PUM19990719PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING —CITY OF MUSKEGO Amended/Approved MINUTES OF MEETING HELD Monday, July 19, 1999 • The meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m. by Chairman Pro-tem Ald. Mark Slocomb. Present were Mayor David DeAngelis and Committee member, Alderman William LeDoux and Utility Supt. Scott Kloskowski, (and those per attached list). Also present was Ruekert-Mielke representative Richard Eberhardt. Excused was Chairman David Sanders The Recording Secretary noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Review Minutes of Previous Meeting — Alderman LeDoux moved to accept the minutes of the June 21, 1999 meeting. Seconded by Alderman Slocomb. Carried by all. There was no need for CLOSED SESSION this evening. STATUS OF PROJECTS — Mr Richard Eberhardt, of Ruekert-Mielke provided an update on existing projects. Specific discussion regarding the following projects: Woodland Lift Station Renovation Mr Eberhardt reported a letter was received stating that progress had taken place and that the job is on schedule. They are awaiting equipment, which is scheduled to arrive within two (2) weeks. Mike & John Sablich were in attendance for update. • Mayor stated bids will be opened July 22, 1999 at 11:00 a.m. Item will be scheduled on the Council meeting and then needs to be placed on a Special Utility Committee meeting agenda of July 27, 1999 before actual contract work can begin. Woods Road Water Project (Kurtze-Bay Lane) Citizens Jon Foshey, Glenn and Ruth Pellmann and David Prunuske were present regarding this issue. Scott reported letters were sent regarding the water project and Woods Road reconstruction —from Kurtze to Bay Lane and from intersection of Racine to High School. Water needs to go in before roads are reconstructed. Mayor commented on time frame of project and apologized for short three (3) month notice. Mr Eberhardt spoke regarding water connection costs and presented design plans. He explained plans were sent to DNR for approval. Mayor DeAngelis explained the cost structure Mrs. Pellmann spoke regarding the extraordinary connection cost affecting her property due to large amount of footage on Woods Road. She questioned if a variance could be considered and stated they will not benefit; and she asked for consideration of the $91,000.00 assessment. Extensive discussion was held regarding hook-ups. Public Utilities Meeting —July 19, 1999 Page #2 • Mrs. Pellmann stated she has a copy of an Amendment to Resolution No. 167-94, amending special assessments against benefited properties which accompanied letter dated August 18, 1994. Issue was deferred to next month's meeting. Woods Road Water Project (Racine/Brooke Ln.) Mr Eberhardt spoke regarding Woods Road —Brooke Lane to east of Racine Avenue, and presented design plan. He stated plans were sent to the DNR for approval. Discuss North Shore Drive Lift Station (Brunner) Mary Ann Brunner, S106 w20237 North Shore Drive, spoke regarding complaints of the Lift Station diesel smell, and asked for alternatives. Another citizen questioned property values and reasons for electric problems. Gertrude Michels, S106 W20237 North Shore who is the neighbor across street from Mrs. Brunner spoke regarding complaint of diesel fumes. Scott discussed alternatives of hooking up to City's generator Alderman Slocomb discussed the cost of this and other alternatives, such as natural