PUM19980921PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING - CITY OF MUSKEGO (Approved) MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, September 21, 1998 The meeting was called to order at 7:20 PM by Chairman David Sanders. Present were Committee members Aid. Mark Slocomb, Ald. Donna Woodard, Utility Supt. Scott Kloskowski, Richard Eberhardt (Ruekert & Mielke), Christopher Zoppa, and those per the attached list. The Committee noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on September 18, 1998. Review Minutes of Previous Meeting: The minutes of the August 17, 1998 meeting were accepted and placed on file. Status of Projects: Mr Eberhardt provided an update on existing projects with items italicized and in bold print that had recent activity (attached). Specific discussion regarding the following projects: Hwy. 36/45 Project -Hwy. 45 South, Easement Plan Update: Rich Eberhardt reports that on a routine visit to the area, the phone company was present and inquired as to why the R&M individuals were walking the site. Fiber optics were installed last year near the area that had been designated as where the sewers are to be installed. The sewer design will have to be revised when the location of the cables are known. Muskego Motor Car sewer plans: Scott Kloskowski reports that the property owner adjacent to Muskego Motor Car does not wish to connect to the sewer at this time. The individual indicated • that he may choose to do so at a later date. Linnie Lac sewer allocation: The City attorney provided a draft of the amended agreement between the City of Muskego and the City of New Berlin. The District has given verbal approval on the revised agreement. A change in the volume calculated for base and peak flows will be achieved by the installation of a flow meter in New Berlin. The members of the Committee request that the meter have a remote viewing capability (SCADA system) to ensure accuracy in the reporting of the figures. Aid. Sanders moved to approve the amended Linnie Lac agreement draft with SCADA metering capabilities included in the agreement. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. The Mayor is directed by this Committee to contact the District to have the verbal approval placed in writing. Aid. Sanders moved to forward the revised draft of the Linnie Lac agreement to the City attorney for approval. Once approval has been gained, amended agreement to be forwarded to the City of New Berlin. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. SEWER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Status of REC Allocation: 1,158 as of 911/98 Status of Town of Norway Contract: Scott K., reported that Mayor De Angelis and himself, will be meeting with the City Attorney to look over the draft of the contract. Status of MMSD Non-WPAP Charges: Nothing new to report. Status of Counter sewer assessment: Don and Peggy Counter were present regarding their 00sewer assessment. The City Attorney has indicated that the City can revise the assessment criteria but the assessment policy will have to be changed. The City Attorney recommends that the policy not change. Ald. Slocomb has worked with the City Attorney on the particular situation. The Public Utilities Meeting - September 21, 1998 Page 2 Counter's feel that they should not be paying the interest (approximately $1,700 annually) on a property that they have no access to. According to policy, assessments have been levied on • parcels that provided "beneficial use' Since the Counter's have no access to this land until the Jurisdiction Transfer for Hwy 36 occurs in 1999, they are requesting that the interest fee be dropped. Ald. Slocomb suggests re -writing the assessment policy providing the City the ability to handle such special cases and have the interest payment be handled by the Utility until the Jurisdiction Transfer occurs, allowing the Counter's access to the land. Aid. Slocomb moved to forgive interest on deferred assessments due to non -access to the property on which the assessment falls, directing the City Attorney to draft the proper wording to amend the assessment policy and the current assessment policy. Seconded by Aid. Sanders. Carried by all. The residents were made aware that this procedure will not occur before the tax rolls are mailed out. Scott K., will advise the residents on the status of this amended assessment policy. Status of Forced hook-ups: Scott K., has received two proposals from Wayne Stever, Inc. The Jones property (Tax Key #2252.993) and the Bieniewski property (Tax Key # 2224.992). Aid. Slocomb moved to approve the forced hook up for the Bieniewski property. Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried by all. Regarding the Jones property, the cost estimate from Wayne Stever could be in excess of $15,000. Due to the numerous areas that require major renovation and upgrading. Due to this excessive cost, Scott K., suggests that the Committee reject this Bid and put in a gravity system rather than the grinder pump due to the cost being almost equal, yet the gravity system is superior in function. Aid. Woodard moved to reject the bid of Wayne Stever provided for the Jones property. Seconded by Aid. Sanders. Carried by all. Further discussion of sewer plans/ Muskego Motor Car: See Status of Projects. • Further discussion of Acceptance of Improvements - Sewer & Water - Kimberly Estates: There are problems with a hydrant being too low due to the grade level being changed with this subdivision. The contractor has not agreed to correct the elevation problem with the hydrant. Aid. Sanders moved to deny acceptance of improvement at Kimberly Estates. Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried by all. Aid. Sanders moved to forward a letter to the developer, on City letterhead advising the developer that they have until October 16, 1998 to correct the hydrant elevation problem. If this correction is not made by that date, the project will be handled by the City, with a contractor of their choosing, with the costs deducted from the developers future release of funds requests. Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried by all. SEWER NEW BUSINESS Review preliminary Sewer & Water Budgets: Scott K., provided copies of both the Sewer and Water 1999 budget worksheets. Scott also distributed the Capital expenses - Water expenses, which was not included in the packet. Scott reports that no money will have to be borrowed for Capital expenses in 1999. Scott will be requesting an additional full-time employee and one summer employee (14 weeks). Discussion regarding the workload for Scott's departments. Scott mentioned that it is time for the meters in the area to be tested. They are on a 10-year testing rotation. Due to the amount of time it takes to test each meter (2-3 trips to the residence and approximately 2 hours per trip), Scott is recommending that new meters be installed (approximately hour of installation time). Badger Meter has provided a volume discount and will be able to "recycle" the old meters with a rebate to the City for those meters removed. Establish rates for 1999 for: water Usage and Front Foot Water Rates: Don Villone has recommended that the Sewer Usage Rate should not change for 1999. Aid. Sanders moved to keep the Sewer Usage Rate at $375.00 for 1999. Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried by all. Public Utilities Meeting - September 21, 1998 Page 3 Regarding the Front Foot Water Rate, R&M has recommended a 2.6% increase in the fee which calculates to $40.15 for Commercial and $35.55 for Residence. Aid. Sanders moves to approve • the 1999 Front Foot Water Rate for Commercial to $40.15 and $35.55 for Residential. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. • Review amendments to final assessment rolls of sewer projects: After review of both assessment amendments, Aid. Slocomb moved to forward to Council for approval the amended assessment roll for North Cape/Schaefer Drive Sewer Project MSS-1-98 for an increase in the 6-inch lateral to an 8-inch lateral for Tax Key No. 2209.934, one 6-inch lateral for Tax Key No. 2212.994.001 and one 8-inch lateral for Tax Key No. 2212.999. Seconded by Aid. Sanders. Carried by all. Regarding the North Cape/Ryan Road Sewer Project, Aid. Slocomb moved to forward to Council for approval the amended assessment roll for North Cape/Ryan Road Sewer Project MSS-1 B-96 for one 6-inch lateral for Tax Key No. 2257.993.002 and one 8-inch lateral and one manhole for Tax Key No. 2257.999. Seconded by Aid. Sanders. Carried by all. Review quotes for odor control unit - McShane Lift Station: Scott K., provided two quotes for the odor control unit. Duall Division ($6,756) and ProMark Associates ($6,395 and $6,990-larger unit). Scott is comfortable with the Duall system. Discussion by the Committee regarding the size of the unit being purchased and needs for additional capacity. Scott indicated that the units he secured bids on will have sufficient capacity for the needs of the lift station. Aid. Sanders moved to accept the proposal from Duall Division at a cost of $6,756 plus shipping costs. Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried by all. uest for sewer REC allocation - Carity Land Corp. - No materials were submitted for Review sewer main extension request and request for reduction of REC charges - Richard Knudsen - Ald. Chiaverotti was present on behalf of this resident. The individual would like 7 REC connection for future developments and would like a reduction of the REC charged to him on a vacant lot which already has an existing (2 year old) septic system (previously, a mobile home was on the property and hooked up to the septic system). The individual would like the be charged the "Existing House" rate for this particular property. The Plan Commission has the conceptual plans for the 7 requested REC's. Aid. Woodard moved to approve the 7 REC's requested. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. Due to the fact that the individual has already spent approximately $6,000 to install his current septic system, the Committee felt that it would be unfair to charge this particular the New Home connection fee. He is essentially being asked to disconnect from a perfectly functioning waste system to connect to the City. Aid. Woodard moved to grant Mr. Knudsen the Existing Home rate on the lot with the septic system already installed. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. WATER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Further review of Well Head Protection Ordinance: Matt Sadowski, Director of Planning has made changes in the Zoning Code portion of the Well Head Ordinance. The revised Well Head Protection Ordinance will be forwarded to R&M for them to incorporate the new Zoning Codes into the Well Head Ordinance and those changes also referenced in the Zoning Ordinance. The revised Ordinances will be forwarded to Council for final approval. • WATER NEW BUSINESS - None REPORT OF UTILITY SUPERINTENDENT: Scott reports that all 3 pumps at McShane have been brought back up to original specifications. Scott also is advising the Committee (especially Ald. Slocomb) on the potential for a problem at the McShane Lift Station due to residents in the area . e H Public Utilities Meeting - September 21, 1998 Page 4 fighting among themselves. Scott has received calls regarding how close individuals can place fences to the City's fence line at McShane. Residents are angered over individuals using the back • yards as a foot path. Scott also mentioned that at the last meeting, the property at the end of Sobek Lane (Tax Key #2218.996) may or may not have had a lateral, yet the property was assessed for one. The as built did not show a lateral and the residents are wishing to sell the property. Scott sent a camera down the pipe and determined that a lateral does exist. COMMUNICATIONS: None. ADJOURNMENT: Being no further business to discuss, Aid. Woodard moved to adjourn at 9:30 P.M. Aid. Slocomb seconded. Carried by all. Respectfully submitted, inda Gulgowski Recording Secretary 0 • • CITY OF MUSKEGO MEETING GUEST SIGN -IN SHEET MEETING 1"J lease - 912► IQa , AGENDA ITEM PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE • *AMENDED MONDAY SEPTEMBER 21, 1998 CITY PROJECTS: BOXHORN, RYAN, GROVEWAY BONDING COMPANY JOINING CONTRACTORS SUIT CITY ATTORNEY WAS TO FILE AGAINST BONDING COMPANY DEPOSITIONS STARTED *BONDING COMPANY JOINED GUSTAFSON IN SUIT WAITING FOR CITY'S ATTORNEY OPINION IF BONDING COMPANY MUST STILL START/COMPLETE REPAIRS NOW THAT THEYARE JOINED IN THE LAWSUIT HIGHVIEW ACRES MSS-1-97 AND MSS - 2- 97 MINOR PUNCH LIST ITEMS REMAIN HOLZ DRIVE SEWER MSS-3-97 PAVEMENT OF EAST -WEST PART COMPLETED PUMP HOUSE FOR WELL 97 WATER TOWER REPAINTING • LOGO COMPLETED NORTH CAPE ROAD - HI VIEW TO SCHAEFFER PUMP STATION WAITING FOR CORRECT DECKS AND DOORS EMERGENCY POWER MODULE SHOP DRAWINGS RETURNED FOR CORRECTION SCHAEFER DRIVE PAVING HAS BEEN ORDERED TO BE COMPLETED CONTRACTOR STATED HE IS TRYING TO GET HIS SUBCONTRACTOR SCHEDULED DEVELOPMENTS: AVION ESTATES NOTHING NEW RECEIVED FOR ROADS OR GRADING MMSD SUBMITTAL DONE *NEW PLAN RECEIVED SEPTEMBER 18,1998 MMSD FLO WALLOCA TION RECEIVED, PLANAPPROVAL USUALLY FOLLOWS NEXT MONTH MAIN INSTALLED, AS BUIL•TS STARTED DEER CREEK TWO PUNCH LIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR ik EPI LIFT STATION / FORCE MAIN (AGENDA ITEM) • REDESIGN TO BE RESUBMITTED TO WIDOT, MMSD, DNR NEXT WEEK OCTOBER EARLIEST BID DATE *EPI CHOSEN LIFT STATION SITE IS 300 FEET OUTSIDE SEWER SERVICE AREA MMSD IS REVIEWING IF BOUNDARYMUST BE REVISED EVEN THOUGH FLOW IS FROM SERVICE AREA AND VOL UME IS NOT CHANGED NOTE EPI EXPANSION MAY FORCE BOUNDARY CHANGE ANYWAY LAKEWOOD MEADOWS ADD NO 2 NOTHING NEW PAGE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER 21, 1998 *AMENDED MUSKEGO MOTOR CAR CO NOTHING NEW RECEIVED SYSTEM MAP PROVIDED FOR UPDATE MUSKEGO REGENCY OPEN PUNCH LIST UNTIL ROAD IS INSTALLED • PARK ESTATES (AKA PARK VIEW ESTATES) RESTORATION AND SURFACE COURSE PAVEMENT REMAIN OUTLOT 3 KIMBERLY ESTATES SEWER AND WATER RESUBMITTED TO DNR PRECONSTR UCTION CONFERENCE HELD SEPTEMBER 15 RACINE AVENUE SEWER - MILLER RESTORATION WORK REMAINS SAL FERRITO SEWER (PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER) DEWATERING WELL NOT REMOVED LATERALS NOT CONNECTED YET VICTORIAN VILLAS MMSD APPROVED AS BUILTS RECEIVED, CONNECTIONS PERMITTED WISA FORCE MAIN MMSD PLAN APPROVAL RECEIVED WOODGATE ESTATES NOTHING NEW RECEIVED 11