PUM19971117PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1997 The meeting was called to order at 7-10 PM by Chairman Sanders. Also present were Committee members Woodard, Slocomb, Mayor DeAngelis, Utility Supt., Scott Kloskowski, Richard Eberhardt (Ruekert & Mielke) and those per the attached list. The Committee noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Review Minutes of Previous Meeting: No corrections were made. Status of Projects: Richard Eberhardt provided (attached) an updated listing of projects with special attention to the following items: Lannon/Martin Sewer Project: The rough estimate received from D.F- Tomasini is based on the enclosures being fiberglass (not concrete), electrical work and drop by others and clearing and grubbing being performed by others. Option #1 (Duplex Grinder Station) $70,000. Option #2 (Hung plumbing) not considered and Option #3 (2 Simplex Stations and common forced mains) $76,500. Ald. Slocomb questioned the amount of money being spent on only two residential properties. The Mayor indicated that a past project costing $100,000 for a gravity system could be installed and would serve another 200 feet of sewer and also eliminates the maintenance of the separate systems. The Committee directed Richard Eberhardt to secure additional cost estimates for the • Martin/Lannon Drive project. Scott Kloskowski requested further direction of the needs of the Committee regarding the Linnie Lac Sewer Allocation. The Committee requests data on the metering of flow, I&I and the number of REC's. SEWER UNFINISHED Status of REC Allocation: 928 Status of Town of Norway Contract: Scott has no new information to share. Update on MMSD Facilities Plan: Scott has seen some of the new plan. A completed version is scheduled for December 13, 1997 He does not believe that this deadline will be met by MMSD. The Mayor indicated that a copy of their Strategic Plan has been distributed for review. The Strategic Plan highlights where the MMSD plans on directing their efforts in the next few years. The Mayor will be coordinating a visit from Mr Mielke for his review of the plan for the full Council to hear Status of 208 Sewer Plan Amendment - Review Public Hearing Minutes: The Committee reviewed minutes of the meting held 11/11/97 Discussion regarding boundaries of service. Mr Ed Stefaniak would be put into the service area but would not be in a forced hook-up situation at this time. Ald. Slocomb questioned why the area South of Woods Road and West of Racine Avenue had been removed? According to . the Mayor, the area did not work into the Comprehensive Plan requirements at this time, but could be added at a later date. A moratorium on development could be placed on Public Utilities Committee Meeting - November 17, 1997 Page 2 the site until a plan for the parcel is completed. Ald. Slocomb concerned about the • amount of property available for development if this area is not included. The number of REC's were discussed as well as projected population numbers. The Mayor stated that leaving the area in question out of the plan at this time, allows a certain amount of flexibility if other areas become available for development, yet it will still be able to be added at a future date. Chairman Sanders moved to delete Southwest corner portion of Racine Avenue at Woods Road, leaving Southeast corner of Racine Avenue at Woods Road as proposed and including 20 acre area purchased by the High School. Ald. Slocomb seconded. Vote: 1 Yes (Sanders) 2 No. Motion defeated. Discussion continued on areas included and future potential areas for expansion. Ald. Slocomb moved to approve map as submitted by SEWRPC. Ald. Woodard seconded. Vote: Yes 2. No (Sanders) 1 _ Motion carried. Status of MMSD Non-WPAP Charges: Auditors met. Awaiting formal response from