PUM19950921PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1995 ,1 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Chairman Sanders. Also present were Committee Members Salentine and Rasmussen, Mayor De Angelis, Richard Eberhardt (Ruekert & Mielke), and those per the attached list. Utility Superintendent Kloskowski arrived at 8:00 P.M. and Ald. Misko arrived at 9:45 P.M. and left at 11:00 P.M. The Committee noted that the meeting was posted on September 15, 1995 in compliance with the Open Meeting Law. The Committee reviewed the status of the following projects: Southeast Sewer Project Southeast Forcemain - Restoration restarted this week. Contractor to start Tuesday. Surge tank valves to be delivered within the next week or two with completion scheduled for the end of October. Loomis Lift Station - Project is a month behind schedule. The base and first 12 ft. of the 36 ft. walls poured and every 10 days another 12 ft. will be poured, weather permitting. Exterior walls to be water -proofed by mid -October. Site piping to be installed November/December with substantial completion scheduled for mid -May 1996. 0 Boxhorn, Groveway, Ryan Contractor working. There are continued problems with backfill, speeding trucks, and road breakup. Contractor to start sub -basing in trenches. Requested rezoning is still being addressed by the Plan Commission and Council. Mr. Richard Bennett appeared before the Committee to give estimated costs for grinder pumps for which he is requesting reimbursement from the City as he claims hardship due to extra expense caused by shallowness of sewer. He will return at a later date. Mystic Drive/Foxboro North Project has been completed. Woods Road Sewer & Water Project Nothing new to report. Racine Avenue Water Project Review of bids under Water - New Business. 0 Hillendale (Raboine) Sewer Extension City Engineers are waiting for sewer plans from the Developer for this project and are preparing right-of-way for Hillendale road PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - PAGE 2 September 21, 1995 dedication. Ald. Sanders moved to install sewer in the road only • to Tax Key 2177.933, on the west side of Hillendale. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried 3-0. Utility Supt. Kloskowski will talk to Mrs. Daliege (W192 S6666 Hillendale Drive) about not extending Hillendale sewer to her home. Highview Acres/Holz Dr. Sewer Extension Survey crews are working. Waukesha County Park Sewer & Water Project Still waiting for DNR & MMSD approval. County awarded contract but not sent to contractor. Construction is anticipated to start in October and go through December. Loomis/North Cape Sewer Project Loomis Road/Loomis Drive Crossing - City Engineers have been authorized to design. Ald. Salentine moved to direct City Engineers to draw and complete design of project and submit to MMSD for approval allowing for change order. Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen, motion carried 3-0. Sanitary Sewer & Water Studv/Industrial Park Sites The City Engineers have started base data compilation. 40 Sewer Timeline Update -Southeast District Utility Superintendent will plot the timeline on a map which will be posted in Aldermen's Room. The Committee noted the status of REC Allocation to be at 1,054 RECs available for allocation. Supt. Kloskowski advised that metering of Commercial Buildings is on hold until next week. City Clerk Jean Marenda, Information Systems Director Joe Sommers, Sewer Utility Clerk Kowalik and Water Utility Clerk Gulbins appeared before the Committee to further discuss proposed new Utility Billing Package. Two options were presented: Option #1 - HTE Utility Billing - Convert Sewer, Water, Use HTE Cash Receipts, OCR and scanning - $64,092 Option #2 - HTE Utility Billing - Water only, BRC Cash Receipts, No OCR or scanning, No conversion - $37,235 Ald. Sanders moved to recommend Option #2. Seconded by Ald. • Salentine, motion carried 2-1 with Ald. Rasmussen casting a dissenting vote. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - PAGE 3 September 21, 1995 Further discussion was held on Quarterly Billing Program and the • Committee determined that they would go on Quarterly Billing Program for Water now and convert Sewer at a later date. The Committee deferred further review of Sewer Assessment Policy until October meeting. The Committee further reviewed proposed establishing of a Hardship Policy. Utility Supt. Kloskowski presented the Committee with a list of Wisconsin Water and Wastewater Funding Sources and Assistance, along with an updated list of Federal Guidelines. The Committee discussed Mr. Scott Krause' request for establishment of a conditional assessment policy. Ald. Rasmussen moved to defer until Mr. Scott Krause can appear. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried 3-0. Mr. Chester Spitzner and Judy Radish appeared before the Committee to discuss layout of lots for his property on west side of Woods Road south of CTH L (Janesville Road). Mr. Spitzner presented two possible layouts for dividing lots 4 and 5 to make more saleable front lots. A 30 ft. easement has been reserved from each lot to create an access to rear property. One newly created lot would have a 100' frontage; the other would have a 120' frontage. Ald. Sanders moved to defer to October meeting to allow City Engineer to determine district requirements for service. Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen, motion carried 3-0. • Stan Potrykus, Metropolitan Engineering, appeared before the Committee to discuss sewer plans for Ludwig/Strampe lots on Woods Road/Mystic Drive. Ald. Salentine moved to approve sewer plans for a main extension on Mystic Drive in order to serve parcel 1 and parcel 2 along with the addition of a lateral to serve lot 75 and to allocate three RECS for the project. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried 3-0. The Committee discussed sewer connection for the Ethel Martin property on Martin Drive which is not connected to sewers at the present time. Ald. Salentine moved to allow this property (Tax Key 2173.991) to remain unconnected conditioned upon the house being connected upon sale of property or change of occupant. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried 3-0. The Committee reviewed status of Well Site V . Contractor will be on site on Monday or Tuesday (September 25th or 26th), with substantial completion date of December 19, 1995. Pump Station to begin construction immediately after well completion; bidding to be in November with mid -May completion. The Committee discussed status of Water Reservoir Site. The tank is being prepared to paint; a week or two of good weather needed prior to painting. • The Committee discussed status of Hillendale Booster Station. Construction is one week behind schedule with substantial completion to be mid -November. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - PAGE 4 September 21, 1995 E 0 Further discussion of Water Assessment Policy was deferred until October meeting. Ms. Beth Lindberg, Town Realty, appeared before the Committee, along with affected property owners to discuss proposed expansion of WCA District. The Committee read report which indicated that 18 postcards were sent, with ten responses; 4 yes, 5 no, 1 undecided and 8 not responding. Ald. Salentine moved to include the two properties north of Woods Road (Tax Key 2203.999 & 2203.998) and all of Candlewood Creek Subdivision in the amendment to the WCA District. Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen, motion carried 3-0. The Committee reviewed the following bids for the Racine Avenue and City Hall Watermain project: Rawson Contractors $182,779.00 Rock Contractors 181,163.00 Globe Contractors 151,075.00 Mainline Sewer & Water, Inc. 137,300.00 Ald. Sanders moved to recommend acceptance of the low bid from Mainline Sewer & Water, Inc. in the amount of $137,300.00. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried 3-0. Ald. Sanders moved to defer action on 1996 Sewer & Water Budgets until October meeting. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried 3-0. Supt. Kloskowski reported to the Committee that the DNR and Waukesha County has requested that the City extend the well testing to November 1, 1995. Ald. Sanders moved to approve extension. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried 3-0. Ald. Salentine moved to adjourn at 11:30 P.M. Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen, motion carried 3-0. /ca Respectfully submitted, Ald. Nancy Salentine Secretary • SIGN -IN SHEET FOR CITY MEETINGS PLEASE PRINT YOUR NAME AND AGENDA ITEM BELOW. THANK YOU. �C'�i Meetinq: 86 C UT1 ( 7W NAME /_ . /) " W- ------------- Date ITEM