PUM19980612-Ruekert Mielke
Professional Engineers
& Registered Land Surveyors since 1946
Mr. Scott Kloskowski
Utility Superintendent
City of Muskego '
W182 S8200 Racine Avenue
Post Office Box 0749
Muskego WI 53150-0749
RE: 46 Acre Development
At Moorland and Janesville Roads
Dear Scott:
June 12, 1998
Per your request, we have reviewed the existing sanitary trunk sewer capacity to
serve the 46 acre development proposed for the northeast corner of Moorland Road and
Janesville Road. Our findings are as follows:
1. The area in,question was identified as area "C" in the TID No. 8 plan (see
attached). It was originally planned to be served by a gravity sewer system
• that:flowed west and south to the proposed Candlewood Subdivision Area.
As.an alternative during the TID planning; a temporary sewage pumping
station was proposed to pump the flow east in Janesville Road to the 21 inch
trunk sewer (Trunk Sewer 1) in Tess Corners Drive, which had additional
available capacity to handle the area.
2. This new proposal would send the flow to the 8 inch sewer at the south end
of Lawndale Place. This stub sewer flows into Trunk Sewer 2, a 12 inch
and 15 inch sewer in Woodland Place and Janesville Road that connects to
Trunk Sewer 1 at Tess Corners Drive. The flows estimated by the designer
for this area that would be discharged to this sewer are reasonable.
3. Based upon the topography of the area and the elevation of the sewer in
Lawndale Place, a portion of the sewage flow from the 46 acres would need
to be pumped or the land grades changed significantly to allow for gravity
drainage north to Lawndale Place. In addition, the sewer will need to cross
the isolated natural area south of Lawndale Place extended.
4. The excess available capacity of Trunk Sewer 2 was originally designed to
be used by area "A" in the TID #8 plan. That area basically used up the
remaining capacity of Trunk Sewer 2. That capacity is described in the
attached August 15, 1996 memo. If this area (Area "C") is allowed to
connect to Lawndale Place sewer, some of the Area "A" lands will need to
be directed toward Candlewood Creek.
• S. Sewer profiles of Trunk Sewers 1 and 2 showing capacities and sewer
elevations are attached.
PAX (414) 542-5631
%Aert I Mielke
Professional Engineers
& Registered Land Surveyors since 1946
Mr. Scott Kloskowski
Utility Superintendent
City of Muskego
June 12, 1998
Page 2
Based upon the above information, there are three alternatives to consider:
Service Area "C" by connecting to Trunk Sewer 2 in Lawndale Place. A
portion of the area would need to be pumped or significantly raised in
grade. This would require a portion of Area "A" to be conveyed to the
south toward Candlewood.
2. Convey all of Area "C" via a temporary pump station and force main to
Trunk Sewer 1 at Janesville Road and Tess Corners Drive. This temporary
pump station could be abandoned in the future when gravity service is
provided from the south. All of Area "A" could be connected to Trunk
Sewer 2. ,,�
3. Convey all of Area "C" to the south as pl in TIF No. 8 via the
Candlewood Subdivision. This alternative would require that the
downstream facilities be constructed first. This would leave Trunk Sewer 2
• available for Area "A.
Please contact our office if you have any questions or require further analysis.
Very truly yours,
RLanl\rmdata\CLIEN7V 3\1392142.200\CORRESUIoskowski-1998061246 acre development.doc
cc: Mayor De Angelis
Matt Sadowski, Director of Planning
(414) 542.5733
PAX (414) W-5691
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