The meeting was called to order at 7:10 P.M. by Chairman Sanders.
Also present were committee members Salentine and Rasmussen, Mayor
De Angelis, Utility Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, Richard
Eberhardt (Ruekert & Mielke), and those per the attached list.
The committee noted that the meeting was posted on March 15, 1996,
in accordance with the Open Meeting Law.
The committee reviewed minutes of the previous meeting of February
15, 1996. Ald. Salentine moved to clarify gallon figure on page
3, paragraph 3, regarding agreement for Waste Management sewer
capacity for Stoneridge Landfill to read "The peak flow would be
30,000 gallons per day..". Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen, motion
carried 3-0.
The committee reviewed the status of the following projects:
Southeast Sewer Project - Restoration for the Southeast forcemain
will be checked in Spring of 1996.
Boxhorn, Groveway, Ryan - The contractor is working in Ryan Road;
the lift station work is underway and the gas main has been moved.
Mr. Rudolph Heinrich and Mr. Wayne Salentine appeared before the
• Committee to request sewer connection for proposed land division
for parcel 2255.994, which was recently divided into three parcels
(CSM 7958) recorded on March 1, 1996. Ald. Sanders moved to
disapprove the connection due to the land being out of the Sewer
Service Area. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried.
Utility Superintendent Kloskowski will send a letter to Mr.
Heinrich explaining denial and when the sewer service service
limits were created and by whom.
The committee noted that the deferred assessment portion for tax
key 2255.991 (Green) should have been removed from the assessment
roll for the Boxhorn, Groveway, Ryan sewer project. Ald.
Rasmussen moved:to recommend amendment to the Revised and Amended
Assessment Roll to remove the following:
2255.991 - Darwin & Kim Green - 84.0 deferred ft. -
Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried 3-0.
Utility Superintendent Kloskowski advised the committee that an 8"
lateral stub has been assessed to tax key 2252.985 (Blavat) in
error as it was not requested and the property owners advise they
have no intention of dividing the property. Ald. Salentine moved
to recommend amendment to the Revised and Amended Assessment Roll
to forgive the 8" lateral stub and that amount will become part of
• the nonassessable costs for the project. Seconded by Ald.
Sanders, motion carried.
March 21, 1996
• The committee reviewed the Hardship Application supplied by the
City Clerk and approved the format.
Woods Road Sewer & Water Project - Sewer plans have been approved
by the DNR, but MMSD letter has not been received. Water main
approval has also been received from the DNR and the engineers are
waiting for connection detail plans from Muskego Regency.
Racine Avenue Water Project - The water project from Apollo to
Pioneer Drive will be restored in spring. The water project from
Pioneer to Muskego Regency is on hold for connection detail plans
from Muskego Regency.
Hillendale (Raboine) Sewer Extension/Review of cost estimates -
The committee reviewed cost estimate and estimated assessment rate
calculations for the project. The committee determined that the
four parcels abutting the easement that are already serviced by
sanitary laterals but of which three will have to be reconnected
to the new main when installed will remain nonassessable
properties. Ald. Salentine moved to have the costs of the
easement main and the three lateral reconnections become part of
the nonassessable cost of the project. Seconded by Ald.
Rasmussen, motion carried 3-0.
The city is still waiting for the sewer plans from Mr. Raboine,
• the signed easements from the Wisconsin Electric Power Company and
MMSD approval.
HiView Acres/Holz Dr. Sewer Extension -
Design and drafting has been started. City still has to determine
lift station sites and road issues. The committee reviewed the
comments from the informational meeting with affected property
owners on Holz Drive that was held prior to this meeting and
deferred action until after the Holz Drive people meet with Public
Works Committee regarding the road concerns. The committee
requested the city engineers to secure wetland deliniation for the
Waukesha County Park Sewer & Water Project - Both projects are
under construction.
Well #7 - Muskego County Park - Contractor having difficulty
developing well.
Pumphouse for Well #7 - Muskego County Park - Approval from DNR
has been received and the city is waiting successful well
Loomis Road Lift Station - Roof sheeting has been installed,
• exterior brick work has started, and forcemain installed and
connected to southeast forcemain.
Southeast Forcemain - Restoration must be checked in Spring of
March 21, 1996
• Loomis/North Cape Sewer Project - City is awaiting Wisconsin
Department of Transportation road crossing permit. MMSD approval
has not yet been received for crossing sewer.
wer & Water Study/Industrial
revisions based upon City sta
- Report
Hillendale Water Reservoir - Project is completed with site clean
up remaining to be done by the Contractor.
Martin/Lannon Sewer Project - The
options for servicing the area as
correspondence of March 19, 1996.
review at the April meeting.
committee reviewed and discussed
outlined in the City Engineer's
The committee will further
The committee noted that the status of RECs left to be allocated
is 1149 as of March 1, 1996.
