The meeting was called to order at 7:15 P.M. by Chairman Sanders.
Also present were Committee Member Rasmussen, Mayor De Angelis,
Utility Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, Richard Eberhardt
(Ruekert & Mielke) and those per the attached list.
The Committee noted that the meeting was posted on 2/9/96 in
accordance with the Open Meeting Law.
The Committee discussed the status of the following projects:
Boxhorn, Groveway, Ryan Sewer Project - Contractor scheduled to
begin work in Ryan Road after March 17, weather permitting. Lift
Station work could be underway after gas main is moved which is
anticipated to be in February. Ald. Rasmussen inquired on
progress of work in sewer easement and Rich Eberhardt responded
that all work has been completed, with the exception of
restoration which will take place in the Spring.
Woods Road Sewer & Woods Road/Racine Avenue Water Project - Sewer
plans have been approved by DNR but MMSD letter has not been
received. Supt. Kloskowski reported that a real estate agent has
indicated that there is an offer to purchase the land on the
southeast corner of Racine Avenue and Woods Road (Tax Key
2241.999) and that the real estate agent requested that sewer and
water are to be extended to Racine Avenue. Supt. Kloskowski
informed said agent that a formal request from the property owner
must be submitted to the Committee. Supt. Kloskowski requested
Ruekert & Mielke to correct the legal description of the Racine
Avenue water portion to exclude the Muskego Regency property.
Racine Avenue/City Hall Water Project - Project is completed with
restoration to be done in Spring.
Hillendale (Raboine) Sewer Extension - The City is still waiting
for Raboine plan. Sewer extension plans submitted to MMSD and
easement encroachment form sent to Wisconsin Electric Power
HiView Acres/Holz Dr. Sewer Extension - City engineers are working
on design and drafting. Research shows that Holz Drive is a
private road and discussion will be held at public hearing to
determine whether it will be upgraded and become public road.
Lift Station sites must be determined.
Waukesha County Park Sewer & Water Project - MMSD approval has
been received and project is under construction.
Pumphouse for Well #7 - Muskego County Park - Until the well is
operating, the building has been delayed. The City may have to
• request a bid extension if the well is not operational in the next
two to three weeks. The delay could keep the well offline until
the end of July.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 2
February 15, 1996
• Loomis Road Lift Station - A meeting was held with City Engineers,
Mayor, Utility Supt. and Contractor to discuss concern about
compliance with May 29th deadline.
Southeast Forcemain - Electric service installed with minor
adjustments needed. Startup will be scheduled upon electrical
connection. Asbuilts were approved by MMSD on 1/16/96.
Restoration will begin the Spring.
Loomis/North Cape Sewer Project - Wisconsin Department of
Transportation permit and MMSD approval have not been received.
Ald. Sanders moved to recommend approval of anticipated change
order from Super Excavators for sanitary sewer extension from the
lift station to STH 36, and direct Ruekert & Mielke to contact
MMSD for change from manhole to bulkhead and prepare the change
order pending DNR and MMSD approval. Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen,
motion carried 2-0.
Sanitary Sewer & Water Study/Industrial Park Sites - Report from
City Engineers undergoing revisions based upon City staff input.
Well #7 - Muskego County Park - The Contractor had requested
additional time and money to complete well by December 31, 1995.
The City granted said request but, to date, the Contractor has not
gotten a proper operating well. The Contractor has incurred, to
IS date $11,500 in liquidated damages, if applied. The Contractor
is attempting to develop the well with a third method which is
most expensive and most likely to work. The Contractor's last pay
request was denied because of deficiencies.
Hillendale Water Reservoir - Completed except for site clean-up.
Ald. Rasmussen inquired on status of restoration plan for berms
and trees. The City's Soil Erosion Inspector, Tom Chiconas, is
preparing a plan and the Committee will contact neighbors for
their input.
Martin/Lannon Sewer Project - Plans have been completed and design
to start soon. Rich Eberhardt, Ruekert & Mielke, addressed the
question of whether the properties could be served from Rossmar
Court, and the cost comparison. The Committee discussed cost of
acquiring easements, utility relocations, concrete driveway and
proximity of homes and plantings in proposed easements, etc. The
original price was $125,000 for Lannon and Martin to East Drive.
The use of the easement would cost $149,000 and delay the project
about a year. The homeowners from the area expressed concern as to
why an easement had not been obtained at the time the Subdivision
was platted. The estimated assessment rate on this project is
$57.86 foot, using a $125,000 estimate. Ald. Sanders moved to
defer to March meeting to further discuss with the property
owners. Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen, motion carried 2-0.
The Committee reviewed status of REC Allocation. Mayor De Angelis
noted that the starting number of RECs purchased with the original
contract was 10,376, not the 10,224 previously stated in REC
Public Utilities Committee - Page 3
February 15, 1996
• charges. This would change the total available RECs from 997 to
The Committee reviewed MMSD correspondence dated January 26, 1996,
responding to the Committee's inquiry as to whether the Spitzners
would be allowed to connect homes more than 300 feet west of Woods
Road to the existing sewer in Woods Road. MMSD is requesting
submittal of a new Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement (ICA)
boundary legal description as well as updated service boundary on
the sanitary sewer system map. Supt. Kloskowski advised that he
had spoke with Spitzner's representative, Mrs. Judith Radish, and
she had inquired as to amount of costs that would be incurred to
update the agreement and service boundary per MMSD request. Rich
Eberhardt guessed that the cost might be anywhere in the range of
$500 or $600. Supt. Kloskowski indicated that he had told Mrs.
Radish to submit proposed land division to the Plan Commission for
approval and then come back to Committee to submit request.
No review was necessary of the Assessment Roll for the Boxhorn,
Ryan, Groveway Sewer Project as a result of the Public Hearing.