gas. Item to be discuss further at next Utilities Meeting. • At this time, Mr. Eberhardt gave report of City projects, as follows: Boxhorn, Groveway, Ryan Sewer Discussion was held regarding landscaping, ditching and paving. Hillendale Water Project Mr Eberhardt reported that DNR approval was received for right-of-way. Two (2) properties cannot be serviced. The agreement with Waste Management for this water extention iR scheduled for 7/27/99 Council meeting. Opening of bids is scheduled for August 12t Hwy. 36/45 Project Mr Eberhardt stated the underground work is completed for Loomis Drive. Restoration started. Issue of Mrs. White's basement was discussed —finished as of June 25, 1999. Scott discussed issue of painting of basement. Mr Eberhardt stated that painting was not included. Manhole Smoke Testing Program Smoke testing has been delayed by wet weather Tentative start date will be August 2nd Notices will be sent by end of week, beginning of next week. The manhole inventory is now complete. Public Utilities Meeting —July 19, 1999 Page #3 • • North Cape/Ryan to Boxhorn Sewer Extension Mr Eberhardt stated the survey for North Cape Road/Ryan Road to 500 feet north of Boxhorn Drive will start when Digger's Hotline clears. Utility Superintendent to talk with Mr & Mrs. Dumke. Six (6) additional residents will be contacted concerning possible interest in participating in the sewer extension project. Well #3 Rehab Mr Eberhardt stated Well No. 3 rehab is done. They are waiting on pump condition report on removed pump determining if replacement pump needed. Mr Eberhardt then discussed stages of other developments: • Champions Village (Phase 3) construction started. • Muskego-Norway Middle School is done. Muskego Regency public items completed. North Cape Farm underground was installed. • Pioneer Drive/Parks Garage contracts signed by Rosewood Estates sewer plans resubmitted; agenda. City, will be included on Engineering • Wiza Force Main construction completed; as-builts send to MMSD. He also discussed the following: North Cape (HiView to Schaefer) Sewer Project Mr Eberhardt discussed with Committee. EPI Lift Station Letter from Engineer was submitted. Lengthly discussion was held. Status of MMSD Non-WPAP Charges/Contract Negotiations Plans were discussed and reviewed. Review Sewer Plans — Rosewood Subdivision Letter submitted from Engineer Three (3) items incomplete —Lot 8 "T" connection, #2 manhole and hard surface driveway. Alderman Slocomb moved to approve subject to installing a lateral on Lot 7 to easement line and eliminating the extra "T" on Lot 8, eliminating use of "T" on Durham, eliminating required hard surface between Manholes 1 and 3. Alderman LeDoux seconded. Upon voice vote, all voted 'aye' Motion carried. Scott discussed with Committee; Mr Eberhardt explained situation of this Project #MSS-1 B-96. Alderman Slocomb moved to remove and forgive deferred assessment for TKN 2257- 999. Alderman LeDoux seconded. Upon voice vote, all voted 'aye' Motion carried. Public Utilities Meeting —July 19, 1999 Page #4 • Alderman Slocomb moved to amend his motion to add "because the sewer installed in front of this parcel is not at a depth necessary to drain (or service) the property." Alderman LeDoux seconded. Motion to amend carried. Motion as amended carried 2 - 0. Motion to amend minutes seconded by Alderman Slocomb. Carried by all. McShane By -Pass Facility/Review Bids and