PUM19960516PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MAY 16, 1996 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Acting Chairman Salentine. Also present was Committee member Rasmussen, Mayor DeAngelis, Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski, Rich Eberhardt and Steve Schultz (Ruekert & Mielke), and those per the attached list. Chairman Ald. Sanders was absent. The committee noted that the meeting was posted on May 10, 1996, in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Southeast Forcemain Restoration expected to begin in mid May. Bottom of ditches still need work. Boxhorn, Ryan, Groveway Sewer Project Request for extra lateral by Mr. Heinrich has been received. Problem with poor quality gravel road bed has not been resolved. Poor quality of road paving was discussed. Committee reviewed letter from Ken Ward wherein contractor is requesting compensation for delays they claim were incurred • while waiting for a City decision on a lateral installation on Boxhorn Drive. Inspection report indicates one hour wait. Contractor claims there was a two hour wait. Ald. Salentine moved to approve $593.00 payment for a one hour delay. Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen, motion carried. Woods Road Sewer & Water and Racine Avenue - Pioneer Drive to Muskego Regency Water Project Rich Eberhardt, Ruekert & Mielke, reviewed the Woods Road sewer and water project, which will include water on Racine Avenue from the north side of Muskego Regency to Pioneer Drive; water from Countrybrook Estates to Muskego Regency, and sewer from Muskego Regency to Countrybrook Estates. The following bids were received: Rawson Contractors $ 568,630.50 D. F. Tomasini $ 609,972.00 Super Excavators $ 716,744.00 Mainline Sewer & Water $ 829,670.00 Committee discussed at length various alternates to base bid with Mr. Greg Boehm. Ald. Rasmussen moved for acceptance of low base bid from Rawson Contractors in the amount of $568,630.50. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried. 40 Public Utilities Committee - Page 2 May 16, 1996 Committee reviewed different scenarios for preparation of Assessment Roll and Engineer's Report. Discussed front foot assessment vs. unit assessment for this project. Ald. Rasmussen moved to direct Ruekert & Mielke to prepare Preliminary Assessment Roll based on front foot assessment. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried. Ald. Salentine moved to accept Water Assessment Roll as submitted. Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen, motion carried. Racine Avenue Water Project - Apollo Drive to Pioneer Drive Contractor given punch list for necessary repairs. Hillendale Sewer Project - Raboine The Committee reviewed the following bids for the Hillendale Drive North of Tans Drive sewer project: Globe Construction $ 89,112.00 Super Excavators $ 90,727.00 Rawson Contractors $ 104,903.00 United Sewer & Water $ 110,227.00 D. F. Tomasini $ 115,947.00 Mainline Sewer & Water $ 130,452.00 Ald. Rasmussen moved to recommend acceptance of low base bid from Globe Construction in the amount of $89,112.00, which includes full width pavement replacement. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried. The Committee reviewed different scenarios for preparation of Assessment Roll. Ald. Salentine moved to accept Assessment Roll numbered 92081 with unit method of assessment. Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen, motion carried. Hi View Acres/Holz Drive Sewer Project Rich Eberhardt reviewed timeline schedule for the Hi View Acres/Holz Drive sewer project. Acquisition of lift station sites will determine if aggressive timeline should be implemented. Waukesha County Park Sewer & Water Project Awaiting MMSD approval of sewer as-builts. Water is operational. 0 Public Utilities Committee - Page 3 May 16, 1996 Well #7 - Muskego County Park Mr. Steve Schultz, Ruekert & Mielke, reported on progress on Well No. 7 in the County Park. He reviewed problems that have occurred with regard to project, ie. contract with Municipal Well and Pump allowing work to continue on the project. Mr. Schultz contacted Mr. Fletcher Driscoll, a nationally recognized expert on wells, soliciting recommendations as to whether the well is salvageable and whether capacity can be increased; what has happened to the well, and how problem can be addressed. A written report from Mr. Driscoll will be available soon. It will include a recommendation for chemical treatment as well as an aggressive air jetting technique. Mr. Driscoll feels that the contractor had performed satisfactorily, and that the granite boulders which the contractor encountered could not have been anticipated. Mr. Schultz suggested we contact Municipal Well and Pump to obtain a quote on the additional work