17, 1996
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Chairman
Sanders. Also present was Committee member Rasmussen, Mayor
DeAngelis, Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski, Rich Eberhardt
(Ruekert & Mielke), and those per the attached list. Ald.
Salentine was absent.
The Committee noted that the meeting was posted in accordance
with the Open Meeting Law.
Southeast Forcemain
Restoration delayed due to weather conditions. Contractor sent
updated punch list.
Boxhorn, Groveway, Ryan Sewer
Lift station start-up testing scheduled for this Thursday,
dependent on weather, along with restoration. Road repair
schedule has not been received. Committee discussed Butch
Meinen request for restitution for a lateral he had installed
which he was told he could make use of, but is now not allowed
to. Supt. Kloskowski will research with the Planning
Department for review at next Utilities meeting.
Racine Avenue Water
Contractor has requested time extension which Ruekert & Mielke
recommended be denied. Concrete sidewalk replacement at the
Police Department is not satisfactory.
Hillendale (Raboine) Sewer Extension
Awaiting plan.
HiView Acres/Holz Drive Sewer
City awaiting response to inquiries about potential lift
station site. No response received on wetland delineation
Waukesha County Park Sewer & Water
Water is operational. Awaiting approval of sewer asbuilts from
MMSD. Restoration dependent on weather.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 2
June 17, 1996
Well #7 - Muskego County Park
Contractor fabricating tool needed to continue progress on
well. Anticipated they will be on site this week. It is
anticipated that in 4-6 weeks the well will be operational.
Pumphouse for Well #7
Will wait to readvertise until preliminary development results
from well prove capacity is what it needs to be.
Loomis Road Lift Station
Station is operational, but minor items need to be addressed.
Restoration dependent on weather.
Loomis/North Cape Sewer
Have not received State DOT, County DOT, MMSD, or DNR
approval. Preliminary Assessment Roll and Engineer's Report
were presented by Rich Eberhardt. Committee discussed
different scenarios for assessments. Committee reviewed the
• following bids for the North Cape Road C.T.H. "00" sewer
Globe Contractors $ 402,291.00
Super Excavators $ 363,290.50
Rawson Contractors $ 367,001.25
Mainline Sewer & Water $ 478,613.25
Committee reviewed the following bids for the Loomis Drive -
S.T.H. 36 sewer project:
Rawson Contractors $ 386,093.50
United Sewer & Water $ 356,887.00
Super Excavators $ 357,643.50
Mainline Sewer & Water $ 748,506.50
Globe Contractors $ 416,570.50
The Committee reviewed the following changes to the assessment
roll for North Cape Road (MSS-lB-96):
Change from 50/50 front foot assessment to totally front
- Re:
Tax Key
- Calculate as corner lot.
- Re:
Tax Key
- Add lateral.
- Re:
Tax Key
- Change to 150 ft. commercial,
• plus
853 ft.
residential, and one lateral.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 3
June 17, 1996
Ald. Rasmussen moved to make the changes as listed above to the
assessment roll. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed the following changes to the assessment
roll for Loomis Drive (MSS-IA-96):
- Change from 50/50 assessment to totally front foot
- Re: Tax Key #2259.985 - To receive no assessment because
of having no frontage on Loomis Drive.
Ald. Rasmussen moved to make the changes as listed above to the
assessment roll. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried.
Sewer & Water St
Rich Eberhardt advised that study is being revised based upon
City staff input.
Hillendale Water Reservoir
Landscape plan received and will be reviewed at next Utilities
• meeting.
EPI Lift Station Forcemain
To be bid this summer, with construction this winter. Leachate
Agreement is in process.
Rich Eberhardt reported that Ruekert & Mielke reviewed revised
sewer and water plans for Lakewood Meadows Addn. #2. Approval
is contingent on changes recommended by Ruekert & Mielke and
the Utilities Superintendent.