Supt. Kloskowski advised that he will be securing additional
contractors for installation of commercial sewer metering to
expedite installation.
The committee reviewed request for Capacity Utilization Permit for
Victorian Villas for 16 RECs for two eight -family buildings, each
with one bedroom and one den. The property currently has two RECs
• for a duplex which will be razed as part of the development. The
committee determined that these are two -bedroom units as DILHR
defines a "bedroom" or "sleeping room as any room that contains or
is directly adjacent to a closet. Therefore, a "den" or "study"
with a closet immediately next to it must be considered a bedroom
or sleeping room"; a two -bedroom unit requires .75 REC. Ald.
Salentine moved to approve the required 10 additional RECs to
comply with the two eight -family buildings. Seconded by Ald.
Rasmussen, motion carried 3-0.
The committee reviewed sewer plans for Victorian Villas. Ald.
Salentine moved to recommend approval and reminded developer that
submit sanitary sewer plans must be submitted to MMSD. Seconded
by Ald. Rasmussen, motion carried 3-0.
The committee reviewed proposed amendment to amend Chapter 21,
Section 21.06 (5) - Sewer Utility Metering which incorporates MMSD
regulations regarding meters which states "Any facility
discharging more than 1,000 gallons per day must be metered."
Ald. Salentine moved to recommend approval of amendment to
ordinance. Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen, motion carried 3-0.
Mr. and Mrs. Rodenbach, W200 57714 Prospect Drive (Lake Forest
Subdivision) appeared before the Committee to request a $500.00
lateral reimbursement as their contractor insists that there was
. no lateral for the property. Ald. Rasmussen moved to authorize
expenditure for televising to verify if lateral was installed or
missing. If lateral was not installed, the city would then
reimburse the property owners the $500.00 and bill the city's
engineers for the $500.00 as well as the cost of the televising.
March 21, 1996
• If the lateral was installed, the cost of the televising will be
taken out of Sewer Utility and the $500.00 would be the
responsibility of the property owners. Seconded by Ald.
Salentine, motion carried 3-0.
Ald. Rasmussen moved to defer request for sewer service on College
& Lentini as a formal petition has not yet been received.
Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried 3-0.
The committee reviewed leachate agreement with Emerald Park
Landfill dated March 5, 1996, along with City Attorney's comments
dated March 18, 1996. Ald. Rasmussen moved to defer. Seconded
by Ald. Salentine, motion carried 3-0.
The committee reviewed the following bids for the interior
repainting of the Sandy Beach lift Station:
Porta-Painting, Inc.
Aero Painting, Inc.
Ald. Sanders moved to recommend acceptance of low bid of
Porta-Painting, Inc., in the amount of $15,722. Seconded by Ald.
Salentine, motion carried 3-0.
The committee reviewed REC allocation for Egg Products as
• requested by the Sewer Utility Clerk. Egg Products is currently
being metered for their sewer usage. With the number of gallons
used in 1996, the total number of RECs required is 73; they have a
total of 60. Ald. Salentine moved to follow past practice and
charge Egg products for 13 additional RECs. Seconded by Ald.
Rasmussen, motion carried 3-0.
The committee reviewed authority given in 1994 to Supt. Kloskowski
to assign RECs to businesses that do not return the required
employee surveys. The minutes of the meeting of December 16,
1993, defined the authorization for the year 1994. Ald. Salentine
moved to give Supt. Kloskowski the permanent authorization to
assign RECs to all businesses that do not return surveys.
Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen, motion carried 3-0.
There was nothing new to report on status of Well Site
Soil Erosion Inspector Tom Chiconas is preparing plan for
restoration and plantings at the Water Reservoir Site on
Utility Superintendent advised that there are 30 properties that
are in noncompliance for well testing, and letters are being sent.
• The committee reviewed back charges due as a result of illegal
water connection for the property addressed S74 W17310 Lake Drive
as outlined in Supt. Kloskowski's letter of December 21, 1995.
Ald. Rasmussen moved to allow the property addressed S74 W17314 to
be connected to the existing well, pending safe water test and
March 21, 1996
• inspection and to allow the property owners' in-laws to be dropped
from citation, and to assess property addressed S74 W17310 a WCA
charge for 1993, along with usage from 1993 to present. Seconded
by Ald. Sanders, motion carried 3-0.
The committee deferred review of ordinance on amendment to WCA
Chart as City Engineers have not completed.
The committee discussed status of Muskego Regency development.
Ald. Salentine moved to waive the new requirements of tracer
wires, location boxes, and valve stem risers as the requirements
were initiated by the city after approval and submittal of plans.
The committee was informed that the developer, his engineer,
Ruekert & Mielke, the Public Works Superintendent and Public
Utilities Supt. are meeting Monday to review the plan corrections
for completion. It was noted that MMSD sewer and DNR water
approvals have not been received. Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen,
motion carried 3-0.
The meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Nancy Salentine
o u
Meeting: Date: