00 per lineal foot of water main. This item is deferred to next month's meeting so they can review the comments from the scheduled information meeting for the extension of the WCA District. Mr Rich Eberhardt left at 9:18 p.m. Status of Town of Norway Contract Closed Session - Ald. Slocomb made a motion to convene into closed session . pursuant to §19.85(1)(e) Deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session more specifically contract negotiations with the Town of Norway. Ald. Sanders seconded, motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. Public Utilities Meeting February 21,2000 Page4 • Recording Secretary was dismissed at 9:20 p.m. Ald. Slocomb moved to reconvene into open session at 9:40 p.m. for the purpose of adjournment. Ald. Sanders seconded, motion carried. ADJOURNMENT - Being no further business to discuss, Ald. Slocomb moved to adjourn at 9:45 p.m. Aid. Sanders seconded, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, \-I I hoa'61 Renee Kowalik Recording Secretary • • CONSULTANTS REPORT FOR: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2000 Submitted Wednesday February 16, 2000 BOLD ITALICS INDICATE NEW INFORMATION CITY PROJECTS: BOXHORN, RYAN, GROVEWAY FINAL RESTORATION AND CLOSEOUT BEING HANDLED BY CITY HIGHVIEW ACRES WAITING ON CHIMNEY SEAL REINSTALLATION HILLENDALE DR 1300 FT S TO 3500 FT S OF JANESVILLE RD PUNCHLIST AND RESTORATION REMAIN CITY WILL INSPECT SERVICES INTO RESIDENCES MC SHANE BYPASS PIPING/STORAGE BUILDING SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION REVIEW WAS MONDAY PUNCHLIST TO BE SENT OUT RESTORATION IN SPRING LOOMIS DRIVE / NORTH CAPE RD - US45 / MSS-IC-96 - LETTER SENT WITH FINAL PAPERWORK REQUIREMENTS • NORTH CAPE ROAD / RYAN RD TO 500 FT N. OF BOXHORN DR. IN DESIGN WAITING ON PRELIMINARY AGREEMENT AS TO STATION LOCATION ST LEONARDS FORCE MAIN AND WATER MAIN IN DESIGN PRELIMINARY PLANS PROVIDED FOR DISCUSSION WITH CHURCH WELL NO 3 REHAB PROJECT CLOSE OUT PENDING FINAL PAPERWORK WOODLAND CT / SLABICH LATERAL PUNCHLIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR WOODS ROAD - KURTZE LANE TO BAY LANE PROJECT MW-26-99 STARTED CONSTRUCTION WEDNESDA Y FEBR UAR Y 16, 2000 WOODS ROAD - BROOKE LANE TO EAST OF RACINE AVENUE PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE SCHEDULED FOR TUESDAY FEBRUARY 22 AT 10:00 AM WOODS ROAD — SANDY BEACH FORCE MAIN ADVERTISED FEBRUARY 10 AND 17 OPEN BIDS FEBRUARY 24 REVIEW AT NEXT UTILITY COMMITTEE • AWARD AT COUNCIL MARCH24, 2000 PAGE 2 • PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MONDAY FEBRUARY 21, 2000 DEVELOPMENTS: AVION ESTATES PUNCHLIST REMAINS AS BUILTS SENT TO MMSD CANDLEWOOD PHASE ONE PLANS TO BE RECEIVED SOON WOODS ROAD WATERMAINPLANS TO BE SENT TO DNR AFTER QUIETWOOD PLANS CHAMPIONS VILLAGES — ADDITION 2 (PHASE THREE) PUNCHLIST ITEMS COMPLETED AS BUILTS SENT TO MMSD January 14, 2000 CHAMPIONS VILLAGES — ADDITION 3 (PHASE FOUR) SEE PLAN REVIEW LETTER DEER CREEK CONTRACTOR REPAIRED SAG IN SEWER AT LATERAL CONNECTION DEER CREEK TWO PUNCH LIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR • EPI LIFT STATION / FORCE MAIN RESENT TO WISCONSIN DOT FOR PERMIT RESUBMITTED TO MMSD TO REPLACE LOST MATERIALS HOLTZ-ARROWOOD RESTORATION IS ALL THAT REMAINS AS BUILTS SENT TO MMSD KNUDSON FORCE MAIN RESTORATIONREMAINS AS BUILTS SENT TO