Committee heard comments from affected property owners
regarding the extension of water on Lannon Drive between Lake
Drive and Briargate Lane. Rich Eberhardt, Ruekert & Mielke,
explained assessment costs to Mr. James Hansen, W171 S7350
Lannon Drive. Ms. Kathy Lesak, W172 S7285 Lannon Drive, asked
what the advantages are to being on the municipal water
system. Supt. Kloskowski explained that it benefits
immediately those with a contaminated well, provides fire
protection, and to those whose well may go bad in the future,
there would be an immediate source of water to hook up to.
Supt. Kloskowski stated that the water supplied is ground
water. Ms. Mary Steinbauer stated she is not in favor of
extending water service. Mr. Tom Berken, S72 W17140 Briargate
. Lane, questioned how this area had been selected for possible
water extension. He explained that he had spent considerable
money recently to upgrade his private system. Resident asked
Public Utilities Committee - Page 4
• June 17, 1996
if immediate connection to system is necessary if service is
extended. Committee responded it is not, provided safe water
samples can be provided from a private well. Resident who
circulated petition explained her reason for exploring the
possibility of extending service was for the sole purpose of
obtaining safe drinking water. Resident speaking on behalf of
Freedom Square Condominium Association expressed opposition to
extending service. Mayor explained that Condominium Association
has a community well that the City may at some time in the
future take over, therefore they would not be assessed for water
project. Six of the residents in attendance are opposed to
project, two are in favor. Chairman Sanders noted that a
majority of property owners were not in favor of the project at
this time, and consequently it would not move forward. Chairman
Sanders moved to table the motion to proceed with Lannon Drive
water project. Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen, motion carried.
Committee reviewed Racine Avenue/Woods Road sewer and water
project Public Hearing minutes and Preliminary Assessment
Roll. Committee addressed questions posed by Mr. Fenger and
Ms. Pam Boehm at the Public Hearing regarding calculation of
front foot assessment taking into consideration configuration
of the road. Rich Eberhardt explained that the Fengers and
Boehms were asking to base their assessment on an average width
alculation which would lower their assessment but raise the
assessment of others involved in the project. Committee
discussed whether footage lost on front foot assessments would
be designated as non -assessable costs. Committee discussed land
division of Boehm property with present zoning, and what affect
land division would have on assessment. Different scenarios for
method of assessment were discussed. Ald. Rasmussen asked to
see actual figures for each affected property owner using the
different assessment methods. Mr. Boehm spoke in favor of the
average width calculation for assessment. Supt. Kloskowski
noted that assessment roll that will be presented to Council for
adoption must be mailed this week. If any changes are being
anticipated to roll, a special meeting will need to be held this
week to insure that the Common Council review at their June 25th
meeting. Chairman Sanders read letter from John & Sheila
Bieniewski, S86 W17985 Woods Road, copy attached, expressing
their opposition to project. Chairman Sanders moved to make no
changes to assessment roll as presented. Seconded by Ald.
Rasmussen, motion carried. Supt. Kloskowski offered to provide
information on different scenarios to review at a Special Public
Utilities Committee meeting at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 19th.
Chairman Sanders clarified that the Racine Avenue water project
is part of the Woods Road/Racine Avenue sewer and water project
assessment roll. Mark Slocomb questioned the number of
residents who are for or against the water project. Supt.
Kloskowski stated that most of the properties on Racine Avenue
Public Utilities Committee - Page 5
• June 17, 1996
were opposed to project, however the watermain on Racine Avenue
would be a major feeder line that would benefit the Utility.
Mr. Slocomb questioned what assessment Muskego Regency will
incur. Chairman Sanders explained that a Hardship Policy is in
place to aid those residents who qualify in paying their
assessment. Mayor confirmed that front foot rate for water
assessment is set, and assessment for sewer on Woods Road would
not affect the water assessment on Racine Avenue.
Representative from Calvary Ev. Free Church questioned if a
lateral was required. Committee stated a lateral was not
required, and if a request for different size pipe was desired,
the Committee needed to be notified. Requests for larger size
laterals or no laterals should be put in writing to the Utility.