that will be needed. Estimated cost to be $20,000.00 Ald. Rasmussen moved to forward recommendations made by Mr. Fletcher Driscoll to Municipal Well & Pump for cost estimate. Ald. Salentine seconded, motion carried. • Pumphouse for Well #7 Nothing to report. Loomis Road Lift Station Correspondence received from Ruekert & Mielke dated May 16, 1996 listing items that have been accomplished, and those items remaining to be completed. Station may be operational by the end of June, 1996. Contractor looking to have substantial completion by the end of May. Loomis Drive; Loomis Road/Hwy. 45 & North Cape Sewer Projects Awaiting approvals from Wisconsin DOT and MMSD. Reviewed timelines for Loomis Drive; Loomis Road/Hwy. 45, and North Cape sewer projects. Supt. Kloskowski advised of Informational Meeting to be held June 3, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall to discuss sewer projects, their costs, and proposed timelines. Ald. Salentine moved to direct the City Engineer to prepare bid documents for the Loomis Drive and North Cape sewer projects, and to proceed with an aggressive timeline. Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen, motion carried. Ald. Salentine moved to proceed with Preliminary Assessment Resolution for Loomis Drive and North Cape sewer projects. Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen, motion • carried. Public Utilities Committee - Page 4 • May 16, 1996 Sanitary Sewer & Water Study Nothing to report. Hillendale Reservoir Restoration to be completed by contractor. Waiting for plan for plantings from Tom Chiconas. Martin/Lannon Sewer Project Postponed to June Public Utilities Committee meeting. Muskego Regency Mayor reported that Developer's Agreement should be signed May 17, 1996. Construction of sewer and water to begin soon afterwards. Candlewood Preliminary Plat received today. • MSI General - Commercial Site/NW Water Main Extension Rich Eberhardt reported that DNR approval has been received for water main extension. Mystic Drive Sewer Project (Ludwig/Strampe) Rich Eberhardt reported that the preconstruction conference was held and work was to start May 15, 1996. However contractor has not started. Status of REC allocation was discussed. Mayor advised that 1800 REC's are being reserved for industrial purposes. Ald. Rasmussen moved to reserve 1800 REC's for industrial purposes, provided policy allows this reservation, or policy will be modified to do so. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried. Committee discussed commercial sewer metering. Supt. Kloskowski stated project is ongoing. Scott Kloskowski advised that the camera crew that was scheduled to televise lateral in Lake Forest Subdivision also had planned to televise Ryan Road, and Ryan Road isn't ready to be televised. Another vendor is scheduled to do a demonstration of r 1 U Public Utilities Committee - Page 5 • May 16, 1996 their camera equipment on Monday, May 20, 1996, and they will be asked to perform their demonstration on the lateral in Lake Forest at no charge. Representative from Boldt Farms, Inc. appeared before the Committee to discuss recalculated REC's which have been assigned and billed. He stated that there is considerable less water being used than has been calculated. Ald. Rasmussen moved that the Utility monitor usage thru November, 1996, and if Boldt Farms does not exceed 60 REC's, they will not be required to purchase additional REC's. Ald. Salentine seconded, motion carried. Mr. Allan Albee from Superior Emerald Park Landfill appeared before the Committee. Rich Eberhardt explained that Superior Emerald Park Landfill is asking for relief from providing a standby generator for the lift station that is proposed to serve Emerald Park Landfill. Mr. Albee explained that if the lift station is out of power, so is the landfill, and there would be no flow to the lift station. DNR requires a standby power source. A portable generator was discussed as a possibility instead'of on -site generator due to cost and space constraints. • Supt. Kloskowski suggested that Future Parkland and Superior Emerald Park Landfill work out an agreement whereby each would be responsible for costs related to the project. Ald. Rasmussen moved to permit use of portable generator. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried. Supt. Kloskowski reviewed proposed ordinance change regarding water meter installation for multi -family buildings, defining location of meters and accessibility to meter room. Ald. Salentine moved to forward proposed ordinance change to Clerk -Treasurer for action by the City Attorney. Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen, motion carried. Mr. Bucky Lowe and Mr. Wayne Salentine reviewed request for amendment to the sewer service area to include the Lowe property on Hillendale Drive. Mr. Lowe stated that this area had been included in the sewer service area at one time. Mr. Lowe has approval for two mound systems to service the back lots which he is asking to be served by the sewer system. Due to the proximity of these lots to the existing system, Supt. Kloskowski stated it would be appropriate to serve these lots. Mayor DeAngelis suggested that properties identified on attached map also be included in the sewer service area. Ald. Salentine moved to send letter to MMSD with legal description prepared by Ruekert & Mielke to request area identified on attached map be added to sewer service area. Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen, motion carried. Public Utilities Committee - Page 6 • May 16, 1996 Committee reviewed letter from Mr. Glubka, W197 S8432 Bendingbrae, requesting waiving of late sewer usage charge, claiming he never received notice. Ald. Rasmussen moved to deny waiving late charge. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried. Committee reviewed request for sewer service for the Ryback property on Woods Road. Approval had already been given by the Committee. Ald. Salentine moved to allow property owner Ryback to proceed with the sewer installation provided the service remains 10 ft. away from the water main and the Rybacks have obtained the proper easements from the affected neighboring property owners. Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen, motion carried. Residents presented petition requesting the extension of water service on Lannon Drive north of Lake Street, copy of which is attached. Ald. Salentine moved to invite affected property owners to the June 20, 1996 Public Utilities Committee meeting to discuss. Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen, motion carried. Rich Eberhardt reported that the request for water service on Lannon & Lake Street is outside of the WCA District and would • require an amendment to the WCA map. Rich Eberhardt reported that Don Vilione is reviewing proposed amendment to WCA Chart. Mayor reported that Mr. Vilione will be forwarding a written report. Supt. Kloskowski presented listing of outstanding well permits, ten property owners of which we have had no contact with whatsoever. Letters will be sent to these property owners advising them that a contractor will be hired, and to request their cooperation with hookup/abandonment process. Mr. Steve Schultz reviewed quotes for repairs to well #6 due to loss of capacity. There appears to be a problem with the pump that needs to be addressed. The following quotes were received: CTW Corporation $ 4,880.00 Municipal Well & Pump $ 4,487.00 Layne -Northwest $ 4,300.00 Ald. Rasmussen moved for acceptance of low bid submitted by Layne -Northwest in the amount of $4,300.00. Ald. Salentine seconded, motion carried. Committee acknowledged Supt. Kloskowski being awarded the • "Operator of the Year" from the Wisconsin Rural Water Association. • Public Utilities Committee - Page 7 May 16, 1996 Ald. Rasmussen moved to adjourn at 10:55 p.m. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried. Respec fully submitt d, Scott Kloskowski Public Utilities Superintendent jz u Map 2 POST -PUBLIC HEARING RECOMMENDED REVISION TO THE MUSKEGO SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA LEGEND RAM.NY DPWINONKNT.L CORNIOOn Oa[rovmNY ENVIIIONNExTAL CORRIDOR O. n oourz0 N.rueu RESOURCE ARIA ® MARYAAND [CONOARY ENVIRONMENTAL IDIfaO.MWt p[19q TMAiO in[NNaV t.eLt 1C0 ., L..AX LOT e,IOwruL 0 OHE- SANITARY ,[w[R,[NVES .RE. IETI, TIN.I ONE- SANITARY SEWER$"VICE AREA t✓L.xNEO E000) O (I"." �INCY SEWER o eii:Dvss.W° e ...V¢e VvnL Ee zeom eC: vg SANi zcoozEWERSERVICE AREA E.'E'INO TRVNN SEWER M� e. S-IHD I..CE MAIN . EAs-Ixa AUMwxO STATIC, - .na.0,[0-wm ,[WA. R:.CE MAIN PROPOSED.JN.INe STATION OARE...c.:,te To e[ zoo[o To INS a[Wu,ERVICE A.ea NDtE: C. D."T C. -Ne a,W,n au,l<E :Ru IN LAW, OCROOM AREA It NOT eEINC R[nxtO A, .ART O, THIS STJC•, THAT AREA SHOULD ,t Me IH t O IN:ONJVNCTION IT. THE An[A 1 .EWER...f.Al. INI.INTIGV.. Source: SEWRPC. 5 4146795630 05/17/1996 09:15 4149795630 CITY OF MUSKEGO PAGE 01 We, the undersigned residents of the City of Muskego, are interested in obtaining additional information from the City of Muskego regarding the possible extension of city water service on Lannon Drive to the north of it's intersection with Lake Street. This petition is signed with the understanding that we are not financially obligated as a result of this request. /�-17 Name: `lzl ��' Phone Address: s "Z L"V/ ? I Gl 6 w 1A .•4 7 z5� Date S/! I9 Address: �.' 77 2 �S 7, Name: Phone Phone : 5_ v - 4� Address: Date 679 4/73Z Address: Name: Address: C;)O Phone : --P - 3 ig I Date Name: Phone : Address: Name: Phone • Address: Date (Circulated by Susan Link -Manson.