PUM19991018PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING — CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved Minutes of Meeting Held Monday, October 18, 1999 The meeting was called to order at 7-10 p.m. by Chairman David Sanders. Present were • Mayor David De Angelis and Committee members Ald. Mark Slocomb, Ald. William Le Doux. And Utility Supt. Scott Kloskowski, (and those per attached list). Also present were Finance Director Dawn Gunderson and Ruekert-Mielke representative Richard Eberhardt. It was noted by Ald. Sanders that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. There was no need for CLOSED SESSION this evening. Review Minutes of Previous Meeting — Ald. Sanders moved to place on file the minutes of the September 20, 1999, September 29, 1999 and October 12, 1999 meetings as presented. vvayne Salentine and Reno Berg appeared regarding the Park Estates Subdivision sewer and water improvements. Mr. Richard Eberhardt, of Ruekert-Mielke reported everything looked fine on the improvements to this subdivision. Scott's review also reflected same. Aid. Sanders moved to approve Park Estates Subdivision improvements. Aid. Slocomb seconded. Motion carried by all. Water ty Budget 2000 Finance UtiliDirector Dawn Gunderson presented and summarized the Water Utility Budget for 2000. Water utility rates are not recommended to be increased at this time. Ms. Gunderson advised that she would be working with Don Vilione about the possibility of restructuring the debt schedule at which the Water Utility is paying back the City for prior year advances. Wage increases, well testing, well head protection, etc. are reasons to increase the budget. • Well head protection for Well No. 2 was a concern discussed. Also expense for laser printer for Sewer/Water Dept. was questioned. Ms. Gunderson stated the City possibly will be looking at a rate increase in the future, but adding new customers will help. Aid. Slocomb moved to recommend approval of the Water Budget as presented. Aid. Sanders seconded. Scott stated there was no work scheduled regarding wells at this time, and discussed status of wells that would be looked at next year Motion carried by all. Sewer Utility Budget 2000 Ms. Gunderson presented and summarized the Sewer Utility Budget for 2000. Ms. Gunderson stated they are not recommending any rate changes at this time. Odor control and rehab of manholes line items were discussed. City subsidies were reduced. Long term debt and capital improvements were discussed. $250,000 planned for manhole rehab. Mayor De Angelis stated the Capital budget of $10,000.00 for cabling for water and sewer budgeting should be reflected, but seem not to appear in budget. Scott stated he thought it was included in the Operating Budget for both utilities, but would verify after further review of budget. Aid. Sanders moved to amend Sewer and Water Budgets to add an additional $2,500.00 figure to each utility for cabling expenses. Aid. Slocomb seconded. Motion carried by all. Ms. Gunderson left for the evening at this time. STATUS OF PROJECTS — At this time, Mr. Richard Eberhardt gave report on status of City • projects, as follows: Hillendale Water Proiect Mr Eberhardt stated there is a pre -construction meeting scheduled for Thursday regarding this project. Scott reported letter was sent to owner of barn, and stated he felt the owner did Public Utilities Committee Page 2 October 18, 1999 not want the barn torn down. Laterals and pricing of laterals were discussed. He stated all • other projects seemed to be moving along. The parks garage on Pioneer Dr was discussed. EPI Lift Station Mr Eberhardt stated unfortunately the EPI Lift Station plans had just been sent to MMSD today. as Scott explained letter was received from St Leonard Congregation regarding proceeding with the design and construction. The Church has funds for current design, but does not have the funding for construction . Mayor stated as City gets billed, the Church will get billed. Aid. Sanders moved to have R&M design relocation of the sewer not to exceed cost of $16,980.00 for sewer and water main expenses, to add design Aid. Slocomb seconded. Motion carried by all. �.•�c�� a.w ac�a� e�aacaJ111CIR— LVVIIIID/nWV 4A 16ane I zzo/ vats Mr Eberhardt discussed lateral assessment. Ald. Slocomb moved to correct the assessment roll to reflect that no lateral was installed on TKN 2257.988. Aid. Le Doux seconded. Motion carried by all. Scott explained 14 cards were sent out to the residents indicating a public informational meeting could be held regarding any questions that might occur regarding the sewer project • for the south side of Woods Road. Scott stated four (4) cards were received back at this time. Aid. Slocomb requested a meeting with Rich Eberhardt, Scott Kloskowski and residents. Scott K., will coordinate. Further Discussion on Forced Hook -Ups Mr Eberhardt submitted updated cost breakdown of the Jones forced hook-up. Mayor De Angelis stated the actual cost exceeded the estimated cost. Aid. Slocomb moved to approve payment to contractor for amount billed and to review the letter to Jones regarding the cost. Aid. Sanders seconded. Motion carried by all. Mayor De Angelis stated a special meeting at 6:45 p.m., October 26, 1999 would be held to further review the letter to Mr Jones. Mr Eberhardt left for the evening at this time. Status of Town of Norway Contract Mayor DeAngelis stated a meeting would be held at 5:20 p.m., October 21, 1999 regarding this issue. Status of Connections — Holz Drive Sewer Project Mayor De Angelis stated Peggy Mertz was the last property to connect on Holz Drive. Scott stated Al Biwer will be reporting back on status. Aid. Sanders moved to defer this item to the special meeting of next Tuesday. Aid. Le Doux seconded. Motion carried by all. • i,ommon uouncu wMea urainance 991 and requested work start to amend billing method for 2001 Aid. Sanders moved to direct Consultants to review rate structure and suggest a revision to Chapter 21. Aid. Le Doux seconded. Motion carried by all. on generator turther pu Public Utilities Committee October 18, 1999 Page 3 . Further Discussion on Hi View Connections Aid. Sanders moved to defer the issue of Hi View Sewer until next month. Aid. Slocomb seconded. Motion carried by all. Mayor ue Hngeus aiscussea unme Lac agreements and proposed to send this to New Berlin. Aid. Le Doux moved to send agreement to New Berlin for review and recommendation. Aid. Sanders seconded. Motion carried by all. vc4u14V14 — V4VI VVIILIVI OWLIVII IYIVa711a[IV Scott reported on the site visit and stated City of Cedarburg has not had an odor complaint after the six (6) month installation/adjustment period. Aid. Slocomb moved to direct Scott to have engineers write specifications for the odor control facility for McShane Lift Station. Aid. Le Doux seconded. Motion carried by all. Review Request for Extension of WCA District — Candlewood Creek - Nothing to report. Engineer Fees - Sablich - Aid. Slocomb moved to deny the request of Mr. Sablich for payment of his engineer's bill. Aid. Sanders seconded. Motion carried by all. No quarteny Dun was received, although Scott reported a letter was received from the Town of Norway regarding billing corrections, and the City of Muskego will be refunded for incorrect charges. • Aid. Sanders moved to approve MMSD billing of $134,875.72. Aid. Slocomb seconded. Motion carried by all. Discussion was held regarding Pellmann water assessment. Mayor De Angelis questioned a controlled access assessment policy, and feels changes need to be made to be more specific on how it works for watermain assessment, and certain non -assessable cost provisions rather than assessment. Review Proposal for Meter Reading Equipment Scott reported that new meter reading equipment is being looked at and submitted proposal of highlights of costs. Neptune is compatible with equipment, Badger suspended licenses at this time. Scott proposes purchasing Neptune data collector Meters need to be replaced about every 10 years. Aid. Sanders moved to approve the purchase of the Neptune data collector software including training at $5,000.00. Aid. Slocomb seconded. Motion carried by all. ADJOURNMENT — Being no further business to discuss, Aid. Slocomb moved to adjourn at 9:42 p.m. Aid. Sanders seconded. Carried by all. Res tfully�'submitted, • Recording Secretary E CITY OF MUSKEGO MEETING GUEST SIGN -IN SHEET MEETING 1 013(-IC VTI(,iT/&-S R)mm - Ida NAME (Please Print) AGENDA ITEM