PUM19991115• PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING — CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved Minutes of Meeting Held Monday, November 15, 1999 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Chairman David Sanders. Present were committee members Aid. Mark Slocomb, Aid. William Le Doux and Utility Supt. Scott Kloskowski. Also present were Ruekert-Mielke representatives Richard Eberhardt and Ken Ward. It was noted Mayor would be arriving late. It was noted by Aid. Sanders that the meeting was posted on 11/10/99 in accordance with the Open Meeting Law, Aid. Sanders read the closed session notice. Review Minutes of Previous Meeting - The minutes of the meeting held on October 18, 1999 were reviewed and placed on file Status of Projects - Mr Richard Eberhardt gave status of City Projects as attached. Also noted that SEWRPC was in the process of remonumenting the entire City with new section markers. Mayor arrived at 7:28 p.m •Controlled Access Assessment Policy - Mr Ken Ward reported a meeting was held with Mayor, Clerk -Treasurer Jean Marenda, Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, Attorney Molter, and himself to discuss possible draft of a policy to address the Controlled Access Policy. Mr Ken Ward and Attorney Molter tried creating language to address certain situations. Mr Ken Ward pointed out that the current existing policy allows the Utility to handle cases on an individual basis; as each special situation is decided, it will become policy for future decisions of a similar nature. The committee decided to leave the current policy in place. Woods Rd. Water Project (Kurtze-Bay Ln.) - Mr Richard Eberhardt stated he would have Preliminary Assessment Rolls for both projects prior to next meeting. The Plan Department needs to be reviewing the Pellmann property, and determining the frontage needed for two lots on the east end that are pie shaped. Scott recommends a main be stubbed in at the road reservation to the south on the Pellmann property. The committee must decide on how the Pellmann property needs to be assessed prior to next meeting. The City Staff is reviewing the preliminary rolls. Woods Rd. Water Project (Racine/Brooke Ln.) - A decision needs to be made by next meeting regarding the assessment for the High School. The High School has a connection point at Jean Drive. Connection could be done by running a long lateral. They recognize this would be an inefficient way to connect to the water system. Mayor noted that he would be meeting with the School District Friday regarding pool issues, and at that time he will bring up some options that the District should consider, such as fire protection if an expansion should ever take place which would require a larger main. Mr Ken Ward left at 8:03 p.m. •Woods Rd. Water Project (Racine/Brooke Ln.) continued - The committee discussed the possibility of running the water down Racine Ave. completing the loop to Woods Road. The Committee made it clear that they had no interest in extending water down Racine Ave. at this time. Public Utilities Committee November 15, 1999 Page2 • Woods Rd. Water Project (Racine/Brooke Ln.) continued - The property owner (#2223.990 W182 S8686 Racine Ave) on the corner of Racine and Woods Rd. expressed interest in serving his property by both sewer and water The property had been previously offered to be part of the Woods Rd./Country Brook Sewer & Water Project, and at that time he refused to be serviced by sewer and water Discussion was held where the previous project ended and how it had been assessed. The committee directs the engineers to include this property as part of the new project, bid