The meeting was called to order by Chairman Sanders at 7:10 P.M.
Also present were Committee Members Rasmussen and Salentine, Mayor
De Angelis, Utility Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, Richard
Eberhardt (Ruekert & Mielke) and those per the attached list.
The Committee noted that the meeting was posted on 10/13/95 in
accordance with the Open Meeting Law.
The Committee discussed status of the following projects:
Southeast Sewer Project - Temporary patches need to be placed on
North Cape Road. Restoration is underway. Ald. Rasmussen
questioned delays in getting lawns restored on Hwy "00". Property
owners have been waiting months.
Boxhorn, Groveway, Ryan - Contractor working. There continue to
be problems with materials that do not pass specifications and
have to be replaced. Backfilling, speeding trucks, road breakup
and driving condition of roads still are not satisfactory.
Contractor will start Ryan Road, west of Boxhorn, on Monday. This
will allow for all of Boxhorn, Groveway and Ryan, west of Boxhorn,
to be installed and paved in 1995. Ryan, east of Boxhorn, will
remain to be installed in 1996.
• Woods Road Sewer & Water Project - Rich Eberhardt discussed with
the Committee options for locating lift station on Woods Road.
Ald. Sanders moved to locate lift station on property addressed
S86 W17916 Woods Road (tax key #2224.991) and to direct the City
Engineers to prepare plans for the project which will end at the
entrance to the proposed Muskego Regency Senior Housing, with that
portion to be charged back to that property. It was noted that
plans for watermain extension will be prepared from Country Brook
Estates, southwesterly to the quarter section line. Muskego
Regency will extend the watermain from the quarter section line
into and throughout their system, including Racine Avenue and the
connection to Jean Drive. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion
carried 3-0. It was noted that the City Engineers will determine
place of hydrants along Woods Road and that the Plan Director will
forward Muskego Regency plans to the Fire Department for their
hydrant placement determination. The hydrants in the Muskego
Regency development shall be located 10 ft. off of the edge of
pavement pending approval of Fire Department.
Racine Avenue Water Project - Under Construction with completion
this year.
Hillendale (Raboine) Sewer Extension - Florence and Ron Daliege
appeared before the Committee to indicate that they want the
option to connect to sewer for their property addressed W192 56666
Hillendale Drive. Connection off of Hillendale would require
extra depth and the preferred connection would be to install a
lateral for connection to Lakewood Meadows-Addn. #1 Subdivision.
Ald. Rasmussen moved to permit connection of the property to the
Public Utilities Committee - Page 2
October 19, 1995
• Lakewood Meadows-Addn. #1 Subdivision. Seconded by Ald.
Salentine, motion carried 3-0. Ald. Salentine moved to direct the
City Engineer to proceed with design of system and preparation of
legal description for required easement on lot 4 (Tax Key
2177.939.005) of Certified Survey Map #6683 (Ferguson
Development). Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. It was
noted that the City has not received sewer plans for the Raboine
sewer extension.
Hiqhview Acres/Holz Dr. Sewer Extension - The engineering survey
crews are working and design is anticipated in three weeks.
Waukesha County Park Sewer & Water Project - The City is still
waiting for DNR and MMSD approval. Waukesha County has awarded
contract which was sent to contractor on October 16, 1995.
Construction is scheduled for October through December, 1995.
Loomis Lift Station - Project is one month behind contractor's
original schedule. Major wall pours are completed and they are
preparing outside for waterproofing. Decking to be placed next
week. Masonry to be completed by second week of December. Site
piping to be installed November/December. Roof installed by second
week in January, 1996, with substantial completion scheduled for
mid May, 1996.
• Loomis/North Cape Sewer Project - Loomis Road/Drive Crossing sent
to MMSD; will be sent to Wisconsin Department of Transportation
next week. Change Order to Loomis Lift Station for December
installation to be sent to Contractor later.
Sanitary Sewer & Water Study/Industrial Park Sites - Work is
continuing and surcharge racks have been installed; evidence
indicates need for a few more. Surcharge is when water level
rises above pipe into manhole.
Sewer Timeline Update -Southeast District - Utility Supt.
Kloskowski provided an update on sewer response. The votes are as
North Cape, Hi -View south of Durham
North Cape, 600' north of Boxhorn
to Ryan Road
Loomis Dr./Loomis Rd/North Cape Rd,
south of Ryan Road
The Committee noted that the Status of RECs is 1,045 available for
Utility Superintendent Kloskowski advised that contractor is back
. from illness and work is resuming on commercial metering.
