PUM19990621PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING - CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, June 21, 1999 • The meeting was called to order at 7.10 PM by Chairman David Sanders. Present were committee members Ald. Mark Slocomb and Ald. William LeDoux, Utility Supt. Scott Kloskowski, Richard Eberhardt (Ruekert & Mielke), Mayor De Angelis (7.14) and those per the attached list. The Recording Secretary noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. NOTICE OF CLOSED SESSION Please take notice that the Public Utilities Committee of the City of Muskego, following Item #2, Sewer Unfinished Business, will convene upon passage of the proper motion, into closed session pursuant to § 19.85(1)(a) Deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session more specifically contract negotiations with MMSD. The committee will then reconvene into open session for the purpose of continuation of agenda items. Due to the large number of individuals present for this meeting, the Committee, by consensus decided to take the Closed Session topic at the end of the meeting. Review Minutes of Previous Meeting - Ald. Sanders moved to amend and accept the minutes of the May 17, 1999 meeting. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. STATUS OF PROJECTS - Mr Eberhardt provided an update on existing projects. Specific • discussion regarding the following projects: Woodland Lift Station Renovation - Scott reports that a contractor has been hired for this job. It will take approximately 3 weeks for the new pumps to be delivered and 4-6 weeks for the controls for the station to be delivered. An easement will be needed to bury the cable on the residents land. Rich Eberhardt reports that due to the check valve and manhole costing just over $10,000, a formal bid process will have to be employed. Additionally a double alarm will be installed at the lift station. Aid. Sanders moved to direct R&M to solicit the bids for the Woodland lift station check valve and manhole. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. Mr and Mrs. Sablich request that copies of any Committee/Council minutes that are relevant to this issue be sent to their home. McShane By-pass Facility - The lift station for McShane and Woods Road are slated for improvements. Due to the increased demands on both of these facilities, Aid. Slocomb moved to direct R&M to prepare cost estimates for the short term project costs and timing as well as ultimate capacity cost estimate and forcemain cost for Woods Road. Seconded by Aid. Sanders. Carried by all. North Cape (HiView to Schaefer) Sewer Project - Still have punch list items left to be completed. The contractor is requesting that his retainage be lowered to 2% (currently at 5%). The Committee was in agreement not to release any of his retainer until the job is complete. Woods Road - Kurtze Lane to Bay Lane - Design plans were provided for the Committee for further review. Rich provided a brief overview of the plan. Rich will send the plans to the DNR for • approval. Public Utilities Meeting - June 21, 1999 Page 2 Boxhorn, Ryan, Grovewav - The language in the settlement is being finalized. The final • restoration of the area will need to be determined once the settlement is signed. Hwy 36/45 Project - Scott reports that the contractors hit the forcemain last week, twice. Manhole -Smoke Testina Requirement - The remainder of the manholes will be inspected. Smoke testing to occur in July according to Scott. Woods Road Water Project (Kurtze-Bay Lane) - The Committee discussed the project scheduling and funding. Currently no money is available from the Utility for this project. Funding could come from borrowing from the Sewer Utility. Woods Road Water Proiect (Racine/Brooke Lane) - The same situation for this project exists. Aid. Slocomb moved to approve the funding for the water projects by taking an advance from the Sewer Utility. Seconded by Aid. Sanders. Carried by all. Scheduling - Scheduling for the bidding process for these two projects was discussed by the Committee. The Committee determined that bidding should be in December with the project beginning in either January or February. It is believed that more favorable pricing will be obtained by doing these projects during the winter Ad. Slocomb directs R&M to secure bids for the year 2000 water projects in December 1999. Seconded by Aid. Sanders. Carried by all. SEWER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Status of REC Allocation - 741 as of 6/1/99 Status of Town of Norway Contract - Nothing new to report. Awaiting a new draft of the • contract. Status of MMSD Non-WPAP Charges/Contract Negotiations - Closed Session topic. Status of Town of Norway 1998 Balance/Report from Ruekert & Mielke - No report from R&M. These are the charges that are disputed by the City of Muskego. According to the City Attorney, there is no other recourse to the City but to sue. The City will handle this situation at the time of negotiations. Status of Connections - Holz Drive Sewer Project - The Committee reviewed the list of the remaining homes to be connected. The Committee will review the list again at the next Public Utilities meeting when those who have failed to connect, will be in violation of the July 1, 1999 connection deadline. SEWER NEW BUSINESS Capacity Utilization Kelsey Drive (Salentine) and Review request for sewer service (Loughnev/Manev) - Due to these properties abutting one another, the Committee discussed the proposed plans with all parties concerned. Mr Salentine is looking to obtain 8 connections and the Mr Loughney and Mr. Maney are also exploring the amount of connections they could obtain at the same time. The area currently serves 221 homes with the 8-inch sewer 233 homes is the maximum for this sewer In order to handle more, a 10-inch sewer would have to be installed. Scott did indicate that the lift station serving the area is not overburdened at this time. Karen Court South would be where the new pipe would be installed to handle the "bottleneck" With the . currently zoning, Mr Salentine can obtain 8 connections, due to the zoning on the Loughney/ Maney properties, 4 connections would be the maximum. Mr. Loughney is looking for more than 4. In order to upgrade and allow for additional connections, approximately $35,000 would need to be spent on the upgrade. Discussion regarding the number of lots/connections Mr Loughney could obtain. A zoning upgrade will have to be sought to change the zoning from its current Public Utilities Meeting - June 21, 1999 Page 3 agricultural status to residential. 