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PUM19990816PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING — CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved MINUTES OF MEETING HELD Monday, August 16, 1999 • The meeting was called to order at 7.15 p.m. by Chairman David Sanders. Present were Committee member Aid. Mark Slocomb, Mayor De Angelis, Utility Supt. Scott Kloskowski, Ruekert-Mielke representative Richard Eberhardt and Interim Building Director/Inspector Al Biwer (and those per attached list). Excused was Aid. William Le Doux. There was no need for CLOSED SESSION this evening. STATUS OF PROJECTS— Mr Richard Eberhardt of Ruekert-Mielke provided an update on existing projects. Specific discussion regarding the following projects: North Cape/Ryan to Boxhorn Sewer Extension Mr Eberhardt stated surveys were sent out. Scott reported the reply count and status of survey--(4 to 3, 1 undecided and 1 card unreturned). Representative of Shaefer farm Blenda Treba spoke regarding time frame on plan. Scott explained the time frame is next summer Richard Eberhardt explained details of sewer service area-5 or 6 homes on top of hill could extend either north or south. Scott explained a decision needs to be made to possibly continue servicing these 8 or 9 homes. Mayor DeAngelis stated they should all be looked at at same time. Aid. Sanders requested property owners in area be invited to a special meeting to discuss proposed project. Review Sewer Connection — St. Paul's Old Church • Wayne Boldt and Steve Stack, representing St. Paul's Church spoke regarding the sewer connection possibly by next year Aid. Sanders moved to grant a 6-month extension and to review status of connection in 6 months. Aid. Slocomb seconded. All voted `aye', motion carried. Wayne Boldt stated the minutes now read 18 months, which would include the 6 months. Review of Moose Lodge Sewer Connection Judy and Larry Wachowiak, representing Moose Lodge, spoke regarding sewer connection and reconstruction status. Aid. Sanders questioned extension deadline. Scott reported it would be similar to the church deadline of six (6) months. Aid. Slocomb moved to review status of connection in six (6) months. Aid. Sanders seconded. All voted `aye'. Motion carried. Discussion of Generator — North Shore Lift Station Mary Ann Brunner spoke regarding the North Shore lift station. She reported there is still a problem. Scott reported the mechanic tuned it up last week, and did what they could at this time. They are having difficulty finding a filter to retrofit on existing exhaust from diesel generator Estimate is $70,000.00 for natural gas. Scott reported the generator is 20 years old, but is not used continually. Aid. Slocomb replied they need to achieve comfort level and safety for this lift station. Scott will investigate if this generator could be used at EPI. Aid. Sanders questioned if power outages were • checked. Aid. Slocomb stated Scott was working on groundwater infiltration problems; and that power problems occur Mayor DeAngelis stated WEPCO comes out to fix after outage. Aid. Slocomb directed Scott to budget for gas generator Mayor stated goal should be to finish this project before next year Aid. Sanders moved to approve expenditure for gas generator and directed Scott to work on timetable. Aid. Public Utilities Meeting - August 16, 1999 Page 2 Slocomb seconded. All voted 'aye'. Motion carried. • Discussion on Sewer Connections — Loughnev/Maney Richard Eberhardt discussed 14 lot sketch in detail. Richard Eberhardt stated Scott may need to work on installation of flow meters. Scott questioned Al Biwer if those lots needing a grinder pump could be tagged to inform interested parties of that requirement. Al replied he felt that it possibly could be done. Wayne Salentine advised the bike trail would not to be a problem, since there was a 100 foot right-of-way. Aid. Sanders moved to approve 2 additional lots for sewer connection, for a total of 14. Ald. Slocomb seconded. All voted 'aye'. Motion carried. Status of Connection- Martin Drive/Stack Mr Robert Stack questioned determination of his hookup. Ald. Sanders replied that it became available, and he should be hooking up. Mr Stack responded that he does not feel he has access to the lateral and he cannot reach it by gravity; and he may be dividing his lot in the near future and does not intend to cut across second lot. He stated he has a surveyor working on division, and will check if this is even possible. Ald. Sanders questioned if gravity was an option. Mr Eberhardt reported that Mr Stack and his neighbor to the west stated they did not need lateral connection. The Committee stated sewer is available and hook up needs to be connected within one (1) year Mayor DeAngelis questioned if sewer is only accessible by grinder pump, is connection mandatory. Aid. Slocomb stated Mr Stack received letter last November, • and asked his intentions. Mr Stack responded he intends to have surrey done to possibly divide. He felt if lot was dividable, and he could get sewer lateral to property, he would hook up. He felt he would need easement. Scott reported divided or not divided, he felt this property should be connected to avoid islands of septic systems in sewered areas. Mayor DeAngelis questioned if the Committee would wait for surveyor's response. Mr Eberhardt stated he needs report by September 10th in order to get his report back to Committee by next meeting. Aid. Sanders moved to defer item to next month's meeting. Aid. Slocomb seconded. All voted 'aye'. Motion carried. Discussion on Pellmann Proposed Water Assessment/Woods Rd.-Kurtze/Bav Lane Glenn and Ruth Pellmann spoke regarding proposed water assessment. Alderman Slocomb asked that a proposed amendment to the Assessment Policy be drafted similar to what was in a previous policy to forgive an assessment if direct connection not made and sewer or water connected internally, or if connected to an existing system in place, therefore not receiving a direct benefit from the proposed sewer or water extension. He noted this property is adequately served by existing water service from several stubs in place. Scott noted this property was not assessed for that previous service. Scott felt it was a timing issue and if the property is undeveloped at the time the pipe is installed it would be assessable, but if the property was previously connected through main extensions paid for by the developer from another site, it would • not be assessable. Mr Eberhardt felt this assessment could be considered differently from the Champions Village assessment along Ryan Rd. because the City may not allow direct access to Woods Rd. Scott questioned if the new language in the policy regarding the Counter assessment, whereby interest was deferred on the deferred assessment until access was available, would apply to this case. Aid. Slocomb felt a Public Utilities Meeting - August 16, 1999 Page 3 property should not be assessed if there were 99.9% chance of not collecting it. Mayor • questioned if a revision to the policy should apply to water only regarding main installed for looping purposes for the betterment of the system and where property owners do not make a direct connection to the pipe, with the assessment deferred until property owners make an internal connection at which time it would be forgiven, or a direct connection at which time the assessment would come due. Committee agreed. Scott thought a pro-rata provision should be included in case property owner divides a portion of the parcel for direct connection. The Pellmann's were encouraged to install any direct connections prior to April when reconstruction of Woods Rd. will start. They were requested to let the City know prior to October if they wished sewer and water laterals for two parcels bid with the City's project. When asked about water service on Kurtze Ln., Mr Eberhardt said if water is run down Kurtze Ln. they would be assessed on their Kurtze Ln. frontage, and the assessment on Woods Rd. would be forgiven, providing the proposed amendment to the assessment policy as stated above would be approved. The Committee directed Scott to draft language to amend the Water Assessment Policy. Aid. Sanders moved to defer action until proposed amendment is submitted for consideration. Aid. Slocomb seconded. All voted `aye'. Motion carried. Status of Connections — Holz Drive Sewer Project Scott Godleski stated he was working on his sewer connection and could probably have finished by next month. Aid. Slocomb moved to defer item until the next month's • meeting along with Otto and Peggy Merz permit per letter received. Aid. Sanders seconded. All voted 'aye'. Motion carried. Review Proposed Change in Water Service Size Al Biwer reported on proposed change in water service size from the main to the lot line from 1" to 1-1/4" for residential properties. State requires water calculations when home is built to assure minimum requirements are met. Surrounding communities use 1-1/4" service. Most new construction currently installing 1-1/4" from lot line to home. Scott also recommends change to 1-1/4" Policy needs to be placed in developer's design handbook. Richard Eberhardt noted developers will resist due to cost factor Aid. Slocomb moved to approve 1-1/4" inside diameter water service laterals and direct Planning Director to place requirement in policy. Aid. Sanders seconded. All voted 'aye'. Motion carried. Discussion held on use of plastic and copper pipe, and determined City will continue to require copper pipe in right-of-way. Scott was directed to notify Mr Carrity and other developers with proposed projects. Al Biwer left for the evening. At this time Aid. Sanders returned to beginning of agenda. It was noted by Ald. Sanders that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Review Minutes of Previous Meeting — Ald. Sanders moved to amend the minutes • of the July 19, 1999 meeting under Review Sewer Plans - Rosewood Subdivision, to correct "subject to eliminating Lot 7 & Lot 8 "T" to read "subject to installing a lateral on Lot 7 to easement line and eliminate the extra T on lot 8; under Review Sewer Assessment - Thomas Laimon, to change project number in first sentence Public Utilities Meeting - August 16, 1999 Page 4 from MSS-1A-96 to MSS-1B-96; and to correct motion on top of Page #4 to read is front Slocomb moved to amend his motion to add "because the sewer installed in front of this parcel is not at a depth necessary to drain (or service) the property." Aid. Le Doux seconded. Motion to amend carried. Motion as amended carried 2- 0." Motion to amend minutes seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. It was noted that a previous amendment to the Laimon assessment to add a lateral and manhole is not affected by this action. Review of Bids — Hillendale Water Proiect and Committee Recommendation The following base bids were received: Globe Contractors, $150,155; M J Construction, $111,090; Advanced Sewer and Water, $138,000; Mainline Sewer & Water, $149,565; and Rawson Contractors, $141,195. Mr Eberhardt's letter of August 13th recommends award of bid to M. J. Construction, Inc. in amount of $111,090. Committee reviewed alternate bids with Mr Eberhardt and the possibility of negotiating to take the barn down, which could reduce cost. In order to stay on same side of road, alternate would be required. Aid. Sanders moved to approve the base bid plus Alternate 1 with Open Cut 8" submitted by M. J. Construction in amount of $121,856.50. Aid. Slocomb seconded. Motion carried 2-0. Scott was directed to contact persons involved regarding the barn issue. STATUS OF PROJECTS - Mr Eberhardt reviewed his report dated August 16th, as attached. Loomis Drive/White • Mr. Eberhardt reported on the situation of Mrs. White's basement. Aid. Slocomb moved to direct Scott to correct Mrs. White's basement problem, deducting expenses involved from the contractor's next payment due. Aid. Sanders seconded. All voted 'aye'. Motion carried. Holz/Arrowood and Pioneer Dr. Water Main - Parks Garage Mr Eberhardt stated the contractor is starting tomorrow with completion by the end of next week. Boxhorn, Grovewav, Ryan Sewer Scott reported contractor is signed up to finish project. He stated several property owners have requested replacement of trees in the easement, which should not be