MMSD LAST WEEK LAKEWOOD MEADOWS ADD NO 2 NOTHING NEW LOGHNEY/NETTESHIEM (KELSEY DRIVE) MET WITH DESIGN ENGINEER, REVIEWED AND DISCUSSED SKETCH MUSKEGO CENTER/BERG CONSTRUCTION COMPLETED AS BUILTS COMPLETED PUNCH LIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR . PAGE 3 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MONDAY FEBRUARY 21, 2000 MUSKEGO MOTOR CAR CO PUNCH LIST RESENT TO CONTRACTOR AS BUILTS SENT TO MMSD OCTOBER 6, 1998, NO APPROVAL RECEIVED YET MMSD REVIEWED AS BUILTS FEBRUARY 2, 2000 NORTH CAPE FARM CONTRACTOR INSTALLED WRONG MANHOLE FRAMES ORDERED HIM TO REPLACE AS BUILTS SENT TO MMSD AUGUST 12, 1999 PUNCHLIST COMPLETED VIDEO TAPE REVIEWED OUTLOT 3 KIMBERLY ESTATES SEWER AND WATER PUNCHLIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR, RESTORATION REMAINS PIONEER DRIVE / PARKS GARAGE LETTER WITH FINAL PAPERWORK REQUIREMENTS SENT QUIETWOOD CREEK (CARITY) LATEST PLAN SUBMITTAL - SEE LETTER JANUARY 13, 2000 ROSEWOOD ESTATES (FORMERLY WOODGATE ESTATES) STARTED CONSTRUCTION JANUARY 11, 2000 SAL FERRITO SEWER (PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER) • DEWATERINGWELL NOT REMOVED LATERALS NOT CONNECTED YET VICTORIAN VILLAS VIDEO OF SEWER NOT YET RECEIVED NOTE: MMSD RULES NOW REQUIRE ALL SANITARY MANHOLES TO BE VACUUM TESTED. THIS WILL ADD SIGNIFICANT COSTS TO ALL PROJECTS CONSTRUCTED THIS YEAR. MMSD RULES NO LONGER REQUIRE AS BUILT APPROVALS BY MMSD BEFORE CONNECTIONS CAN BE MADE. THERE IS LESS URGANCY IN THEIR REVIEWS OF THE RECORD DRAWINGS. COMPLETED PROJECTS ONLY AWAITING MMSD APPROVAL OF RECORD DRAWINGS (AS BUILTS): WISA FORCE MAIN - HILLENDALE DRIVE g�1 Puy CITY OF OFFICE OF THE MAYOR David L. DeAngelis MUSKEGO Mayor )679-4188 r ` (262® February 8, 20d1Veangelis@ci.muskego.wi.us Mr. Brian D. Turk Plan Director City of Muskego W182 S8200 Racine Avenue P.O. Box 0749 Muskego WI 53150-0749 RE: Candlewood Development Woods Road Water Main -Second Submittal Dear Mr. Turk: We have reviewed the second submittal of the water main plans in Woods Road. This submittal also included the DNR water main extension forms. On Sheet 2 of 4, the proposed water main is offset 8 feet from the existing sanitary sewer between Quietwood Creek Development and Ladwig Drive. Although this does not meet the City's design standard requirement of 10 feet, we recommend approval due to the limited right of way available for the installation of the main and the hydrant west of Ladwig Drive. On Sheet 4 of 4, the water main may not be deep enough to allow storm sewer and/or culvert installation when Kathryn Drive is extended. We discussed this with the Design Engineer, He will lower the water main in this area. He also requested that the City conditionally approve the plans and direct RM to submit the plans to DNR for approval. We recommend the City approve the Woods Road Water Main plans with the above conditions. If there are any questions regarding this matter, please contact our office. Very truly yours, RUEKERT & MIELKE, INC. Richard Eberhardt, P.E. RLS RAE:sjd r:Uiw[s\l3\1392181.200\cort \lurk-20000207-second submittal.dce cc: Mayor David L. De Angelis Scott Kloskowski, Utility Supt. Michael Campbell, Ruckert & Mielke, Inc. Sean McMullen, Ruckert & Mielke, Inc. 00 File W182 S8206 Racine Avenue • Box 749 • Muskego, Wisconsin 53150-0749 • Fax (262) 679-5630