PUM19980720PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING - CITY OF MUSKEGO (Corrected per 7/28/98) MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, July 20, 1998 Common Council • The meeting was called to order at 7-10 PM by Chairman David Sanders. Present were Committee members Ald. Mark Slocomb, Ald. Donna Woodard, Utility Supt., Scott Kloskowski, Richard Eberhardt (Ruekert & Mielke), and those per the attached list. The Committee noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on July 15, 1998. Review Minutes of Previous Meeting: The minutes of the June 15, 1998 meeting were reviewed. Aid. Woodard moved to accept the minutes with the following correction. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. Under the paragraph titled "Review request for sewer service - Dreamland Development', the word "proposed" was changed to "potential' Status of Projects: Mr Eberhardt provided an update on existing projects with items italicized and in bold print that had recent activity (attached). Specific discussion regarding the following projects: Boxhorn, Ryan, Groveway: Scott Kloskowski is requesting that the Mayor and the City Attorney become involved with the completion of the action plan promised by the bond company. The Committee directs the Mayor and the City Attorney to expedite the action plan from the bonding company so the project may be completed. Holz Drive Sewer Project/Grinder Pump Proposals: Scott K., provided the grinder pump price quotes from the only submission from D.J. Morvia Company, Inc. The pricing structure for each • unit depends on if it is an indoor unit ($2,908), or an outdoor unit with the differential in price coming from the depth of the unit, $3,726 = 93 inches overall depth, $4,226 = 124 inches overall depth, and $4,480 = 158 inches overall depth. The residents and the plumbing contractors they employ, will determine which unit will be used. Electrical upgrades for the units will be at the expense of the residents. Currently, 8 of the 15 residents have provided Scott K., with their unit selections. Aid. Slocomb moved to accept the bids from D.J. Morvia Company, Inc. Seconded by Aid. Sanders. Carried by all. Well #7 - Muskego County Park: Scott K., reports that the project is nearly complete. The landscaping has been completed with seeding needing to be finished. Water Tower Repainting: As of last Wednesday, pressure blasting began on the water tower Painting to being this week. Contractor expects job to be complete before the next meeting. North Cape Road - HiView to Schaeffer: Krzyewski property (Tax Key #2212.994.001) lateral connection will incur a large cost overrun due to main line length limit imposed by MMSD. Resident obtained a cost estimate from their plumber to connect. Wayne Stever, Inc., provided a written estimate of $3,380.00 over the cost of the contract price for extending the lateral which was not anitcipanted on the first proposal. Aid. Sanders moves to approve the payment of $3,380.00 to expand the lateral for the Krzyewski property. Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried by all. EPI Lift Station: The City received a written request from RMT, Inc., for the lift station sizing for the Superior Emerald Park Landfill site. RMT., estimates that the peak leachate generation rate is 10 34,000 gallons per day (gpd). Superior is planning on negotiating with the City to purchase sewer capacity to handle an average leachate discharge of 10,000-12,000 gpd. The Committee is Public Utilities Meeting - July 20, 1998 Page 2 concerned that if the 10-12,000 discharge rate is approved and a lift station is built to handle that amount of discharge, a larger storm event could create serious problems. The additional cost of . building a lift station to accommodate a peak flow of 34,000 gpd was also discussed. Ald. Slocomb would like to see verbiage within the contract to also stipulate that EPI can use leachate evaporation as a method to handle peak flow situations. Aid. Sanders moved to approve the design of the lift station with a peak flow of 34,000 gpd as provided by EPI. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. Linnie Lac Sewer Allocation (New Berlin): Scott K., reports that the City will be meeting with New Berlin this week. Lannon/Martin Sewer Project: Scott reports that it is complete and may be removed from subsequent agendas. Hwy. 36/45 Project -Hwy. 45 South Easement Plan Update: Scott K., reports that due to the location of existing utilities, Club Durham will need to have their lateral bored under the building from a proposed excavation within HWY 45/00. The Department of Transportation has been contacted by Scott K., and they have suggested that if this is to be done, that it be completed quickly before HWY 45 is opened up to traffic. SEWER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Status of REC Allocation: 1,158 as of 7/1/98 Status of Town of Norway Contract: Preliminary discussion is occurring between the City Attorney and the Town of Norway's Attorney. • Update on MMSD Facilities Plan: Nothing new to report. Status of Counter sewer assessment: On -going discussion between the Mayor and the City Attorney. Status of sewer connection - Loyal Moose Lodge 1057: A letter was sent to the Lodge by Scott K., giving them a 30-day notice to a forced hook-up. The Lodge has been invited to the next Public Utilities Committee meeting. Status of request for MMSD approval for two lot lateral - Boehm property (Tax Keys 2224.994.008 & 2224.884.009): The MMSD refused to allow a dual hook-up from one lateral. The no longer wish to explore this option. Please remove from agenda. Status of Forced hook-ups: Scott K., reports that the Krause property (Tax Key #2255.977) has a contract signed and Wayne Stever, Inc., is providing quotes for the Jones property (Tax Key #2252.993) and the Bieniewski property (Tax Key #2224.992). SEWER NEW BUSINESS Further review of sewer usage - St. Paul's Old Church: At the December 15, 1997 Public Utilities Meeting the Committee granted a 18-24 month extension and waiver of stand-by charges contingent upon the representatives of the church be present in 6 months for a progress report. • Mr Wayne Boldt, Chairman of the church provided a written report on the activities within the church. A New Facilities Plan Group will be established within 3 weeks and a needs assessment will be conducted to determine the parishioners' vision for the future expansion. Mr Boldt is Public Utilities Meeting - July 20, 1998 Page 3 requesting an extension of 12 months. Aid. Woodard moved to approve the extension of 18 months for St. Paul's Old Church, with an update by the church to this Committee at the • July 1999 meeting. Seconded by Aid. Sanders. Carried by all. Please place on the July 1999 agenda. Review ordinance for stand-by charge: Currently the Ready -to -Serve and Stand-by charge were the same. The Ready -to -Serve designation is more geared towards cottage -type structures with no plumbing facilities and the Stand-by designation is for homes/businesses that have gone past mandatory connection date. Review of the revised verbiage performed by the Committee. Aid. Sanders moved to send revised ordinance to the City Attorney including edits made by Committee members. Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried by all. The Committee also recommends that Section 21.06(8) remain in the ordinance. Review quarterly billing for MMSD and Town of Norway: The Committee reviewed the materials and placed them on file. Review quotes for new truck: One quote from Kuettner Oldsmobile-GMC was received. The price quoted (excluding tax) was $12,897.00. The budgeted amount is $14,000. Aid. Sanders moved to approve the new truck purchase at a cost not to exceed $14,000. Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried by all. Review request for sewer capacity (Woods Road Senior Center): The Capacity Utilization Permit Application was submitted by New Markets, Inc., on behalf of the senior center They are requesting 10, 2 bedroom units and 14, 1 bedroom units. The number of REC's allocated will be determined by the Utilities Department due to the ratio of bedrooms vs., capacity utilized. Aid. • Sanders moved to approve the request of 10, 2 bedroom units and 14, 1 bedroom units. Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried by all. Addn. #1 R&M reviewed the files. There are no outstanding punch list items for the sanitary sewer or water mains for this phase of the development, however, the well, pump -house and reservoir are part of the "community" water system for Lakewood Meadows. R&M made no review of these items since they are not to be accepted by the City. Aid. Sanders moved to accept the sanitary sewer in Lakewood Meadows Addition #1. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. Review sewer plans for Avion Estates: R&M provided Davidsen Engineering Co., their comments on the plan submitted. Currently a'/< inch per foot lateral is the standard, due to the need to provide basement sewer service, the contractor is requesting that the lateral be laid at 1 /8 inch per foot. Aid. Woodard moved to approve the lateral placement at no less than 1/8 of an inch per foot. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. R&M recommend that the proposed connection of the 6 inch lateral to Manhole #1 be completed and approved by the Utilities Committee. The seatfastec engineers determined that it could eliminate the manhole. The City and R&M have determined that the manhole be kept for access/cleaning purposes. Aid. Sanders moved to include manhole #1 with the 6 inch lateral. Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried by all. On the remainder of the plan submitted, Aid. Sanders moved to give conditional approval to the sewer plans for Avion Estates with the above mentioned changes and R&M submittal of revised plans to MMSD for approval. Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried by all. • WATER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Public Utilities Meeting - July 20, 1998 Page 4 Status of Well Abandonment & Forced Hookup: Remove from subsequent agendas. See Sewer Unfinished #7 Further review of well head protection ordinance: The City Attorney is currently reviewing this ordinance along with Matt Sadowski. Scott K., is waiting for those recommendations before the final ordinance is presented to this Committee for final review and adoption. WATER NEW BUSINESS Establish percentage rate for water forced hook-up - Mashlan: The revised forced hook-up ordinance allows for a 5 year payment plan, not previously available to owners however, an interest percentage rate was not determined. The ordinance states that up to 15% may be charged. Currently a 8% rate is being charged to forced sewer hook-ups. Aid. Woodard moved to approve an 8% interest rate to be charged for 5 year payment plan participants for forced water hook-ups. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. REPORT OF UTILITY SUPERINTENDENT: Scott and Ald. Slocomb are currently working on a odor problem at the McShane lift station. Viable solutions are being explored. COMMUNICATIONS: Aid. Slocomb questioned what the fuel for the McShane generator will be? Scott K., reports that diesel will be used due to the size of the generator Natural gas would not be cost effective. ADJOURNMENT: Being no further business to discuss, Aid. Slocomb moved to adjourn at 9:10 P.M. Aid. Woodard seconded. Carried by all. • Respectfully submitted, Linda Gulgowski Recording Secretary • • CITY OF MUSKEGO MEETING GUEST SIGN -IN SHEET MEETING u NAME (Please Print) AGENDA ITEM GU4YA451 BOGOT sT. pl$m l.0 ©�lll: C, H 6eoi?6e- aj GuI14 s%-P4,14.s PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE • MONDAY JULY 20, 1998 CITY PROJECTS: BOXHORN, RYAN, GROVEWAY BOND COMPANY SOLICITING BIDS FROM UNDERGROUND CONTRACTORS TO DO UNDERGROUND REPAIRS BEFORE SURFACE REPAIRS. SCHEDULE TO BE FORTHCOMING HIGHVIEW ACRES MSS-1-97 AND MSS - 2- 97 MINOR PUNCH LIST ITEMS REMAIN PAVEMENT COMPLETED RESTORATION TO BE COMPLETED HOLZ DRIVE SEWER MSS-3-97 UNDERGROUND INSTALLED AND TESTED PAVEMENT OF EAST -WEST PART UNDER REVIEW BY JOHN LOUGHNEYAND SCOTT KLOSKOWSKI TRENCH PATCHES TO BE COMPLETED SOON AS BUILT SURVEYSCHEDULED, DRAWINGS TO BE STARTED . PUMP HOUSE FOR WELL 97 WATER TOWER REPAINTING NORTH CAPE ROAD - HI VIEW TO SCHAEFFER UNDER CONSTRUCTION PAVING COULD OCCUR NEXT WEEK ROAD TO BE CLOSED UNTIL AUGUST 7 (EARLIEST) BENNETT/ BOXHORN GUN CLUB DEVELOPER SOLICITING BIDS STEFANIAK WOODS RD. CURB AND GUTTER INSTALLED LAST WEEK PUNCH LIST PENDING ROAD WORK EPI LIFT STATION / FORCE MAIN (AGENDA ITEM) RECEIVED FLOW NUMBERS FROM EPI TODAY COMMITTEE DECISION REQUIRED RESUBMITTAL TO MMSD (NO AUGUST MEETING) AND WI DOT REQUIRED • OCTOBER EARLIEST BID DATE PAGE • PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE JULY 20, 1998 LAKEWOOD MEADOWS ADD NO 2 NOTHING NEW MUSKEGO REGENCY OPEN PUNCH LIST UNTIL ROAD IS INSTALLED PARK ESTATES (AKA PARK VIEW ESTATES) RESTORATION AND SURFACE COURSE PAVEMENT REMAIN RACINE AVENUE OFFICE PARK / BERG (PRIVATE SEWER) PUNCH LIST WORK REMAINS VIDEO NOT RECEIVED YET RACINE AVENUE SEWER - MILLER RESTORATION WORK REMAINS SAL FERRITO SEWER (PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER) DE WATERING WELL NOT REMOVED LATERALS NOT CONNECTED YET VICTORIAN VILLAS - NOTHING NEW AS BUILTS SUBMITTED TO MMSD • WISA FORCE MAIN MMSD PLAN APPROVAL RECEIVED CHAMPIONS VILLAGES - WELL 2 PUMP HOUSE AS BUILTS SUBMITTED TO CITY BOEHM / WOODS ROAD TWO LOTS - ONE LATERAL REQUEST LETTER FROM MMSD REJECTING REQUEST OWNER HAS OPTION OF FORMALLY ASKING FOR VARIANCE OF MMSD RULES OUTLOT 3 KIMBERLY ESTATES SEWER AND WATER NOTHING NEW HAS BEEN RECEIVED 0