Mr. Larry Buechel and Don Otto, representing Waste Management,
appeared before the Committee to discuss request for more sewer
capacity for the Stoneridge Landfill. Mr. Otto discussed the
aquifer pump test used to determine contamination. They provided
• an updated chart to be attached to their correspondence of January
30, 1996. The average flow would be 22,680 gallons per day over a
120 day period, plus 16,000 gallons daily flow for a total
discharge of 46,000 gallons per day. The amendment would be
changed from 60,000 gallons to 50,000 gallons. Supt. Kloskowski
asked about specific days. Waste Management asked for 120 days
within a 200 day range for the starting day. Ald. Sanders moved
to amend agreement to:
1. Amend agreement to read 50,000 gallons per day instead
of the original 60,000 gallons per day in Section 1.
Amend agreement to allow 200 days range from starting date for
120 pumping days in Section 1.
Delete paragraph 3 which now reads, "Fifty (50%) percent of
the monies collected in fees in lieu of REC's specifically
referred to above may be applied to the additional purchase
of up to 16 additional RCA's if WASTE, at its sole option,
pays in full for said additional REC's within 10 days after
the end of the original term of this temporary special
agreement or any extension of the same.
4. Renumber paragraph 4 to paragraph 3 and paragraph 5 to
paragraph 4.
Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen, motion carried 2-0.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 4
February 15, 1996
• The Committee further discussed request for location of cellular
equipment on city land next to the water tower in the Industrial
Park with representatives from PrimeCo and Sprint. Ms. Linda Lenz
appeared before the Committee and stated that for the revenue
gained, the health risks are not known. She felt that the public
needs to be better informed. IEEE standard and other groups have
reviewed the impact of these systems and have accepted them. Dr.
Christan Storm headed up the development of the standards. Ald.
Rasmussen asked that an article be added to the City newsletter
concerning the issue and to request that Ruekert & Mielke
investigate any sources of information concerning these types of
The Committee reviewed the status of well compliance testing and
noted that 64 properties on the list have not, complied at this
time and are past the February 1, 1996 deadline. Ald. Rasmussen
moved to send 90 (ninety) day notification for well compliance and
include additional letter for those currently appealing which will
acknowledge potential extension. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion
carried 2-0.
The Committee further discussed status of illegal water
connections and noted that the affected property owners have a
court appearance scheduled for March of 1996.
The Committee reviewed correspondence from Steve Schultz, Ruekert
& Mielke, dated January 23, 1996, which listed the four options to
provide the best information on fire flow protection, as follows:
1. Require that the party requesting the date perform his/her
own test, or arrange for and pay for a test.
2. Have utility personnel perform tests for each inquiry. This
would require that the Utility purchase test equipment, if
not owned, and that utility personnel be instructed in its
proper use. Ruekert & Mielke staff would be available for
this instruction.
3. Have Ruekert & Mielke perform the tests. The Utility would
be billed for the test at our standard rates. The Utility
would then decide if the costs should be passed on to the
inquiring party.
4. Have Ruekert & Mielke calculate theoretical pressures and
flows. This information would then be transmitted with a
notice that it not intended for use design. The Utility
would be billed as mentioned above.
Supt. Kloskowski added that there was a possible additional option
of ISO doing the testing. Ald. Sanders moved to defer until well
and reservoir are on line. Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen, motion
• carried 2-0.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 5
February 15, 1996
• Mr. Mark Wimmer, Muskego Regency, appeared before the Committee to
discuss potential WCA fees for the complex. Supt. Kloskowski
indicated that we normally charge a WCA (water capacity
assessment) based on size of meter. The larger buildings with 96
units would use a 2 inch meter which is equivalent to an 8 (eight)
family building. Under this method, the WCA would be about
$56,000. If Muskego Regency were to install individual 5/8"
meters, it would be $307,000. The Committee discussed several
options to charge WCA charges to this unique development
recognizing that this development consists of one bedroom
apartments occupied by Senior Citizens and is a new concept.
Mayor De Angelis suggested using the same method as the RCA chart
which gives one bedroom units .5 WCA charge per unit. Ald.
Sanders moved to amend the ordinance to add a category for
designated senior living complexes. Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen,
motion carried 2-0. The Committee also discussed metering of all
of the buildings and determined that it was in the best interest
of the Utility and the residents of this complex to individually
meter each building rather than metering each unit. Supt.
Kloskowski indicated that the flat rate fee for this complex, with
individual meters, would be about $4,875 and the quarterly charge
for one meter for each building would be between $370 and $580 per
quarter, depending upon the meter size needed. The Committee felt
that since these costs will be passed on to the residents and in
the spirit of keeping these units affordable, that one meter for
• each building would be fair. Ald. Sanders moved to amend
ordinance to allow one meter for senior housing units. Seconded
by Ald. Rasmussen, motion carried 2-0. The City Engineers will
work with the developer's plumber to determine proper meter size
for building. The Committee directed the City Engineers to
prepared the ordinance amendments and submit to the Committee for
their review and recommendation.
Mr. Jeffrey Metz, MSI General, appeared before the Committee to
discuss water main extension in back of the Sentry Store to enable
fire hydrants to be installed for fire protection. Ald. Rasmussen
moved to approve plans pending Utility Superintendent and City
Engineer's approval. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried.
Supt. Kloskowski reported that there was a water main break at
Lake Forest. The cost to repair was about $6,000. There also was
a break in a pipe leading into a house causing some flooding in
basement. Problem caused by poor installation. A motor burned up
at Woods Road lift station; the cause is still being investigated.
Ald. Rasmussen moved to adjourn at 11:50 P.M. Seconded by Ald.
Sanders, motion carried 2-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Robert Rasmussen
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