PUM19980615PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING - CITY OF MUSKEGO (Corrected 6/23/98) MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, June 15, 1998 • The meeting was called to order at 7.15 PM by Acting Chairman Slocomb. Present was Committee member Aid. Donna Woodard, Utility Supt., Scott Kloskowski, Richard Eberhardt (Ruekert & Mielke), Mayor David De Angelis (8:15) and those per the attached list. Ald. David Sanders was excused. The Committee noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on June 11. 1998. Review Minutes of Previous Meeting: The minutes of the May 18, 1998 meeting were reviewed and accepted. Status of Projects: Mr Eberhardt provided an update on existing projects with items italicized and in bold print that had recent activity (attached). Specific discussion regarding the following projects: Boxhorn, Ryan, Groveway: Action plan from bond company Attorney forthcoming. Work will be completed. Rich Eberhardt to provide punch list for Ald. Slocomb to review. Water Tower Repainting: Scott K., reports that he is obtaining cost estimate for full color rendition of Muskego logo on water tower North Cape Road - HiView to Schaeffer: Krzyewski property (Tax Key #2212.994.001) lateral • connection may run into large cost overrun ($4,500 estimate). Resident obtaining cost estimate from their plumber to connect. In order to arrive at the most advantageous location for their lateral, Scott K., directed to contact adjoining property (May property - Tax Key #2211.998) to determine their desired lateral location to assist in the placement of the Krzyewski lateral. Linnie Lac Sewer Allocation (New Berlin): Scott K., heard from the District last month indicating that they would be setting up a meeting between themselves, New Berlin and Muskego. To date - no further action by the District. The Mayor will write a letter to the District requesting an update. Hwy. 36/45 Project -Hwy. 45 South Easement Plan Update: Scott K., reported that an easement on the East side of 45 to County line needs to be obtained for Attorney review and acquisition. Aid. Woodard moved to direct R&M to draw up easement for East side of Hwy., 45 for Attorney review and acquisition and for R&M to add surface changes to plans as they occur. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. SEWER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Status of REC Allocation: 935 as of 6/1/98 Status of Town of Norway Contract: The amended service area and new contract was on the town of Norway's meeting agenda last week. The City Attorney and Norway's Attorney have been in contact. Update on MMSD Facilities Plan: The Facilities Plan has been adopted by the District. New 1/1 • rules are forthcoming for abatement of 1/I. Status of MMSD Non-WPAP Charges: On hold until next year. Public Utilities Meeting - June 15, 1998 Page 2 Status of Linnie Lac sewer allocation: No response to -date from the District. • Status of Counter (Tax Key 2259.995) sewer assessment: The City Attorney was contacted by Scott K. The Attorney has advised against proceeding due to the amount of paperwork involved in changing the Resolution Policy, Assessment Policy and the overall Resolution changes necessary to grant the resident "forgiveness" of their interest payment on the assessment. There have been no prior adjustments made to any other individuals for similar situations. Due to Ald. Slocomb's concern over the individuals being assessed for access they are unable to obtain, he will be meeting with Scott K., Mayor De Angelis and the City Attorney for further discussion. Please place on next months agenda. Status of sewer connection - Loyal Moose Lodge 1057- This item is from the October 20, 1997 meeting where the Lodge was requesting an extension to the sewer hook-up. The Lodge was to begin construction of a new building this spring. The Planning Commission had reviewed and approved the conceptual plan. Due to lack of progress, forced hook-up should be performed and stand-by charges need to be applied from January 1, 1998. Scott K., will be sending a letter indicating that a forced hook-up will occur in 30 days if a connection process has not begun by the Lodge. for two lot lateral - Boehm: The MMSD failed to grant permission to the request of two lots (Tax Key #2224.994.008 & 224.994.009) connecting to one lateral on Woods Road. The City will have to petition the District on the Boehm's behalf for a variance. The Committee directs Scott K., to contact the property owner to determine if owner would like the City to file a variance and with their approval, Scott K., will then proceed with the • variance filing procedure with the District. SEWER NEW BUSINESS Review questions on billing for forced hook-ups (Utility Clerk): The Utility Clerk has questioned the Committee regarding the forced hook-ups of two properties. The Meinen property (Tax Key # 2261.996) has connected as of 5/8/98. Should stand-by charges be billed to this property on