PUM19991220PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING — CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved Minutes of Meeting Held Monday, December 20, 1999 •The meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m. by Chairman David Sanders. Present were committee member Aid. Mark Slocomb, and Utility Supt. Scott Kloskowski. Also present was Ruekert - Mielke representative Richard Eberhardt who arrived later Aid. William Le Doux was excused. It was noted Mayor would not be present. It was noted by Aid. Sanders that the meeting was posted on 12/17/99 in accordance with the Open Meeting Law, Aid. Sanders noted there was no need for the closed session notice. Review Minutes of Previous Meeting - The minutes of the meeting held on November 15, 1999 were reviewed and placed on file. Town of Norway Contract - Scott reported he attended the Town of Norway Sewer District meeting held on December 16, 1999, wherein they adopted an ordinance to set the same rates as we have been previously charged until a new contract has been negotiated. Further discussion on Hi View connections - A letter was sent to the property owners to advise them of forced hook up procedures and invite them to the January meeting. Status of request to MMSD to include JEK No 1 LLC and the Blattner Property into Sewer Service Area - Ruekert - Mielke have submitted a request for an amendment to include both properties in the sewer service area to MMSD. The district has not responded to request. Review MMSD 2000 Capital Charges - The committee reviewed the invoice for $366,588.00 for the Capital Charges for the year 2000 due on or before April 1, 2000. Ald. Slocomb moved to approve amount of $366,588.00 to be paid to MMSD for the capital charges for the year 2000. Ald. Sanders seconded. Motion carried. Discuss Water & Sewer Mains Martin Drive Reconfiguration - Scott discussed the need to consider putting sewer and water mains in Martin Drive prior to realignment of Martin Drive. Ald. Sanders moved to recommend that at the time of Martin Drive reconfiguration, plans for sewer and water extension should be included. Ald. Slocomb seconded. Motion carried. Status of properties WCA District extension - south side of Woods Rd. - Scott reported an informational meeting was held on Thursday, December 2, 1999. A post card had been mailed to the property owners requesting them to indicate if they were interested in water service. The results were 4 yes ( 1 verbal) and 4 undecided and requesting more information. Aid. Slocomb will be contacting the property owners and answer any other questions they have regarding water This item then was deferred to the January meeting. Mr Richard Eberhardt arrived at 6:21 p.m. Status of Projects - Mr Richard Eberhardt gave status of City Projects as attached. EPI Sewer Project - Ald. Slocomb made a motion to direct the City Attorney to draft a relocation order and easement for the Superior Emerald Park Landfill Inc. Sanitary Sewer Project and to recommend Common Council approval. Ald. Sanders seconded. Motion carried. Scott reported on the Inflow & Infiltration repairs to sewer manholes; the whole city should be complete in 2000. The Utility should be able to replace most of the internal seals with our own isstaff. Discussion of the forcemain on Woods Rd. from Sandy Beach Lift Station to the Hoormann property. Ald. Slocomb made a motion to direct the City Engineers to design and secure bids for the forcemain in Woods Rd. Ald. Sanders seconded. Motion carried. Public Utilities Committee December 20, 1999 - Page 2 • Woods Rd. Sewer Project (Racine/Brooke Ln.) - A letter was received from the property owner of tax key #2223.990 requesting to be included in the project. Discussion on cost of the pavement whether it be temporary or permanent. The Plan Department will determine the amount of frontage needed to support the commercial properties (2223.990 & 2242.999)and inform the Public Utilities Committee prior to the Public Hearing. Bids were opened December 13, 1999 as part of the water project. Ald. Sanders made a motion to approve assessment roll as submitted. Set interest rate at 8%. Method of assessment -would be unit assessment. Due on or before November 1. 2000. First year to the Tax Roll will be 2000 for installments. If you wish to attempt to qualify for hardship you must apply on or before September 1. 