PUM19980316PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING - CITY OF MUSKEGO (Unapproved) MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, March 16, 1998 46 The meeting was called to order at 7.15 PM by Chairman Sanders. Also present were Committee members Ald. Woodard (arrived at 8:15) and Ald. Slocomb, Mayor DeAngelis (joined meeting at 10:30), Utility Supt., Scott Kloskowski, Richard Eberhardt (Ruekert & Mielke), and those per the attached list. The Committee noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on March 13, 1998. NOTICE OF CLOSED SESSION: Chairman Sanders read the Notice of Closed Session. Review Minutes of Previous Meeting: Correction to February 13, 1998 meeting minutes regarding amount Rozman True Value was charged to state $2850.00 and the 1998 year stated to be changed to 1997 Aid. Sanders moved to amend the minutes. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. Status of Projects: Mr Eberhardt provided an update on existing projects with items italicized that had recent activity (attached). Specific discussion regarding the following projects: Lannon/Martin Sewer Project - Review bids, assessment roll, Stack property and direct engineer to submit plans to MMSD: R&M received bids for this project (attached). Alternate Plan 1 would be for a gravity system and Alternate Plan 2 includes the cost for a grinder station. The Clerk Treasurer requested clarification on the Stack property (tax key #2171.991) regarding the amount of the assessment. Scott Kloskowski, explained that at one time (in the 1960's) the parcel was to be divided; • it was never recorded. Currently, 114.91 feet of assessment is in place. Ald. Slocomb indicated that the current assessment policy states that a maximum of 150 feet can be assessed on any parcel with the remainder deferred. With 114.91feet paid in assessments, minus 150 feet (maximum charge allowed) it leaves 35 feet with 200 feet deferred. The resident could obtain a deed restriction indicating that this parcel will never be divided and pay the remaining 35 feet of assessment. The Committee believes that if Mr Stack is forced to hook-up, the collection of past stand-by charges should not occur No action was taken on this issue. Gravity vs. grinder was discussed plus the total cost of the assessment including the Stack property. Mr And Mrs. Baas (tax key #2176.999) have obtained a private bid of approximately $14,700 (in lieu of the projected $32,000 cost estimate furnished by the City). Mr Klatt (tax key #2171.022) currently has a failed system and requested R&M to research if there are statutory requirements to extend sewers to any property with a failed septic system. According to Doug Hibray, Environmental Health Supervisor, Waukesha County Department of Parks and Land Use Environmental Resources Division, no such statute exists either on a state or county level to extend service to those with failed septic systems. A shared lateral option between Baas and Klatt was discussed in order to reduce cost to both the City and the residents involved. The Public Works Committee will have to provide the necessary approval and the residents will both have to agree on this option. A written request to MMSD for shared lateral approval will need to be executed. The residents will contact the contractor for a bid on this project, while approval from MMSD is being secured. Mr Stack will not be allowed to connect to this shared system. Aid. Sanders moves to direct Rich Eberhardt to create a letter to MMSD requesting a single lateral for the Klatt and Baas properties due to extreme financial hardship. Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried by all. . Fosmore Force Main: Plans approved from MMSD. Sal Ferrito Sewer: Ald. Slocomb will talk to the property owner to discuss the possibility of installing a French drain to alleviate water pressure under the roadway. Public Utilities Meeting - March 16, 1998 Page 2 Boxhorn/Groveway/Ryan Sewer: The area has not been televised. Scott Kloskowski indicates that there is not an excessive amount of pumping occurring. EPI Lift Station: Scott Kloskowski reports that a letter was sent February 18, 1998 explaining the options available regarding either a fixed or portable generator Since no response has been received, Aid. Sanders moved that a follow-up letter be sent to EPI indicating that if there is no response within 30 days to the City's request, that a permanently housed fixed structure will be mandated. Aid. Woodard seconded. Carried by all. Well No. 7 Muskego Park: Scott Kloskowski received a written request from the contractor requesting a 21 day extension due to WEPCO delays. There is sufficient documentation to warrant this extension. Aid. Sanders moved to approve the 21 day extension. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. Linnie Lac Sewer Allocation (New Berlin): No response from the District. Holz Drive Sewer Proiect - Review bids. assessment roll. Dreliminary enoineer's report and pumps - Discussion regarding Godleski property (tax key #2211-072) and the non -assessable nature of the property. Outlet 1 should not be used in calculating the frontage assessment rate. R&M recommends calculating the assessment rate for the project on a 50/50 rate which appears to be the most viable due to the range in frontage size on all of the properties. Rich Eberhardt provided a summary of projects from 1995 to 1997 and the cost comparisons (attached). Aid. Sanders moved to calculate the assessment on a 50/50 split. Aid. Woodard seconded. Carried by all. Additionally, a memo received from Laura Mecha, Assessor at the City of Muskego Assessor's Office • discussed a meeting she had with Thomas Buechel (tax key #'s 2211-066 & 067) regarding his objection to a possible sewer assessment on his properties. Apparently in 1976, Mr Buechel build a garage on the vacant parcel to the north of his residence. An unrecorded deed restriction was placed on his parcel combining the two parcels. They have remained as two parcels. Mr, Buechel is requesting one assessment and one tax key number for these parcels. The Committee would agree to his request if he would deposit with the City the cost for another Assessor's Plat to be created and recorded with the Register of Deeds. If this is allowed, the amount of increase to the remaining 25 parcels would be $55.12. Aid. Sanders moves to direct R&M to establish cost to complete a new Assessor's Plat for Holz Drive combining plats 14 and 15. Aid. Slocomb seconded. Carried by all. North Cape (HiView to Schaefer) Sewer Project - Review: Bids were received for the project from; Rawson Contractors ($469,577.75), Mainline Sewer and Water (493,479.00), Wanasek Corp., ($534,048.00), Super Excavators ($563,364.00) and MJ Construction ($590,765.50). Rawson Contractors provided the lowest bid. Assessment calculations were discussed. Assessments to be based on 50% front foot basis and 50% unit basis. North Cape Farms (tax key #2212.999) may reduce the number of laterals which could reduce the total dollar amount. Non -assessable costs on this project were discussed. The May property (tax key #2211.998) is being worked on to determine the number of lots available on the property. Hi -View Acres Sewer Project: Scott Kloskowski received a letter from Mr and Mrs. Carl Serfort with concerns about set back requirements, easements, survey, change in the grade of the lot and lateral location. Scott Kloskowski will be drafting a letter this week answering all of the residents questions. SEWER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Status of REC Allocation: 956 as of 3/1/98 Public Utilities Meeting - March 16, 1998 Page 3 Status of Town of Norway Contract: The Mayor had nothing new to report. Update on MMSD Facilities Plan: The Mayor had nothing new to report. Status of 208 Sewer Plan Amendment: The Mayor reported that the amendment has been returned with minor corrections. SEWER NEW BUSINESS Review reauest for increase sewer Schwabenlender: Mr Jack Schwabenlender requests one additional REC to service one residence (8 total requested). Aid. Woodard moved to approve the additional REC. Aid. Slocomb seconded. Carried by all. Due to the size of the project being over 5 lots, a decision also needs to be made regarding a community water system, City water system or individual wells. Aid. Slocomb moved to allow individual water wells for the lots. Aid. Sanders seconded. Carried by all. Review request for sewer capacity - Woodgate Estates: Conceptual plan of Woodgate Estates and Avion Estates. Fifteen (15) connections are requested. Conceptual plan was approved by the Plan Commission. The need for a community well was not necessary. Aid. Sanders moved to approve the 15 sewer connections with residents allowed individual wells for water source. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. Review request for sewer lateral reimbursement - Loomis Prc Scott Kloskowski received an invoice detailing the resident's cost due to the cutting through of their driveway and replacing it. The residents are requesting a $800.00 reimbursement which is the difference between •the $3,500 estimate and the $4,300 bill received due to the additional footage requiring replacement. Aid. Woodard moved to recommend approval of reimbursement of $800.00 to Don and Peggy Counter out of Loomis Drive Sewer Project account. Aid. Slocomb seconded. Carried by all. The residents also believe that their deferred assessment is incorrect by 96 feet. According to policy, her calculations are not correct. Scott Kloskowski will be preparing a response to the resident and will explain the process used to calculate the figures. Review proposed amendment to Municipal Code to clarify sewer standby/usage charge: In a memo from Finance Director Dawn Gunderson, a clarification of the REC Standby Charge and Ready to Serve Charge has been proposed. In the past, the charges have been treated in the same manner, yet they are truly not the same. Ready To Serve applies to summer cottages where the Standby Charge applies to any residence currently not connected, yet should be in the near future. Dawn recommends that this item be forwarded to R&M for appropriate language change in Section 21.05(2)(c).2. of the Municipal Code. Aid. Sanders moved to direct R&M to write the proposed ordinance amendment establishing separate rates for Ready to Serve and Standby Charges and forward the proposed amendment to the City Attorney. Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried by all. Authorize payment of sewer backup (Oleck): Due to a lateral installation on Woodland Place and subsequent problems in the ROW, resident Chuck Oleck is requesting reimbursement of $1,850.00 for services incurred from Schroeder Plumbing and Roto Rooter. Aid. Slocomb moved to recommend approval of reimbursement to Mr. Oleck in the amount $605.00 for receipts paid to Roto Rooter • and to pay invoice to Schroeder Plumbing for work done in the amount of $1,245.00 to come out of Maintenance of Sewer Collection Systems. Aid. Woodard seconded. Carried by all. WATER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Public Utilities Meeting - March 16, 1998 Page 4 Status of Well Abandonment & Forced Hookup: Mr Snowball was present and indicated that he • has received his bids. He would like to obtain a 60 day extension in order for the contractor to perform the hook-up. Aid. Woodard moved to provide Mr. Snowball with a 60 day extension to bring his well up to code or abandon it and connect to municipal water. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. Further discussion on possible water project - Sunnyhill Drive: Several residents were present to discuss the matter further. A postcard mailing was done to the 36 residences in the area. Twenty- three (23) were returned with "No" votes, 6 were returned with "Yes" votes, 1 vote of "undecided" was returned and 6 responses were not returned. The feasibility of accommodating the 6 yes votes will not be viable. Water treatment devices were suggested for those with existing water problems. Alternative methods to supply water was discussed. The treatment of the City water supply was explained by Scott Kloskowski. Residents were concerned with the recent decrease in the quality of the water. Many felt that the new development in the area was the cause. The residents were told that if they could obtain documentation proving that the water quality problems began with the Lake Forest Development securing a professional opinion from a hydro -geologist they may have a case. Aid. Sanders moved to not proceed with the Sunnyhill Drive water project. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. WATER NEW BUSINESS Review proposed amendment to Water Ordinance - Water Mains: Due to recent reviews of local properties, it was found that hydrants on public mains are not permitted. The language of the ordinance needs to ensure that this does not occur in the future. Rozman True Value and two other properties in the area are in need of correction. R&M has provided a $322.00 cost estimate to the City for them to handle the revision of the ordinance on behalf of the City. Aid. Sanders moves to • approve R&M revising the City Water Ordinance at a cost not to exceed $322.00. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Carried by all. Review waiving of WCA fees for Utility for Well #7- County Park: Aid. Sanders moved to approve the waiving of WCA fees totaling $4,725.00 Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried by all. Determine water source for Woodgate Estates and Avion Estates: - See Sewer New Business item 2. for new oumD house A representative from Municipal Well and Pump was requesting approval to hook up pump house #2. The DNR has given their approval. R&M has not received these plans, yet confusion as to the initial designer of pump house #1 was thought to be R&M. Pump house #2 varies the plan of #1 very slightly. Discussion regarding the design and who designed the pump houses. Search will determine who is the designer of the pump houses and the company representative will provide the Committee with appropriate plans for review and approval. REPORT OF UTILITY SUPERINTENDENT: - Nothing to report ADJOURNMENT: Being no further business to discuss, Aid. Slocomb moved to adjourn at 11:21 PM. Aid. Woodard seconded. Carried by all. . Respectfully submitted, Li� Gulgo ki, Recordin �retary CITY OF MUSKEGO MEETING GUEST SIGN -IN SHEET MEETING L NAME (Please Print) AGENDA ITEM w OC�TE EsifITES 1 1 V G,/K._1 606?,e� `To e'oDE i,�CJ �iG l�Allfiti <' ��yAJo� BID SUMMARY Chi MARTIN DRIVE SANITARY SEWER - MSS-2-98 CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN Bids Open: MARCH 5, 1998 -11:00 A.M. CC. MAYo/2 Az-b e'7tm t A/ R*WI rFRx� SCo rT CA T!f!6 (-3�/& or, JI�L - (yfas 00) JA N l')kC' QGAl. - Q'Iw KALvso&l 77 995,od 830, oo S-OPEA-F QAV,4To s &a 161,00 (79 70a.00 777 72 580.00 75 $SS.00 L aE ConfTR14ZToC- l as . %0 a 776,00 Ntre-t' Ei:✓E2 +- WATEe' (o g,00 -5/5,00 D, r-. 1 re) aslAti C oA/i K rfv (oc?s, 00 50,00 I A L.T. I ALT. a LOW BID: 6/ , A a 9, 80 LOW BIDDER: G/- O Ci t ev y �2RCToP 5 S UOE c X • RUEKERT & MIELKE, INC. Consulting Engineers W239 N1812 Rockwood Drive Waukesha, WI 53188-1113 • PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MONDAY MARCH 16, 1998 CITY PROJECTS: BOXHORN, RYAN, GROVEWAY GUSTAFSON HAS FILED SUIT CITY ATTORNEY RESPONDED CITY'S INSURANCE WILL DEFEND HIGHVIEW ACRES MSS- 1-97 MMSD APPROVED AS BUILTS RECEIVED NO HOOK UPS UNTIL AFTER START UP AND PUNCH LIST REPAIRS GENERATOR SET, ELECTRIC AND UTILITY CONNECTIONS STARTED RESTORATION NOT DONE OUTSTANDING PUNCH LIST WORK GENERATOR START UP FIRST TRY TODAY MSS-2-97 SAME AS MSS-1-97 GENERATOR START UP TOMORROW HOLZ DRIVE SEWER MSS-3-97 BIDS OPENED - SEE SUMMARY- REVIEW PRELIMINARY • ASSESSMENT ROLL AND REPORT BID OR SOLICIT QUOTES FOR GRINDER PUMP STATIONS PUMP HOUSE FOR WELL #7 UNDER CONSTRUCTION, SHOULD BE DONE IN NEXT TWO WEEKS WATER TOWER REPAINTING SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 1998 NORTH CAPE ROAD - HI VIEW TO SCHAEFFER APPROVAL RECEIVED FROM MMSD DETOUR ROUTE PERMITS APPLIED FOR BIDS OPENED SEE PRELIMINARYREPORT COUNTY WORK PERMIT RECEIVED MARTIN DRIVE GRINDER STATION AND FORCE MAIN OPENED BIDS MARCH 5 - SEE CORRESPONDENCE 120 DAY HOLD TO ALLOW FOR APPROVALS DEVELOPMENTS: BENNETT/ BOXHORN GUN CLUB BASIN BOUNDARY REVISION LEGAL AND EXHIBIT SENT TO MMSD MMSD DIRECTED REVISED SYSTEM MAPS RESUBMITTED • MMSD PLANAPPROVAL RECEIVED • PAGE 2 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MARCH 16, 1998 STEFANIAK WOODS RD. SUBMITTAL PACKAGE NOT RECEIVED DEER CREEK TWO UNDERGROUND ALMOST COMPLETED, ROAD WORK IN SPRING PUNCH LIST PENDING ROAD WORK AS BUILTS SUBMITTED TO MMSD EPI LIFT STATION / FORCE MAIN (AGENDA ITEM) FINAL REDESIGN WAITING ON STANDBY GENERATOR DECISIONS AND REVISED DESIGN FLOW FOR EXPANDED STATION LAKEWOOD MEADOWS ADD NO 2 UNDER CONSTRUCTION, UNDERGROUND DONE, ROAD BASE FAILED PROOF ROLL AS BUILT DRAWINGS IN PROCESS MUSKEGO REGENCY OPEN PUNCH LIST UNTIL ROAD IS INSTALLED PARK ESTATES (AKA PARK VIEW ESTATES) UNDER CONSTRUCTION, ROAD PAVED • MMSD APPROVED AS BUILTS -CONNECTIONS HELD PENDING INTERNAL SEALS AND UNCOVERING OF ONE MANHOLE RACINE AVENUE OFFICE PARK / BERG (PRIVATE SEWER) PUNCH LIST WORK REMAINS VIDEO NOT RECEIVED YET RACINE AVENUE SEWER - MILLER RESTORATION WORK REMAINS SAL FERRITO SEWER (PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER) DEWATERING WELL NOT REMOVED LATERALS NOT CONNECTED YET VICTORIAN VILLAS - NOTHING NEW STILL NOT STARTED WISA FORCE MAIN MMSD PLANAPPROVAL RECEIVED FOSMORE FORCE MAIN MMSD REQUIRED PLAN CORRECTIONS SUBMITTED MMSD "FOUND" BASIN CHANGE REQUEST MMSD DIRECTED SYSTEM MAP CHANGES RESUBMITTED