done. Committee agreed City should not place trees in the easement. If property owners place trees in the easement, it will be at their own risk. Trees will be replaced for those removed outside of easement for the Zarapoulis property. Manhole Smoke Testing Program Richard Eberhardt reported smoke testing should be done this month. Scott advised some problems have turned up. Ald. Slocomb felt if time to repair is less than '/2 hr., Scott's staff should handle. Scott also reported there are thousands of manholes that are in need of repair (cost is approximately $2,000.00/per manhole). Several covers need to be replaced. Mayor felt the manhole repair should be contracted out. Ald. • Slocomb stated he felt all manholes should be corrected over four (4) year time period, but concerns were expressed about cost. Scott will report at next month's meeting with report of most needed repairs to determine cost to budget for 2000. MMSD is looking for report on what has been done, and what will need to be done. He stated 20%-25% Public Utilities Meeting - August 16, 1999 Page 5 of leaking manholes is what he suggests be looked at for District report. • Mr Eberhardt noted MMSD now requires vacuum manhole testing. Two methods of testing —before backfill and after backfill. This requirement needs to be included in the policy for developers. Review Rates for 2000: RCA. WCA. Sewer Usaae. Water Front Foot Rate for Residential and Commercial Aid. Sanders moved to accept 2000 water frontage assessment rates as recommended by Ken Ward at $40.95/ft. for Commercial and Industrial and $36.25/ft. for Residential, and to approve 2000 sewer usage of $375.00/REC. Aid. Slocomb seconded. All voted `aye'. Motion carried. It was noted that the RCA and WCA assessments will increase in accordance with the Final Assessment Resolutions. Richard Eberhardt left for the evening at this time. Status of Town of Norway Contract Mayor reported a new attorney is involved and a meeting will be scheduled soon. Status of MMSD Non-WPAP Charges/Contract Negotiations Mayor stated the agreement has been approved and this item can be removed from future agendas. • Further Review of Comparison of Sewer Usage Charges (Meter vs REC charge) Mayor stated in light of the Committee's action to change the method of charging sewer usage for commercial and industrial from a REC charge to metered usage, a determination needs to be made on how to charge the RCA (Reserve Capacity Assessment). Depending on decision, an amendment to Chapter 21 and to the Final Assessment resolutions for the RCA may be required, since they currently require the RCA to be billed based on the REC chart. Alternatives discussed were to leave the RCA based on the REC chart with no changes based on actual metered usage; charge one base REC and bill at end of one year's usage to pay RCA based on actual usage with no refunds; charge 75-80% of RCA due based on REC chart, with refund of overpayment after one year's actual usage, or underpayment billed and reviewed annually. Concern was expressed about property owner moving out before final bill calculated. Aid. Slocomb moved to recommend amending Chapter 21 and Final Assessment resolutions to charge RCA by billing upon connection at 75% of charge required by REC chart, and bill for any additional charges after one year of metered history, with annual review. Aid. Sanders seconded. All voted 'aye'. Motion carried. Discussion on Forced Hook -Ups Scott reported on one (1) forced hook-up on Woods. Rd. Having problem with entry. Property owner trying to get an alternate quote. Should be resolved by next week. Contract has been awarded for the Jones hook-up. Preconstruction meeting hasn't • been held. Water Consumer Confidence Report Scott reviewed the draft report following the EPA requirements. The proposed change will be sent to all water users. He asked for any changes to be submitted to him prior to Public Utilities Meeting - August 16, 1999 Page 6 end of month. Aid. Slocomb noted correction regarding lead listing. Aid. Sanders • noted range column omissions and sample date. Scott stated he would review and correct report. ADJOURNMENT — Being no further business to discuss, Aid. Slocomb moved to adjourn at 10:25 p.m. Aid. Sanders seconded. Carried by all. Respectfully submitted, /� /1eK Pat Reilly Recording Secretary • • • CITY OF MUSKEGO MEETING GUEST SIGN -IN SHEET MEETING NAME (Please Print) AGENDA ITEM _(zh-hil T KLA th 7--'ellM a h n fC7T % („ c�O sT ��rGs �v_ �vnf. CH�,ecy �iiy�,v� F�ocr�1' .sTav£ _BL-�_--TN Ql- —FP—EGA— SG—e2 0c) 4 - L1 f f'r. / ..