12 connections appear to all that could be allowed, even with the change in the zoning. Aid. Sanders is not in favor of going over any load limit that has been • established for a sewer system. Mr Salentine questioned how far he will have to extend his line into the parcel that he is dedicating to the Parks Department? The Mayor thought that at the very least up to the edge of the dedication. In the past, the Committee could not think of any similar situations. Mr Salentine suggested splitting the cost with the other property owner. The Mayor suggested calculating the flow rates for the area. Aid. Sanders also stated that he believes that individual drives onto Kelsey Drive are not desirable or safe. Shared driveway access or a frontage road would be more appropriate. Aid. Sanders moved to approve the 8 Capacity Utilization connections for Mr. Wayne Salentine. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. The individuals affected will coordinate the extension of the stub under Kelsey Drive with an engineer providing the design. Mr Loughney and Maney will review all of their options and will do a cost benefit analysis. Capacity Utilization - Quietwood Creek (Carity) - Representatives from this development were on hand to request connections for their 143 lots and 22'/ acres of business land. They anticipate starting Phase I in 2000 and Phase II in 2001 Each phase will comprise 70+ lots. The Committee stated that if all of the connections were requested at one time, the developer would have approximately 4 years to connect. The developer also shared the entire plan for the subdivision with the Committee. The Committee questioned the developer on the amount of water that would be discharging into the Sandy Beach Facility? During the June 13, 1999 storm the facility did not keep up with the demands place on it. R&M will need to review the flow numbers provided by the developer and provide alternatives. The Mayor suggested that upgrading the pumps size and drive size are an option but could not be done unless the McShane Facility was done at the same time. Cost participation consideration and options need to be explored between • the City and the developer for the upgrades to Sandy Beach and the McShane Lift Stations. The developer will be providing all oversizing costs and the cost incurred for the abandonment of the 2 lift stations. In order to expedite this process with the developer, discussions and negotiations will be handled by the Mayor, Scott K., and either Aid. Slocomb or Sanders (whoever is available) to provide input and give a recommendation to the Committee. Aid. Sanders moved to approve up to 260 connections upon verification of the multiplier. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. Review bids for aenerator component for McShane Lift Station By-pass Facility - These generator are sized for ultimate capacity for the motors the lift station may have. 3 bids were received; Cummins Great Lakes (Onan) $47,576.00, Morley-Murphy/Total Energy Systems (Kohler) $47,955.00 and FABCO (Caterpillar) $59,489.00. Aid. Sanders moved to approve the bid submitted by Cummins Great Lakes in the amount of $47,576.00. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. Review Champions Village Phase II Sewer/Water Extensions - Mr Jeff Barczak was present on behalf of Land Information Services Inc. Revised plans with R&M comments addressed were provided. Additional easements will be necessary and all sewer and water plans have virtually remained the same since the initial submission of the plans. Aid. Sanders moved to approve the plans as submitted. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. Aid. Slocomb reminded R&M that in the future, a letter from R&M recommending approval of this and other plans must be included. Discuss moving of sewer main - St. Leonard Parish - Mr Mark Maday was present on behalf of • the Parish. They are planning on expanding the building. A conceptual plan was provided to the Committee from the firm they have contracted with. The current sewer easement bisects the property and basically splits it in half. Mr Maday questioned the Committee as to the feasibility of moving the sewer line. Rich Eberhardt indicated that this sewer currently serves 65 homes in Public Utilities Meeting - June 21, 1999 Page 4 addition to the church. The cost to re-route the main using a lift station would be approximately •$200,000. If the parish was in favor of this option the City would bid and build the project with the parish responsible for the cost of the change. The parish is also interested in hooking up to the City water system. The homes in the area would be invited to participate in the project with the homeowners sharing a part of the cost to hook into the City water supply. For the parish to run the water to the building, their front -foot assessment would be approximately $28,000, not including connection fees. Mr Maday will return to the parish with this information and ask if they are interested in pursuing this issue any further knowing the dollar amount in question. Discuss rainfall event of June 13t'/Sewer Backups - Scott