Recommendation of Award Project start will be mid -September Alderman Slocomb moved to recommend Bentley $199,900.00 bid for McShane Pump Station. Alderman LeDoux seconded. Upon voice vote, all voted 'aye' Motion carried. Review Reauest for Sewer Main Extension- Racine Avenue (Richard Nelson) Art Melsa spoke regarding connection costs to the Nelson parcel. Discussion was held regarding the possibility of submittal to Appeals Board for a mound system. Alderman Slocomb moved to deny Municipal sewer service to Parcel #2242-996. Alderman LeDoux seconded. Upon voice vote, all voted 'aye' Motion carried. At this point, the Committee called a recess at 10:40 p.m. The Committee returned to session at 10:52 p.m. Status of REC Allocation - 469 as of 7/19/99 Status of Town of Norway Contract • Received updated version from Attorney Hasack, Town of Norway. Status of Connections — Holz Drive Sewer Project Three are not connected. Alderman Slocomb moved to extend timeframe for connections for 30 days (to be discussed at next Utilities Meeting). Alderman LeDoux seconded. Upon voice vote, all voted 'aye' Motion carried. Further Review of Comparison of Sewer Usage Charges (Meter vs REC charge) Discussion was held for current properties that are on water or metered. Alderman Slocomb moved to change billing, effective January 1, 2000, for commercial/industrial 1998 rec. listing (as attached) from recs to meter Alderman LeDoux seconded. Upon voice vote, all voted 'aye' Motion carried. Further Discussion of Five (5) Year Capital Plannin No discussion was held on this item at this time. Review Kelly Estates for Final Acceptance of Improvements A letter was submitted from City Director, Brian Turk, indicating all public improvements have been completed. Alderman Slocomb moved to accept the sewer and water improvements to Kelley Estates by recommendation of Plan Director Alderman • LeDoux seconded. Upon voice vote, all voted 'aye' Motion carried. Public Utilities Meeting —July 19, 1999 Page #5 Review Quarterly Billing for Town of Norway and MMSD • Scott discussed the Town of Norway bill, April 23rd and June 13TH readings. City paying under protest based on calculations used. Alderman Slocomb moved to approve MMSD billing as submitted. Alderman LeDoux seconded. Upon voice vote, all voted 'aye' Motion carried. Alderman Slocomb moved to approve the billing for Town of Norway with April 23rd & June 13In corrections, and to direct the Finance Director to write a letter of objection based on the calculations used. Alderman LeDoux seconded. Upon voice vote, all voted 'aye' Motion carried. Review Sewer Connection —St. Paul's Old Church Alderman Slocomb moved to defer this issue until next month's meeting. Alderman LeDoux seconded. Upon voice vote, all voted 'aye' Motion carried. Review of Waste Management Agreement — Hillendale Water Proiect Mayor read excerpt regarding settlement agreement. Will be discussed at meeting next Tuesday. Linnie Lac Sewer Allocation Agreement Discussion was held concerning Linnie Lac and five (5) other parcels. Direction given to Mayor to draft correspondence, holding firm to Muskego rates. REPORT OF UTILITY SUPERINTENDENT — Scott discussed one issue that had arisen --two (2) wells on Pioneer Drive have gone dry. Alderman Slocomb reported he had received notification of one (1) well out and one (1) going dry from a different area. No discussion was held on the following: Pioneer