PUM19970915PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1997 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by Chairman Sanders. Also present were committee members Woodard and Slocomb, Mayor David L. De Angelis, Utility Supt. Scott Kloskowski, Richard Eberhardt (Ruckert & Mielke) and those per the attached list. The committee noted that the meeting was posted on September 9, 1997, in accordance with the open meeting law. Committee was not to go into closed session, so reading of Closed Session Notice was waived. REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING - The committee reviewed the minutes of the previous meeting noting that paragraph 2 on page 4 was removed by the common council at their meeting held 8/26/97 for clarification as there was no second to the motion. Chairman Sanders moved to continue on with Stand-by charges at $251.04 per year for 1998. Aid. Slocomb seconded. Vote 3-0, motion carried. City Engineer Rich Eberhardt discussed with the committee the status of the following projects: • Boxhorn Grovewa . Ryan Sewer Project Bonding company is in control of the contract. The City Attorney is working with the bonding company on leak issues. R&M is working with bonding company engineer's on quantifying issues. There happens to be little or no disagreement with the bonding company engineer. Time frame for repairs is yet this year, but specifics unknown. Review request for reimbursement for extra depth expenditure - Ald Slocomb talked with Wayne Stever Inc., regarding billing. There will not be a charge for the extra depth. The company will absorb the costs. Loomis Drive Sewer Project Pavement repairs were to have been completed last Friday, September 12, 1997 Ald. Slocomb indicated that areas were still sunken. Eberhardt to explore. Holz Drive Sewer Proiect - Gave to drafting to submit to MMSD. HiView Acres Sewer Project Eberhardt talked to paving subcontractor Milling up of surface will occur September 16, 1997 Subcontractor indicated that paving will be completed by end of week. Sewer contractor replaced pipe this weekend to correct error • Well 7 - Muskego County Park - Pump station work begun. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - PAGE 2 SEPTEMBER 15, 1997 • EPI Lift Station New field work and site plans for reworked lift station (750' South of prior location) completed September 8, 1997 Plans to be completed by end of September for resubmition to DNR, MMSD, WisDOT Water Tower Painting A pre -construction meeting was held and it was agreed by all to extend the completion date due to weather factors. Work will begin on project May 1, 1998. Lannon/Martin Sewer Project Field crew was out and shot grades at house and sewer depth for Mr. Densen. North Cape (HiView to Schaefer) Discussion surrounded exactly how far sewer should be extended for future consideration. It was concluded that, according to plan, the design should be from HiView to Schaefer. SEWER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Status of REC Allocation - The committee reviewed report received from Sewer Utility Clerk advising that there are 936 RECs left to allocate. Status of Town of Norway Contract • Mayor De Angelis reported that the tentative court date has been set for December 2, 1997 Update on MMSD Facilities Plan Mayor De Angelis showed a sample informative brochure regarding the plan to committee members. A draft facility plan was received and is being reviewed. Currently formulating comments for public information meeting (September 24, 1997 - Oak Creek). Mayor will pass along formulated comments to committee members. At this meeting it will be conveyed that the City of Muskego will not pay other communities I&I costs since that involves local systems and not district sewers as stated in our current contract. Status of 208 Sewer Plan Amendment Mayor De Angelis indicted that the plan is moving along in the process on schedule. All indications are that it will be ready for the December hearing and subsequent adoption. Status of MMSD Non-WPAP Charges Mayor De Angelis reported that our auditors met with MMSD staff approximately two weeks ago. There is a compromise proposal that has been forwarded to Ann Kinney at MMSD for comment. We should hear back shortly. Status of Five Year timeline/future projects • Nothing new was reported. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - PAGE 3 SEPTEMBER 15, 1997 • SEWER NEW BUSINESS Review request for main extension (Stefaniak) Woods Road - Mr. Stefaniak was present to request direction regarding his request for a main extension on two properties (one residential, one commercial). Mr Eberhardt discussed that the system was not designed for additional connections. Impact on the lift station is a concern. Chairman Sanders made a motion to approve an extension of city owned main with an easement to the South property line of BI zoned property with future review of the capacity to serve future connections to the OOS property. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Vote 3-0, motion carried. Discussion surrounded engineering required to extend main. Establish Sewer Usage Rates for 1998 Chairman Sanders moved to keep $375.00 sewer usage rate for 1998. Aid. Slocomb seconded. Vote 3-0, motion carried. Review Cif Engineer's report on Sub -Basin of Basin 1 sewer capacity Kloskowski reported that on September 11, 1997 a reply was received regarding sewer capacity and flow estimates. Ald Slocomb mentioned that he was concerned that cost quote did not contain flow monitoring. Kloskowski feels that reports from MMSD would be sufficient for this purpose. The committee felt that basin study should be deferred for future consideration. The committee then determined that it would be receptive to Mr. • Schwabenlender's request for 7 RECs at a future date for his basin. Acceptance of Sewer & Water Improvements - Lakeridge Apts. Eberhardt unsure if easements have been recorded. Chairman Sanders moved to approve acceptance of sewer within right-of-way. Aid. Slocomb seconded. Vote 3-0, motion carried. Chairman Sanders further moved to accept water mains in right-of-way and in easements, contingent on easements being recorded. Aid. Slocomb seconded. Vote 3-0, motion carried. Review request for sewer service - Hillendale (Wiza) Curt Klenz appeared representing owner Kloskowski discussed Mr. Wiza's request for sewer service as he plans on selling two lots. Option to run the line were discussed and the capacity of each line. Aid. Slocomb moved to approve request for two lots and recommends that Mr. Wiza run his own main through the NE side of Lakeview right-of-way in lieu of crossing road. Chairman Sanders seconded. Vote 3-0, motion carried. Review lateral abandonment and new services-Muskego Regency Mr Kresse provided information on how this task would be competed. Mr. Eberhardt is . not concerned with the method proposed for abandonment. Ald. Slocomb concerned about abandoned pipes in future diggings. Mr. Kresse indicated that pipes would be PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - PAGE 4 SEPTEMBER 15, 1997 removed in and around building, virtually eliminating all pipes. Chairman Sanders moved to approve abandonment plan as presented with R&M reviewing, inspecting and testing disconnection. Seconded by Woodard. Vote 3-0, motion carried. WATER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Status of Well Abandonment and Forced Hookups Kloskowski is unable to secure bidders at this time for this project. PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF 1998 SEWER AND WATER BUDGETS Kloskowski reports that the numbers provided were incomplete since several sources are responsible for generating them. At next months meeting a more comprehensive budget will be presented. Kloskowski urged committee members to call him with any questions on either budget. REPORT OF UTILITY SUPERINTENDENT Kloskowski reports that vacant lot requests for sewer hook-up in and around the Linne Lac area have increased. City was waiting for New Berlin to settle with District to see if there is a way to swap capacity with them. Chairman Sanders is concerned with monitoring of system. Will discuss at the next committee meeting. ADJOURNMENT Being no further business to discuss, Woodard moved to adjourn meeting at 8:55 PM. Ald. Slocomb seconded. Vote 3-0, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Linda Gulgowski Recording Secretary • El • PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE CITY OF MUSKEGO SEPTEMBER 15, 1997 GUESTS PLEASE PRINT YOUR NAME, Thank You! 1. C an'r� !0. to JI t, 3 . AIR,CS SCE — /' f L% -5 /LLTlo� 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Department of Public Works Utilities Division �LGJ'1 1' F September 12, 1997 Mayor DeAngelis City of Muskego W182 S8200 Racine Ave. Muskego, WI 53150 RE: Sewer Service Vacant Lots- Linnie Lac Area New Berlin basin NB - 08 Dear Mayor DeAngelis: 16450 West National Avenue New Berlin, Wisconsin 53151-5097 (414)786-7086 Fax (414)786-0792 As we have previously discussed and agreed, if MMSD were willing to approve additional capacity into their system from New Berlin basin NB - 08, the City of Muskego would allow vacant lots which abut an existing sewer in Linnie Lac Subdivision to be served. • In a letter dated June 11, 1997, Mr. Bill Farmer, MMSD, has stated that there is existing capacity to serve 15 lots now and that additional capacity will be available upon the adoption of the 2010 Facility Plan in 1998. These additional flows would route through parts of the City of Muskego sewer system into the MMSD interceptors. If the City of Muskego is agreeable with this, we would ask for a response approving this request. We will then notify MMSD and make any necessary changes in our current intermuncipal sewer service agreement with Muskego. As you are also aware, several vacant land owners have stated a desire to build, subject to your favorable action on this request. A prompt response would be greatly appreciated so that we can advise the interested vacant land owner(s). Thank You. Sincerely, CITY OF NEW BERLIN /Hamid R. Hashemizadeh Director of Public Works c: Jim Gatzke, Mayor Larry R. Wilms, Utility Superintendent Jeff Chase, City Engineer cw\LWUetter1l1\LLANB08.1tr 4 0 American Water Works Association MEMBER