an prorated basis? The Committee determined that due to the amount of time (less than one month) from the extended deadline of April 1, 1998, no stand-by charges should be incurred by the Meinen's. The Krause property (Tax Key #2255.977) has yet to be connected and a certified letter indicating that a forced hook-up is imminent will be sent. Additionally, the Jones property (Tax Key #2252.993) will also receive a letter indicating a forced hook-up with the resident being placed on the 5 year payment plan. Ald. Slocomb to coordinate property access with residents. Wayne Stever has been unable to gain access to the property by the owners to provide accurate cost quotes on the Bieniewski property (Tax Key #2224.992). Scott K., will coordinate with the owners and Stever. Authorize Hydraulic Study for Southeast Forcemain: Ruekert & Mielke prepared a proposal for a study of the hydraulic system for the Loomis Road lift station. At the time of the initial design (years ago), several assumptions were made for flows from contributing areas to lift stations manifolding into the force main system. More information is available from the City regarding these flows along with enhanced computer software packages that can accurately calculate those flow rates. An updated hydraulic analysis should be conducted on the system to include review of the • initial conditions and peak design conditions to determine the status of the existing lift station and the impact of the two proposed lift stations. R&M would present a report summarizing the results with recommendations for lift station modifications. The cost for engineering to perform this work is Public Utilities Meeting - June 15, 1998 Page 3 $5,200. Aid. Woodard moved to approve expenditure of $5,200 for Hydraulic Study for Southeast Forcemain. Funding to come from account #110.6006.1000, 00 project - HiView • to Schaefer (non -assessable cost). Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. Review ordinance for stand-by charge: No data was available at the time of the meeting. Review reimbursement for sewer cleaning charges - Rydzik: Residents (W190 S7544 RichdorfDrive) have been having trouble with lateral for years. Appears that willow tree roots have got into the riser The City has already paid to the residents $220.00 and $68.50 for services performed. Ald. Salentine, appearing on behalf of the residents is requesting additional restitution for the numerous service calls that have been required from 9/14/95. Aid. Woodard approves the reimbursement to the Rydzik residents, not to exceed $395.00 for past plumbing expenses. Aid. Slocomb seconded. Carried by all. Scott K., was also planning on encouraging the residents and those across the street with similar willow trees to cut them down. The City may have to excavate and repair this lateral/riser Discuss Temporary by-pass - McShane Lift Station: Scott K., requested a cost estimate for a pump storage facility/emergency power generator proposal for the McShane sewage pump station. Due to recent storm events in other cities, a permanent standby power generator is being considered along with a building to house the portable pumps. R&M proposal for the design of the storage building is $7,800 plus $650 in reimbursable costs. Construction of the storage building with the mechanical work is approximately $70,000. Permanent standby power generator design would be $13,200 plus $650 in reimbursable expenses. Construction, including the generator facility is $170,000. Scott K., reports that the funding for sketch/design can come from the 1/1 fund ($80,000) this year and the remainder can be borrowed next year Due to the proximity of the • desired structure to the wet well, the DNR & MMSD will need to have rough concept sketches for their approval and then if permission is granted, the City Planning Commission will need to approve. R&M estimate the cost of the rough concept sketches to be $50041000. Aid. Woodard moves to approve the expenditure, not to exceed $1000 for the development of conceptual sketches to be submitted to the DNR and MMSD for approval for the McShane temporary bypass generator facility. Funding to come from Account #110.5034.1000 (1/1). Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. Review request for sewer service - Dreamland Development: Mr Ted and Mr Balistreri were present to discuss Dreamland Development. This is a 5-year projected completion time -frame project. Attached is R&M's assessment of the situation and how it pertains to the 46 acre area with respect to the sanitary trunk sewer capacity to service the facility. Area "C" is the development area. Area "A" is a pFegesed potential subdivision (corrected at 6/23/98 Common Council meeting), not yet in the planning stage. 