PUM19941020i PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1994 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Chairman Sanders. Also present were Committee Member Woodard, Utility Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, Rich Eberhardt (Ruekert & Mielke) and Mr. Larry Galeener (Lakewood Meadows Subdivision). Committee Member D'Acquisto was absent. The Committee noted that the meeting was posted on 10/14/94 in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. The Committee discussed the status of the following projects: Hillendale-North of HWY L Sewer and Water November 1994 is the scheduled paving date for Hillendale Drive by Payne & Dolan. Southeast Sewer Proiect Written MMSD & DNR approval anticipated to be received by December 1, 1994, according to a preliminary schedule dated October 7, 1994 (attached) for installation of sanitary sewer facilities to service the Southeast area of the City. • Boxhorn, Groveway, Ryan Sewer Project Plans submitted to MMSD on October 28, 1994. It is anticipated that the Committee will be reviewing Preliminary Assessment Roll at their December 15th meeting. Mystic Drive/Foxboro North Plans have been approved by MMSD & DNR. Sewers for Mystic Drive properties are to be installed after receipt of MMSD sewer as-builts approval for Foxboro North Subdivision. Champion Villages (CCV) Plans are being finalized for MMSD approval. A decision is needed by the Developer as to his determination on whether the City should be submitting plans for Phase I only at this time, or Phase 1 & 2. Candlewood Creek Nothing new to report. The Committee reviewed the status of REC Allocation and noted that there are 1,232 RECs available to be allocated. • Further discussion of RCA Assessment for Great Clips was removed from the agenda as no one appeared to discuss. Public Utilities Committee - Page 2 October 20, 1994 • The Committee reviewed 1995 proposed sewer budget. The Committee reviewed Deferred Sewer Assessments. Ald. Woodard moved to recommend forgiving the deferred assessment on parcels that are undividable per Plan Director and Utility Superintendent and to refund assessments that have been paid on undividable parcels. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. The Committee also requests that Waste Management parcels be reviewed to see if they are contiguous and determine likelihood of future divisions. Supt. Kloskowski discussed with the Committee a forced hook-up quote received from E & W Excavators, Inc. for installation of sewers at the property addressed W208 58285 Hillendale Drive (Lawrence Schmidt property). Ald. Woodard moved to recommend acceptance of bid in the amount of $9,730.00 and to allow Mr. Schmidt to participate in the City's five-year payment plan at 9%. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. The review of Sewer Usage Penalty Charge for the property addressed S85 W19820 Meadowlands Ct. was removed at the request of the petitioner and will be placed on the November agenda. The Committee reviewed the third quarter User Charge Billing received from MMSD in the amount of $158,500.22. Ald. Woodard moved to approve payment. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion • carried. The Committee reviewed Town of Norway Sanitary District No. 1 invoice for metered and unmetered gallons for the third quarter of 1994 in the amount of $12,652.54. Ald. Woodard moved to approve payment. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. The Committee discussed status of Well Site Investigation. Supt. Kloskowski advised that well testing at the site in Muskego County Park is very favorable. A letter has been sent to Waukesha County for their comments regarding building site and location of the well. The City is waiting for the test results from the water samples taken at the County site. The City Engineers are preparing a well site investigation report and specifications for the next phase which is a test well. The boring done on the Muskego High School site showed little potential for a productive well. The Committee discussed status of Water Reservoir Site. City Engineers will be submitting finalized plans for well reservoir and booster station to the Public Service Commission and the Department of Natural Resources for approval the early part of the week of October 24, 1994. It is anticipated that request for bids will be let in early November for well reservoir and next year for booster station and well pump station as monies are not available • at the present time for all three (3) projects. The Committee reviewed Deferred Water Assessments. Ald. Woodard moved to recommend forgiving the deferred assessment on parcels Public Utilities Committee - Page 3 October 20, 1994 is 0 • that are undividable per Plan Director and Utility Superintendent and to refund assessments that have been paid on undividable parcels. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. The Committee deferred discussion of Water Extension to Senior Housing/Municipal Building until November meeting. The Committee further reviewed 1995 Water Utility Budget. The Committee discussed correspondence from Ruekert & Mielke dated October 19, 1994, regarding 5th review of Sanitary Sewer and Watermains for CCV-Country Club Villages. The Committee reviewed colored rendition of proposed Lakewood Meadows Well Pump House & Reservoir Site with developer Larry Galeener along with correspondence from City Engineers dated October 17, 1994, and memorandum from Mayor De Angelis dated October 19, 1994. Ald. Woodard moved to approve the design of the pumphouse contingent upon review by the Mayor and Finance Committee of 10/25/94. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. Ald. Woodard moved to accept improvements for water and sewer for Lake Point Estates and Lake Point Estates West contingent upon completion of the following items which were noted in City Engineer's correspondence of October 17, 1994: Lake Point Estates -West ..Hydrant adjustment at Spinnaker Court. Lake Point Estates ..Three (3) hydrants need to be adjusted up. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. Acceptance of Improvements for Plum Creek Addn. #1 was removed from the agenda. The meeting adjourned at 8:55 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ald. Donna M. Woodard Acting Secretary "Ruekert Mielke Profesaonal Engmeen & Registered Land Suneyon since 1946 • • October 7, 1994 Mr. Scott Kloskowski, Utility Supt. City of Muskego City Hall W182 S8200 Racine Avenue P O Box 903 Muskego, WI 53150 RE: Southeast Area Sewer Service Dear Scott: Per your request we have prepared the following preliminary schedule for installation of sanitary sewer facilities to service the southeast area of the City of Muskego: LOOMIS ROAD PUMP STATION Written MMSD & DNR approval ....................................................December 1, 1994 Advertise for Bidding........................................................................December 15, 1994 Bidsdue....................................................................................................January 13, 1995 Recommendation of Award..................................................................January 20, 1995 Notice to Proceed Substantial Completion February 20, 1995 February 1996 FinalCompletion................................................................................................May 1996 DUAL 12" FORCEMAINS Written MMSD & DNR approval ....................................................December 1, 1994 Advertise for Bidding.............................................................................January 12,1995 Bidsdue................................................................................................... February 3, 1995 Recommendation of Award............................................................... February 13, 1995 Notice to Proceed...........................................................................................March 1995 Substantial Completion................................................................................ August 1995 Final Completion.................................................................................... September 1995 W239 N1812 ROCKWOOD DRIVE WAUKESHA, WISCONSIN 53188-1113 (414)542-5733 FAX (414) 542-5631 11 Rtiekert I Mielke Professiaw! Engineers & Regisrernd Innd Swueyors since 1946 • Mr. Scott Kloskowski, Utility Supt. City of Muskego October 7,1994 Page 2 BOXHORN/RYAN ROAD SANITARY SEWERS/FORCEMAIN/PUMP STATION Plan submittal to MMSD......................................................................October 28, 1994 Submittal of Preliminary Assessment Roll to City........................November 20, 1994 Utility Committee review of Preliminary Roll ............................... December S1994 -Ad for bid submitted to City....................................................................January 6, 1995 First Ad appears.....................................................................................January 19, 1995 Second Ad appears................................................................................ February 2, 1995 Revised Assessment Roll (if needed) received at City ................... February 10, 1995 Final Committee Review ................ Notice of Public Hearing to paper February 16, 1995 February 21, 1995 PublicHearing...........................................................................................March 15, 1995 Council approves Assessment and awards Contract...........................March 22, 1995 Construction begins.................................................................................... April 18, 1995 Project complete and ready to use ......................................................October 13, 1995 Please contact our office with any questions. Very truly yours, RUEKERT & MIELKE, INC. Stanley R. Sugden, P.E. SRS:tsm 13-90= 107_KLOS cc: Mayor David L. De Angelis, City of Muskego Mr. Michael F. Campbell, P.E., Ruekert & Mielke, Inc. • Mr. Robert W. Skatrud, P.E., Ruekert & Mielke, Inc. Mr. Kenneth R. Ward, P.E., Ruekert & Mielke, Inc. W239 N1812 ROCKWOOD DRIVE WAUKESHA, WISCONSIN 53188-1113 (414)542-5733 FAX (414) 542-5631