PUM19980420PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, April 20, 1998 • The meeting was called to order at 7.15 PM by Chairman Sanders. Present was Committee member Ald. Slocomb, Mayor DeAngelis (joined meeting at 7.17), Utility Supt., Scott Kloskowski, Richard Eberhardt (Ruekert & Mielke), and those per the attached list. Ald. Donna Woodard was excused. The Committee noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on April 14,.1998. NOTICE OF CLOSED SESSION: Since no discussion was to take place regarding the Town of Norway Chairman Sanders did not read the Notice of Closed Session. Review Minutes of Previous Meeting: The minutes of the March 16, 1998 meeting were reviewed and accepted. Status of Projects: Mr Eberhardt provided an update on existing projects with items italicized that had recent activity (attached). Specific discussion regarding the following projects: Lannon/Martin Sewer Project - Bid action: Mr Klatt (tax key #2171.022) and Mr and Mrs. Baas (tax key #176.999) were present to finalize the plans. Rich Eberhardt was in contact with MMSD regarding the request of the residents for a common lateral due to financial hardship. MMSD responded to the request and indicated that they could not classify the property as a lateral and require an 8 inch main with manholes. The 6 inch common with lateral was rejected. R&M recommended accepting the low bid with gravity sewer Scott Kloskowski suggested parallel laterals run into the same trench. If this option is taken, MMSD approval would not be required. Aid. Slocomb questioned if I&I problems have occurred with damaged cleanouts? Breaking near the surface due to plows, mowers and snowmobile traffic were the major problems. Proper marking of these out-croppings would help alleviate the problem. Scott Kloskowski to call Wayne Stever to obtain a price quote to install two laterals running parallel in one trench. Due to the 120 day hold on bids, rejection of submitted bids was not necessary until a new pricing for the dual laterals could be obtained and reviewed. Maintenance of the laterals will be the City's responsibility since they will be placed in the right-of-way. Aid. Sanders moved to defer action on bids at this time until alternate solution was reviewed. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Vote 2-0, carried by all. Water Tower Painting: The Mayor has been contacted by Primeco regarding the repainting of the towers in order to match the color of the water tower The Mayor is requesting a firm anticipated start date of the project. Rich Eberhardt indicated that May 1, 1998 was the start date target. EPI Lift Station (Generator decision): Superior Emerald park will be installing a portable generator The design of the housing for the generator was discussed. Scott Kloskowski has no input on the design, as long as he has access to the generator. Additionally, R&M has requested flow records for 1997 and projected flows with proposed landfill expansion data. Well #7 Muskego County Park: Scott Kloskowski requests that the Committee review and adopt a Well Head Protection Plan. This plan provides restrictions on the development of lands which are within well head protection zones. This future planning will ensure clean -drinkable water for the City for many years to come. SEWER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Status of REC Allocation: 955 as of 4/1/98 Public Utilities Meeting - April 20, 1998 Page 2 Status of Town of Norway Contract: The Mayor reported that he and Aid. Sanders attended a meeting at the Town of Norway. The Town of Norway would be favorable to modifying the service • area provided the following items are provided for their review: A land use map, the exact number of properties and the type of sanitary service on each property. Once the information is sent, a decision will be made by them. Update on MMSD Facilities Plan: The Mayor is continuing with the I & I Sub Committee review. Stormwater management study group met with representatives from the district. Status of MMSD Non-WPAP Charges: The Mayor had nothing to report. Status of Linnie Lac sewer allocation: The Mayor had nothing to report. �_*k f#Zvk 4Y MIPI'l*11 Review public hearing comments for the Holz Drive Sanitary Sewer Proiect/recommend award of bid: The Mayor and those in attendance at the Hearing recommend proceeding with the project and awarding of the bid. Aid. Slocomb moved to award the bid as recommended due to a lack of unfavorable sentiments. First installment due 11/98 at an interest rate of 8%. Seconded by Aid. Sanders. Vote 2-0, carried by all. Aid. Slocomb moved to approve the assessment roll prepared for the Holz Drive Sanitary Sewer Project. Seconded by Aid. Sanders. Vote 2-0, carried by all. • or DIU: An error on me r0il was aiscoverea. $r.uu will De aiviaeo ana aistriDutea evenly to all or the individuals on the roll. Aid. Slocomb moved to award the bid as recommended. First