- t ! Al • CONSULTANTS REPORT FOR: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MONDAY, AUGUST 16, 1999 SUBMITTED AUGUST 11, 1999 REVISED AUGUST 16, 1999 BOXHORN, RYAN, GROVEWAY HIGHVIEW ACRES NORTH CAPE STATION - REPAIRS TO PHASE CONVERTER COMPLETED WAITING ON CHIMNEY SEAL REINSTALLATION HI LLENDALE DR 1300 FT S TO 3500 FT S OF JANESVILLE RD EASEMENT DESIGN IN WASTE MANAGEMENTS HANDS - NO WORD DNR APPROVAL RECEIVED FOR IN RIGHT OF WAY OPENED BIDS AUGUST 12 -SEE RECOMMENDATION MC SHANE BYPASS PIPING/STORAGE BUILDING BID AWARDED JULY 27, 1999 CONTRACTOR HAS CONTRACTS FOR EXECUTION • WATER TOWER REPAINTING A COUPLE OF TINY SPOTS REMAIN CONTRACTORS INSURANCE STILL NOT CONTACTED CITY STAFF RE 0VERSPRAY NORTH CAPE ROAD - HI VIEW TO SCHAEFFER PUNCHLIST COMPLETED CLOSEOUT CHANGE ORDER SENT TO CONTRACTOR NOTICE SENT TO COUNTY FOR PERMIT COMPLETION LOOMIS DRIVE / NORTH CAPE RD - US45 / MSS-IC-96 - PAVEMENT REPLACED RESTORA TION NEEDS REDOING -NOTIFIED CONTRACTOR REQUEST FOR EXTRA FOR LATERAL IN DRIVEWAY DENIED PUNCH LIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR - VIDEO DID NOT INCLUDE NORTH CAPE ROAD SPANS MANHOLE SMOKE TESTING STARTED SHOULD BE COMPLETED BY END OFAUGUST NORTH CAPE ROAD / RYAN RD TO 500 FT N. OF BOXHORN DR UTILITY SUPERINTENDANT TO TALK W/DUMKE SURVEY WORKSTARTED DRAFTING STARTED • PAGE 2 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE AUGUST 16, 1999 REVISED WELL NO 3 REHAB DONE, RECOMMENDATION OF FINAL PAYMENT SENT TO CITY DETERMINING REPLACEMENT PUMP NEEDED WOODLAND CT / SLABICH LATERAL BID AWARDED JULY 24, 1999 CONTRACTS RETURNED TO CONTRACTOR FOR CORRECTION AUGUST 11,1999 WOODS ROAD - KURTZE LANE TO BAY LANE PROJECT MW-26-99 SENT TO DNR FOR APPROVAL WOODS ROAD - BROOKE LANE TO EAST OF RACINE AVENUE SENT TO DNR FOR APPROVAL DEVELOPMENTS: AVION ESTATES • UNDERGROUND COMPLETED PUNCHLIST REMAINS AS BUILTS WILL BE SENT TO MMSD THIS WEER CHAMPIONS VILLAGES - PHASE 3 UNDER CONSTRUCTION DEER CREEK TWO PUNCH LIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR EPI LIFT STATION / FORCE MAIN FINAL BID READYADJUSTMENTS BEING COMPLETED WILL BE SENT TO WISCONSIN DOT FOR PERMIT BYAUGUST 20, 1999 HOLTZ-ARROWOOD PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE HELD AUGUST 12, 1999 TENTATIVE START THURSDA Y A UG US T 19, 199 9 LAKEWOOD MEADOWS ADD NO 2 NOTHING NEW LOGHNEYINETTESHIEM FEASIBILITY REQUEST FOR 14 LOTS, JUNE APPROVAL -12 LOTS MUSKEGO MOTOR CAR CO • OPEN PUNCH LIST AS BUILTS SENT TO MMSD OCTOBER 6, 1998, NO APPROVAL RECEIVED YET • PAGE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE AUGUST 16, 1999 REVISED NORTH CAPE FARM UNDERGROUND INSTALLED CONTRACTOR INSTALLED WRONG MANHOLE FRAMES ORDERED HIM TO REPLACE AS BUILTS SENT TO MMSD AUGUST 11, 1999 OUTLOT 3 KIMBERLY ESTATES SEWER AND WATER PUNCHLIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR, RESTORATION REMAINS PARK ESTATES (AKA PARK VIEW ESTATES) RESTORATION AND SURFACE COURSE PAVEMENT REMAIN PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE HELD AUGUST 12, 1999 CHANGE ORDER SENT WITH NEW COMPLETIONDATES. WILL NEED TO BE ADJUSTED AGAIN TENTATIVE START TUESDA YA UGUST 17, 1999. CONNECTION AFTER SAFE SAMPLE COULD BE AUGUST 27, 1999 ROSEWOOD ESTATES (FORMERLY WOODGATE ESTATES) • SEWER PLANS NOT SUBMITTED NEED SEWRPC APPROVAL LETTER SAL FERRITO SEWER (PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER) DEWATERING WELL NOT REMOVED LATERALS NOT CONNECTED YET VICTORIAN VILLAS VIDEO OF SEWER NOT YET RECEIVE WISA FORCE MAIN CONSTRUCTION COMPLETED AS BUILTS SENT TO MMSD NOTE: MMSD RULES NOW REQUIRE ALL SANITARY MANHOLES TO BE VACUUM TESTED. THIS WILL ADD SIGNIFICANT COSTS TO ALL PROJECTS CONSTRUCTED THIS YEAR