The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Chairman Sanders.
Also present were Committee Member D'Acquisto, Utility
Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, Richard Eberhardt (Ruekert &
Mielke) and those per the attached list. Ald. Woodard was absent.
The Committee noted that the meeting was posted on 12/9/94 in
accordance with the Open Meeting Law.
The Committee discussed the status of the following projects:
Hillendale-North of HWY L Sewer and Water
Road has been paved and this phase of project is completed.
Southeast Sewer Project
Verbal commitment has been received from MMSD and has been
forwarded to the DNR. MMSD awaiting the City of Franklin's Common
Council approval anticipated to be finalized next week.
Boxhorn, Groveway, Ryan
• Rich Eberhardt discussed with the Committee the proposed sewer
project for properties on Boxhorn, Groveway and Ryan Road and
submitted a report, dated December 14, 1994, outlining final
design questions and assessment questions that need to be
addressed. Utility Superintendent Kloskowski will work with Plan
Director Matt Sadowski and staff and will submit a report for the
January meeting and will work with Mayor's Secretary on list of
affected property owners to be invited to the January meeting.
Mvstic Drive/Foxboro North
Waiting MMSD approval on as-builts and Developer has been advised
of sewer lines that need to be cleaned out prior to final approval.
Racine/Woods Loop Water Project
The City Engineers have surveying crew on the project and plans
are anticipated to be completed by the end of January, 1995.
There was nothing new to report under the Champion Villages (CCV)
and Candlewood Creek proposed developments.
The Committee reviewed report submitted by Sewer Utility Clerk
Kowalik and noted that the status of REC allocations is 1,232 as
of December 1, 1994.
-» Utility Superintendent discussed with the Committee the need to
meter businesses and the Committee decided to schedule a special
Public Utilities Committee - Page 2
December 15, 1994
• informational meeting in February where all affected businesses
will be invited to attend to discuss the need for meters and to
request their cooperation.
Utility Superintendent Kloskowski discussed the flow meter at the
McShane Lift Station. A portable meter tried with limited success
and the Utility is waiting for an A/C unit which will be available
in two weeks. Other alternatives being explored as the cost of
putting filters on new drives would be excessive.
Mr. Ron Peters appeared before the Committee to request sewer
connections for two homes and to request approval of connecting
both homes to a single lateral due to constraints, costs and
logistics. Prior owner may have been given permission, but it
cannot be documented. Ald. D'Acquisto moved to permit shared
lateral between Lots 3 & 4 and Lot 5 and a future lot. Seconded
by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. Multiple connections to a single
lateral is acceptable to the Town of Norway and this property is
serviced by the Town of Norway.
The Committee discussed RCA, front foot, lateral and interest rate
for 1995 sewer projects. Ald. D'Acquisto moved to establish the
1995 rates as follows:
Interest rate for ten (10) year payment plan for front foot
and lateral assessments will remain at 8%.
RCA, in accordance with the Ordinance will increase as
follows (RCA can be put on a five (5) year payment plan at
Single Family: $2,580.00 New Construction/$430.00 Existing
Duplex: 3 Bedroom Each
2 Bedroom Each
1 Bedroom Each
Multi -Family Charge per Unit:
3 Bedroom
2 Bedroom
1 Bedroom
$5,160.00 (2.0 REC's)
$3,870.00 (1.5 REC's)
$2,580.00 (1.0 REC)
$2,580.00 Each Unit
$1,935.00 Each Unit
$1,290.00 Each Unit
Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried.
Rich Eberhardt reviewed with the Committee preliminary sewer plans
for Waukesha County for the park on CTH L. A discussion was held
as to PSC and DNR requirements. Sewer system will be Waukesha
County's and they will maintain. Utility Superintendent stated
that he believes that each building will be required to be metered.
. The Committee discussed status of Well Site Investigation and it
was noted that Waukesha County is reviewing proposed facility in
the County Park.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 3
December 15, 1994
• Rich Eberhardt reported on the status of the Water Reservoir
Site. The design has been completed and will be sent to DNR the
week of December 19, 1994. The Booster Station is nearing design
completion but submittal of plans to DNR will not be done until
the borrowing is done.
The Committee reviewed the WCA rate, front foot rate for
residential/commercial, lateral and interest rate for 1995 Water
Projects. Ald. Sanders moved to establish the 1995 rates as
Front Foot (increased 3%) - $32.85 Residential
- $37.10 Commercial
WCA (5/8" Meter)-$1,170.00 New Construction/$702.00 Existing
Interest Rate will remain at 8% for the ten (10) year payment
Lateral: $875.00 as set by the PSC.
Preliminary water plans for Waukesha County Park were reviewed in
conjunction with sewer plans above.
The Committee discussed 1994 DNR Sanitary Survey of the City's
Water System dated November 19, 1994. It was noted that the DNR
• is mandating requirements on cross -connection and private well
abandonment procedures which will necessitate an amendment to the
City's ordinance. Utility Superintendent Kloskowski will review
with the City Attorney and proceed to draft required ordinance
amendments for Council adoption in January.
There were no exhibits to be reviewed for Champion Villages (CCV).
The meeting adjourned at 9:25 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Domonic R. D'Acquisto
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