PUM19970217• PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1997 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Sanders. Also present was Committee member Rasmussen, Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski, and Rich Eberhardt (Ruekert & Mielke). Committee member Salentine was excused. The Committee noted that the meeting was posted on February 14, 1997 in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. The Committee noted that a Closed Session would not take place. Rich Eberhardt updated the Committee on the status of projects: Boxhorn, Ryan & Groveway Sewer - Restoration items remain to be taken care of. Woods Road Sewer and Water and Racine Avenue -Pioneer Drive to Muskego Regency - Lift station start up has been completed. Sewer and water connections can be made. HiView Acres Sewer - Advertisement for bids has been published. Bid openings are scheduled for March 4 and March 5, 1997. • Holz Drive Sewer - Advertisement for bids has been published. Bid opening scheduled for March 11, 1997. Waukesha County Park Sewer & Water - Last building will be connected the week of February 28th. Well #7 - Test well results have been received and are favorable. Agreement with County on permanent well is close to being signed by County. Ruekert & Mielke recommends specific water testing be done at this time. Ald. Rasmussen moved to recommend testing for iron, manganese, total dissolved solids, and VOC scan for the test well at a cost of approximately $200.00. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried 2-0. Pumphouse for Well #7 - Bid date on hold until production well is functioning. Loomis Drive - Punchlist items to be completed. North Cape Road Sewer - Restoration items to be completed. Muskego Regency - Connections can now be made. Candlewood - Nothing new to report. Mystic Drive Sewer (Ludwig/Stram e) - New contractor has been assigned project. Supt. Kloskowski suggested another pre -construction meeting be held. • PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - PAGE 2 FEBRUARY 17, 1997 Deer Creek - Nothing new to report. Champions Village - Nothing new to report. EPI Lift Station/Forcemain/Leachate - Redesign to be completed shortly. Victorian Villas - Nothing new to report. Park View Estates - Nothing new to report. Lakewood Meadows Addn. #2 - Submittal package from developer's engineer has not been received by Ruekert & Mielke. Ald. Rasmussen moved to amend the REC allocation sheet to reflect 1,047 REC's remaining to allocate as of January 1, 1997. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried 2-0. The Committee reviewed status of commercial sewer metering. There are two schools remaining to meter. Metering should be completed this summer. There was nothing new to report on the Town of Norway sewer • contract. Ald. Sanders moved to defer action on the request for sewer connection/Town of Norway for Don Pionek. Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen, motion carried 2-0. Ald. Rasmussen moved to defer action on the request for sewer connections for the Muskego/Norway School District. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried 2-0. Supt. Kloskowski updated the Committee on the status of the MMSD Facilities Plan. The Mayor, City Planner Matt Sadowski, and Supt. Kloskowski met with representatives from MMSD recently to discuss the Facilities Plan. Supt. Kloskowski noted that MMSD did not have available the City of Muskego 208 Plan Amendment. Consequently, numbers need to be recalculated. The Committee reviewed REC allocation for Strasser's Carwash. The Committee agreed to charge Strasser's Carwash the same as Foat's Carwash. Option of possible payment plan was discussed, and will be explored for next month's meeting. Supt. Kloskowski updated the Committee on the status of the 208 Sewer Plan Amendment. Plan Amendment with updated numbers will • be resubmitted to MMSD and SEWRPC shortly. • PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - PAGE 3 FEBRUARY 17, 1997 The Committee discussed acceptance of sewer improvements for Lakeview Highlands -South. Ald. Rasmussen moved to accept sewer system in Lakeview Highlands South. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried 2-0. The Committee reviewed Town of Norway 1996 Audit. Ald. Sanders moved to approve payment in the amount of $32,732.88. Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen, motion carried 2-0. The Committee deferred action on a request for sewer extension for Mary Lytle, as the property owner was not present. Ald. Sanders moved to defer. Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen, motion carried 2-0. The Committee discussed training expenses for the utility billing program. Ald. Rasmussen moved to approve payment of extra expenses for utility billing training not to exceed $1,130.00, with Joe Sommers being requested to make an attempt to negotiate lower costs. Ald. Sanders seconded, motion carried 2-0. Supt. Kloskowski reported that one of the forced well • abandonments has problems wherein the property owner began to abandon improperly. The Committee reviewed proposed improvements to Well #5-Kristin Down with Rich Eberhardt. Ald. Sanders moved to direct engineers to solicit quotes for rehabilitation of Well #5 and send quotes directly to the Finance Committee on February 25, 1997. Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen, motion carried 2-0. Ald. Rasmussen questioned status of claim for damages in Foxboro. Supt. Kloskowski has talked to property owner and suggested that he contact the developer. Ald. Rasmussen moved to adjourn at 8:08 p.m. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried 2-0. Respectfully submitted, S Kllowski Public Utilities Superintendent jz • a �t �'�]uuI�i,ar���� e� FCC D?SC< SSia" Fliy?CSES C�?LY. CASE NUMBER ONE (as noted in Engineer's Report and Preliminary Assessment Roll) A. Non -Assessable Costs 1. 1998 Surface Paving 2. All Pump Station Costs 3. All Force Main Costs 4. Oversizing Costs (8" vs. 10") 5. Durham Drive Reconstruction B. Used 50/50 unit/front foot cost split C. Used as non -assessable frontage for rate computation: 1, City owned lot (undevelopable due to power line easement) • 2. East side North Cape Road -residential frontage in City of Franklin. 3. Opposite Side Durham Drive: a. 2210.998 (not served) b. 2210.990.00 (served under a separate project) Ul Page 2 03/14/97 13-92083.210 RACLIENT113\1392083.200\REPORTWS DEER.DOC • FCR Df_1"UUS j0,N pUSpCSES Cp&y.. GATE: CASE NUMBER TWO Assumes A & C of Case No. One, but assess solely on front foot. Frontage rate computation: Estimated Main Assessable Costs $ 855,384.00 Estimated Total Frontage 13,369.71 L.F. $855,384.00 / 13,369.71 L.F. = $63.979249/L.F. Use $63.98/L.F. Assessable Costs change by: Now: Immediate Frontage $ 650,963.87 Deferred Frontage 124.660.55 $ 775,624.42 Was: (Case No. One) Immediate Frontage $ 325,481.94 Immediate Unit 372,859.64 Deferred Frontage 72,576.27 Deferred Units 54.832.30 $ 821,914.50 Difference ($ 46,290.08) (more non -assessable costs) Page 3 03/14/97 13-92083.210 R:\CLIENTI 3\1392083.200\REPORTMS DEER.DOC • • FvR F,ie.�w•,, DATE: CASE NUMBER THREE Assumes A & C of Case No. One, but assesses solely at unit rate. Unit Rate Computation: Estimated Main Assessable Costs $ 855,384.00 Estimated Total Units 78 units $855,384.00/78 units = $10,966.46154/Unit Use $10,966.46/Unit Assessable Costs Change by: Now: Immediate, 68 x $10,966.46 = $ 745,719.28 Deferred, 10 x $10,966.46 = 109,664.60 $ 855,383.88 Was: (Case No. One) Immediate Frontage $ 325,481.94 Immediate Unit 372,859.64 Deferred Frontage 72,576.27 Deferred Units 54,832.30 $ 821,914.50 Difference $ 33,469.38 (more assessable costs) Page 4 03/14/97 13-92083.210 R:\CLIENT113\1392083.200\REPOR7RMS DEER.DOC • • • CASE NUMBER FOUR Assumes all of Case Number One except: A. Deletes 1. Bid Item 18 - 2 inch Force Main 2. Deletes Tax Key Numbers a. 2210.998 b. 2210.993.001 C. 2210.994.001 e. 2210.995.001 B. Frontages Immediate Assessable Frontage Deferred Assessable Frontage Non -Assessable Frontage C. Units Immediate 66 Units Deferred 10 Units TOTAL 76 Units D. Assessable Main Costs As bid (from Engineer's Report) Less Bid Item 18 20% Administrative, Engineering & Contingencies Estimated Assessable Main Costs Page 5 9,874.49 L.F. 1,948.43 L.F. 751.51 L.F. 12,574.43 L.F. $ 712,820.00 12.000.00 $ 700,820.00 140.164.00 4. 