Committee reviewed REC allocation for Terra -Firma, S66 W14427
Janesville Road, with David and Heather Schuster. Building
houses a business and a living unit, and now is billed 1.75
REC. The Schusters feel they should be billed for only 1 REC,
as the building was billed in the past. Ms. Schuster contends
that previous usage was inaccurately reported. Supt. Kloskowski
explained that the business incurs 1 REC and the two -bedroom
living unit .75 REC. Chairman Sanders moved to research prior
ownership of building, and to bill the Schusters for additional
• 75 REC at a cost prior owner would have incurred had he
reported his employee count accurately. Seconded by Ald.
Rasmussen, motion carried.
Committee reviewed outstanding well permit application with Mr.
Joe Dutkiewicz, S82 W17255 Woods Road. Supt. Kloskowski
explained that Mr. Dutkiewicz has made use of an old dewatering
well which was installed as part of a sewer project in this
area. He uses the well to fill his pond. The DNR has
determined that well in not up to code, and probably should
have been abandoned at the time of the sewer project. The well
is located on the road right-of-way. Mr. Dutkiewicz is asking
that the City drill a new well to replace the well that needs
to be abandoned. Utilities staff will abandon existing well.
Property owner was requested to obtain quotes from well
drillers and present at next Public Utilities meeting to
discuss cost -sharing for new well drilling, as well as existing
well abandonment. Chairman Sanders moved to defer. Seconded
by Ald. Rasmussen, motion carried.
Committee reviewed request for provision of water disclaimer
for Champions Village. Mr. Scott Krause explained that due to
poor weather, he is being delayed getting the pumphouse built.
Mr. Krause is looking for approval for an amendment to his
Developer's Agreement that would allow building permits to be
issued before the water system is operational. Mr. Krause
stated that delay in lift station start-up also caused
problems. Mayor reiterated that should the well not provide
Public Utilities Committee - Page 6
June 17, 1996
needed capacity, occupancy permits would not be issued.
Committee recommended approval of change.
Committee discussed with Mr. Jack Collier, S85 W21531
Janesville Road, his request to have his property added to the
sewer service area. His frontage abuts service area, which
would include only the first 400' feet in the sewer service
area. He is looking to add his entire parcel. Rich Eberhardt
stated that this property is outside of the 2008 proposed sewer
service area, and the MMSD basin boundary. Zoning designation
may change if sewer were available to entire parcel. Intended
usage of the property is a consideration of the Committee.
Mayor advised that conceptual approval at Plan Commission may
be first step in approval process.
Supt. Kloskowski reported on the status of the televising of a
lateral in the Lake Forest Subdivision. Lateral was found to be
located where it was supposed to be. Correspondence sent to
homeowner informing them of that fact.
Committee discussed status of sewer metering. Process is
• Committee discussed status of REC allocation. Committee
discussed advantages/disadvantages of billing totally by usage.
The Committee noted there are 1135 RECs remaining to allocate.
Chairman Sanders moved to amend Sewer Ordinance to reflect new
agreement with MMSD. Ald. Rasmussen seconded, motion carried.
Mayor reported on amendment to WCA chart for multi -family
buildings. It is suggested that WCA chart coincide with the
REC chart, to make charges for single/multi-family more
equitable. Chairman Sanders moved to approve Option 4.
Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen, motion carried.
Committee reviewed listing of outstanding well permits. Quotes
for abandonment will be solicited for four residents who have
not responded.
Committee determined that their next regularly scheduled
meeting will be Monday, July 13, 1996.
Ald. Rasmussen moved to adjourn at 12:45 a.m. Seconded by
Chairman Sanders, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Scott Kloskowski
Public Utilities
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• June 17,1996
City of Muskego
Attn: Dominic D'Aquisto
RE: Woods Road/Racine Avenue Sewer and Water Project
Due to other obligations, we are not able to make the meeting this evening.
However, we would very much like our letter made a part of the notes of the meeting and
recognized as being in disagreement with the water project.
It seems that the project has been designed for the benefit mainly of the project for the elderly on
the comer of Woods and Racine. It is of no benefit to us.
The cost involved to us as a property owner versus the benefit derived from the project do not
even come close in comparison. There is no need for us to have water. We are perfectly happy with the
well water we are now using.
• Please put us on record as being totally against the water project.
John and Sheila Bieniewski
S96 W17995 Woods Road
Muskego, WI 53150