provided a brief description of the ran and how well the revamped alarm system at Woods Road and McShane facilities worked. No flooding at the McShane facility but several basements and businesses from the Woods Road facility. Damage estimates are forthcoming. Scott also questioned the Committee regarding the purchase of additional pumps and wondered if two 4-inch pumps or one 6-inch pump was their preference. The Committee indicated that they preferred two 4-inch pumps in lieu of the 6-inch pump due to cost considerations and the ability of the 4-inch pumps to be interchanged with other 4-inch pumps at the other lift stations. Aid. Slocomb also commented that Scott and his staff did everything they possibly could to minimize damage to homes and businesses in the area. Review bids for forced hook-up (Jones/Boxhorn) - A base bid of $16,931 was received from Advanced Sewer & Water The manhole to lot line cost will be broken out for the forced connection. If the residents are unable to pay for the improvement, they must (within 30 days) submit in writing to the Clerk Treasure a request to be placed on the payment plan. This is over 5 years with a 9% interest rate. Aid. Slocomb was also interested in seeing the cost breakouts associated with this project and some type of written correspondence to the residents clearly explaining the forced hook-up fee and some type of acknowledgment from the residents that they • understand what they must do and within what time frame. Rich will work with the City Clerk Treasurer to develop a letter to that effect. Aid. Slocomb moved to approve the bid submitted by Advanced Sewer & Water for the Jones lateral and conversion. Seconded by Aid. Sanders. Carried by all. Review bids for sale of used equipment - Utility Department - Scott reported that some equipment has been sold along with some Public Works equipment. The high bids for the 3 items (O'Brien Rodder, 1984 Chevrolet and 1983 Chevrolet) were $20.00, $400.00 and $305.00 respectively. Aid. Slocomb requested that the Mayor obtain the City Attorney's opinion regarding if the City is liable if an individual purchases a piece of equipment that is older than the current safety regulations in place for newer, similar equipment? Aid. Slocomb moved to accept the bids for the used equipment to the highest bidder as submitted. Seconded by Aid. LeDoux. Carried by all. Mr. Laimon has been in several times to discuss his situation with Scott. He currently has a $56,000 deferred assessment on his property for a sewer that was installed that he essentially can't use. The sewer isn't deep enough to serve his lot. He is looking for forgiveness on the deferred portion of the sewer assessment. Review comparison of Sewer Usage charges (meter vs REC charge) - The Committee reviewed the hand-out provided. The Committee will discuss this document in-depth at next months meeting and will determine if it is economically feasible to meter exclusively. Currently . there is a $40,000 difference in those homes/commercial sites that are charged using REC rather than a meter. Public Utilities Meeting - June 21, 1999 Page 5 Request for sewer service - Adrian Drive - Mr. Alan Schroeder has purchased 17 acres and is requesting sewer service for his home on this parcel. The lot does not perk for a conventional • mound system. A grinder pump would be necessary. Aid. Sanders moved to direct R&M to petition the District for a 208 Service Plan Amendment, single connection. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. The need for a public hearing for this amendment will be determined. Review five year Capital Plan - Scott placed this item on the agenda since he has no more sewer projects after next year. The Committee needs to think about what projects they would like to see in his Capital Plan. Aid. Slocomb stated that any projects in conjunction with the Woods Road Reconstruction would be important. Loomis Drive sewer project to Thode Drive was another suggestion. Scott would like the Committee to think of long-range plans. Discuss North Cape/Ryan to Boxhorn Extension - Scott reports that this is the last portion of the project. R&M need to begin the design process and notification of the residents who will be affected by this extension. Aid. Slocomb moved to direct R&M to design that section of the sewer. Seconded by Aid. LeDoux. Carried by all. Review sewer connection plans for Woods Road (Boehm) - 2 existing lots with no service. A plan was provided by Metropolitan Engineering Plan. R&M has reviewed the plan. Aid. Sanders moved to approve the plan and direct R&M to send the plan to MMSD for their approval. Seconded by Aid. LeDoux. Carried by all. WATER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Discussion of water project - Hillendale (Amendment to WCA District) - Rich reports that the • amendment should be in the mail shortly. The Utility Clerk questioned the amendment for WCA charges, will they be charged back to the District? The Mayor indicated yes, under the new agreement. WATER NEW BUSINESS w Waste Management Aareement - Hillendale Water - The Mayor reports that a final draft Agreement with minor edits are forthcoming from Waste Management of Wisconsin. REPORT OF UTILITY SUPERINTENDENT- Scott reported that he has experienced staff changes with retirement and a new hire. COMMUNICATIONS - None At 11:20 p.m. Aid. Slocomb moved to convene into Closed Session, seconded by Aid. LeDoux. Upon a roll call vote, with those present voting in favor of the motion, the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT- Being no further business to discuss, Aid. Sanders moved to adjourn at 11:40 P.M. Aid. Slocomb seconded. Carried by all. Respectfully submitted, • Linda Gulgowski Recording Secretary • CITY OF MUSKEGO MEETING GUEST SIGN -IN SHEET MEETING NAME AGENDA ITEM 6 ,') �_ o iI N e.7 o, _SAp .',m c\ Fci, (,J41,1e