The Committee further reviewed Sewer Assessment Policy and the
possible adoption of a Hardship Policy. Ald. Sanders indicated
Public Utilities Committee - Page 3
October 19, 1995
that Federal Low Income figures be used as a guideline to
determine hardship. He also suggested exploring extended payment
plan for sewer and water, as well as investigating deferred
payment for water until connection, and forgiving interest during
deferral with a yearly review on water. Ald. Rasmussen suggested
that if a property owner with a hardship case sells the property,
the payments would become payable in full. Utility Supt.
Kloskowski, Mayor De Angelis and City Clerk Marenda were asked to
develop a draft of the sewer assessment/hardship policy for review.
Mr. Scott Krause appeared before the Committee to discuss request
for conditional assessment for his property abutting Ryan Road.
Rich Eberhardt indicated that an assessment policy is for
assessing properties fronting the sewers. At this point, only
conceptual plans have been submitted to the City. Therefore, the
properties can be assessed because there is a benefit as a home
could be built on Ryan Road. Scott Krause reviewed historical
background indicating that past contact with City resulted in his
belief that he was encouraged to develop internally and not access
Ryan Road. Mayor De Angelis indicated that while the homes could
have their driveway on internal roads, there is no provision to
prevent sewer connection through back yards abutting Ryan Road.
Mayor read proposal from Attorney Molter for a proposed
modification of assessment policy as follows:
• Cancellation of Deferred Assessments If No Use Made After
If the Common Council determines that the property subject to a
deferred assessment is used in such a manner as to make no use of
and obtain no benefit from the deferred portion of the assessment,
the Council may cancel said assessments and any interest thereon
and that portion of the improvement shall be paid as a
non -assessable cost.
Utility Supt. Kloskowski suggested that the assessment stand and
when a plan for the area is submitted, the Committee remove the
assessment. Rich Eberhardt indicated that there is a possible
scenario with the Dahlman property across the street. Ald.
Salentine moved to direct Attorney Molter to refine the above
proposed language. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried 3-0.
Ald. Rasmussen moved to amend above motion to have the policy
include determination of assessment if subdivider connects to the
main. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Amendment carried 3-0. Motion,
as amended, carried 3-0.
Mr. Richard Bennett appeared before the Committee to review
assessment for his property (Tax Key 2254.998), S90 W13960 Boxhorn
Drive, as part of the Boxhorn, Ryan, Groveway Sewer Project. Rich
Eberhardt covered the issues concerning Mr. Bennett. Sewer was at
. a higher elevation which reduced costs. He is required to also
have an 8 inch main. Second issue is how far from sewer does City
want service by gravity. Third issue is the topography of the
land which make sewers on the property difficult. Utility Supt.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 4
October 19, 1995
• Kloskowski stated that in the past, the City forgave the front
foot assessment if grinder pump was required. The City has also
paid for grinder pump and charged assessment. Ald. Salentine
moved to pay for grinder pump for Mr. Bennett. Seconded by Ald.
Sanders, motion carried 3-0. Utility Supt. Kloskowski offered to
purchase the pump through the City to help reduce cost. This
specific agreement was made because of the uniqueness of the
installation and the benefit for not having to increase the depth
of sewer to service his property by gravity.
The Committee further reviewed the proposed 1996 Sewer Budget and
will discuss with Auditor Don Vilione at the November meeting.
Mr. Chester Spitzner and Mrs. Judy Radish appeared before the
Committee to further discuss Sewer Service Boundary for the
Spitzner property on the west side of Woods Road South. Rich
Eberhardt reviewed his letter of September 27, 1995, which stated
that the applicant would have to submit a request for service to
MMSD because it crosses the City's MMSD boundary line. Mrs.
Radish presented a copy of the asbuilts of the previous land
division which show six (6) laterals. They are asking for one
additional lateral for the proposed new land division and approval
to use one of the previously approved laterals, which will be
abandoned, for the proposed new land division. They will then use
this connection, along with the requested additional connection,
• for the proposed new land division. Ald. Salentine moved to
approve one more REC assignment and the two lateral connections
outside of the District boundaries for the Spitzner property
subject to MMSD approval. Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen, motion
carried 3-0. Ald. Rasmussen moved to direct the City Engineer to
provide a cost estimate for the property owner for submission to
MMSD and the cost be borne by the property owner. Seconded by
Ald. Sanders, motion carried 3-0. Ald. Salentine moved to require
water connection for the properties as a requirement for sewer
connection. Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen, motion carried 3-0.