Drive Water Main — Parks Garage Sandy Beach Liftstation/Forcedmain Upgrade There was no new WATER BUSINESS. There were no COMMUNICATIONS nor ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW at this time. ADJOURNMENT — Being no further business to discuss, Alderman Slocomb moved to adjourn at 11:43 p.m. Alderman LeDoux seconded. Carried by all. Respectfully submitted, • Pat Reilly Recording Secretary r L 1ST QTR 2ND QTR 3RD QTR 4TH QTR TOTAL SIF METERED CHARGED Local ld4 Faclli Name Conn Gallons Gallons Gallons Gallons GALLONS BY REC'S METERED Account# 2165.972 St Paula Lutheran School 1 237000 292000 172000 193000 894000 $ 2.558.41 $ 2,603.30 0514366-0514386 2165.973 Salentine Buick 1 189000 172000 186000 140000 687000 $ 2.009.88 $ 653.54 - 0514468-0514488 165.978 MEURER BAKERIES 1 103890 27005 480449 1157313 1768657 METERED 070-514D-05-00 2165.998.005 Richard Meats 1 36000 41000 58000 34000 169000 $ 637.16 $ 375.00 05WSM514363 2165,998.009 BFI DISPATCH OFFICE 1 33000 56000 36000 28000 153000 $ 594.76 $ 514.27 0514364-0514364 2174.169 B. Michaels W= 1 200M 16000 20000 16000 72000 $ 380.11 $ 749.10 0518264-0518284 2192.971 MSI DEV _ Gear Inc MSI DEV -Carriage Cleaners 1 120000 127000 148000 123000 518000 $ 1.562.01 $ 1,587.09 -- 002-2018-25-00 -- MSI DEV - Cost Cueere MSI DEV -GNC MSI DEV _ Cousin Subs - MSI DEV- KING'S WOK 2192.973 Sentry/Mitchell Bank 1 350000 270000 250000 220000 1090000 E 3,077.81 $ 1,117.76 002.2017-15.00 2192.974 MCDonaM's 1 120000 190000 210000 130000 850000 $ -I911al E 932.07 002-2017-09-00 2192.975 Kwlk Td - 1 21000 26000 51000 45600 _ 143000 S 568.26 $ _ 002-2016-95-00_ 32000 35000 87000_. _ $ 419.88 _375.00 E 580.89 $ 375.00 00222010-00-00 0032019-80-00 2192.978.007 OvedookBey Clubhouse 1 15000 - _ _ 2192.978.005 BERGFFIC OE BLDS 1 0 - 29000 . __ 72000 _._ 1000_ _ 102000 __. $ 459.67 2193.070 F�press Lane (Swatek) 1.00 60000 84000 83000 118000 325000 E 1,050.58 - 5 375.00 0032172-28-00 2793.086 155000 148000 129000 588000 S 1,747.51 $1,396.30003-201266-00 DELTA FAMILY REST 1.00 158000 2193.104 MUSKEGO ELEMENTARY 1.00 110000 100000 50000 79000 339000 $ 1,087.66 $ 3,206.77 0517475-0517475 2195.051 BETHEL CHURCH 1.00 4000 -1 0_DD0 19000 5000 38000 $ 290.01 $ 427.42 0032019.27-00 :195.058 Wade Bea W/L1U 1.00 44000 42000 38000 36000 160--- $ 813.31 S 468.75 0032185-12-00 2195.117 Musk Numin Home 7.00 560000 800000 570000 550000 2280000 12000 $ 8,231.31 E 9,380.27 $ 375.00 003-2188-90-00 � 0034015-20-00 195.953 Home of Course 1.00 2000 2000 8000 2000 $ 221,11 2195.986 MUSKEGO SPEEDY LURE 1.00 8000 14000 5000 5000 32000 $ 274.11 $ 375.00 003-2019-67-00 _ 2195.999 DJ's Pub E GrIIIAVfLU 1.00 55000 50000 45000 42000 192000 $ 698.11 S 0032503-00-0_0 _842.85 2196.133 Kristin Down Pool 1.00 0 70000 100000 0 170000 $ 639.81 $ 375.00 0032005-79-00 2196.955 Phoenix TSMYLfU 1.00 11000 15000 9000 10000 45000 S 308.56 $ 562.50 0032018-58-00 2198.956 AmaGeral 1.00 30000 10000 10000 10000 60000 S 348.31 -_ .42 S 421_ S 796.42 _ 003-5174.25-00. 603-1008-90-00 A Bois i4o00 89000 $ 409.26 1.00 12000 22000 35000 2198.958 Re s Be ain Hoosa/ Demo's In old W/l,/l) ------ ----- -- 2196.963 St. Farts Ins. Jim Has 1.00 3000 7000 12000 3000 25000 E 255.56 $ 375.00 003-200747-00 2198_983 NOVA COMMUNICATIONS 1.00 1000 i000 32000 900 36000 E 284.71 $ 375.00 0032079-55-00 _ __ 2796.965 Chambers Dental Guru 1.00 16000 75000_ 13000 II__ - 58000 S 335.08 E 375_00 __ 003417&19-00 _ _ �0032178-55-00 2196.968 State Financial Bank of Holes C 1.00 24000 16000 17000 19000 76000 E 390.71 $ 375.00 _...__ 2196.969 WILLIAMS WBJU 1.00 _ _257000 338000 397000 298000 1290000 S 3,607.81 S 1,352.59-003-21774540 - Rest. --- Hall --"- - --- - 2196.977 You Auto Body 1.00 7000 12000 9000 12000 40000 $ 295.31 E 375.00 003-2498-00-00 _ _..._ 2198.975 Johns s Petroleum 1,00 23000 24000 38000 21000 104000 $ 464.91 1 $ 375.00 1 0032016-78-00 2196.975 lJohnnYs Car Wash 1 1.00 872300 481400 464800 431600 2050700 METERED 003.201761-00 98.983 Pioneer inn WfUU 1.00 21000 19000 29000 24000 93000 $ 435.76 $ 794.61 032015A8-0-00 1�03 196.998 FILL4IPS WBJU 1.00 268000 5000 86000 48000 436000 E 1,344.71 $ 795.52 Z1794 _.___ __ 1 298.899 Muakepo Vol Fire Dept 1 40000 49000 49000 20000 28000 25000 20000 23000 200000 4000 10000 100000 104000_ _ $ 454.31 $ 464.91_ S- 472.88 $ 375.00 $ 375.00 $ 792_80 003 2010-59-00 00-2164-37-00 003-2164-85-00 2198.946 Unked Auto Bader_ 100_ 2198.949 d1hriatfansmKiency- 1.66 MUSKEGO INSURANCE SVC _ _23000 _ _107000 _ _ _ _ - - - ALLSTATE INSURANCE -- _-- - - 2198.950 Cameos Home AutomotM 1.00 4000 4000 4000 3000 t5000 $ 229.06 $ 375.00 003-2165-11-00 2198.978 Foet Car Wash SCH A 1.00 423300 315400 356900 348600 1444200 METERED 0032165,55-00 2193.984.002 Pisa Hut 1.00 81000 71000 69000 67000 288000 $ 952.51 $ 560.69 0032167-30-00 2198.984.008 PICNIC BASKET 7.00 38000 22000 20000 20000 98000 E 449.01 E 560.69 010-5187.73-00 8.985 ST, LAKESH.ORE _ PHARMACY LUKE'S MEDICAL AL 1.00 19000 10000 63000 10000 _ 102000 $ 459.61 ...... .. . 30 $_ 748.38 _. $ 375.00 003-2019.50-00 0032171-00-00 MEDICAL CENTER MUSKEGO PHYSICAL THERAPY 2198.990.003 St. Francis S,A 8 Ln 7.00 11000 -__..__- 11000 13000 _. 10000 ... . 45000 �'1 ✓j1\ J L-O& I I ' �i 1 V 3comparewurec.xIs I O Al (yY�� //V�/1• iST OTR 2ND OTR 3RD QTR 4TH QTR TOTAL $ IF METERED CHARGED Idacill Name Conn Gallons Gallons Gallons Gellens GALLONS BY RECS METERED AccountA lson's Lawn & Tractor 1.00 12000 13000 18000 10000 53009 E 329.78 $ 375.00 0032017.51-00 lark OilU 1.00 111000 31000 31000 16000 94000 $ 438.47 $ 375.00 0032017-5t400. VKIMBERELYIP�r�PA ernational Sei1.00 6000 5000 5000 5000 210 244.96 $ 564.31 0032077.30-00 HEA1.00 6000 8000 6000 6000 24000 _S S 252.87 S932.07IMBERELY IMBETRI-T EL LE ORY OPTICAL -. --_ICHAEL NUVE -- 2199.997.001 FIRSTAR 1.00 1060D 10000 60000 0 80000 $ 401.31 $ 375.00 0032010d4-00_ 2199.999.001 Pick Save Citizen Bank of Mukwone 1.00 1.00 250000 280000 290000 260000 _1080000 --- _ METERED - -- - 003-2170-05-00 --- 2199.999.002 BURGER KING _ 1.00 90000 80000 80000 80000 370000 S___ 1,010.87 S 7,717J6-_ 003-2170-95-00 650000 2950000 _ 2199.999.022 Walgreems 1.00 750000 750000 800000 $ 8,006.81 S_4,556.85 0032008-5-0 70 Class Travel Travel Suirwa Little Ceesets - --�_ - - --- -- - ---- -- - ---- - Great Clips- Muskego Laundromat_ Animal Doctor _ Groom N Time -- --- - -- -- - --- ----- --- -- -- '------ - --' " -- -- - - -- - MusIcegoCleanera "- --""---- ----- Sun Dack _-- - --- _- Mail Boxes Etc. --- -- ----- - --- ------ 2207.999.002 Tudor Oaks _ _ 1.00 921700 748840 726400 1077700 893600 878700 3586140 METERED Tudor Oaks 670700 �&57700 _ 294I800 ____ Tudor Oaks 550600 781400 610160 495480 2437640 ---�----"- _ 2221.001 JEMERALDHOMES universal Distutl rfo .00 0.ao 15000 20000 8000 13000 54000 - __ $ 332.41 $ 421.42 _- - M208140-00 2221,002 Edward Smart L00 0 700D 71000 1000 79000 $ 239.66 $ 3 55.00 - 0030.0 2189-90 2221.004 Triton Utilities/ WI Wire Worm 1.00 37000 49000 48000 47000 181000 E 868.96 $ 560.89 0033788-78-00 1.006 In roCo In roCo 1.00 0.00 230000 164000 410000 186000 500000 167000 300000 167000 1440000 884000 $4,005.31 S 1,812.80 $ 1,535.58 005_005-19-00 00321874i0-00 2221.009 Alpine Lanes 1.00 106000 81000 99000 716000 402000 ____0 S 7,251.61 $ 1,860.52 _ 003-2187-00-00 003-2019-79-00_ 2221.010 WIZA 1.00 0 ._ U .. a __..