installment due 11/99 at an interest rate of 8% Seconded by Aid. Sanders. Vote 2-0, carried by all. Aid. Slocomb moved to approve the assessment roll prepared for the North Cape Sanitary Sewer Project, subject to the administrative changes being made. Seconded by Aid. Sanders. Vote 2-0, carried by all. Review request for two lots with one lateral Woods Road (Boehm). Scott Kloskowski discussed this situation. Several reconfigurations of this property have been done. The Mayor would like to review the file in question. Mr Boehm would like to have two lots with one lateral or he will have to cut the pavement. Chairman Sanders requests a plan for his and this Committees review before making any decision on the subject. Aid. Slocomb moved to defer this item until a plan is received. Seconded by Aid. Sanders. Vote 2-0, carried by all Review quarterly billing MMSD & Town of Norway: The Committee reviewed the quarterly billing statements for MMSD and the Town of Norway. Scott explained the cost calculations methods used to determine the rate of billing. Within the billing of the Town of Norway two items were discussed and additional investigation is requested by the Committee for Scott to clarify. An I & I Study and Facility Planning costs were contained within the billing as single line items. Aid. Slocomb moved to approve the Town of Norway quarterly billing of $32,755.83, subject to possible I & I Study and Facility Planning charge credits. Seconded by Aid. Sanders. Vote 2-0, carried by all. Aid. Slocomb moved to approve the MMSD quarterly billing of $151,109.41. Seconded by Aid. Sanders. Vote 2-0, carried by all. Review Forced Hook-ups for Boxhorn, Ryan, Groveway Sewer Project: Mr Jeff Jones was present for Laverne & Mary Jones they are unable to connect due to Public Utilities Meeting - April 20, 1998 Page 3 their lateral running into their neighbors property. The neighbors will not allow any destruction to occur on their property. According to Mr. Jones, most contractors will not attempt this particular • project due to the narrow work area, depth of trench and soil type. The cost to connect will be in excess of $20,000. Scott Kloskowski suggested giving a grinder pump to this resident. Scott will call Wayne Stever tomorrow to discuss this project. Aid. Slocomb moved to allow the installation of a grinder pump going to the closest manhole for the residents at W140 S9221 Boxhorn Drive. The road opening fee to be paid by the residents at an appropriate rate, with a hook-up extension granted until the July Public Utilities meeting. Gerald and Kathleen Krause (tax key #2265.977) and Earl & Dean Meinen (tax key 2261.996): No recent contact has been made by the residents. No signed contracts for service have been forwarded to the Committee. Scott Kloskowski recommends that until contracts are provided, the forcemain connection process should begin. Aid. Sanders moved to proceed with forecmain hook-up procedure on the Krause and Meinen properties. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Vote 2- 0; carried by all. Milton Wudtke (tax key #2261-983): The property owner is deceased with the property being currently handled by his daughter Wayne Stever has been contracted to perform this project on this property. Aid. Slocomb moved to extend the hook-up deadline to the July Public Utilities meeting for the Wudtke property. Review Forced Hook-ups for Woods Road (County Brooke) Sewer Project: Karen Bartes (tax key #2224.995) was present to request an extension of the April 1, 1998 deadline for hook-up. She has contract with Elite Plumbing. Aid. Sanders moved to approve a hook-up deadline extension to the July Public Utilities meeting for the Bartes property. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Vote • 2-0, carried by all. John and Sheila Bieniewski (tax key #2224.992) claim to be unable to afford the assessment. They have not fully pursued the hardship policy exemption. Ald. Sanders is working with this resident to assist them. The forced connection fee placed on a 5 year payment plan was discussed as a manner to reduce the fiscal impact on the residents. The Mayor suggests that the resident look into alternative methods to fund this project by applying to the various agencies in Wisconsin for funding. Aid. Sanders directs Scott Kloskowski to begin the process of securing bids for a forcemain hook- up for tax key 2224.992. The Committee recommends that Council approve this forced hook- up. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Vote 2-0, carried by all. Scott Kloskowski is instructed to contact the resident and supply them with agency listings for hardship fund options. The resident had problems with the lateral. A television camera was sent into the lateral and a 6 inch root was inside the lateral due to a crack in the pipe fitting. Because the lateral was located in the right-of-way, reimbursement to the resident for the cost of the camera is recommended. Aid. Sanders moved to approve the reimbursement of $275.00 to the Johnson residence located at S6415 Lentini. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Vote 2-0, carried by all. Review of sewer plan proposed amendment - Muskego Middle School: Mr Jerry Wegner and Tony Zanon from Jahnke & Jahnke were present to discuss the options available to them due to a low flow problem on the building site as well as their proximity to a waterway. The two viable options were either siphon or a forcemain sewer to Patricia Court. A regional lift station was discussed as an option but found not to be viable. An easement for the forcemain will need to be granted for that site. A legal description is required from Jahnke & Jahnke before approval can be obtained. Aid. Sanders moved to approve the concept of a lift station and forcemain and easement for the forcemain to Patricia Court for the Muskego Middle School. Plans to be finalized with review from City of Muskego and the Town of Norway. Public Utilities Meeting - April 20, 1998 Page 4 WATER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Status of Well Abandonment & Forced Hookup: Scott Kloskowski has nothing new to report. WATER NEW BUSINESS Review design of Pumphouse #2 - Champions Village:: Rich Eberhardt suggested deferral of this item due to an incomplete plan being submitted. Aid. Slocomb moved to defer this item until complete plans are submitted. Seconded by Aid. Sanders. Vote 2-0, carried by all. Review request for watermain extension to Pumphouse #2 Champions Village: Due to lack of complete plans, Aid. Sanders moved to defer this item until complete plans are submitted. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Vote 2-0, carried by all. REPORT OF UTILITY SUPERINTENDENT: - Nothing to report ADJOURNMENT: Being no further business to discuss, Aid. Slocomb moved to adjourn at 10:06 P.M. Aid. Sanders seconded. Carried by all. Respectfully submitted, • Linda Gulgowski, Recording Secretary PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE • MONDAY APRIL 20, 1998 AMENDED CITY PROJECTS: i BOXHORN,RYAN, GROVEWAY GU TAFSON HAS FILED SUIT CITY ATTORNEY RESPONDED CITY'S INSURANCE WILL DEFEND HIGHVIEW ACRES MSS-1-97 MMSD APPROVED AS BUILTS RECEIVED NO HOOKUPS UNTIL AFTER PUNCH LIST REPAIRS RESTORATION NOT DONE OUTSTANDING PUNCH LIST WORK GENERATOR START UP COMPLETED MSS-2-97 SAME AS MSS-1-97 HOLZ DRIVE SEWER MSS-3-97 REVIEW PRELIMINARYASSESSMENT ROLL, REPORT AND HEARING COMMENTS • BID OR SOLICIT QUOTES FOR GRINDER PUMP STATIONS PUMP HOUSE FOR WELL #7 SUBSTANTiALLYDONE, PUMPING TO WASTE TO CLEAR WELL PUNCHLIST SENT TO CONTRACTOR SHOULD BE PUMPING TO SYSTEM IN TWO OR THREE WEEKS WATER TOWER REPAINTING SCHEDULED TO START IN MAY NORTH CAPE ROAD - HI VIEW TO SCHAEFFER APPROVAL RECEIVED FROM MMSD DETOUR ROUTE PERMITS APPLIED FOR COUNTY WORK PERMIT RECEIVED MARTIN DRIVE GRINDER STATION AND FORCE MAIN MMSD RESPONSE - SEE CORRESPONDENCE 120 DAY HOLD TO ALLOW FOR APPROVALS DEVELOPMENTS: BENNETT/ BOXHORN GUN CLUB BASIN BOUNDARY REVISION LEGAL AND EXHIBIT SENT TO MMSD MMSD PLAN APPROVAL RECEIVED PAGE 2 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE APRIL 20, 1998 STEFANIAK WOODS RD. �il7ui(Ir�7�K;�[e7�.[iy��Xy�I►�»l�] DEER CREEK TWO UNDERGROUND ALMOST COMPLETED, ROAD WORK IN SPRING PUNCH LIST PENDING ROAD WORK AS BUILTS APPROVED BYMMSD EPI LIFT STATION / FORCE MAIN (AGENDA ITEM) FINAL REDESIGN WAITING ON STANDBY GENERATOR DECISIONS AND REVISED DESIGN FLOW FOR EXPANDED STATION SEE LETTER FROM EPI - PORTABLE GENERATOR CHOICE LAKEWOOD MEADOWS ADD NO 2 UNDER CONSTRUCTION, UNDERGROUND DONE, ROAD BASE FAILED PROOF ROLL AS BUILT DRAWINGS APPROVED BYMMSD MUSKEGO REGENCY OPEN PUNCH LIST UNTIL ROAD IS INSTALLED PARK ESTATES (AKA PARK VIEW ESTATES) UNDER CONSTRUCTION, ROAD PAVED • MMSD APPROVED AS BUILTS INTERNAL SEALS INSTALLED AND MANHOLE UNCOVERED CONNECTIONS SHOULD BE ALLOWED RACINE AVENUE OFFICE PARK / BERG (PRIVATE SEWER) PUNCH LIST WORK REMAINS VIDEO NOT RECEIVED YET RACINE AVENUE SEWER- MILLER RESTORATION WORK REMAINS SAL FERRITO SEWER (PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER) DEWATERING WELL NOT REMOVED LATERALS NOT CONNECTED YET VICTORIAN VILLAS - NOTHING NEW STILL NOT STARTED WISA FORCE MAIN MMSD PLAN APPROVAL RECEIVED FOSMORE FORCE MAIN MMSD PLANAPPROVAL RECEIVED PAGE • PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE APRIL 20, 1998 SPITZNER - WOODS ROAD MMSD "FOUND" BASIN CHANGE REQUEST MMSD DIRECTED SYSTEM MAP CHANGES RESUBMITTED PETERSON REVERSION MMSD APPROVED CITY'S REQUEST AND WILL RESTORE ALLOCATION OF SIX LOTS TO BASIN MU-2 BALANCE SHEET CHAMPIONS VILLAGES - WELL 2 PUMP HOUSE MILLEAGER TELEPHONED 4120INAM. HAS NO OBJECTION TO RIM LETTER REQUIREMENTS WILL CITYAPPROVE WIHIS LETTER PROMISING TO MAKE CHANGES • CITY OF MUSKEGO MEETING GUEST SIGN -IN SHEET MEETING /u6L,IG APelL ao, i998 NAME (Please Print) AGENDA ITEM tc m Kv __7zicw4,,3.A jyc` e1 ' S'�5h/'t- 2/,