PUM19990118I] • PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING - CITY OF MUSKEGO (Approved) MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, January 18, 1999 The meeting was called to order at 7:20 PM by Chairman David Sanders. Present were Committee members Ald. Mark Slocomb, Ald. Donna Woodard, Utility Supt. Scott Kloskowski, Richard Eberhardt (Ruekert & Mielke), Christopher Zoppa, Mayor De Angelis and those per the attached list. The Committee noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on January 14, 1999. Review Minutes of Previous Meeting - The minutes of the November 16, 1998 meeting were accepted and placed on file. STATUS OF PROJECTS - Mr Eberhardt provided an update on existing projects with items italicized and in bold print that had recent activity (attached). Specific discussion regarding the following projects: Hwy. 36/45 Project -Hwy 45 South - The Clerk -Treasurer provided a detailed synopsis of a meeting held on January 14, 1999 to review the assessment roll for Project MSS-1 C-96 (Loomis/North Cape). Scott K., explained the various issues the group discussed including Tax Keys #2257.273.001/2260.999 (Bouraxis). Scott will discuss with Mr. Bouraxis the size (6" or 8") of the laterals and the number of laterals requested. The roll was presented without a lateral. An easement needs to be signed and will occur this week. Tax Key #2257.982 (Erdman). This parcel received a front foot assessment on a previous project. The property owner might want a lateral connection to CTH 45. Rich Eberhardt will prepare an addendum to call for alternate bid for this lateral. Scott will try to persuade the property owner to not pursue this option due to the amount of money necessary to make the connection. Tax Key #2257.984 (Alex). Scott to write a letter asking the property owner if they would like additional laterals for the warehouses located in the back of the property. Tax Key 2257.992 (Eckstein). The frontage may be reduced on this property. Currently, there are two existing houses on one parcel, with the ability to divide the parcel in the future. The current policy states that one unit would be assessed now and one unit would be deferred. The Committee agrees that one lot, one unit, one deferred assessment. Aid. Woodard moved to assess the Eckstein property (Tax Key 2257.992) one unit with the second parcel assessment deferred. Seconded by Aid. Sanders. Carried by all. Tax Key 2259.981 (Machulak). The owner needs to determine the number of laterals required. Scott to contact the owner Tax Key 2260.998.001 (Bethlehem). Again, a question regarding the unit count. Due to the church having both a parsonage and a church located on the parcel, the amount of units needs to be clarified. The parcel would be dividable based on zoning, but not dividable based on use (parking spaces to conform to zoning). Aid. Woodard moved to assess the Bethlehem property (Tax Key 2260.998.001) as one unit. Due to the use of the parcel it is deemed not dividable. Seconded by Aid. Sanders. Carried by all. North Cape (HiView to Schaefer) Sewer Project - The contractor has requested an extension until 1/22/99. The dual force main calculations were not complete and the contractor claims that they could not order the correct sized pumps until the calculations were complete. HiView Sewer Project - MSS1-97, MSS-2-97 - Renee Kowalik reminded the Committee via memo, that the 9 month connection notice deadline is April 12, 1999. Currently 14 homes have been connected with a total of 60 that had required connection. Scott reports that due to the number of firms that actually perform this service (2), the residents have had a difficult time securing the Public Utilities Meeting - January 18, 1999 Page 2 workforce to complete the task. The Committee will, when approached by the citizens extend the deadline for connection. Stipulations will be included requesting proof of a contract between the • service provider and the homeowners prior to granting any connection extensions. Linnie Lac sewer allocation - New Berlin has made a formal request to the City of Muskego, requesting 3 sewer connections to 3 residents in New Berlin. The current contract has been sent to New Berlin and they have yet to respond to the request by Muskego for formalization of the contract. The Committee is concerned that as situations such as this arise, New Berlin will continue to request additional connections without an agreement ever being reached. At this time, if Muskego approves the additional connections, there is no incentive for New Berlin to finalize a contract. Aid. Sanders moved to deny the request by New Berlin for 3 additional sewer connections until an agreement is finalized between Muskego and New Berlin. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. The Committee agrees that until a time -table for completion of the agreement is made and committed to, no additional connections will be granted. • • McShane By-pass Facility - More drawings have been requested by the DNR. Looks like approval is forthcoming. Scott would like direction on who is to design the garage and generator facility? Aid. Sanders moved to direct Chris Zoppa to work with R&M staff to develop design and specification for by-pass facility. Public Utilities Committee to review final plan prior to bid process. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. Denoon Middle School Sewer/Approvals/Schedules - The construction start date has been set for May 3, 1999. R&M suggests that due to the permit requirements and the long time since the original preconstruction conference for the school, they recommend that a new preconstruction conference be held April 21, or 22, 1999 to reacquaint all parties with the project, permit conditions and project schedule. Aid. Sanders questioned the progress and the number of wells being dug on the property? Scott reports that he does not supervise the drilling of the wells and the function lies with the DNR and the Planning Department. SEWER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Status of REC Allocation - 711 as of 1/1/99 Status of Town of Norway Contract - Nothing new. Scott attended their Town Meeting last week, no news from their attorney. Status of MMSD Non-WPAP Charges - The Mayor did meet with the MMSD today and 4 issues remain unresolved. The next meeting is to take place 2/15/99. Status of Forced hook-ups - The Jones property (Tax Key #2252.993) bid for the gravity system is estimated at $20,000. Scott reports that the City will need to draw up bids and specs and publicly bid the job for this property. Two areas need to be addressed in the bid. 1 The lateral needs to be raised to the correct height (road level) and the connection to the house needs to be made. Aid. Slocomb moved to direct Chris Zoppa to draw up the bid and specifications for the Jones property (Tax key #2252.993) forced connection. The specifications to include the raising of the lateral to the proper height, connection to the house, and any internal work that is required to complete the project. Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried by all. Submittal Status - Holz/Arrowood - Sewer materials sent to MMSD last week. her review of Resi Council meeting, #235-98 - Sam item was sent "c - At the December 8, 1998 for further review. Ald. Salentine Public Utilities Meeting - January 18, 1999 Page 3 had questioned the vagueness of the term "reasonable time" and Attorney Molter stated that every situation would have to be reviewed. The current Resolution with edits in strikeout format reads as • follows: A final assessment resolution may provide for commencement of interest on a deferred portion of an assessment at a later date than that date provided for in this paragraph if, in the final assessment resolution, a finding is made that it is impossible for the specially benefited property to make use of the improvement ' based on a government restriction as long as the restriction exists after adoption of the final assessment resolution. Aid. Slocomb moved to recommend to Council approval of the Resolution with the new wording. Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried by all. Further review of REC Allocation - Country Club Villages - This item was referred back to this Committee after review by the City Attorney. The Mayor provided a brief review of the issues and indicated that CCV will have until 2002 to use the REC's or within 5 years. CCV can sell back the purchased REC's to the City if CCV does not require them. Further review of Ready -To -Serve Properties - Renee Kowalik provided some additional research regarding the Ready -To -Serve properties and the past practices of connecting such properties after the sale of "hardship status' properties. This is in addition to other qualifiers such as a failed septic system. Aid. Slocomb moved to direct the Sewer Utility Clerk to send letters to individuals classified as "hardship status" properties that when their property is sold, the property will be connected. This is in addition to other qualifiers (i.e., failed septic system). Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried by all. SEWER NEW BUSINESS Review revisions to Chapter PSC 187- Wisconsin Admin. Code (Sewer) - See Water New • Business #2. Review proposal for manhole Smoke Testing - Scott has talked with Mike Campbell of R&M regarding a reimbursement of $55.00 per manhole from MMSD for the inspection and smoke testing of a portion of the City's sewer system. Currently $80,000 is in the budget for 1/1 this year and would cover the cost of doing one basin. The Mayor questioned the time limit imposed on the reimbursement (3 years 12/31/2001). R&M propose $35,950 for the inspection of 719 manholes and $50,328 for the 218,816 lineal feet of smoke testing. Chris Zoppa questioned if this was a good price for this type of service? Rich provided cost examples from Menomonee Falls and indicated that R&M's profit margin on this particular task was small. Ald. Slocomb questioned what exactly Scott hoped to find with this procedure? Scott believes that missing clean -out caps can be found and replaced, the source of 1/1 as well as gutters and down spouts that discharge directly into the system can be found using this type of process. Aid. Sanders moved to approve the smoke testing and inspection of manholes within Basin #2, contingent upon written approval from the District that reimbursement from the District is available and forthcoming. Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried by all. The Mayor asked Scott what his plans were for the sewer system this year and the amount of money necessary to complete those additional tasks. Scott reports that he will have two men working most of the summer installing internal seals. Review quarterly billing for MMSD - The Committee reviewed the quarterly billing statement. Questioned who, other than this Committee went through the billing. Scott reports that his Sewer Utility Clerk and the Financial Director both review the billings. Aid. Sanders moved to recommend approval and payment of the quarterly MMSD bill. Seconded by Aid. Woodard. • Carried by all. Public Utilities Meeting - January 18, 1999 Page 4 Review quarterly billing for Town of Norway - the Committee reviewed the submitted billing from the Town of Norway. Aid. Sanders moved to recommend approval and payment of the • quarterly Town of Norway bill. Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried by all. Recommendation to Amend Amended Assessment Roll - North Cape/Schaefer - The Committee received a request to amend the amended Assessment Roll. Three assessments require clarification. Tax Key #2212.999 (Pipke) should read 1 8" main extension and 2 6" laterals (reducing the original assessment by 3-6"). Tax Key #2209.934 (Jansen) should read 1 8" main extension. Tax Key #2209.933 (Jansen) should read 1 6" lateral. Aid. Sanders moved to amend the amended Assessment Roll to reflect the clarifications stated in the November 17, 1998 memo. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. Review additional REC needed for New Markets - The Sewer Utility Clerk is requesting approval for an additional REC for New Markets. Previously 14.5 REC's were approved. Currently 15.5 REC's are needed. Aid. Sanders moved to approve 1 additional REC for New Markets. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. Review Assessment Policy - Deferred Assessment Boehls on Boxhorn - Mr and Mrs. Boehls were present to discuss their situation. Tax Key #2252.931 To ensure that their property is never divided, the couple is in the process of requesting that a Deed Restriction be placed on their property. The owners were advised that the only way that the sewer assessment would be charged is if and when the property was divided. The owners are steadfast in their request to secure a Deed Restriction. The Committee is concerned that if at some time in the future, the individual who owns the land decides to divide the parcel comes back to the City and requests that the Deed Restriction be lifted the City and the residents who paid for the sewer would be out the • assessment fee for that parcel(s). The Mayor questioned if the City has ever looked into a lump sum charge to those areas where a Deed Restriction has been removed to help recoup the costs of the deferred assessment. The Assessment Roll would have to be opened and changed to reflect this reduction if the Committee does grant the Deed Restriction on this parcel. A fee schedule could be developed with a sliding scale of fee charges to those properties that have Deed Restrictions removed in the future. The Mayor will contact the City Attorney and the legal counsel for the City of Waukesha to obtain information regarding this issue. Aid. Woodard moved to defer this item until next months meeting. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. Ald. Slocomb will keep in contact with the property owners to keep them apprised of any relevant findings and decisions on this issue. WATER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Further discussion of contaminated wells - Hillendale/Janesvilie Road - Scott reports that Waste Management has expanded their testing of the ground water for possible contamination. Scott has provided Waste Management a cost estimate for extending the 8" lateral. Waste Management will be comparing the cost to connect to the lateral versus the cost of drilling additional/deeper wells WATER NEW BUSINESS Review Resolution #236• - At the the Assessment Policy for Construction of Water on Council meeting, this item was also sent back to Committee for further review. Ald. Salentine had questioned the vagueness of the term "reasonable time" and Attorney Molter stated that every situation would have to be reviewed. The • current Resolution with edits in strikeout format reads as follows: A final assessment resolution may provide for commencement of interest on a deferred portion of an assessment at a later date than that date provided for in this paragraph if, in the final assessment resolution, Public Utilities Meeting - January 18, 1999 Page 5 a finding is made that it is impossible for the specially benefited property to make use of the improvementuilthiA a rvasanable4lvAe based on a government restriction as long as the • restriction exists after adoption of the final assessment resolution. Aid. Slocomb moved to recommend to Council approval of the Resolution with the new wording. Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried by all. Review revision to Chapter PSC 187 - Wisconsin Administrative Code (Water) - A fax was received to alert municipalities of the proposed Public Service Commission Rules on Cost Recovery for Sewer Main Extensions. The PSC may reimburse developers up to 50% of the cost of infrastructure (sewer, main extensions etc..). The City Attorney stated that this proposed rule puts additional requirements on municipalities to give information concerning requirements of this chapter Review Model Resolution for approval of the Regional Aquifer Performance Simulation Modeling Program Prospectus - SEWRPC - Scott reports that the City will participate in this program and has committed the money to partake in the study. $4,173 per year over 3 years is the City's portion of the total cost of the project. A model Resolution has been provided to the City. Aid. Slocomb directs the City Clerk -Treasurer, pending City Attorney review to complete the model Resolution indicating participation in the Regional Aquifer Performance Simulation Modeling Program with the additional verbiage of "at a cost of $4,173 per year for 3 years." Seconded by Aid. Sanders. Carried by all. REPORT OF UTILITY SUPERINTENDENT- Scott reports that a new employee (Steve Ludwig) started earlier this month. • REPORT OF CITY ENGINEER - Chris wanted this Committee aware of an opportunity to extend the water line up Woods Road. The Road is being slated for rehabilitation in the near future. Scott suggests that the entire length of Woods Road from Lannon Drive to Durham Drive be included. COMMUNICATIONS - It was requested that any Committee handouts and reports also be provided to the City Engineer (Chris Zoppa). It is also requested that "Report of City Engineer' be included as a standard agenda item for subsequent Public Utilities Committee meetings. ADJOURNMENT- Being no further business to discuss, Aid. Woodard moved to adjourn at 9:40 P.M. Aid. Slocomb seconded. Carried by all. eseoy p na kbCim�/i/tted, Recording Secretary 0 CITY OF MUSKEGO MEETING GUEST SIGN -IN SHEET MEETING NAME (Please Print) AGENDA ITEM i JAN-11-99 MON 4.50 PM RUEKERT & MIELKE, INC. FAX NO. 414 542 5631 P 2 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MONDAY JANUARY 18, 1999 GTY PROJECTS: BOXIIORN, RYAN, GROVEWAY BONDING COMPANY REPAIRS COMPLETED: ASPHALT PAVEMENT, SAG SEWER AT RYAN AND BOXHORN NOT COMPLETED: ALL OTHER LEAKS, RESTORATION, BACKFILL ISSUE IIIGIIVIEW ACRES MSS- 1-97 AND MSS - 2- 97 WORKING ON FINAL PAPER WORK PUMP STATION SITES TO BE RF1,7FIVED IN SPRING FOR GRASS GROWTH (WARRANTY WORK) IIOLZ DRIVE SEWER MSS-3-97 OWNER COMPLAINT RESPONDED TO (SETTLED TRENCH) MC SHANE BYPASS PIPING/STORAGE BUILDTNG DNR RESPONDED NEED SKETCH OF PIPE FOR APPROVAL SENT SKETCH JANUARY I1,1999 • PUMP k10USE FOR WELL #7 STILL SOME RESTORATION ITEMS WATER TOWER REPAINTING 98 % DONE FINAL TOUCH UPS IN SPRING NORTH CAPE ROAD - HE VIEW TO SCHAEFFER PUMP STATION WAITING FOR CORRECT DECKS AND DOORS GMERGI:NCYPOWER MODULE SET CONTRACTOR ASKING FOR TIME EXTENSION LOOMIS DRIVE / NORTH CAPE RD - US45 / MSS-1 C-96 ADVERTISE JAN 14 AND 21 OPEN BIDS JANUARY 28, 1999 UTILH IES COMMITTEE FEB 15 AND MARCH 15 PUBLIC HEARING MARCH 11, 1999 AWARD MARCH 23 AND START AFI'ER APRIL 19 PROJECT COMPLETION JUNE 15, 1999 DEVELOPMENTS: AVION ESTATES MMSD FLOW ALLOCATION RECEIVED, PLAN APPROVAL NOT RECEIVED AT RIM JAN-11-99 MON 4.50 PM RUEKERT & MIELKE, INC. FAX NO. 414 542 5631 P. 3 PAGE 2 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE JANUARY 18, 1999 DEER CREEK TWO PUNCH LIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR EPI LIFT STATION / FORCE MAIN (AGENDA ITEM) REDESIGN TO BE RESUBMITTED TO WIDOT, MMSD, DNR' SEE LETTER MMSD IS REVIEWING IF SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY MUSTBE REVISED NOTE BPI EXPANSION MAY FORCE BOUNDARY CHANGE ANYWAY FLINTLOCK TRAIL FORCE MAIN (WERNETTE) HOLTZ - ARROWOOD MMSD SUBMITTAL PACKAGE SENT JANUARY 11,1999 LAKEWOOD MEADOWS ADD NO 2 NOTHING NEW (SOME ROAD CONSTRUCTION OCCURRED NOT ALL) MUSKEGO MOTOR CAR CO PUNCHLIST AS BUILT.S SENT TO MMSD OCTOBER 6,1998, NO APPROVAL RECEIVED YET MUSKEGO REGENCY OPEN PUNCH LIST UNTIL ROAD IS INSTALLED PARK ESTATES (AKA PARK VIEW ESTATES) RESTORATION AND SURFACE COURSE PAVEMENT REMAIN OUTLOT 3 KIMBERLY ESTATES SEWER AND WATER PUNCHLIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR 12110198 SAL FERRITO SEWER (PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER) DEWATERINU WELL NOT REMOVED LATERALS NOT CONNECTED YET VICTORIAN VILLAS VIDEO OF SEWER NOT YET RECEIVED WISH FORCE MAIN MMSD PLAN APPROVAL RECEIVED WOODGATE ESTATES (NEW NAME ROSEWOOD PER PLAN COMMISSION AGENDA) NOTHING NEW RECEIVED ft