PUM19950817*CORRECTED • PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1995 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Chairman Sanders. Also present were Committee Members Rasmussen and Salentine, Utility Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, Richard Eberhardt (Ruekert & Mielke), and those per the attached sheet. Ald. Miskc arrived during the meeting. The Committee noted that the meeting was posted on 8/8/95 in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. The Committee reviewed the status of the following projects: Southeast Sewer Proiect The Southeast Sewer forcemain is on hold waiting for valves and surge tanks to come in; the work on the liftstation is four weeks behind schedule. Boxhorn, Groveway. Rvan Two representatives from Gustafson Construction Corporation appeared before the Committee to discuss scheduling for the sewer project. The Committee reviewed communication from Gustafson's • attorneys, O'Neil, Cannon & Hollman, S.C.,.dated August 17, 1995, and deferred action to allow City Attorney review and directed that a special Public Utilities Committee meeting be scheduled for Tuesday, August 22, 1995, at 6:30 P.M. to address this issue. Mr. Richard Bennett, S90 W13960 Boxhorn Drive, appeared before the Committee to discuss hardship with the Boxhorn, Groveway, Ryan Sewer project as a result of extra grinder pumps and installation required. The Committee asked Mr. Bennett to return to the September meeting with a cost estimate. The Committee directed the City Engineer to prepare a new engineer's report and new assessment roll in accordance with the proposed zoning changes. Woods Road Sewer & Water Project is presently on hold. Racine Avenue Water Project The Committee discussed the project and Ald. Salentine moved to direct Ruekert & Mielke to rebid the project for the City Hall portion only to stop past Pioneer Drive and to bid the project as soon as possible. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. • Hillendale (Raboine) Sewer Extension Mr. Raboine is in the process of finalizing sewer extension plans and securing easements from all affected properties. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - PAGE 2 AUGUST 17, 1995 • HiView Acres/Holz Dr. Sewer Extension The City Engineers are beginning field locations and will be out on site within the next two to three weeks. Sanitary Sewer and Water Study for Industrial Park Sites The City Engineers will be beginning the sewer capacity study in the near future. SEWER TIMELINE UPDATE - SOUTHEAST DISTRICT It was requested that a Loomis -North Cape item be added to future agendas under status of projects. The Committee discussed report showing Status of REC Allocation which is 1,056 to date, and request that the Sewer Utility Clerk update the report to include the amount of RECs available as of January 1, 1995. Supt. Scott Kloskowski advised that he is still waiting for the Plumbing Contractor to start metering commercial buildings. There has been no response to the City's letter to the Town of • Norway requesting sewer connections to the -.Haut property. Further discussion on purchase of new Utility Billing Package was deferred until the September meeting. Further discussion on need for Quarterly Billing was deferred until the September meeting. Review of Sewer Assessment Policy was deferred until the September meeting. The Committee discussed request for Hardship Policy and noted the following: 1. Utility Superintendent Kloskowski advised the Committee that he has received a list from the DNR of available grants and loans (i.e, WHEDA, VA, etc.). 2. The Committee noted that the City has available a ten (10) year payment plan to be paid on the tax roll. 3. Possible use of the Federal Income Tax Guidelines to defer, interest free, with a two year review. 4. Using the now available Reverse Mortgage. • 5. The possibility of a water deferral if they fell under income tax guidelines. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - PAGE 3 AUGUST 17, 1995 • 6. How a property should be considered when a Mound System has just been put installed. 7. Provide the ability to pay the annual interest annually on deferments. 8. Application process for individuals to apply for hardship concerns. Aid. Rasmussen moved to have above list distributed to all aldermen, department heads, consultants for their review and comments. Seconded by Aid. Salentine, motion carried. Mr. Scott Krause appeared before the Committee to discuss deferred assessments and cost of connection for future sewer connections on Ryan Road. Mr. Krause has three properties that abut Ryan Road and as he states that he will be connecting them internally, he does not see the need for the deferred assessment. The Committee reminded Mr. Krause that even though this is his intent, if something happened and the property was in different ownership and that person would connect off of Ryan Road, the City would be out that revenue for those connections. Mr. Krause requested that the City look into the possibility of a conditional assessment. Aid. Rasmussen moved to have City Attorney review the impact of a • conditional assessment for the Krause parcels and determine impact if a limited access proposal restricting connections to Ryan Road was implemented. Seconded by Aid. Salentine, motion carried 3-0. The Committee requests that Mr. Krause correspondence of July 12, 1995, become part of these official minutes. The Committee discussed proposed assessment for the Dahlman property (Tax Key #2256.985) which is part of the Boxhorn, Groveway, Ryan Sewer Project and Aid. Salentine moved to remove one unit cost as ACOE found more wetlands on the property, which would change his assessment to five (5) unit charges instead of the original six (6). Seconded by Aid. Sanders, motion carried 3-0. Aid. Rasmussen discussed complaints that he has received from constituents on an odor coming from the McShane Lift Station. Utility Superintendent Kloskowski requested that all future calls be forwarded to him so that he can check out the Lift Station and remedy the situation. Utility Superintendent advised that Waukesha County would be addressing the Well Site #7 agreement at their Board meeting scheduled for August 22, 1995, as well as their sewer and water assessment. The Committee reviewed agreement and recommend Council approval. • The Committee reviewed a report supplied by the City Engineers on the Water Reservoir Site for the week of August 14, 1995, as - follows: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - PAGE 4 AUGUST 17, 1995 • HILLENDALE DR. WATER RESERVOIR - Ringwall and Valve Pit concrete complete. Backfilling complete. Rough grading 95% complete. Steel tank crew to be onsite this week. Approximately two to three weeks behind Contractor's schedule, but crew could very well make up time in next two weeks. HILLENDALE DR. BOOSTER STATION - Foundation, pipe trench concrete complete. Block and brickwork 98% complete. Approximately one week behind Contractor's schedule, which calls for achieving Substantial Completion two weeks before Contract. Request for Hardship Policy for Water projects was discussed with the Sewer Hardship Policy above. Utility Superintendent Kloskowski advised that as of August 17, 1995, the Water Emergency will be lifted. The Committee discussed Water Assessment Policy and Ald. Salentine moved to direct the City Attorney to amend our three (3) year testing policy, making it a five (5) year testing requirement. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. • The Committee discussed with residents on Woods Road who were invited in to the meeting the City's proposal to amend the WCA District for the proposed Candlewood Creek Subdivision which should be expanded to include their property. The Committee assured the property owners that this would not necessarily mean that there would be water available to connect to and that there would be no assessment to their property until such time as water is available and they choose to connect their property. Ald. Rasmussen moved to send to all affected property owners a post card asking them to indicate if they would be receptive to being included in the expansion of the WCA District and ask for response before September meeting. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried. Ald. Salentine moved to adjourn at 11:45 P.M. Seconded by Ald. Rasmussen, motion carried. /ca • Respectfully submitted, Ald. Nancy Salentine Secretary