2000 and will be determined to qualify for hardship status on or before October 1. 2000. Ald. Slocomb seconded. Motion carried. Woods Rd. Water Project (Kurtze-Bay Ln.) - Ald. Slocomb requested the Utility Clerk to provide him with information on how previous commercial properties where assessed. The Plan Department will determine the amount of frontage needed to support the commercial property (2218.999)and inform the Public Utilities Committee prior to the Public Hearing. The committee discussed the 2-8" water service for the Pellman property. Ald. Sanders recommended leaving as is at this time with a final determination to be made after the Public Hearing. The Plan Department is working with the property owner as to where the manhole will be placed. Discussion was held on the Pellman assessment and it was determined that a waiver of assessment should be signed for all of the cost for sanitary sewer improvements requested by the property owner The committee decided to change the assessment roll by reducing non - assessable cost of the sanitary sewer by $26,364.00, which would make total non -assessable costs of $84,308.23. Lots should be serviced internally and no lots should be serviced directly •on the north side of Woods Rd. This property has two possible sources to service internally; an extension thru Parkland North and an extension on Green Street. This is the reason the assessment will be removed. Ald. Slocomb made a motion to forgive total north side assessment of 1261' due to there not being a direct benefit (due to the depth of the sewer), and to assess the south side of the street 1447' (150' assessed and 1297' deferred) with a restriction of no direct connection on north side of street. Ald. Sanders seconded. Motion carried. Ald. Sanders made a motion to set interest rate 8%. Method of assessment would be front foot assessment. Due on or before November 1, 2000. First year to the Tax Roll will be 2000 for installments. If you wish to attempt to qualify for hardship you must apply on or before September 1. 2000 and will be determined to qualify for hardship status on or before October 1, 2000. Aid. Slocomb seconded. Motion carried. Bids were opened December 14, 1999. Ald. Sanders made a motion to accept the Bid from Wanasek Corp. of $218,596.00. Ald. Slocomb seconded. Motion carried. Woods Rd. Water Project (Racine/Brooke Ln.) - Muskego High School assessment was discussed if school would run their own service. The engineers did determine that the 8" service would be sufficient for the addition that was proposed. Ald. Slocomb would like the engineers to answer the correct spacing of fire hydrants if it is necessary to place them every 400' or 600' and where the requirement comes from. The committee decided to leave the assessment as is until the Public Hearing and further discussion. Woods Rd. Tap needs to determine the size of service needed. Ald. Sanders suggested to , • include the entire frontage as assessment for commercial property until the Public Hearing. Ali , ft-44-� Bids were opened December 13, 1999. Ald. Sanders made a �otion to acce t t' bid v American Sewer Service for the amount of $214,738.00 with the correction of the Alternate Bid Item MA-21a to read 166.671L.F. with a total for the 12 vertical feet of �ol Public Utilities Committee December 20, 1999 - Page 3 • Ald. Sanders made a motion to make the tax key #2223.990 total frontage assessable on the assessment roll. Set interest rate 8%. Method of assessment -would be front foot assessment. Due on or before November 1, 2000. First year to the Tax Roll will be 2000 for installments. If you wish to attempt to qualify for hardship you must apply on or before September 1. 2000 and will be determined to qualify for hardship status on or before October 1, 2000. Ald. Slocomb seconded. Motion carried. Review request for WCA District Extension - Jewel Osco parts of Section 2,3,10 & 11: Aid. Slocomb made motion to direct Utility Superintendent Kloskowski to work with the City Engineers to amend WCA District and to identify land north & south side of Janesville Rd. Ald. Sanders seconded. Motion carried. The Committee will review report at their January meeting. Review controlled access assessment - Janesville Rd: A memo from the Finance Director was reviewed regarding the Controlled Access Assessments placed on tax key #2232.999. Water Assessment $10,388.00 Sewer Assessment $24,564.47 Ald. Sanders made a motion to write off controlled access water assessment of $10,388.00 and controlled access sewer assessment of $24,564.00 on tax key #2232.999, because this property has now been developed residential and serviced internally by water and sewer mains installed by the developer and these assessments are no longer collectable. Ald.Slocomb seconded. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT - Being no further business to discuss, Ald. Slocomb moved to adjourn at • 8:31 p.m. Ald. Sanders seconded. Motion carried. Respectfully ubmitted, Q Renee Kowalik Recording Secretary • • CONSULTANTS REPORT FOR: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MONDAY, DECEMBER 20,1999 Submitted Friday December 17,1999 BOLD ITALICS INDICATE NEW INFORMATION CITY PROJECTS: BOXHORN, RYAN. GROVEWAY FINAL RESTORATION AND CLOSEOUT BEING HANDLED BY CITY HIGHVIEW ACRES WAITING ON CHIMNEY SEAL REINSTALLATION HILLENDALE DR 1300 FT S TO 3500 FT S OF JANESVILLE RD SAFE SAMPLE RECEIVED PUNCHLISTAND RESTORA TION REMAIN CHANGE ORDER NUMBER ONE IN PROCESS CITY WILL INSPECT SERVICES INTO RESIDENCES MC SHANE BYPASS PIPING/STORAGE BUILDING GENERATOR DELIVERY - WAITING ON FUEL TANK TENTATIVE DELIVERYDATE IS DECEMBER 20. RESTORATION IN SPRING • LOOMIS DRIVE / NORTH CAPE RD - US45 / MSS-IC-96 CONTRACTOR INSTALLED SOD LETTER SENT WITH FINAL PAPERWORK REQUIREMENTS NORTH CAPE ROAD / RYAN RD TO 500 FT N. OF BOXHORN DR. IN DESIGN WELL NO 3 REHAB CONTRACTOR HAS YET TO SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS PUMP DELIVERY SOMETIME IN JANUARY WOODLAND CT / SLABICH LATERAL PUNCHLIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR WOODS ROAD - KURTZE LANE TO BAY LANE PROJECT MW-26-99 OPENED BIDS TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14 11:00 AM WOODS ROAD - BROOKE LANE TO EAST OF RACINE AVENUE OPENED BIDS MONDAY, DECEMBER 13 11:00 AM RECHECKED HIGH SCHOOL FIRE FLOW CALCULATIONS EVEN IFALL EXISTING AND FUTUREARESPRINKLERED EIGHT INCH SERVICE IS SATISFACTORY • PAGE • PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MONDAYDECEMBER 20,1999 DEVELOPMENTS: AVION ESTATES PUNCHLIST REMAINS AS BUILTS SENT TO MMSD CANDLEWOOD PHASE ONE PLANS TO BE RECEIVED SOON CHAMPIONS VILLAGES - PHASE 3 PUNCHLIST ITEMS COMPLETED AS BUILTS TO STARTED CHAMPIONS VILLAGES -ADDITION 3 (PHASE FOUR) SEE PLAN REVIEW LETTER DEER CREEK CONTRACTOR REPAIRED SAG IN SEWER AT LATERAL CONNECTION DEER CREEK TWO PUNCH LIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR • EPl LIFT STATION / FORCE MAIN SENT TO WISCONSIN DOT FOR PERMIT HOLTZ - ARROWOOD PUNCHLIST REMAINS AS BUILTS SENT TO MMSD 11411ON =Ti3 kwiT Z 7 a T /:\ 10 I DNR APPROVAL AND MMSD APPROVAL RECEIVED PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE HELD DECEMBER 15 TENTATIVE START JANUARY 3, 2000 - MAY BE JANUARY 10 LAKEWOOD MEADOWS ADD NO 2 NOTHING NEW LOGHNEY/NETTESHIEM(KELSEY DRIVE) MET WITH DESIGN ENGINEER, REVIEWED AND DISCUSSED SKETCH MUSKEGO CENTER/BERG CONSTRUCTION COMPLETED AS BUILTS COMPLETED PUNCH LIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR MUSKEGO MOTOR CAR CO PUNCH LIST RESENT TO CONTRACTOR • AS BUILTS SENT TO MMSD OCTOBER 6, 1998, NO APPROVAL RECEIVED YET PAGE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MONDAY DECEMBER 20, 1999 NORTH CAPE FARM CONTRACTOR INSTALLED WRONG MANHOLE FRAMES ORDERED HIM TO REPLACE AS BUILTS SENT TO MMSD AUGUST 12, 1999 PUNCHLIST COMPLETED VIDEO TAPE REVIEWED OUTLOT 3 KIMBERLY ESTATES SEWER AND WATER PUNCHLIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR, RESTORATION REMAINS PIONEER DRIVE / PARKS GARAGE ADDITIONAL SIDEWALK REPLACED SOD INSTALLED BEHIND SIDEWALK LETTER WITH FINAL PAPER WORK REQUIREMENTS SENT QUIETWOOD CREEK (CARITI9 LATEST PLANSUBMITTAL RETURNED SEE LETTER ROSEWOOD ESTATES (FORMERLY WOODGATE ESTATES) MMSD APPROVAL RECEIVED WAITING FOR PAPERWORK, LOC, FINAL PLAT ETC. SAL FERRITO SEWER (PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER) DEWATERING WELL NOT REMOVED LATERALS NOT CONNECTED YET VICTORIAN VILLAS VIDEO OF SEWER NOT YET RECEIVED NOTE: MMSD RULES NOW REQUIRE ALL SANITARY MANHOLES TO BE VACUUM TESTED. THIS WILL ADD SIGNIFICANT COSTS TO ALL PROJECTS CONSTRUCTED THIS YEAR. MMSD RULES NO LONGER REQUIRE AS BUILT APPROVALS BY MMSD BEFORE CONNECTIONS CAN BE MADE. THERE IS LESS URGANCY IN THEIR REVIEWS OF THE RECORD DRAWINGS. COMPLETED PROJECTS ONLYA WAITING MMSD APPROVAL OF RECORD DRAWINGS (AS BVILIS): WISA FORCE MAIN - HILLENDALE DRIVE 40,