PUM19970818PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 1997 The meeting was called to order at 7 10 PM by Chairman Sanders. Also present were committee member Slocomb, Rich Eberhardt (Ruekert & Mielke), Utility Superintendent Scott Kloskowski and those per the attached list. Committee member Woodard was absent. The committee noted that the meeting was posted on August 13, 1997, in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. The committee reviewed minutes of July 21, 1997 meeting and placed on file. STATUS OF PROJECTS BOXHORN, RYAN, GROVEWAY SEWER PROJECT - City Attorney has notified bonding company of intent to file claim on August 14, 1997 Two laterals were discovered with problems in the past two weeks; one had been grouted due to leaks with excess grout causing a blockage in the pipe which was corrected by City's flushing crew and the second lateral was backpitched by 1-1/4 inches. It is unknown if this backpitch was caused by installation methods or differential trench settlement. LOOMIS DRIVE - Contractor was notified to remove and replace settled pavement areas • within three weeks. HI VIEW ACRES - (MSS-1-97) Pump station site working on valve vault and yard piping. Dust control ordered by Utility superintendent on a recurring basis. (MSS-2-97) All pipe in on Acker and Northview. Gravity in Hi View (East of Northview) and Durham. Due to severe ground conditions in Durham, contractor unable to compact mechanically to specified parameters. With approval of Superintendent, contractor flushed gravity trench late last week. Installation of gravity sewer in Hi View, west of Northview should be finished this week. Installing force main on Hi View (West of Norway) and Durham starting Tuesday or Wednesday of this week. Grading should begin early next week and pavement installed between 27 s and 29a of August. Internal paving should be done second week of September. City should replace all culverts in coordination with the contractors so that access is maintained to all lots at all times. Bus Company will talk with contractors regarding paving schedules on August 20" HOLZ DRIVE SEWER - Redesign has been started. Type of grinder station is under discussion due to no headilow head Difficulties because common force main is down slope. WOODS ROAD SEWER AND WATER AND RACINE AVE. TO PIONEER DRIVE WATER - Restoration has been completed and one driveway complaint is under review. • PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - PAGE 2 • WELL NO. 7 - Contractor is completing all work on site including abandoning first well. Should be done this week. Permanent well capacity should be between 800 and 1000 GPM. Water from well remains slightly cloudy for first ten minutes after pump starts. Instead of paying contractor, we will use the permanent pump and scada system to cycle the well to "clean it up" PUMPHOUSE FOR WELL #7 - Contracts are signed. Preconstruction conference is scheduled for 8/21/97 Correspondence from City Engineer Steven Schultz, dated August 5, 1997, was reviewed which proposed action. Ald. Sanders moved to authorize change order to include Variable frequency drive estimated to be $15,000; with piping change and addition of storm sewer piping estimated at $8,000. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb, motion carried 2-0. WELL NO. 5 - New pump is providing 550 to 575 GPM. WEPCO needs to do work on electrical service before pump can be used full time and Utility Supt. noted that utility company said one to two weeks. WATER TOWER REPAINTING - Contractor signed contracts which were sent to the City for signatures. Work could start next week, depending on signatures, notice to proceed , weather and color selection. • NORTH CAPE ROAD SEWERS - Pavement settlement areas were repaired. NORTH CAPE ROAD/HI VIEW TO SOUTH - Plan drawings and design started. Southern limits and service to east side. Committee to discuss limits, drainage basins and ultimate service areas. EMERALD PARK LIFT STATION - Notification was given by EPI to set the lift station 700 to 800 ft. south of the designed location. New field work needed for the change of location and additional force main; should be completed the week of August 18, 1997. DEVELOPMENTS: Nothing new to report on projects. SEWER UNFINISHED The committee noted that there are 938 Recs. left to allocate as of August 1, 1997. STATUS OF NORWAY CONTRACT - Utility Supt. Kloskowski advised that a court date has been set for the week of August 25, 1997. STATUS OF REQUEST FOR SEWER CONNECTIONS TOWN OF NORWAY (PIONEK). There was nothing new to report. Committee requests that Plan Director . Sadowski determine status of request and if it is still valid. UPDATE ON MMSD FACILITIES PLAN - Utility Supt. Kloskowski advised that Mayor has received a draft copy of the plan which is being reviewed by Engineer. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - PAGE 3 STATUS OF 208 SEWER PLAN AMENDMENT - There was nothing new to report. STATUS OF MMSD NON-WPAP CHARGES - There was nothing new to report. STATUS OF FIVE YEAR TIMELINE/FUTURE PROJECTS - There was nothing new to report. NEW BUSINESS REVIEW REQUEST FOR SEWR CONNECTION-KLAT (LANNON & MARTIN) - Mr. Roger Matt and Mr. Bob Stack appeared before the committee to discuss City's proposed sewer project to service properties in need of sewer service. Ald. Sanders moved to proceed with project which will involve the Klatt property (W 171 S6810 Lannon Drive) and the Baas property (S67 W17236 Martin Drive) only and to direct the City Engineer to prepare plans and specifications, sending to the approving agencies and bid the project. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb, motion carried 2-0. It was noted that Ruekert & Mielke will send surveyors to verify if the Denson property can be served by gravity from manhole south on Lannon Drive. • PERSONAL APPEARANCE - NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS - Mr. Tim George and Brian Maguire appeared before the committee to request entering into an agreement whereby Nextel Communications can install an antennae on top of the Industrial Park water tower, Ald. Slocomb moved to approve entering into agreement to install a "whip style" antennae subject to Mayor working out all necessary language for agreement. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried 2-0. REVIEW REQUEST FOR SEWER SERVICE CONNECTION-HEDGEWOOD. The petitioner (Schwabenlender) was not present at the meeting. Engineer Rich Eberhardt reported that there may be capacity problems in this sewer basin and a study would have to be done to determine if this basin could take on additional flow. No action was taken as petitioner was not present. The committee directed the City Engineers to prepare a proposal for the sewer basin study. REVIEW SEWER ORDINANCE - SEWER USAGE PAYMENT/PENALTY - The committee reviewed memorandum from Finance Director Dawn Gunderson advising that discussions had been held in regard to State Statute 66.069 "Charges; outside services" which addresses the assessment of a 10% penalty on any sewer usage charges. Since State Statute 66.069(1)(a) allows us to continue billing in advance, and State Statute 66.069(1)(b) states that "On October 15a' of each year notice shall be given to the owner, to which utility service has been furnished prior to October 1st by a public . utility. .for which is owing and in arrears at the time of giving such notice." It is the Mayor and my recommendation that we do not apply a 10% penalty on the statements for sewer services provided in the following year. We do, however, recommend that Sewer Utility continue to comply with the billing and penalty practices for current year charges as • PUBLIC UTILITIES CONMUTTEE - PAGE 4 spelled out in Ordinance 764 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego. Ald. Sanders moved to follow above recommendations. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb, motion carved 2- 0. (The following paragraph was removed from approval of minutes by the Common Council at their meeting held 8126197 and returned to Public Utilities Committee for clarification at their September Meeting. REVIEW SEWER USAGE/INDUSTRIAL PROPERTIES - The committee reviewed correspondence from Sewer Utility dated August 18, 1997, questioning sewer usage for the following properties: Wiza Industries - They are currently being charged part by meter and part by • employee count. Ald. Sanders moved to direct that effective 1-1-98, the entire building will be metered and requested that the Utility Clerk send notification to the owner of this action. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb, motion carried 2-0. Spectrum Aluminum - They are currently being charged on employee count. Ald. Sanders moved to direct that effective 1-1-98, Spectrum's unit will be metered and requested that the Utility Clerk send notification to the owner of this action. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb, motion carried 2-0. WATER UNFINISHED STATUS OF WELL ABANDONMENT & FORCED HOOK-UPS - There was nothing new to report. REVIEW REQUEST FOR WATER SERVICE - SUNNYHILL DRIVE - Mr. David Mans appeared before the committee to request water service to his property at S77 W 19717 Sunnyhill Drive. Mr. Mans stated that there were several property owners at the end of Sunnyhill Drive that would be interested in municipal water service, but that the property owners on the west end of Sunnyhill Drive were not interested in water service. City Engineer Rich Eberhardt pointed out the possibilities. Ald. Sanders moved to schedule an informational meeting with residents on Sunnyhill Drive, from Prospect Drive • east to the cul de sac in January of 1998, after the budget process to determine interest and feasibility. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb, motion carried 2-0. ADJOURNMENT - Ald. Slocomb moved to adjourn at 10:40 PM Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried 2-0. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - PAGE 5 • Respectfully sub 'tted, Scott Kloskowski, Utility Supt. /ca • • • SIGN -IN SHEET FOR CITY MEETINGS PLEASE PRINT YOUR NAME AND AGENDA ITEM BELOW. THANK YOU. Meetina: PIA_61 i Vt d 1 E 4 ( Dater 1� NAME: ITEM 114