MMSD. NEW BUSINESS Establish RCA Rate for 1998: Ald. Woodard moved to accept the new RCA rates for 1998. Ald. Slocomb seconded. Vote 3-0, carried by all. Rate chart attached. Discussion regarding rate structure and possible need to revise at a future date? Scott indicated that in order for a change in the rate structure to occur, the increase in fees set would have to be charged to every resident. Review sewer main extension for Stefaniak/Woods Road: A new plan was delivered • to R&M today and all of the areas of concern have been addressed except #5 (Will the City require this to be a public or private sewer?). Scott feels that this should remain private. Chairman Sanders moved to approve as submitted with the main remaining private until expansion to the South with an easement to be described for the entire strip of plan. Ald. Woodard seconded. Vote 3-0, carried by all. Discussion regarding requirement for a fire hydrant? No, per Scott. Scott does recommend a flushing device added to the end of the main. Review sewer main extension for Boxhorn Gun Club: 3'd submittal of plans for sewer Scott recommends that since multiple parcels on property, sewer should be public. Mr. Bennett (resident) concurs with recommendation of public sewer service. Easements for the proposed lateral placement were discussed. The public sanitary sewer easement as well as the proposed lateral easements will be recorded with the appropriate entity along with the separate parcels per the advice of legal counsel. Chairman Sanders moved to approve 8 inch public sanitary sewer main extension as maintained by the City and laterals within the easement to Vote 3-0. carried by all. Review sewer and water assessment policies: Attached, November 13, 1997 memo from Jean Marenda changes the wording of the policy to better describe the practice currently in use for deferred assessments. Ald. Woodard moved to accept new lanauaae clarifvino deferred assessments. Chairman Sanders seconded. Vote 3-0, carried by all 11 Public Utilities Committee Meeting - November 17, 1997 Page 3 Review claims - Freedom Acres Subdivision: Aid. Slocomb presented this issue to • this Committee after the matter became an issue relating to the Utility providing the service to the residents affected. After researching similar situations state-wide, Aid. Slocomb was not able to find claims paid to residents. However, after a search of the Internet, a community in Colorado was found to have paid out claims with a cap of $2,500 per claimant resulting from a sewer back-up. Current claim estimates put the cost to the City of Muskego at approximately $40,000. The Mayor asked Scott if documentation existed regarding the May 10, 1990 snowfall event to compare with the most recent event. Aid. Woodard questioned the precedent this payment would set and questioned the need for payment, since the City was not found negligent in the matter Aid. Slocomb moved to approve compensation for residents of Freedom Acres subdivision based on independent review of claims submitted by affected residents. Chairman Sanders seconded for discussion only. Vote 1 Yes (Slocomb), 2 No Votes. Motion failed to carry. Scott to provide formal documents outlining I&I measures and scheduled activities to Aid. Slocomb. Review list of properties failing to comply with connection notice - Woods Road Sewer Project: Resident Karen Bartes appears regarding the notice received. Resident was scheduled to be hooked up 10/21/97, but due to service providers backlog of jobs, her project is not yet completed. Resident has requested an extension to get job done. Chairman Sanders moved to extend connection deadline to April 1, 1998 for Bieniewski and Bartes properties. Aid. Slocomb seconded. Vote 3-0, carried by all. WATER UNFINISHED . Status of Well Abandonment & Forced