The meeting was called to order at 7:25 PM by Chairman David Sanders. Present were
Committee members Ald. Mark Slocomb, Ald. Donna Woodard, Utility Supt. Scott Kloskowski,
Richard Eberhardt (Ruekert & Mielke), Mayor De Angelis and those per the attached list.
The Recording Secretary noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open
Meeting Law on March 10, 1999.
Review Minutes of Previous Meeting - The minutes of the February 15, 1998 meeting were
accepted and placed on file.
STATUS OF PROJECTS - Mr Eberhardt provided an update on existing projects. Specific
discussion regarding the following projects:
North Cape (HiView to Schaefer) Sewer Project - The SCADA system was hooked up. The
contractor has addressed the items that were critical in nature with a few remaining minor items
left to be completed.
EPI Lift Station - Ken Ward has contacted MMSD regarding the ability of EPI to move the lift
station. MMSD has indicated that they may grant approval to this request. At this time, no
further communications from EPI regarding them pursuing this option.
• Manhole -Smoke Testing Requirement - Scott reports that the manhole portion of the project
is complete. Data is being produced for review. When the ground conditions are more
favorable the smoke testing will occur After that is complete, the repairs will be made to the
portions requiring attention.
McShane By-pass Facility - R&M will be designing the facility. The odor control unit has
arrived, it is yet to be installed.
Status of REC Allocation - 677 as of 3/1/99
Status of Town of Norway Contract - A tentative meeting date of 3/30/99 has been set with
the Town of Norway.
Status of MMSD Non-WPAP Charges - The City is still meeting with MMSD. The new option
proposed by MMSD is being reviewed.
Status of Forced hook-ups - The Jones property (Tax Key #2252.993) is to be bid as soon as
plans can be found in Engineers records.
Review Assessment Policy - Deferred Assessment Boehls on Boxhorn (Tax Kev
#2252.931) - The use of a Deed Restriction for this property was discussed in lieu of a Deferred
Assessment. The City would have no legal recourse to recoup the costs associated with the
sewer if in fact a Deed Restriction that was granted at this time would be overturned at a much
• later date (20+ years from now). Ald. Slocomb stated that in the past situations have occurred
where the City has granted a Deed Restriction for those individuals who have no intention to
divide their lot into smaller parcels. The situation becomes more difficult when a new owner of
the parcel with the Deed Restriction petitions to have the Restriction removed in the future and
the City or in this case, the Utility has shouldered the cost associated with the sewer installation
Public Utilities Meeting - March 15, 1999
Page 2
• and the new property owner has the benefit of the system at no cost to them. Aid. Slocomb
stated that all practices need to be followed consistently for each situation. Scott K., is
concerned that all residents with a Deferred Assessment will request a Deed Restriction and
would like to ensure that if the Committee grants Deed Restrictions it is with a large amount of
consideration to the precedent each one sets. Aid. Slocomb questioned the amount of time
that would need to transpire before the Deferred Assessment would disappear? The City
Attorney does not support the practice of Deed Restrictions. Aid. Sanders moved to deny
the Deed Restriction and maintain the Deferred Assessment for Tax Key #2252-931.
Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Vote 2-1 (Slocomb No vote). Motion carried by majority.
The Committee will need to amend the Assessment Policy if it is to remove the ability of
property owners and the City to grant Deed Restrictions.
Loomis Drive/South North Cape Road Sewer Project: Review public hearing minutes,
make recommendations on assessment roll and make recommended reward of bid -
Several residents were present to discuss their concerns regarding this issue. 22 property
owners were sent a Sewer Utility Information Sheet as well as a post card requesting their
"vote" on the project. 8 of those surveyed responded that they were in favor of the sewer
project, 4 voted no and 4 returned undecided votes. Mr Eckstein stated that if he had known
the cost involved with the project, he would have voted no. Mr. Eckstein (Tax Key #2257.992)
questioned portions of his property which are considered by the DNR to be "wetlands" and for
the most part unusable. An error on the Assessment Roll was discovered which had his
property assessed for 300 feet. Aid. Sanders moved to amend the Assessment Roll for
Tax key #2257.992 to reflect a 150 front foot assessment with 2 laterals. 90 feet to be
• deferred and the remainder of the property to be dropped due to it being considered
swamp and waste by the DNR. Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried by all. Mr Eckstein
questioned if he would be able to fill-in a portion of his "wetland" The Committee indicated that
he could with the proper DNR approval and subsequent discussion with Tom Chiconas, but
they mentioned that if he created a "buildable lot" out of his wetland, he would be assessed
Mr. John Luznickv (Tax Kev 2260.998.002) of Durham Hill Nursery was present to question the
amount of front footage that he was assessed. The 435 feet, he feels is not necessary to run
his business due to the seasonal nature of his enterprise. He does not have heavy traffic year-
round for his business. The area in question is zoned B4. The Committee researched the
zoning requirements for Commercial B4 properties. They discovered that that zoning states
that a minimum of 30,000 square feet is this lot size minimum with a minimum front foot
assessment of 150 feet. Scott K., searched the files for commercial properties in this similar
situation and was unable to find a comparison. Aid. Slocomb moved to assess Tax Key
2260.998.002 at 150 feet and defer the remainder of the front footage. Seconded by Aid.