__0 __._.. WIZA 1.00 0 0 0 1000. _ 1000- ---- _NEW NEW 0032019-01-00 2221.013 JAccuTooI& Die Swartz 1.00 24000 22000 23000 16000 85000 $ 414.56 S 375.00 003-3187-97-00 2221.014 A to Investments 1.00 775000 35000 31000 14000 195000 S 706.06 $ 375.00 0032107-5300 2221.015.001 Musk Medical Clinic 1.00 42000 31000 -- 38D00 49000 158000 $ 608.01 $ 748.38 0032080-56-00 Patrick Connell DDS - - - -' -'-- - 2221.018 Crosstovma MachiningInc. 1.00 34000 43000 38000 48000 181000 S 015.98 S 580.89 0032785-10-00 Musk Automothve Richard uamo&Sons Inc. - - - -- - 2221.018.001 MrBomhardt 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 $ 189.31 $ 375.00 0032080.95-00 37000 55000 81000 93000 266000 $ 894.21 S - 514.27 0033188-08-00 2221.017 Interstate Tool 1.00 2221.018 ludman Machine 1.00 452000 608000 412000 20000 1492000 $ 4,143.11 $ 421.42 003-3186-04-0D _ 2221.078 Wiza IMusMea 1.00 90000 103000 77000 58000 326000 METERED 003-3187-62-00 Wtra lMuatries 1.00 197000 234000 198000 730000 769000 _ METERED 003-3187-92-00 W� IndwMea 1.00 3000 35000 93000 7000 138000 METERED_ 003-3019-21-00 222t020 ACCURATE CAD COM 1.00 26000 78000 44000 790*00:-- $ 785.56 $ 0033_082.24-0D_ _ _ _ _375.00 2221.020.001 SOUTHEAST TOOL & MACHI 1.00 13000 72000 12000 14051000 S324.46 $ 467.85 _ 003-3082JY-00 �O002-225000._ MUSKEGO WAREHOUSE 1.00 2000 3000 14000 5000 24000 E 252.91 S 375.00 003-318848-00 1221.993 Musk Pollca Dept. 2' 1.00 30000 37000 50000 70000 127000 METERED 001.5017-6 Musk oC Hall 7.00 90000 80000 100000 90000 360000 _ METERED 0013017-08-00 22224982 Larson 2222.984.002 Culver's Ind. 1.00 1.00 112140 711000 116910 141000 133750 152000 98540 96000 481340 500000 S 7,514.31 S 832.07 METERED 003.3187-17-00 003-2077.50�� 2222.984.003 Marsk 2222.984.004 Musk UBh raphers TruckingServloa 1.00 1.00 89000 24000 1D4000 12000 113000 120DO 124000 8000 430000 56000 S 1,328.81 E 337.71 $ 421.42 S 580.B8 0033184.60---00 003-2184.75M Finkle Electric - - KOPP MACHINE & TOOL COR 4000 3000 6000 4000 17000 $ 234.36 003201931-00 2222.984.005 AWARD MANUFACTURING IN 1.00 11000 56000 137000 67000 271000 $ 907.46 $ 375.00 003-01854114H1 2222.984.006 Kelly Co. Inc. 1.00 40000 60000 50000 60000 21000D METERED 003-3082-53-00 2223.001 John's Upholstery Shop 1 90000 11000D 110000 90000 400000 $ 1,249.31 5 3,206.77 003-2007.91-00 Rel h's Heating &Air Cond8lon MHZ/Alexandra Go Inc _ _- -- _ Preferred UPKEEP Vending Inc PROFESSIONAL FL -- ----- ---- ---------------------- ------ Chun 'a Muske Karate & Fttn -._- __. ___.