PUM19971215PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING - CITY OF MUSKEGO 46 MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1997 The meeting was called to order at 7-10 PM by Chairman Sanders. Also present were Committee members Woodard, Slocomb, Mayor DeAngelis, Utility Supt., Scott Kloskowski, Richard Eberhardt (Ruekert & Mielke) and those per the attached list. The Committee noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. NOTICE OF CLOSED SESSION It was noted that the committee would convene into Closed Session following "Report of Utility Superintendent." Review Minutes of Previous Meetina: No corrections or additions were made Status of Projects: Mr Eberhardt provided an update on existing projects with items italicized that had recent activity (attached). Specific discussion regarding Lannon/Martin Sewer Project. Per a previous request from this Committee, R&M obtained rough estimates (attached) from two contractor's for the three options for the project. The Committee discussed the various options and the impact of each option to the residents and the City. The City recommends that option 2 be adopted. Option 3 could be agreed upon with the understanding that the resident incur all of the costs. Scott Kloskowski will be contacting the two residents in writing, to invite them to the next Committee meeting and require a decision on the sewer option at that time. • SEWER UNFINISHED Status of REC Allocation: 963 Status of Town of Norway Contract: Closed Session topic. See below. Update on MMSD Facilities Plan: The Mayor has received the MMSD final Facility Plan. A copy of the Plan or the Executive Summary is available from his office. Mr Mielke will be giving an overview at the first Council meeting in January. Status of 208 Sewer Plan Amendment: The Mayor reported that no new developments have occurred. Status of MMSD Non-WPAP Charges: Letter was received by the Mayor from Anne Kinney (MMSD, Executive Director). The City requested an update on the calculation of non-WPAP charges. Based upon the agreement with Muskego, the final calculation is to be made within three months after the final draw on the subsidized loans. This is expected to occur after April 1, 1998. Assuming that the final draw occurs in April or May, they would then anticipate that the funds would be due to the District on May 1, 1999. Until that information is known, final resolution is not possible. Status of Linnie Lac Sewer Allocation: Scott Kloskowski met with engineers from New Berlin. New Berlin is agreeable to Muskego's requests. A formal agreement will be developed by the • City of Muskego. New Berlin will provide to the City the actual number of connections requested. Public Utilities Meeting - December 15, 1997 Page 2 • NEW BUSINESS Review plans for force main - Hillendale (Wiza): R&M recommends approval of force main plans. Plans will be forwarded to MMSD and DNR for review. The force main can handle 9-15 homes. The easement requested is to service six lots. The city will maintain if necessary. Aid. Sanders moved to approve the force main plans subject to submittal to both MMSD and DNR. Aid. Slocomb seconded. Vote 3-0. carried by all. Discuss Usage Charge - Original Church (St. Paul): Due to a previous agreement from 1984 where the Public Sewer Committee agreed to eliminate the REC charged for the old church if St. Paul's was willing to certify that the building would not be used. The congregation is numbering nearly 2,500 individuals and they are now pressed for space. The old church has been used for 2-3 weddings/funerals per year as well as one main group of individuals for 3 hours once per month. The church has just recently became aware that they were in violation of the 1984 agreement. They are requesting approval to temporary use the building waiving stand by charge until their multi -phase study is complete. Approximate time requested is 18-24 months. Maximum number of individuals 90-115, once per month with a maximum stay of those individuals being 3 hours. Aid. Slocomb moved to approve continued use as described for 18- 24 months with review at time of usage studv completion granting waiver of stand by charge. topic on Discuss Sewer and Water Connection for Shared Laterals - True Value: Existing building on site. The owners desire to hook-up to existing building for toilet facilities. Discussion isregarding options to property owners and regulations concerning each option. After review of plans, a viable solution was reached and allowable under current regulations. Review Status of Connections - Boxhorn, Groveway, Ryan Sewer Project: Mr. Goetsch was present looking for an extension to the December 31, 1997 connection deadline. The contractor performing the majority of the work in the area has been unable to meet the deadlines due to many unforeseeable circumstances. Aid. Slocomb moved to defer connection and stand by charge required from 12/31/97 to 4/1/98 in Ryan-Boxhorn area. Aid. Woodard seconded. Vote 3-0, carried by all. WATER UNFINISHED Status of Well Abandonment & Forced Hookup: Scott Kloskowski has received a quote for to perform the job. Allen Pump Service quoted $3,140.00. Aid. Sanders moved to recommend approval of $3.140.00 quote from Allen Pump Service for Mashlan property for well abandonment and forced REPORT OF UTILITY SUPERINTENDENT: Scott Kloskowski had no new developments. COMMUNICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW: None CLOSED SESSION: Aid. Slocomb moved to convene into Closed Session pursuant to State Statute 19.85(1)(g) conferring with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering • oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved; more specifically, contract with the Town of Norway. Public Utilities Meeting - December 15, 1997 Page 3 n U 0 Ald. Woodard seconded. Roll call vote 3-0, carried by all. The Recording Secretary was excused at this time. Ald. Sanders moved to reconvene into Open Session at 9:00 PM, ADJOURNMENT: Being no further business to discuss, Ald. Slocomb moved to adjourn at 9:00 PM. Ald. Woodard seconded. Vote 3-0, carried by all. Respectfully submitted, Linda GUlgowski Recording Secretary • CITY OF MUSKEGO MEETING GUEST SIGN -IN SHEET MEETING NAME (Please Pri AGENDA ITEM ISWMMAVI i�-- si i I , PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE • THURSDAY DECEMBER 15, 1997 CITY PROJECTS: BOXHORN, RYAN, GROVEWAY NO ACTION BY THE BONDING COMPANY NOTHING CAN BE DONE UNTIL SPRING 1998 HIGHVIEW ACRES MSS-1-97 GENERATOR NOT ON SITE RESTORATION NOT DONE OUTSTANDING PUNCH LIST WORK MSS-2-97 SAME AS MSS-1-97 HOLZ DRIVE SEWER MSS-3-97 DNR APPROVAL RECEIVED AT MMSD PUMP HOUSE FOR WELL #7 UNDER CONSTRUCTION, ROOF IS ON, PUMP INSTALLED, INTERIOR WORK CONTINUING • SHOULD BE COMPLETED 2 TO 3 WEEKS AHEAD OF SCHEDULE WATER TOWER REPAINTING SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 1998 NORTH CAPE ROAD - HI VIEW TO SCHAEFFER PUMP CURVES ARE A PROBLEM MMSD SUBMITTAL TOMORROW MARTIN DRIVE GRINDER STATION AND FORCE MAIN RECEIVED ROUGH QUOTES FROM CONTRACTORS DISCUS WITH COMMITTEE ALTERNATIVES, ROUGH COSTS BENNETT/BOXIIORN GUN CL UB MMSD SUBMITTAL PACKAGE RECEIVED WILL GO TO MMSD THIS WEEK STEFANLI K WOODS RD. SUBMITTAL PACKAGE NOT RECEIVED DEER CREEK TWO UNDERGROUND ALMOST COMPLETED, ROAD WORK IN SPRING PUNCH LIST AND AS BUILT DRAWINGS PENDING ROAD WORK EPI LIFT STATION / FORCE MAIN • FINAL REDESIGN STILL WAITING ON CITY'S WRITTEN DIRECTION REGARDING BRIGGS AND STRATTON • PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE DECEMBER 15, 1997 LAKEWOOD MEADOWS ADD NO 2 UNDER CONSTRUCTION, UNDERGROUND DONE, ROAD BASE FAILED PROOF ROLL AS BUILT WAITING ON ROAD CONSTRUCTION MUSKEGO REGENCY OPEN PUNCH LIST UNTIL ROAD IS INSTALLED PARK ESTATES (AKA PARK VIEW ESTATES) UNDER CONSTRUCTION, UNDERGROUND IS DONE AS BUILT DRAWINGS STARTED RACINE AVENUE OFFICE PARK / BERG (PRIVATE SEWER) PUNCH LIST WORK REMAINS VIDEO NOT RECEIVED YET RACINE AVENUE SEWER - MILLER PUNCH LIST REVIEW DONE WORK REMAINS SAL FERRITO SEWER (PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER) PUNCH LIST REVIEW TODAY CONTRACTOR CLEANED LINE, WANTS TO CONNECT HOUSE AS BUILT APPROVAL ALREADY RECEIVED VICTORIAN VILLAS - NOTHING NEW PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE HELD APRIL 28, 1997 START DATE NOT SET STILL NOT STARTED • Ruekeirt N ielke Professional Engineers & Registered Land Surveyors since 1946 • December 15, 1997 Public Utilities Committee City of Muskego W182 S8200 Racine Avenue Post Office Box 903 Muskego, WI 53150 RE: Martin Drive Sewer Rough Cost Estimates from Contractors Dear Members: We received rough estimates from two contractor's for the above project with it's three options. These options are: 1. Duplex Grinder Station and Force Main 2. Gravity System 3. Simplex Grinder Stations and Force Main The estimates are: OPTION 1 1 1 2 3 Contractor "A" Contractor "B" 70,000 46,1 78,000 1 46,510 76,500 14,900 ** * - included cost of two simplex stations * * - did not include stations Based upon the owners and the committee's desire not to utilize individual simplex stations, we recommend the gravity system (Option 2). Operating and maintenance costs of a duplex station would more than offset any additional construction costs. If there are any questions regarding this matter, please contact our office. Very truly yours, RUEKERT & MIELKE, INC. e' Richard Eberhardt, P.E., R.L.S. RAE/sjd 13-92090.200 \\Lanl\rmdata\USERS\SJD\WORD_DOC\MFC\1997\public utilities comm19971215martin drive sewer.doc • cc: Mayor David L. De Angelis Scott Kloskowski, Utility Supt. Michael F. Campbell, Ruekert & Mielke, Inc. File W239 N1812 ROCKWOOD DRIVE WAUKESHA, WISCONSIN 53188-1113 (414)542-5733 FAX (414) 542-5631 iC. A14_,"1 N 1 Ruekert I N ie&e e • C✓ Professional Engineers E� Regisrered Ldnd Surv:yars since 1946 December 15, 1997 Public Utilities Committee City of Muskego W 182 S8200 Racine Avenue Post Office Box 903 Muskego, WI 53150 RE: Martin Drive Sewer Rough Cost Estimates from Contractors Dear Members: We received rough estimates from two contractor's for the above project with it's three options. These options are: 1. Duplex Grinder Station and Force Main 2. Gravity System 3. Simplex Grinder Stations and Force Main The estimates are: OPTION 1 1 2 3 Contractor "A" Contractor "B" 70,000 1 46,620 1 78,000 46,510 76,500 14,900 ** * - included cost of two simplex stations *' - did not include stations Based upon the owners and the committee's desire not to utilize individual simplex stations, we recommend the gravity system (Option 2). Operating and maintenance costs of a duplex station would more than offset any additional construction costs. If there are any questions regarding this matter, please contact our office. Very truly yours, RUEKERT & MIELKE, INC. Richard Eberhardt, P.E., R.L.S. RAE/sjd 13.92090.200 • \\Lanl4mdatalUSERSISJD\WORD DOUMFC\1997\publlc utilides cotttm1S971215martin drive sewer -do cc: Mayor David L. De Angelis ScottKloskowski, Utility Supt. Michael F. Campbell, Ruekert & Mielke, Inc. File W239 V1812 ROCKWOOD DRIVE WAL'KESHA. Vl15CONSIW 53188.1113 i �o- No Ain �Wac) 3Nn MU wf- AV Qa o llad (~j aL LLJ Q N HOaV Z Awnawwz 83 AavnNV a <>- a38A3O3 838w3AO (r o Z a3801O 3 O a38w31d3 w g 1snon 3 0 Ain °i 3Nn NOR AV llad HOWN Aavnae3d AavnNvr a38W3O30 a38W3AON a380130 a38W31d3S 1SnonV MEN o Ainr 3Nnr ISO I AVW lladV HONVW 0 MINE Aavna83d I MISS AavnNvr a 4 Q A E a� E FPDI Post Office Box 702 December 18, 1997 FUTURE PARKLAND DEVELOPMENT, INC. Mayor David De Angelis City of Muskego W 182 S8200 Racine Avenue Box 903 Muskego, Wisconsin 53150-0903 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201-0702 Re: Connection to Superior Emerald Park Landfill Forcemain Dear Mayor De Angelis: Future Parkland Development, Inc. has decided that we will not connect to the Superior Emerald Park Landfill forcemain. We will begin hauling our leachate to the Briggs & Stratton 68' Street Foundry beginning on January 5, 1998. The leachate will be used as makeup water in our wastewater treatment system. Currently, the leachate is hauled to the MMSD South Shore treatment plant. We will continue to maintain MMSD as a backup discharge location should we have any occasion to need to pump leachate at a time when the foundry is unable to accept a load. This plan has been discussed with both the standing and siting committees at Future Parkland. The standing committee supports our plan. We understand our obligations should we elect to connect to the forcemain at any time in the future. Shold you have any questions, please call me at (414) 259-5671. Sincerely, Fu Parkland Developm nt, Inc. An, M6 David M. Boyd President