sewer and water under one project but must have separate assessment rolls. The committee requests the property owner to return, in writing, his intent for sewer and water prior to the next meeting. Aid. Slocomb made a motion to authorize Engineer to bid both water projects. Aid. Sanders seconded. Motion carried. Status of properties WCA District extension - South side of Woods Rd. - An informational meeting was scheduled for Thursday, December 2, 1999 at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall. A revised letter needs to be sent out to correct the time. Amendment to MMSD 208 Service Area - Ald. Slocomb made a motion to recommend Common Council to approve a resolution for adoption of the Amendment to the Regional Water Quality Management Plan by SEWRPC dated December, 1999. Aid. Sanders seconded. Motion carried. Status of request to MMSD to include JEK No 1 LLC and the Blattner Property into Sewer Service Area - Ruekert - Mielke applied for an amendment to include both properties in the sewer service area to MMSD. The district has not responded to request. • Further discussion on forced connection - Jones - No discussion. Status of Holz Drive Sewer Connections - A memo was sent by the Sewer Utility Clerk to advise that all properties have now been connected on this project. Further discussion of generator - North Shore Lift Station - The engineers have been directed to start the engineering for replacing the generator Further discussion on Hi View connections - A memo was sent by the Sewer Utility Clerk to advise that two property owners had not yet connected. A letter should be sent to the property owners to advise them of forced hook up procedures and invite them to the January meeting. Aid. Slocomb made a motion to start forced hook up procedures at the January meeting if not connected by then. Aid. Sanders seconded. Motion carried. Mr Richard Eberhardt left at 8:55 p.m. Review Town of Norway quarterly billing - It was noted that the 3rd quarter bill had not yet been submitted. Review insurance claim - sewer backup - Pioneer Center - The committee reviewed claims submitted due to the June 1999 floods. It was noted that the City has taken out coverage that would go into effect January 1, 2000 which is secondary coverage for sewer backups. Scott would like the committee to review the claim that had been denied, for the property on Brennan Drive for the June 1999 flood. Aid. Slocomb made a motion to reimburse the claimants for •direct clean up fees that were incurred less any amounts that were paid by any individual's insurance policy. Aid. Le Doux seconded. Aid. Sanders opposed. Motion carried 2-1 with Aid. Sanders casting dissenting vote. The committee requires the home owner to provide a denial letter from their insurance company if claim denied, or the amount that was covered by their insurance carrier Public Utilities Committee November 15, 1999 Page3 • Closed Session - Ald. Slocomb made a motion to convene into closed session pursuant to §19.85(1)(e) Deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session more specifically contract negotiations with the Town of Norway. Ald. Le Doux Seconded. Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. Recording Secretary was dismissed at 9:14 p.m. Ald. Slocomb moved to reconvene into open session at 9:58 p.m. for the purpose of adjournment. Ald. Le Doux seconded. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT - Being no further business to discuss, Ald. Slocomb moved to adjourn at 10:00 p.m. Ald. Le Doux seconded. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, \�4� C7 dv� Renee Kowalik Recording Secretary 0 0 CONSULTANTS REPORT FOR: 40 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1999 BOLD ITALICS INDICATE NEW INFORMATION CITY PROJECTS: BOXHORN, RYAN, GROVEWAY FINAL RESTORATION AND CLOSEOUT BEING HANDLED BY CITY HIGHVIEW ACRES WAITING ON CHIMNEY SEAL REINSTALLATION HILLENDALE DR 1300 FT S TO 3500 FT S OF JANESVILLE RD EASEMENT DESIGNAUTHORIZED BY WASTE MANAGEMENT FINISHING 2 INCH TAP/SERVICE TODAY PRESSURE TEST TODAY SAFE SAMPLE WILL BE TAKENAFTER WEDNESDAYNOVEMBER 17 SERVICES TO HOUSES AFTER SAFE SAMPLE AND WET CONNECT CITY WILL INSPECT SERVICES INTO RESIDENCES MC SHANE BYPASS PIPING/STORAGE BUILDING GENERATOR DELIVERY- FIRST WEEK OFDECEMBER WALLS UP AND ROOF ON EXCEPT FOR GENERATOR AREA PAVEMENT IS DONE RESTORATION IN SPRING WATER TOWER REPAINTING COMPLETED NORTH CAPE ROAD - HI VIEW TO SCHAEFFER PROJECT CLOSEOUT PAPERWORK AND FINAL PAYMENT REQUEST SENT TO CITY LOOMIS DRIVE / NORTH CAPE RD - US45 / MSS- IC-96 - RESTORATION NEEDS REDOING -NOTIFIED CONTRACTOR VIDEO DID NOT INCLUDE NORTH CAPE ROAD SPANS CONTRACTOR INSTALLED SOD LAST WEEK MANHOLE SMOKE TESTING COMPLETED NORTH CAPE ROAD / RYAN RD TO 500 FT N. OF BOXHORN DR. UTILITY SUPERINTENDANT TALKED W/DUMKE DESIGN STARTED - SEE RED LINE PLANS DRAFTING STARTED • PAGE 2 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE it NOVEMBER 15, 1999 WELL NO 3 REHAB RECEIVED SIGNED CONTRACTS TODAY* WOODLAND CT / SLABICH LATERAL COMPLETED PUNCHLIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR WOODS ROAD - KURTZE LANE TO BAY LANE PROJECT MW-26-99 OPEN BIDS SCHEDULED FOR TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1411:00 AM WOODS ROAD - BROOKE LANE TO EAST OF RACINE AVENUE DNR APPROVED WAUKESHA COUNTYDOT FOR PERMIT RECEIVED OPEN BIDS SCHEDULED FOR MONDAY, DECEMBER 13 11:00 AM DEVELOPMENTS AVION ESTATES PUNCHLIST REMAINS AS BUILTS SENT TO MMSD CHAMPIONS VILLAGES - PHASE 3 PUNCHLIST ITEMS COMPLETED AS BUILTS TO STARTED CONTRACTOR REPAIRED SAG DEER CREEK TWO PUNCH LIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR EPI LIFT STATION / FORCE MAIN SENT TO WISCONSIN DOT FOR PERMIT HOLTZ-ARROWOOD PUNCHLIST REMAINS AS BUILTS SENT TO MMSD KUNDSON FORCE MAIN HAND CARRIED BY DEVELOPER TO MMSD LAKEWOOD MEADOWS ADD NO 2 NOTHING NEW LOGHNEY/NETTESHIEM (KELSEY DRIVEL MET WITH DESIGN ENGINEER, REVIEWED AND DISCUSSED SKETCH L-J . PAGE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 15, 1999 MUSKEGO CENTER/BERG CONSTRUCTION COMPLETED AS BUILTS COMPLETED PUNCH LIST TO BE PREPARED THIS WEEK MUSKEGO MOTOR CAR CO PUNCH LIST RESENT TO CONTRACTOR AS BUILTS SENT TO MMSD OCTOBER 6, 1998, NO APPROVAL RECEIVED YET NORTH CAPE FARM CONTRACTOR INSTALLED WRONG MANHOLE FRAMES ORDERED HIM TO REPLACE AS BUILTS SENT TO MMSD AUGUST 12, 1999 PUNCHLIST COMPLETED VIDEO TAPE REVIEWED OUTLOT 3 KIMBERLY ESTATES SEWER AND WATER PUNCHLIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR, RESTORATION REMAINS PIONEER DRIVE I PARKS GARAGE ADDITIONAL SIDEWALK REPLACED SOD INSTALLATION REMAINS BEHIND SIDEWALK ROSEWOOD ESTATES (FORMERLY WOODGATE ESTATES) MMSD APPROVAL RECEIVED WAITING FOR PAPERWORK, LOC, FINAL PLAT ETC. SAL FERRITO SEWER (PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER) DEWATERING WELL NOT REMOVED LATERALS NOT CONNECTED YET VICTORIAN VILLAS VIDEO OF SEWER NOT YET RECEIVE WISA FORCE MAIN (WILL BE REMOVED FROMREPORTAFTER MMSD APPROVAL RECEIVED, WITH APROVAL OF COMMITTEE) CONSTRUCTION COMPLETED AS BUILTS SENT TO MMSD NOTE: MMSD RULES NOW REQUIRE ALL SANITARY MANHOLES TO BE VACUUM TESTED. THIS WILL ADD SIGNIFICANT COSTS TO ALL PROJECTS CONSTRUCTED THIS YEAR. MMSD RULES NO LONGER REQUIRE AS BUILT APPROVALS BY MMSD BEFORE CONNECTIONS CAN BE MADE. THERE IS LESS URGANCY IN THEIR REVIEWS OF THE RECORD DRAWINGS.