Hook-up: Scott working with one contractor who will be supplying quotes for completion of the projects. WATER NEW BUSINESS Establish WCA for 1998: New rate sheet was provided with an effective date of January 1, 1998. Chairman Sanders moved to accept the 1998 rate of $810.00 for an 5/8 inch meter for an existing building and $1 350.00 for new construction. Aid. Woodard seconded. Vote 3-0. carried by all. Establish Front Foot Assessment for 1998/Residential and Commercial: Aid. Woodard moved to approve 1998 Front Foot Assessment charges as $39.10 for Commercial and Industrial oroaerties and $34.65 Residential. UTILITY SUPERINTENDENT REPORT: Scott has no new information to share. COMMUNICATIONS: None ADJOURNMENT: Being no further business to discuss Aid. Slocomb moved to the meeting at 10:04 PM. Aid. Woodard seconded. Vote 3-0, carried by all. Re pectfu ly submitted, • Linda Gulgows Recording Secretary 11 �c�PGre �Tr /VAN1E c� � =FArv/,4*'� FEz, �AA ID 43 w " ��i�I E warms it, ,-,i-hi tuvi9 _ I :U: IIULSLi,, � Y.IL1,1.L. 1141.. tr'./ 11u L14'J �+L7JJI • PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE THURSDAY NOVEMBER 17, 1997 CITY PROJECTS: BOXHORN,RYAN,GROVEWAY BONDING COMPANY HAS REQUESTED TO BE ALLOWED TO COMPLETE REPAIRS PAVING AND RESTORATION WILL BE 1998 IIIGHVIEW ACRES MSS-1-97 SITE PAVING NOT DONE GENERATOR NOT ON SITE RESTORATION NOT DONE MSS-2-97 PAVING COMPLETED SATURDAY NOVEMBER 1 ON DURHAM DR SAME NOT DONE AS MSS- 1.97 HOLZ DRIVE SEWER MSS•3.97 AT MMSD PUMPHOUSE FOR WELL #7 UNDER CONSTRUCTION, • WATER TOWER REPAINTING SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 1999 NORTH CAPE ROAD - HI VIEW TO SC14AEFER PUMP CURVES ARE A PROBLEM MMSD SUBMITTAL WAITING ON PUMPS AND SEWRPC 208 LETTER MARTIN DRIVE GRINDER STATION AND FORCE MAIN REQUESTED QUOTE FROM CONTRACTOR DISCUS WITH COMMITTEE ALTERNATIVES, ROUGH COSTS DEVELOPMENTS: DEERCREEK TWO UNDER CONSTRUCTION EPI LIFT STATION / FORCE MAIN FINAL. REDESIGN STILL WAITING ON CITY'S WRITTEN DIRECTION REGARDING BRIGGS AND STRATTON LAKEWOOD MEADOWS ADD NO 2 UNDER CONSTRUCTION, UNDERGROUND DONE AS BUILTS WAITING ON ROAD CONSTRUCTION 0 ie'.l—li-6! 1�1Ji! J I IM IlULP.Rfil 4474L`_'b�f _ • PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE 2 NOVEMBER 17, 1997 MUSKEGO REGENcN, NEW SERVICES INSTALLED PARK ESTATES (AKA PARK VIEW ESTATES) UNDER CONSTRUCTION, UNDERGROUND IS DONE AS BUILTS WAITING ON ROAD CONSTRUCTION RACINE AVENUE OFFICE PARK i EERG (PRIVATE SEWER) PUNCH LIST WORK REMAINS VIDEO NOT RECEIVED YET RACINE AVENUE SEWER - MILLER PUNCH LIST REVIEW DONE WORK REMAINS SAL FERRITO SEWER (PRIVATE SANITARY SEINER) PUNCH LIST REVIEW WORK REMAINS VIDEO SHOWED LINE NEEDS CLEANING VICTORIAN VILLAS • NOTHING NEW PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE HELD APRIL 28, 1997 START DATE NOT SET STILL NOT STARTED n L-A RCA RATE CHART YEAR NEW RATE EXISTING 9/84 - 12/31/85 $1,500.00 $250 00 1/1/86 - 12/31/88 1,635.00 272.50 1/1/89 - 12/31/89 1,770.00 295.00 1/1/90 - 12/31/90 1,905 00 317.50 1/1/91 - 12/31/91 2,040 00 340.00 l/l/92 - 12/31/92 2,175 00 362.50 1/1/93 - 12/31/93 2,310.00 385.00 1/1/94 - 12/31/94 2,445.00 407.50 1/1/95 - 12/31/95 2,580.00 430.00 l/l/96 - 12/31/96 2,715.00 452.50 1/1/97 - 12/31/97 2,850.00 475.00 1/1/98 - 12/31/98 2,985.00 497.50 NEW RATES each year add $135.00 Existing each year add $ 22.50 RCA Charges for New Construction 1998 Duplex - 3 Bedroom Each $5,970.00 = 2.0 REC'S 2 Bedroom Each $4,477.50 = 1.5 REC'S • 1 Bedroom Each $2,985.00 = 1.0 REC Multi -Family Charge per Unit 3 Bedroom Each 2 Bedroom Each 1 Bedroom Each SEWER USAGE CHARGE $2,985.00 Each Unit $2,238.75 Each Unit $1,492.50 Each Unit Duplex - 1 REC per 3 Bedroom $ 375.00 each .75 REC per 2 Bedroom $ 281.25 each .50 REC per 1 Bedroom $ 187.50 each 67 x 3.1 x 365 = 75,810.50 gallons = 1 REC RATE.RCA 0