PUM19990920PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved MINUTES OF MEETING HELD Monday, September 20, 1999 • The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Chairman David Sanders. Present were Committee members Aid. Mark Slocomb, Aid. William Le Doux, Public Utilities Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, Richard Eberhardt (Ruekert & Mielke), and those per attached list. Mayor De Angelis arrived at 7:51 p.m. The Chairman noted that the meeting was posted on September 16, 1999, in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Review Minutes of Previous Meeting - Aid. Le Doux moved to amend the minutes of the August 31, 1999 meeting to correct Page #2 "Aid. Slocomb moved to defer action on extending the service area for these parcels until the September Public Utilities Committee meeting. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb, motion carried 3-0." To read Seconded by Aid. Sanders, motion carried 3-0. Motion to amend minutes seconded by Ald.Sanders. Carried by all. Minutes of 8/31/99 approved as amended. Review Minutes of Previous Meeting — Alderman Slocomb moved to accept the minutes of the August 16, 1999 meeting. Seconded by Alderman Sanders. Carried by all. Review of Status of Connection -Martin Drive/Stack Mr. Robert Stack was present to discuss survey that was provided to the committee for #2171.991 property. Discussion was held and agreed that a grinder pump was needed to serve the property. Aid. Slocomb moved to not enforce the connection due to the need for a grinder pump to service the property and not to charge the property a stand by charge or ready to serve charge. Ald. Le Doux seconded. Carried by all. Mr Harold DeBack was present to discuss an existing lateral on vacant land to connect two properties by one lateral. The Town of Norway allows two homes with one lateral. Utilities Superintendent agrees as long as the the utility has access to the clean out in the right of way. Utility Superintendent recommended that Mr DeBack check with Al Biwer, Deputy Building Director, to see if the Plumbing Code requires a manhole. Aid. Sanders made a motion to allow the two homes to be connected to one lateral as long as the provisions described in the letter from Ruekert & Mielke are met. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. Status of Projects Mr. Richard Eberhardt of Ruekert & Mielke provided an updated report of existing projects. See attached. Specific discussion was held regarding the Boxhorn/Ryan/Groveway Sewer Project. Scott reported the seeding was complete on the easement area Thursday. Aid. Slocomb reported that there was a lot of long wild grass and prior to cutting a walk though should be done to make sure there aren't large roots or stumps in area. The easement area was originally a very heavily wooded area and when the easement was secured a lot of clearing needed to be done. Aid. Slocomb had measured easement to make sure that the clearing that had been done wasn't oversized. Still some question on replacing trees for Mr. Zaharopoulos of Groveway Lane. There will not be any trees replanted in the easement area. Replacement of a culvert should be done this week. Smoke testing should be done this week. The Parks garage is now connected to water. Public Utilities Committee Minutes of 9/20/99 Page - 2 • Review McShane Lift Station. Discussion was held regarding the pumps: possibly, exchanging them with Woods Road lift station and upgrading them one or two at a time. Awaiting study to report back from Ruekert & Mielke to advise on cost estimates. Mayor arrived at 7:51 p.m. Review request for inclusion in Sewer Service Area JEK No 1 LLC/Blattner Mr Paul Kolaga was present to request the property owned by JEK No 1 LLC to be included in the sewer service area. Discussion was held regarding the new MMSD agreement and boundaries discussed. The committee has concerns regarding the drainage into Mud lake and advised this item should be put on the Public Works Agenda. Drain tile needs to be replaced and should be done if lake freezes this winter Aid. Slocomb made a motion to direct Ruekert & Mielke to send letter to MMSD to request these two properties #2253.998 & #2253.999 to be included in the sewer service area. Seconded by Aid. Sanders. Carried by all. Status of REC Allocation Aid. Slocomb made a motion to discontinue tracking the RECs for committee. Aid. Le Doux seconded. Carried by all. This was done because of the new agreement with MMSD it is no longer necessary. • _Status of Town of Norway Contract Mayor stated a letter was sent out to the DNR informing them our agreement hasn't been finalized as of this date. Status of Holz Dr. Sewer Connections It was reported that two properties #2211.051 & #2211.058 had not been connected as of this date but should be done shortly. A letter from #2211.058 was submitted to the committee. Aid. Slocomb made a motion to extend deadline and review connections at the October 18, 1999 meeting. Aid. Sanders seconded. Carried by all. Status of North Shore Generator Further discussion was held regarding different alternatives suggested by letter that Ruekert & Mielke sent to the committee. The committee deferred this to the October 18, 1999 meeting to have Scott check other options. Rich from Ruekert & Mielke provided cost estimates for St. Leonards Church with several options. This letter has been sent to St. Leonards for them to review options. The committee will wait for them to review and discuss. D.J. MORVIA COMPANY contractor for the Holz Drive Sewer Project requested additional • expense of $600.00 for return trips to install grinder pumps for the properties on Holz Drive. Aid. Sanders made a motion for the sewer utility to reimburse D.J. Morvia Company six hundred dollars ($600.00) for the cost of additional trip charges. Seconded by Ald.Slocomb Carried by all. Public Utilities Committee Minutes of 9/20/99 Page - 3 • Review McShane Odor Control Discussion was held on the major problems of odor at the McShane lift station and Woods Rd.(Sandy Beach) this summer based on many complaints, The utility has tried many solutions to control odor unsuccessfully. The odor was extra bad this summer due to the dry weather and sealing of manholes. Scott discussed several other options. US. Filter suggested a system that is currently used in Cedarburg. The committee will check out operation at Cedarburg and possibly purchase one unit to see if this resolves solution next summer. The cost is approximately $55,000.00 and the committee would like to try one summer of use at the McShane lift station to see if this works. Item deferred for review of system. Review Candlewood Creek Sewer Depth The committee reviewed letter sent by Towne Realty expressing concerns that the sewer being put in by Quietwood Creek is not adequate to service the abutting property which will be Candlewood Creek. Aid. Sanders made a motion to have a letter sent to Mr. Carity of Quietwood Creek referring to the section in the Land Division Ordinance which requires the developer of a property to service sewer with regard to the abutting property. Seconded by Aid. LeDoux. Carried by all. Review request for WCA District Extension Request was made by Towne Realty for extension of the WCA District for Candlewood • Creek. Aid. Sanders made a motion to approve WCA District extension for the four properties #2201.994 & #2201.994.001, 2203.999 & 2203.998 on the North Side of Woods Rd. West of Durham. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. The committee directed a postcard be sent to invite the people on the south side of Woods Road to the next utilities meeting and to indicate if they wish to be included in WCA District. This needs to be done in a timely matter due to the deadline of April 1, 2000 for the Woods Road reconstruction project. Review Water Service request Lannon Drive. Per Rich this property was found not to be in the current WCA area. The property owner of #2198.987 agrees to the assessment proposed to the property and will need to waive the right for a public hearing. A motion was made by Aid. Sanders to approve water lateral connection assessing the property $35.55 per L.F. for a total of $1,777.50 and amend WCA District to include this property. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. Mr. Richard Eberhardt left at this time. Review Sewer Usage (Meter vs. REM It was noted that Atty Molter pointed out several revisions to Chapter 21 need to be made to correct some changes in the ordinance. Aid. Slocomb made a motion to accept the Proposed Amendment per attached to Ordinance #997. Aid. Sanders seconded. Carried by all. Further review and corrections of ordinance will be done in the future. • Review Forced Hook-ups Scott reported that the two connections have been completed for the Jones #2252.993 & Bieniewski #2224.992 properties. Public Utilities Committee Minutes of 9/20/99 Page - 4 • Review of Hi View Connections Three properties have not yet connected, #2209.988, #2209.989 and #2209.996. The owner of one of the properties Mr. Leichtfuss spoke with Scott and Al Biwer, indicating there is some question on the state requirements. Al has a meeting with the State Inspector to discuss how to connect this property. Scott informed the committee he received a call that one the properties possibly will be a forced hookup. A motion was made by Aid. Slocomb to extend the deadline to the October 18, 1999 meeting for the connections. Seconded by Aid. Le Doux. Carried by all. The committee reviewed list and discussion was that #2171.991 Mr. Stack property should be removed from the list. The other properties will continue to be charged at this time. Review Woodland Ct Lift Station A claim was submitted to the committee for review by Mr. Sablich. A motion was made by Aid. Sanders to defer to next months meeting and invite Mr. Sablich to the October 18, 1999, meeting to review claim and insurance response. Aid. Le Doux seconded. Carried by all. Review of Linnie Lac Agreement Mayor reported agreement incomplete at this time. It should be finalized for the committee • to review at the October 18, 1999 meeting. Review of Sewer & Water Budgets Scott pointed out some of the changes in the budgets to the committee such as increase in Maintenance of Safety Equipment account due to seminar he had recently attended and found out our equipment is outdated. Scott also explained the need for a tripod which is a lift to be able to handle two bodies to safety. Discussion was held regarding I & I account manhole testing. It was noted that the utilities will be purchasing a vehicle from the police department which will save on transportation expense. Don Vilione, City Auditor, will be at the October 18, 1999 meeting to further answer any questions regarding the budgets. Aid. Le Doux moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:02p.m. Aid. Sanders seconded. Carried by all. Respectfully submitted, �49 Renee Kowalik Sewer Utility Clerk li7 0 CITY OF MUSKEGO MEETING GUEST SIGN -IN SHEET MEETING 1-I - oi U - NAME (Please Print) AGENDA ITEM • CONSULTANTS REPORT FOR: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1999 SUBMITTED SEPTEMBER 15, 1999 BOLD ITALICS INDICATE NEW INFORMATION CITY PROJECTS: BOXHORN, RYAN, GROVEWAY FINAL RESTORATIONAND CLOSEOUT BEING HANDLED BY CITY HIGHVIEW ACRES NORTH CAPE STATION - REPAIRS TO PHASE CONVERTER COMPLETED WAITING ON CHIMNEY SEAL REINSTALLATION HILLENDALE DR 1300 FT S TO 3500 FT S OF JANESVILLE RD EASEMENT DESIGN IN WASTE MANAGEMENTS HANDS -NO WORD CONTRA CTA WARD HELD PENDING A GREEMENTAND DEPOSIT MC SHANE BYPASS PIPING/STORAGE BUILDING PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE HELD SEPTEMBER 8,1999 CONSTRUCTION STARTED WATER TOWER REPAINTING • COMPLETED WAITING FOR FINAL PA YREQ UESTITAPER WORK NORTH CAPE ROAD - HI VIEW TO SCHAEFFER PUNCHLIST COMPLETED NOTICE SENT TO COUNTY FOR PERMIT COMPLETION PROJECT CLOSEOUT PAPER WORK REQUEST SENT TO CONTRACTOR LOOMIS DRIVE / NORTH CAPE RD - US45 / MSS-1C-96 - PAVEMENT REPLACED RESTORATION NEEDS REDOING - NOTIFIED CONTRACTOR PUNCH LIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR VIDEO DID NOT INCLUDE NORTH CAPE ROAD SPANS MANHOLE SMOKE TESTING COMPLETED FOR MMSD AREAS WILL BE DONE FOR NORWAYSANITARYDISTRICT AREA ON SEPTEMBER 27AND 28 NORTH CAPE ROAD / RYAN RD TO 500 FT N. OF BOXHORN DR. UTILITY SUPERINTENDANT TO TALK W/DUMKE SURVEY WORK STARTED DRAFTING STARTED WELL NO 3 REHAB PUMP REPLACEMENT BIDS OPEN SEPTEMBER 23, 2:15PM . PAGE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE • SEPTEMBER 20, 1999 WOODLAND CT / SLABICH LATERAL COMPLETED WOODS ROAD - KURTZE LANE TO BAY LANE PROJECT MW-26-99 DNR APPROVED WOODS ROAD - BROOKE LANE TO EAST OF RACINE AVENUE DNR APPROVED DEVELOPMENTS: AVION ESTATES UNDERGROUND COMPLETED PUNCHLIST REMAIN (UNTIL AFTER PAVING) AS BUILTS SENT TO MMSD CHAMPIONS VILLAGES - PHASE 3 PUNCHLIST ITEMS REMAIN (UNTIL AFTER PAVING) AS BUILTS TO STARTAFTER PAVING DEER CREEK TWO PUNCH LIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR • EPI LIFT STATION / FORCE MAIN SENT TO WISCONSINDOT FOR PERMIT SEPTEMBER 171999 HOLTZ-ARROWOOD CONSTRUCTED PUNCHLIST AND AS BUILTS TO BE STARTED SOON LAKEWOOD MEADOWS ADD NO 2 NOTHING NEW LOGHNEY/NETTESHIEM FEASIBILITY REQUEST FOR 14 LOTS, JUNE APPROVAL - 12 LOTS MUSKEGO CENTERIBERG PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE HELD AUGUST 31,1999 CONSTRUCTIONSTARTED SEPTEMBER 14,1999 MUSKEGO MOTOR CAR CO OPEN PUNCH LIST AS BUILTS SENT TO MMSD OCTOBER 6, 1998, NO APPROVAL RECEIVED YET • PAGE 3 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE • SEPTEMBER 20, 1999 NORTH CAPE FARM UNDERGROUND INSTALLED CONTRACTOR INSTALLED WRONG MANHOLE FRAMES ORDERED HIM TO REPLACE AS BUILTS SENT TO MMSD AUGUST 12, 1999 PUNCHLIST ITEMS REMAIN, RECENTLYPAVED OUTLOT 3 KIMBERLY ESTATES SEWER AND WATER PUNCHLIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR, RESTORATION REMAINS PARK ESTATES (AKA PARK VIEW ESTATES) RESTORATION AND SURFACE COURSE PAVEMENT REMAIN PIONEER DRIVE / PARKS GARAGE CHANGE ORDER SENT AND SIGNED WITH NEW COMPLETION DATES. WILL NEED TO BE ADJUSTED AGAIN SAFE SAMPLE RECEIVED AUGUST 26,1999 ADDITIONAL RESTORATION AND SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT ORDERED ON SEPTEMBER 10,1999 ROSEWOOD ESTATES (FORMERLY WOODGATE ESTATES) SEWER PLANS SUBMITTED TO MMSD SAL FERRITO SEWER (PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER) • DEWATERING WELL NOT REMOVED LATERALS NOT CONNECTED YET VICTORIAN VILLAS VIDEO OF SEWER NOT YET RECEIVE WISA FORCE MAIN CONSTRUCTION COMPLETED AS BUILTS SENT TO MMSD NOTE: MMSD RULES NOW REQUIRE ALL SANITARY MANHOLES TO BE VACUUM TESTED. THIS WILL ADD SIGNIFICANT COSTS TO ALL PROJECTS CONSTRUCTED THIS YEAR • • PROPOSED AMENDMENT COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #997 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 21, SECTION 21.06(2)(b) AND SECTION 21 13(1) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Metering Sewer Service) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Chapter 21, Section 21.04(24) is hereby amended to read as follows: (24) "Sewer Use Charge" shall mean a charge levied on users for operation and maintenance and replacement costs based on a cost per residential equivalent connection, or actual metered use, and the number of connections. SECTION 2: Chapter 21, Section 21.06(2)(b) is hereby amended to read as follows: (2) OPERATION, MAINTENANCE AND REPLACEMENT • (b) On or before September 151 of every year the Finance Director of the City of Muskego shall recompute the assignment of residential equivalent units and number of connections to all users within the system. Said assignment method shall apply only to buildings that are attached to the sanitary collection system. Said summation of residential equivalent units will then be divided into the billable per flow portion of the yearly operation, maintenance and replacement costs to arrive at the flow charge per residential equivalent unit. The summation of the number of connections will be divided into the per connection portion of the operation, maintenance and replacement costs to arrive at the charge per connection. The charge per connection will be used to compute the wastewater charges for industrial and commercial users. The total charge to an individual user shall be the sum total of the number of assigned REC's, times the charge per REC for residential users. A residential user shall be defined as any single family, duplex, apartments, multifamily or residential condominium units. The total charge to an industrial, commercial, institutional, and any other nonresidential user shall be the sum number of assigned REC's times the charge per REC or metered flow times the charge per 1,000 gallons, plus the number of connections, times the charge per connection. SECTION 3. Chapter 9, Section 21 13(1) is hereby amended to add the following: (1) (f) All metered users will be charged in accordance with Section 21.06. SECTION 4. The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or •