The Committee reviewed response from Town of Norway for capacity
which indicated that they were in agreement to give the City of
Muskego some further connections but that the required 105
connections were in excess. Mayor suggested that the City
continue to seek the original allocation that was paid for by the
City. Ald. Rasmussen moved to have the City Engineers determine
the number of connections due from the Town of Norway, as per our
contract. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried 3-0.
The Committee reviewed request from Bethel Lutheran Church to
forgive penalty for late charge relative to Sewer REC adjustment
as outlined in their letter of October 2, 1995, in the amount of
$65.53 for their properties (Tax Key 2195.081 and 2195.051). Ald.
Salentine moved to deny the request to forgive the late charge and
. to direct that the Utility Clerk send a letter informing Mr.
Walter Getzel, Treasurer, of the Committee's decision. Seconded
by Ald. Sanders. Motion carried 3-0.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 5
October 19, 1995
• The Committee reviewed request from Mr. Ron Badertscher to reduce
RCA charge for his property (Tax Key 2221.001). Ald. Sanders
moved to add the quarter REC to this property for the additional
business, at the current rate, and to back -bill the property for
sewer usage for the last two years, plus current year, per
policy. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Motion carried 3-0.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Thelen appeared before the Committee to request
the City to reduce their RCA charge for their storage building in
Muskego Industrial Park, S83 W18550 Saturn Drive (Tax Key
(2223.003). Ald. Sanders moved that since the storage building
has no employees and makes no use of the sanitary facilities, that
the City forgive the quarter REC charge and additional sewer usage
charge for the quarter REC until such time as facilities are
shared by employees of a second business and requests that a
letter be sent to the owner of the property by the Utility Clerk.
Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen. Motion carried 3-0.
The Committee reviewed request from Candlewood Creek Subdivision
for extension of a portion of their REC Allocation that has become
due. Ald. Sanders moved to extend the total REC allocation of 230
RECS (original of 151 plus addition of 79) for one year from
approval of these minutes by the Common Council. Seconded by Ald.
Salentine. Motion carried 3-0.
• Mr. Robert Stack and Roger Klatt appeared before the Committee to
request sewer service for four properties; two on Lannon Drive and
two on Martin Drive. Ald. Sanders moved to direct the City
Engineer to prepare preliminary feasibility study with estimates
of costs; assessable, nonassessable, and deferred. Seconded by
Ald. Rasmussen. Motion carried 3-0.
The Committee reviewed quarterly billing from MMSD for the third
quarter in the amount of $154,625.24.
Review of third quarter bill from the Town of Norway was removed
from the agenda as it has not yet been received.
The Committee discussed Deferred Assessment Elimination request
received for the Rivera property (Tax Key 2255.994) from the
Boxhorn, Ryan, Groveway Sewer Project. Ms. Kathie Rivera
appeared before the Committee to request that her deferred
assessment on the Boxhorn, Ryan, Groveway Sewer Project be removed
as she plans to deed restrict her property from any future land
divisions. Ald. Salentine moved to approve request subject to
receipt of recorded deed restriction and to recommend amendment to
the Final Assessment Roll for the Boxhorn, Ryan, Groveway Sewer
Project to reflect one unit cost, plus 150 ft. frontage for this
property. Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen. Motion carried 3-0.
• Mr. Gary Gerlach, president of the Lakeridge North Apartments
Association, appeared before the Committee to inquire as to what
outstanding sewer and water items need to be completed and the
timeframe for completion in order for the City to accept water
Public Utilities Committee - Page 6
October 19, 1995
improvements; the sewer system will remain a private system but
must be completed to City specifications. The Committee directed
City Engineer to provide Mr. Gerlach with maps detailing the items
in need of repair.
The Committee discussed status of Well Site V . The Contractor
has finished drilling test well and is presently "developing" test
well, cleaning screen, etc. Should be test pumping next week.
The Committee discussed status of Water Reservoir Site. Tank
almost completely painted. The Reservoir should be in service in
three weeks. Landscaping not in project and the City Engineers
suggest that the City landscape as soon as possible.
The Committee discussed Water Assessment Hardship along with Sewer
Assessment Hardship earlier in the meeting.
The Committee further reviewed proposed 1996 Water Budget and will
be discussing with Auditor Don Vilione at November meeting.
Ald. Salentine moved to adjourn at 12:40 A.M. Seconded by Ald.
Rasmussen. Motion carried 3-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Robert L. Rasmussen
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