Sanders. Carried by all. Additionally, Mr Luznicky will be invited to the pre -construction
meeting to work out the details with the contractor.
Mr Mark Gabriel was present on behalf of Bethlehem Lutheran Church (Tax Key
2260.998.001) to discuss their situation. An easement from the adjoining property will not be
granted therefore, options were considered to make this project the most effective and cost
efficient for the church. The best option at this time is a gravity system with a 6 inch lateral.
MMSD has in the past both granted and rejected the City's request for a 6 inch lateral where an
. 8 inch had been the norm. No response has been received from MMSD, they will be contacted
again tomorrow for a reply. Several options were discussed by the Committee in the event of
MMSD rejecting the request. Additionally, the church and the parsonage reside on the same
parcel of land, with one Tax Key. Due to the recent actions of this Committee on other
commercial properties regarding the assessment calculations, Aid. Slocomb moved to assess
Public Utilities Meeting - March 15, 1999
Page 3
• the Bethlehem Lutheran Church (Tax Key 2260.998.001) at 150 feet with the remainder
deferred and 2 laterals. Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried by all. The Committee has
requested that when an easement is needed for the manhole, the church will be willing to
provide it. The representatives have no problem with the request.
Evelyn and Margaret Krause (Tax Key 2260.998), will be visited by both Scott K., and Ald.
Slocomb for a more detailed and personal discussion on their property. Their property is a
corner lot. A portion of their property has been zoned commercial which had the Committee
questioning which parts and how much of the property can be deferred. Aid. Slocomb moves
to assess the property located at Tax Key 2260.998 as is, with the exception of 150 front
footage on HWY 45 beyond the corner lot, removing 137 feet from the assessment,
leaving the Deferred Assessment on HWY 36 as is. Seconded by Aid. Sanders. Carried
by all.
Machulak property (Tax Key 2259.981) will not be included in the assessment due to their
request not to participate in the sewer project. The City has advised the property owners that
they are essentially on their own. Additionally, due to their lack of participation, the City will be
absorbing a larger portion of the expense for this project. Aid. Woodard moved to remove
Tax key 2259.981 from the Assessment Roll. Seconded by Aid. Sanders. Carried by all.
With the various changes that have been made to the Church property, Aid. Slocomb directs
Scott K., to prepare a change order with the contractor. Seconded by Aid. Sanders.
Carried by all.
• Rich Eberhardt provided a written report that detailed the costs for sewer projects in the past, at
a cost to the residents of $11,972.88, this project is one of the lowest since 1997 The
Committee questioned if the Hardship Policy information had already been sent to the property
owners and requested that Scott send out a second mailing of the policy and application
procedures with the mailing of the initial bill.
Rewarding of the bid - Aid. Woodard moved to reward the bid to Earl A. Eichline at a cost
of $305,409. Seconded by Aid. Sanders. Carried by all.
The Committee reviewed the partial draft of the public hearing minutes as well as the
Aldermen's notes to ensure that all areas that required attention were addressed.
Review amendment to REC allocation - Rosewood Subdivision - 5 additional REC's are
being requested by the developer (15 were already approved). The additional capacity is
necessary due to changes in the subdivision configuration. The preliminary plat has already
been approved by the Plan Commission. Aid. Sanders moved to approve 5 additional
REC's for the Rosewood subdivision. Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried by all. The
Committee is requesting that a paved access for the manhole between lots 8 and 9 be created
to allow access for maintenance. Aid. Sanders moved to include a sewer easement of
approximately 110 feet in length 14 feet wide and 4 inches thick, from the cul de sac to
the manhole between lots 8 and 9 in the Rosewood subdivision. Seconded by Aid.
Slocomb. Carried by all.
Further discussion of contaminated wells - Hillendale/Janesville Road - Scott reports that
no additional vinyl chloride contamination was found during the expanded testing that was
Public Utilities Meeting - March 15, 1999
Page 4
Review watermain extension - Parks Garage - Aid. Sanders moved to approve the
watermain extension and hook up at the Parks garage subject to bid if cost is over
$10,000. Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried by all. Costs for the project are to come from
the Parks budget.
REPORT OF UTILITY SUPERINTENDENT- Scott had nothing additional to report.
ADJOURNMENT- Being no further business to discuss, Aid. Woodard moved to adjourn at
9:50 P.M. Aid. Slocomb seconded. Carried by all.
spe Ily submitted,
Linda Gulgowski
Recording Secretary
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FAX N0, 414 542 5631
P, 1
Jtuekert I Mielke
Professional Engineers
& Registered Land Surveyors since 1946
W239 N 1812 Rockwood Drive
Waukesha, W1 53188.1113
NAME: Jill
COMPANY: City of Muskego
FAX NUMBER: 679-4106
DATE: 3/18/99
PROJECT: 36/45 Sewer
SUBJECT: Recommended Award
Riebard Eberhardt, P.E.
(414) 542-5733
(414) 542-5631
At February Utilities Committee meeting, City noted that they would use Earl A. Eichline with Alternate MAla
in the amount of $305,409.00.
cc: File
FAX NO. 414 542 5631
P 2
'Ruekert Mielke
• & Registered
� RegBcered [,and Surveyors since 1946
David L. DeAngelis
City of Muskego
W 182 S8200 Racine Avenue
Post Office Box 0749
Muskego WI 53150-0749
February 15, 1999
RF: Loomis Drive/Old STH 36, S. North Cape Road/US 45
Sanitary Sewer Project MSS-1 C-96
Dear Mayor De Angelis:
Bids for the above project were opened on January 28, 1999 at City Hall,
Muskego and were as follows:
Mandatory Alternate
Base Bid MAI 8a-8c
1. Earl A. Eichline Enterprises $
Rawson Contractors, Inc. $
Globe Contractors, Inc. $
Mainline Sewer & Water, Inc. $
Underground Pipeline, Inc. $
Super Excavators, inc. $
United Sewer & Water, Inc. $
We reviewed the documentation submitted by the apparent low bidders and found
1. The Bid and Prequalification Forms have been appropriately completed.
2. Low bidders have successfully completed similar projects over the last five
years according to references we have contacted.
3. Alternate bid items MA8a through 8c would allow the Contractor to open
cut the laterals which cross Loomis Drive. Since every bid shows an
increase in cost, we do not recommend awarding this alternate.
4. Alternate bid Item MAla would require the Contractor to bore the wain
where it crosses Loomis Drive instead of allowing open cut installation.
This alternate would adjust the contract price as listed below:
Fax (414) S42.5631
MAR-18-99 THU 2:51 PM RUEKERT 6 MIELKE, INC, FAX N0, 414 542 5631 P 3
Ruekert A ielke
Professional Engineers
is6f Registcred Land Surveyors since 1946
Recommendation of Award
David L. DeAngelis
City of Muskego
February 15, 1999
Page 2
Rawson Contractors, Inc.
Globe Contractors, Inc.
Mainline Sewer & Water, Inc.
Underground Pipeline, Inc.
Super Excavators, Inc.
United Sewer & Water, Inc.
Base Bid with Alternate MAla only
S 312,109.00
$ 318,388.00
$ 388,395.00
$ 412,590,30
$ 421,997.00
$ 431,512.00
Our review did not include an evaluation of bidder's current financial condition
nor of their permanent safety program.
We recommend that the City include in the award the relative tow cost increase to
include Alternate Bid Item MAla which maintains as much undisturbed pavement as
possible in Loomis Drive.
Please advise us of your award decision, or call if there are any questions.
Very truly yours,
NA 14
1 im
1 i
Richard Eberhardt, P.E., R.L.S.
r:\client\13\1392085.230\biddingkecommendation of swud.doc
cc: Chris Zoppa, Engineer/Building Inspection Director
Scott Kloskowski, Utility Supt.
Michael F. Campbell, Ruekert & Mielke, Inc.
cex (414) 542.5631