300,000 gallons per day is the peak flow estimate and this sewer handles 800,000 gallons per day at peak. Of the 3 options stated in the memo, Scott K., and R&M have devised a 4`" viable option similar in nature to the Gurnsey Meadows development. The option would entail the installation of a temporary lift station which would convey all of the water into Lawndale Place. The lift station would be changed to a gravity system once it becomes available from the South. The developers and Scott K., are receptive to this option. Aid. Woodard moved to approve the temporary crossing of the sub -basin boundary line with a capacity of 300,000 peak flow capacity conveying all water into Lawndale Place (Note: area C is further defined as Diekfuss property Tax Key #2167.995) until such a time as capacity is available from the South. Connection will be temporary via a lift station located at the West end of the • property. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. This motion restricts area "A" from development until capacity is available from the South. Public Utilities Meeting - June 15, 1998 Page 4 WATER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Status of Well Abandonment & Forced WATER NEW BUSINESS Remove from subsequent agendas. Review ordinance change for forced hook-up and well testing: The revised forced hook-up ordinance allows for a 5 year payment plan, not previously available to owners. Aid. Woodard moved to approve the revised forced hook-up ordinance and forward to Council for approval. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. Water well testing ordinance changes: The revised ordinance applies to properties serviced by municipal water having an existing well and would change the testing required from every other year to every 5 years. Aid. Slocomb moved to approve the ordinance change and forward to Council for approval . Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried by all. Review wellhead protection ordinance: Scott Sadowski is working with R&M to get verbiage correct for Planning Commission. Scott K., to provide copies of the ordinance to Committee members. Review bids for Well No. 2 Pump Replacement: 3 bids were received. Layne Northwest $64,020, Municipal Well & Pump $60,949 and CTW Corp., $63,935. Aid. Slocomb moved to approve the bid from Municipal Well & Pump for $60,949. Aid. Woodard seconded. Carried by all. REPORT OF UTILITY SUPERINTENDENT: Due to the recent power outages in the area, the lift stations were out for 3 hours as well as the pagers. One minor back-up on one property. Service Master handled the clean-up. ADJOURNMENT: Being no further business to discuss, Aid. Woodard moved to adjourn at 9:45 P.M. Aid. Slocomb seconded. Carried by all. Respectfully submitted, Linda Gulgowski Recording Secretary 40 • CITY OF MUSKEGO MEETING GUEST SIGN -IN SHEET MEETING �TUr_6LlC 07-tLlracs - .Tore 16, 1998 NAME (Please Pri AGENDA ITEM si.r/c=ss SL ItlVC4J i..OKE e- vJ r ,o 4e 0 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE • MONDAY JUNE 15, 1998 CITY PROJECTS: BOXHORN, RYAN, GROVEWAY BOND COMPANY WAS SENT LETTER GIVING MAY 15 1998 AS DEADLINE TO RESPOND WITH SCHEDULE OF WHEN REPAIRS WOULD BE COMPLETED. NO RESPONSE RECEIVED HIGHVIEW ACRES MSS-1-97 AND MSS - 2- 97 PUMP STATIONS HAVE RECEIVED OPERATIONAL STATUS MINOR PUNCH LIST ITEMS REMAIN PAVEMENT REPAIRS TO START WEDNESDAY JUNE 17 PER RAWSON RESTORATION TO BE COMPLETED AFTER PAVEMENT REPAIRS HOLZ DRIVE SEWER MSS-3-97 CONTRACTOR HAS STARTED FORCE MAIN ROUTE WAS REVISED AT SITE MEETING WISCOTT AND CONTRACTOR PUMP HOUSE FOR WELL #7 PARKING LOT TO BE PAVED THIS WEEK • WATER TOWER REPAINTING DELAYED BYPRIME CO j 'SFP 4 Z" NORTH CAPE ROAD - HI VIEW TO SCHAEFFER TENTATIVE START DATE THURSDAY JUNE 18 MAY BE MONDAY JUNE 22 WEATHER DEPENDENT DEVELOPMENTS: BENNETT/ BOXHORN GUN CLUB BASIN BOUNDARY REVISION LEGAL AND EXHIBIT SENT TO MMSD MMSD PLAN APPROVAL RECEIVED STEFANIAK WOODS RD. SUBMITTAL PACKAGE NOT RECEIVED DEER CREEK TWO UNDERGROUND ALMOST COMPLETED, ROAD WORK IN SPRING PUNCH LIST PENDING ROAD WORK L • PAGE 2 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE JUNE 15, 1998 EPI LIFT STATION / FORCE MAIN (AGENDA ITEM) REDESIGN STARTED RESUBMITTAL TO MMSD AND WI DOT REQUIRED LATE JUL YEARLIEST BID DATE LAKEWOOD MEADOWS ADD NO 2 LATERAL ENDS REPLACED -A COUPLE WERE LEAKING MUSKEGO REGENCY OPEN PUNCH LIST UNTIL ROAD IS INSTALLED PARK ESTATES (AKA PARK VIEW ESTATES) RESTORATION AND SURFACE COURSE PAVEMENT REMAIN RACINE AVENUE OFFICE PARK / BERG (PRIVATE SEWER) PUNCH LIST WORK REMAINS VIDEO NOT RECEIVED YET RACINE AVENUE SEWER- MILLER RESTORATION WORK REMAINS • SAL FERRITO SEWER (PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER) DEWATERING WELL NOT REMOVED LATERALS NOT CONNECTED YET VICTORIAN VILLAS - NOTHING NEW SEWER INSTALLED AS BUILTS STARTED WISA FORCE MAIN MMSD PLAN APPROVAL RECEIVED CHAMPIONS VILLAGES - WELL 2 PUMP HOUSE WATER MAIN INSTALLED, PRESSURE TESTED SAFE SAMPLE REPORT NOT RECEIVED AS BUILTS STARTED BOEHMI WOODS ROAD TWO LOTS - ONE LATERAL REQUEST LETTER FROM MMSD REJECTING REQUEST OWNER HAS OPTION OF FORMALLYASKING FOR VARIANCE OF VATI-10:111AM OUTLOT 3 KIMBERLYESTATES SEWER AND WATER NOTHING NEW HAS BEEN RECEIVED •