1 ':1 11 03/14/97 13-92083.210 RACLIENn 13\1392083.200\REP0R'R MS DEER.DOC • • �J E. Rates (50150) 1, Frontage e $840,894.00/2/12574.43L.F. = 33.440243/L.F Use $33.44/Front Foot 2. Units $840,984.00/2/76 units = 5532.789474/Unit Use $5,532.79/Unit F. Assessable Costs Change by Now: Immediate Frontage Deferred Frontage Immediate Units Deferred Units Estimated Assessable Was: (Case No. One) Immediate Frontage Immediate Unit Deferred Front Deferred Units Difference (more non -assessable costs) Less project costs 9874.49 x $33.44 = 1948.43 x $33.44 = 66 x $5,532.79 = 10 x $5,532.79 = Net effect on non -assessable costs: Less non -assessable costs $ 330,202.95 65,155.50 365,164.14 55,327.90 $ 815,850.49 $ 325,481.94 372,859.64 72,576.27 54,832.30 $ 821,914.50 ($ 6,064.01) $ 14,400.00 $8,335.99 In this case, the City spends less, assessed less, but actually saves on non -assessable costs. Page 6 03/14/97 13-92083.210 R1CLIENIM 3\1392083.200\REPORT MS DEER.DOC CASE NUMBER FIVE FOR D'�CUSSIOM DATE: 11P,PpgFg O�JLY. Assume Case No. 4, except: A. Assess solely on Unit Cost B. Unit Rate Computation $ 840,984.00 / 76 Units = $11,065.57895/Unit Use $11,065.58/Unit C. Estimated Assessable Costs: QMI T Immediate Units Deferred Units 66 x $11,065.58 = 10 x $11,065.58 = • Estimated Assessable Was (Case No. 1) Difference (More Assessed Costs) Less Project Costs Total Reduction in Non -Assessable Costs • Page 7 03/14/97 13-92083.210 R:\CLIENnl3\1392083.200\REPORTNMS-DEER.DOC $ 730,328.28 110,655.08 $ 840,984.08 821,914.50 19,069.58 14,400.00 $ 33,469.58 • • CASE NUMBER SIX Assume Case No. 4, except:"— ^-- A. Assess solely on Front Foot B. Front Foot Computation Estimated Main Assessable Costs $840,984.00 Estimated Total Frontage 12,574.43 L.F. $ 840,984.00 / 12,574.43/L.F = $66.880487/L.F. Use $66.88/L.F. C. Assessed Costs: Immediate Frontage 9,874.49 x $66.88 = $ 660,405.89 Deferred Frontage 1,948.43 x $66.88 = 130,310.00 Lateral Assessed Total Assessed D. Non -Assessed: Total Project Assessed Non -Assessed Page 8 $ 790,716.89 72,576.27 $ 863,293.16 $ 1,734,313.20 - 863,293.16 $ 871,020.04 03/14/97 13-92083.210 R:\CLIENTI3\1392083.200\REPORTMS DEER.DOC • FC;ti S CUS ;L' ! pUirf :.ES 0�IL`.. CASE NO. BASIS TOTAL 150' LOT COSTS ASSESSED COSTS NON -ASSESSED COSTS 1 50/50 11,333.56 894,490.77 854,222.23 2. Frontage Only 10,648.83 848,200.69 900,512.31 3. Units Only 12,018.29 927,960.15 820,752.85 4. 50/50 11,600.62 888,426.76 845,886.44 5. Unit Only 12,117.41 913,560.35 820,752.85 6. Frontage Only 11,083.83 863,293.16 871,020.04 03/14/97 13-92083.210 R:\CLIENTI3\1392083.200\REPORTNMS DEER.DOC Page 9 CITY OF MUSKEGO W182 58200 RACING AVENUE MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN 53150 --- MEMORANDUM DATE: Jan. 10, 1997 TO: Public Utilities Committee FROM: Jean Marenda by Renee Kowalik, Sewer Utility Clerk RE: Marvin Strasser (Johnny's Car Wash) 2196.975 FOLLOW UP: January 8, 1996 the Committee decided to wait for four quarters of consumption history to determine RCA charges. 1st Qtr 1996 470,000 gallons 2nd Qtr 1996 390,000 gallons 3rd Qtr 1996 310,000 gallons 4th Qtr 1996 300,000 gallons As per Foat Car Wash the REC's were determined by taking the highest quarter reading and multiply by 4. • 470,000 gallons x 4 quarters ----------------- 1,880,000 divided by 75,810.5 (= 1REC) less 17% MMSD Factor for car washes. Total REC's needed would be 20.75 @ $2,580.00 (1995 Rate connected 9/95) Total to bill would be $53,535.00 for RCA's How do you want me to bill for sewer usage? We bill Foat $2.65/1000 per gallon less 17% plus connection fee. cc: Mayor De Angelis City Clerk, Jean Marenda 0 MEM07 • CITY OF 14USKEGO W182 S8200 RACINE AVENUE MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN--�53150 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: Jan. 10, 1997 TO: Public Utilities Committee FROM: Jean Marenda by Renee Kowalik, Sewer Utility Clerk RE: Egg Products #2165.978 1996 Usage Compared to 1995 Usage Jan. - March 1,092,831 Gallons 1,285,093 Gallons April - June 1,062,878 Gallons 1,320,794 Gallons July - Sept. 1,208,242 Gallons 1,468,468 Gallons Oct. - Dec. 1,014,475 Gallons 1,444,761 Gallons TOTAL 4,378,426 (57.75 REC'S) TOTAL 5,519,116 (72.80 REC's) The committee decided in May, 1996 to monitor usage thru November, 1996 and • if Boldt Farms did not to exceed 60 REC's , they would not be required to purchase additional REC's needed. cc: Mayor De Angelis city Clerk, Jean Marenda MEM06 9•rnT • 7c!., 1r•c,= 57.7�+ C 7. 7 5 T