__- -__- -_.._. _..._ . Wisconsin Ballast Ina DIGITAL GRAPHICS -- DTK COMPUTER INC 98compare.tmec.x1s Page 2 Local Id Faclli Name Vikl Services Conn 1ST OTR Gallons 2ND DTR Gallons 3RO OTR Gallons 4TH OTR Galion TOTAL GALLONS --- $ IF METERED CHARGED BY REC'S METERED Aeeount� JoumaVSerdinel Inc. S r-Clean Services - 2223.002 M EIBda Services 1.00 14000 130D0 17000 17000 61000 $ 350.96 $ 375.00 0033185-70-00 2223.003 Lake 8 Count Store a Dan PlauR Cleanln Service 1 0 2000 _ 20D0 2000 2000 Boon $ 210.51 S 375.00 00320084i2-00 2223.004 2223.005 2223.006 CLIFFORD'S AUTO REPAIR Safe" Pest Comm. Amedcan H mill 7.D0 10000 9000 100000 900 1.00 SON 9000 _7000 _ 6--000 1.00 13D00 9000 7000 7000 I.3000 1000 1000 200a 1.00 7000 6000 7000 6000 1 77000 220000 809000 320000 1 0 0 30000 50000 1.00 35000 27000 21000 18000 728000 31000 36000 $ 528.61 _$ 271.46 $ 375.00 $ 375.00 _ METERED 003-2185-76-00 003-2007_-97-0_0_ 0033005-17-00 2223.a07 2223.008 2223.980 2223.994.002 Todd Bothi KTD Industries Inc NATIONAL REGENCY NATIONAL REGENCY -EAST MACIOLEK _ KC MACHINING 58362 7000 26000 7168000 80000 101000 $ 267.88 $ 258.21 $ 45-6 $ 375.00 $ 375.00 _ E _7,024.92 METERED METERED _ 003300535-00 003-2187-70-00 001.2019.23-00 007.201937-00 0032f10880-00 - Tool House 58388 ---- -------- --- __ __ DAVIES 8 ASSOCIATE 58372 _ -- ---" ---' 1 -- - ---------- ------ ---- Macl0lakTo0l8Dia,Inc.S6376--- 0 0 40000 30000 30wu 20000 -_-- -- ------- ----- ---- 2223.994.003 2223.994.004 ENTERPRISE PLAZA ENTERPRISE PLAZA Raven Golf Services Koper Industries Inc. 1 a 1 10000 0 22000 0 0 _ - 80000 400DO 30000 - 1620 00 $ 295.31 $ 79.50 $ 618.61 - S_ 375.00 $ 1,164.18 _ _ _ 0032019-82-00 00320194M-00 0032009-23-00 --- BADGER COLOR LANDMARK STUDIO - 2223.994.005 2223.994.008 2223.994.009 Kids Kampus Wesco Machine NABCO ENTRANCES Baseline Inc DBA43AUER SIG 1 7.D0 1.00 29000 50000 39000 16000 33000 64000 37000 22000 84000 83000 57000 15000 23a00_ 58D00 37600 120M -169000 255000 17D000 65000 E 637.18 $ _ 865.08 $ 639.81 $ 172.25 $ 1,210.61 $ 699.98 $ 699.98 ___ 0p32p1Spj.pO- 003-2009-13-00 003-2014-17-00 0032014-78-00 2223.994.009 2223.994.010 2223.994.012 2223.994.013 S rum Aluminun Finlshln S mAluminun Flnishin Merit Asphalt Inc MACIOLEK-FRAMER BROS MACIOLEK•MARVIX MACIOLEK-MAJX DANCE MACIOLEK-REMEL HIRAM MILLER 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 437000 33000 12000 WOO SON 72000 9000 0 471000 37000 66000 5000 BODO 7000 8000 20000 796000 52000 74000 40D0 7000 4000 10000 4000 671000 105000 30000 5000 5000 6000 25000 4000 2375DO 227000 182000 20000 29000 _ 29000 _ 52000 28000 $ 671.61 $ 242.31 $ 76.85 S _ 78.85 $ 137.80 $ 283.57 $ 375.00 $ 932.07 _-_ - $ 375.00 METERED METERED _____ _ 003201421-00 003201420-00 003201438-00 003250"0-00 0032508-00-00 003-2507-00-00 0032508-00-00 003201988-00 2223.994.014 Ends rise Tool Inc 1.00 28000 11000 12000 9000 60000 $ S 0_032015-90-00 -_346.31 . _ .375.00 2223.994.015 Lee Dole /Custom Win 1.00 0 0 0 39000 39000 $ 292.66 E 746.38 0033006-58-00 222 IE gLOW Deane Bid Webb Gennsen 1.00 2000 6000 70000 17000 _- 29000 - $ 266.16 $ 560.89 --- _ -.. 003.20773'I-00-00 -.-_ 2225.987 3000 ._- . 58000 1000 _..__ 2225,984 PARADISE POOL 1.00 0 Iona 5000 247000 $ 202.56 $ 843.86 $ 375.00 E 1257.03 0022019.54-00 002-201394-00 Dlscove Oa 7.00 79000 85000 45000 2225.999.001 Cay of Musk o-Garage C of Musk o-Gara a 1.00 1.00 40000 11000 70000 8000 70000 10000 _60000 6000 240000 35000 -_-_ __ METERED�003.1008-00-00 003-1001 - _ 2225.9 ' 99.003 DJi INVESTMENTS LLC UNITED AUDIO VISUALS 1.00 27000 40000 13000 15000 95000 $ 441. 