PUM19980518PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, May 18, 1998 • The meeting was called to order at 7-15 PM by Chairman Sanders. Present were Committee members Ald. Slocomb, Ald. Donna Woodard, Utility Supt., Scott Kloskowski (7.16), Richard Eberhardt (Ruekert & Mielke), and those per the attached list. The Committee noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Review Minutes of Previous Meeting: The minutes of the April 20, 1998 meeting were reviewed and accepted. Status of Projects: Mr Eberhardt provided an update on existing projects with items italicized and in bold print that had recent activity (attached). Specific discussion regarding the following projects: Holz Drive: The Committee directs R&M to solicit quotes for grinder stations. Well #7- The parking lot proof -roll tests failed due to saturated ground conditions and poor draining subbase soils (clays). Three (3) options were proposed by R&M with a 4`" option suggested by Scott Kloskowski. Option 1 entailed the removal of one vertical foot of the existing subbase, placing geosynthetic fabric and the parking lot fill and proceed with the County Parks - mandated parking lot design (cost $37,568.00). Option 2: placing fabric over existing subbase soils and installing parking lot per Parks design (cost $10,733.00). Option 3: scarify subbase soil, allow to dry for 4-6 weeks, compact and pave per design (cost $3,000.00). Option 4: place geosynthetic fabric under the drive (highest traffic area) at a cost of approximately $4,832. Scott K., recommends due to time constraints Option 4. Ald. Woodard moves to approve Option 4 at a is cost not to exceed $5,000. Finance Director directed to secure funding source(s) for project. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. Water Tower Repainting: PrimeCo has attached the signal tower incorrectly to the water tower (not according to plan submitted). Access to the tower will not be available for painting or water until corrections are made. Approximately 2 month down -time. This repair may also delay the refueling station contract. PrimeCo contractually is bound to pay all costs incurred with this project. Champions Village Well 2 Pump House: Champions Drive will be closed for one day in the near future to complete project. Ald. Slocomb advised that he may receive calls from his constituents regarding this inconvenience. SEWER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Status of REC Allocation: 940 as of 5/1/98 Status of Town of Norway Contract: The Town of Norway has requested legal descriptions for the corridor on HWY G to HWY 36. Approval has not yet been granted from SEWRPC. HWY 36/45 permits have been submitted by R&M. Both roads will require slurry backfill rather than gravel on a large portion of HWY 36 due to permits being requested together. This could triple the . cost of the project. The Mayor has sent a letter to Wisconsin Department of Transportation disputing the use of slurry. Place HWY 36145 Project on next month's and subsequent agendas. Public Utilities Meeting - May 18, 1998 Page 2 Update on MMSD Facilities Plan: The Facilities Plan has been adopted by the District but not the DNR. • Status of MMSD Non-WPAP Charges: Nothing new to report. Status of Linnie Lac sewer allocation: Letters have been written. No response to -date from the District. SEWER NEW BUSINESS Review request for two lots with one lateral/Woods Road (Boehm): Mr Boehm was present to request 2 lots with one lateral on Woods Road. Lots #2 and #3 (Tax Key #2224.994.008 & #2224.994.009). Individual will need to apply to MMSD for permission to accomplish this. Supt. Kloskowski, does not see any maintenance concerns with this request and reports that MMSD has granted approval for similar projects in the past. Aid. Sanders moved to approve manhole extended to road Right -of -Way line and allowing 2 lots to share one lateral contingent upon MMSD approval. R&M to submit a sketch to MMSD of proposed action. Aid. Slocomb seconded. Carried by all. Review sewer assessment for the Counter property (Loomis Drive): Mr Donald Counter was present (address: S99 W13259 Loomis Drive - Tax Key 2259.995) to discuss his current assessment. Initially 150 feet of frontage was assessed with the remainder deferred. Mr Counter is paying interest in the amount of approximately $1,700 annually on this frontage that he does not have access to, nor will in the near future. The State, which currently owns the ROW will not grant him an easement to use the property. Additionally an error of approximately 9.75 feet which runs • along HWY 36 should not be considered in his assessment according to R&M. Jurisdiction transfer will not be complete until 1999. Until that time, an easement will not be granted. Aid. Slocomb moved to defer item until legal council input is obtained. Aid. Woodard seconded. Carried by all. Mr Counter was instructed to provide the Committee with the letter from the State indicating their refusal of access. Review sewer and water plans extension - Pasadena Drive Extended: Mr Bob Pelzman (Kimberly Estates) was present to discuss the proposed sanitary sewer and watermain. Extending sewer to temporary cul-de-sac and water to just beyond cul-de-sac with a hydrant. R&M has no objection to these plans. Aid. Sanders moved to approve sewer and water extensions as indicated on plan, contingent upon DNR approval and directs R&M to resubmit plans to MMSD. Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried by all. Reject bids for Lannon/martin Sewer Project: Aid. Woodard moved to reject bids for project and directs Clerk -Treasurer to send letters to bidders informing them of rejection of all bids. Seconded by Aid. Sanders. Carried by all. Review encroachment into existing sanitary sewer Right -of -Way for proposed home and garage: Property owner John Gnas (S110 W20408, S. Denoon Road) was present to discuss his plans for a new home and garage. If structures are built to plan, an easement of 30 feet (15 feet on each side) and encroachment of up to 7 feet will occur. Due to the configuration of the lot and the restrictions placed on the property owner by the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) he has no alternative but to build on the parcel in the arrangement submitted. Aid. Sanders moved to • approve easement of 30 feet and allow encroachment of up to 7 feet due to special circumstances (ADA compliance) of resident's building requirements. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. Public Utilities Meeting - May 18, 1998 Page 3 WATER UNFINISHED BUSINESS • Status of Well Abandonment & Forced Hookup: Forced connection performed on Mashlan property. Resident wished to participate in 5 year payment plan. Forced connections are currently not covered in the current Ordinance allowing for a repayment during a 5 year period. Atty. Molter indicated that a change in the ordinance is feasible to accommodate forced hookups. Aid. Sanders moved to direct Attorney Molter to change current water Ordinance to include 5 year payment plan for forced hookups. Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried by all. WATER NEW BUSINESS Review utility extension - Kimberly Estates - Outlot #3: Please see Sewer New Business #3 (Pasadena Drive extension). REPORT OF UTILITY SUPERINTENDENT: Nothing to report ADJOURNMENT: Being no further business to discuss, Aid. Slocomb moved to adjourn at 9:30 P.M. Aid. Woodard seconded. Carried by all. Respectfully submitted, - wu_16� • Linda Gulgowski, Recording Secretary CITY OF MUSKEGO MEETING GUEST SIGN -IN SHEET • .% MEETING /fZ24i7�/es IAA; 1996) NAME (Please Print) AGENDA ITEM lie 13 v PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE • MONDAY MAY 18, 1998 CITY PROJECTS: BOXHORN, RYAN, GROVEWAY 1,) � BOND COMPANY WAS SENT LETTER GIVING MAY 151998 AS DEAD TO RESPOND WITH SCHEDULE OF WHEN REPAIRS WOULD BE COMPLETED. NO RESPONSE RECEIVED il1i UVIEW ACRES MSS-1-97 AND MSS - 2- 97 MMSD APPROVED AS BUILTS RECEIVED NO HOOKUPS UNTIL AFTER PUNCH LIST REPAIRS RESTORATION NOT DONE OUTSTANDING PUNCH LIST WORK MAJORITY OF PUNCH LIST COMPLETED CONTRACTOR HAS YET TO SUBMIT MATERMLSIMETHODS OF LEAK REPAIRS FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL CONTRACTOR HAS PRE -REPAIR WALK THROUGH SCHEDULED FOR THIS WEEK WITH REPAIRS TO START NEXT WEEK HOLZ DRIVE SEWER MSS-3-97 is CONTRACTOR HAS REQUESTED EARL YSTART PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE SET FOR 10 AM TUESDAYMAY 26 BID OR SOLICIT QUOTES FOR GRINDER STATIONS? PUMP HOUSE FOR WELL #7 SEE LETTER REGARDING PARKING LOT RESTORATION REMAINS STATION SUBSTANTMLLY COMPLETE WATER TOWER REPAINTING SEE LETTER - DELAYED I MONTH OR MORE BY PRIME CO NORTH CAPE ROAD - HI VIEW TO SCHAEFFER PRECONS TR UCTION CONFERENCE SCHEDULED FOR TUESDAYMAY 26 AT 10 AM MARTIN DRIVE GRINDER STATION AND FORCE MAIN MUST FORMALLYREJECT BID AND DIRECT CLERK(?) TO SEND LETTER C� PAGE • PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MAY 18, 1998 DEVELOPMENTS: BENNETT/ BOXHORN GUN CLUB BASIN BOUNDARY REVISION LEGAL AND EXHIBIT SENT TO MMSD MMSD PLAN APPROVAL RECEIVED STEFANIAK WOODS PD. SUBMITTAL PACKAGE NOT RECEIVED DEER CREEK TWO UNDERGROUND ALMOST COMPLETED, ROAD WORK IN SPRING PUNCH LIST PENDING ROAD WORK EPI LIFT STATION / FORCE MAIN (AGENDA ITEM) REDESIGN STARTED RESUBMITTAL TO MMSD AND WI DOT REQUIRED LATE JUL YEARLIEST BID DATE LAKEWOOD MEADOWS ADD NO 2 UNDER CONSTRUCTION, UNDERGROUND DONE, ROAD BASE FAILED PROOF ROLL MUSKEGO REGENCY • OPEN PUNCH LIST UNTIL ROAD IS INSTALLED PARK ESTATES (AKA PARK VIEW ESTATES) RESTORATION AND SURFACE COURSE PAVEMENT REMAIN RACINE AVENUE OFFICE PARK / BERG (PRIVATE SEWER) PUNCH LIST WORK REMAINS VIDEO NOT RECEIVED YET RACINE AVENUE SEWER - MILLER RESTORATION WORK REMAINS SAL FERRITO SEWER (PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER) DEWATERING WELL NOT REMOVED LATERALS NOT CONNECTED YET VICTORIAN VILLAS - NOTHING NEW TENTATIVE START DATE TUESDAY MAY 26 WISA FORCE MAIN MMSD PLAN APPROVAL RECEIVED FOSMORE FORCE MAIN MMSD PLAN APPROVAL RECEIVED ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM FUTURE REPORTS 11 PAGE 3 • PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MAY 18, 1998 SPITZNER - WOODS ROAD MMSD "FOUND" BASIN CHANGE REQUEST MMSD DIRECTED SYSTEM MAP CHANGES RESUBMITTED PETERSON REVERSION MMSD APPROVED CITY'S REQUEST AND WILL RESTORE ALLOCATION OF SIX LOTS TO BASIN MU-2 BALANCE SHEET ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM FUTURE REPORTS CHAMPIONS VILLAGES - WELL 2 PUMP HOUSE PRECONS TR UCTION CONFERENCE HELD 5118 DEVELOPER WILL TAKEOUT CITYSITE DISTURBANCE PERMIT WORK TO BEGIN THURSDAYAND BE DONE FRIDAY (MAY 21 AND 22) �J