• The meeting was called to order at 6:55 p.m. by Chairman Sanders. Also present were
Committee Members Le Doux and Slocomb, and Deputy Clerk Blenski to record minutes.
Chairman Sanders stated that the meeting was noticed in accordance with the Open
Meeting Law.
1 Review sewer plans for Hillendale Drive - Knudsen
The Committee reviewed all the information submitted. Aid. Slocomb moved to approve
subject to the petitioner meeting the requirements of Items 1. through 6. of Ruekert &
Mielke's correspondence dated October 11, 1999 (attached) and submitting to the
City for staff review and approval. Aid. Sanders seconded; motion carried
There was no other business to come before the Committee.
Aid. Slocomb moved to adjourn at 7:09 p.m. Aid. Le Doux seconded; motion carried.
• Respectfully submitted,
Jill Blenski, CIVIC
Recording Secretary
tAl-yy mun IL.lu fill aucncn: a 1111'LLIIL, 11Nr.
Aofasional Engineers
f� lit ulmd Land Surveyors since 1946
Mr. Brian D. Turk
Plan Director
City of Muskego
W 182 S8200 Racine Avenue
P.O. Box 0749
Muskego WI 53150-0749
RF: Force Main Plans, Richard Knudson
Dear Mr. Turk:
October 11, 1999
We have reviewed the first submittal received in our office on October 8, 1999 of
the proposed Hillendale Dive Force Main for Richard Knudson.
The plans, dated October 5, 1999, were prepared by Metropolitan Engineering,
Inc. we have the following comments:
• 1. The plans are not signed and dated by the Design Engineer,
2. The plans do not list the proposed size nor material of the force train.
These should be required to be shown including tracing wire and location
3. The existing lateral for Parcel One, CSM No. 8166 is not shown.
4. No erosion controls are shown on the plan. The implementation notes are
vague, leave the type(s) and locations(s) of erosion control to the contractor
and reference tracking pads which are not practical on a pipeline project.
5. The point at which the force main crosses into the sewer easement on Parcel
1 is only 4 to 5 feet off of the west lot line. The angle points should be
shifted to the east or an easement should be obtained from the owner of
Parcel I of CSM 8166.
6. There is no as -built plan on file with the City for the existing force main to
which the proposed force main is to connect. The City should require a
copy of the approved as -built be filed with the City before allowing
construction of the proposed force main.
7. After the City approves, the plans must be submitted to and approved by
MMSD before construction can begin. (MMSD forwards the plans to DNA
. and receives DNR approval before MMSD approves the plan.)
I WMN18121incku.00dAim
Ruckert Mielke
I nat En 'neenYfitard Land
SurtigmY since 1946
Letter to Brian Turk
October 11, 1999
Page 2
8. The plan provides for four (4) new connections. These connections are for
the 3 lots created by CSM No. 8745 and for Parcel 2 of CSM No. 8632, Mr.
Knudson's new home. These four connections are added to the four (4)
existing and two (2) future connections to this force main system. No
future extension should be permitted without a study of the capacity of the
force main. The study should include as -constructed grinder pump
locations and elevations as well as hydraulic analysis of the system
We can not recommend approval of these plans until these items have been
completed to the City's satisfaction.
If there are any questions regarding this matter, please contact our office.
Very truly yours,
Richard Eberhardt, P.E. RLS
eklients\13\1392185.300kmms\turk•19991011•force main plans knudscmdcc
cc: Mayor David L. De Angelis
Scott Kloskowski, Utility Supt.
Michael Campbell, Ruekert & Mielke, Inc.
Scan McMullen, Ruekert & Mielke, Inc.
I "739 N1812 Rockroo,,d Dn':,e