66 $ 421.42 003-2190.77-00 2225.999.004 Pmmark 1.00 6000 BODO 6000 5000 22000 $ 247.81 S 375.00 0033191.12-00 2225.999.005 Wis. Coll S on Ms. Coil Spri 1.00 1.00 63000 29200 58500 43800 54000 36500 36000 36500 211500 146000 METERED METERED 0033797-25-00 0033191-51-00 _ 25.999.006 Precision Screw 1.00 64000 54000 62000 61000 _ 241000_ METERED 003-8192-75-00 _ 2225.999.007 MCDemlott CoJL no Pum McKinley Ind. 1.00 18000 27000 280 00 22000 MO -' $ 441.06 S_ 560.69 - --- -- 0033191.50-00 - 159000 S 810.68 2225.999.008 WTP HOLDINGS/PENZEV 7.00 33000 30000 40000 56000 S_ 748.38 003-2193-82-00 2225.999.009 T 8 S Machlnl Facll8les Inc. 1.00 38000 35000 38- 30000 141000 $ 582.98 $ 487.85 018151-00 2225.999.010 Kinart ATLAS E arprises GASKET 7.00 0.00 _ 1700O 44000 19000 22000 102000 $ 459.81 $ 560.69 -- ----}-- 003-319246-00 2226.998 COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY PARK OFFICE 1 PARK PAVILION PARK BEACH HOUS PARK WELL#7 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2000 0 0 0 6000 45000 30ODD 0 6000 136000 0 WOO 3000 -~ 15000 60000 0 17DOO 196000 90000 3000 S 234.36 $ 708.71 E 427.81 S 197.28 E _ 2.424.83 rL. -_1 _ 0024017.90-00 0024017.92-00 0024077-97-00 0024019_-e"O 2228.999.002 Instmma0ka, 2228.999.004 Lloyd Inc. Hamm 1.00 7.00 11000 47000 8000 _ _70000 52000 80000 8000 _ 41000 37000 794000 S _ 287.38 E_ E 703.41 $ 375.OD __ 375.000032075-88-00 -r 0_032789-02_-00 2228.999.005 CI Banker 8 Imn Workers 1.00 20000 39000 3B000 22000 119000 METERED 0033197-20-00 1.999.006 Captain Jacks 1.00 88000 70000 76060 38000 272000 $ 910.11 $ 375.00 003-2013-04-00 2228.999.007 Delta Guru SCH D 1.00 140760 217260 24582D 112710 716550 METERED 0033083-93-00 2228.999.008 ROYAL RECOGNITION INC 1.00 7000 7000 6000 5000- 25000 S 255.SB $ 375.00 _ -� 0033191-0540 98c'omparewtrreci Page 3 15T OTR 2ND OTR 3RD OTR 4TH OTR TOTAL $I_F_M_ETERED CHARGED__ Local Id R Faclilty Name Conn Gallons Gallons Gallons GALLONS BY RECS METERED Amount It 2228.999.009 CUSTOM AUTOMOTIVE 1.00 17000 _Gallons 20000 17000 11000 65000 $ 361.56 E 375.00 003-2011-59-00 .. ._ ... __..___._._.__._ 2228.999.012 FINITE HONE,INC 1.00 14000 22000 27000 330.00 96000 3 443.71 $375.00 003.3010.92-00 2228.999.013 Great Lakes Dart Dist 1.00 30000 - 124000 9000 110000 5000 30000 4000 294000 25000 $ 968.41 $ 255.66 $ 699.96 $ 375.00 003-2013-41-00 003-2016-03-00 8.999.016 The Sho Inc 1.00 7000 2228.999.017 A.G. INDUSTRIES 1.00 41000 147DDD 4110D0 21000 620000 E 1,832.31 1 E 746.38 003-3018-98-00 2228,999.018 Midwest Air Parts 1.00 19000 32000 66000 42000 159000 E 610.66 E_ 375.00 _ _ 003-30t731--00 EMTEO INC 2228.999.019 PREFERRED CLEANING SER 1.00 0 0 0 0 __ _ NEW__ 003-2020-19-00 _ __ 2228.999.021 E.M. CORP/NORWAY-HIRE 1.00 23000 36000 25000 8000 92000 $ 433.11 $ 560.69 003-3019-24-00 ALL STATE UNES/NORWAY- 16000 9000 61000_ 7000 _ 93000 _ S 248.45 _ _ 003.101944-00 _ _ 2228.999.023 TIME WARNER 1.Do 0 0 0 0 0 E 189.31 E 375.00 003-20IMl-00 - - __- 2232.976 Musk oApostollc Tabernacle 1.00 4000 6000 4000 11000 25000 _. E 255.58 $ 421.42 002-5207.78-00 2232.984 Stage Coach W8JU 1.00 25000 31000 35000 26000 117000 E 499.36 $ 843.75 _ _ 002-2011-83-00 2232.995 CERTIFIED AUTO SERVICE 1.00 8000 8000 8000 6000 30000 $ 268.81 E 468.75 002-2207-02-00 2232,998 ROZMAN TRUE VALUE 1.D0 0 0 9000 4000 13000 $ 223.76 E 375.00 _ 002-2019-89-00 2242.999 Muskego HIGH SCHOOL 1.00 460000 450000 440000 440000 1790000 4,932.81 $ _13,620.89 _. _ _0518387-0518387 2242.999 _ Musk oDistdct Of0ce 1.00 21000 21000. 18000_ 18000- 78000 - L-3 - S 398_01 E 421 42 003201444-00 _ 141.00 12015390 13068715 15478879 12173143 52733927 E 139,934.22 S 100 828.26 0 98campan:vrtrtac.xls Page 4 CITY OF MUSKEGO MEETING GUEST SIGN -IN SHEET MEETING NAME (Please Print) AGENDA ITEM s R-11 L_