The meeting was called to order at 7:10 P.M. by Chairman David J.
Sanders. Also present were Committee Member Woodard, Rich
Eberhardt (Ruekert & Mielke), and those per the attached list.
Committee Member D'Acquisto was excused.
The Committee reviewed status of the following projects:
Hillendale-North of HWY L Sewer and Water
Nothing new to report.
Southeast Sewer Project
Moving ahead with plans.
Boxhorn, Groveway, Ryan
Moving ahead with plans.
Mystic Drive/Foxboro North
• Discussed under Subdivider's Exhibits.
Champion Villages (CCV)
Mr. Scott Krause appeared before the Committee to discuss MMSD
concerns with contract flow capacities. Correspondence from
Ruekert & Mielke, dated July 21, 1994, was reviewed which
clarified the present situation regarding the Loomis Road Pump
Station and Force Main and also recommended possible options
regarding the MMSD approval of the plans; the most expedient
option being limiting flow capacities. Completion of the plans
and specifications for the Loomis Road Pump Station and Southeast
Area Force Main could be completed by September 30, 1994, for
submittal to MMSD and DNR. Ald. Woodard moved to authorize the
City Engineers to complete the plans and specifications for the
Loomis Road Pump Station and Southeast Area Force Main and submit
to MMSD and DNR subject to the Developer's engineer supplying them
with the following:
Clear definition of the project limits for the Loomis
Road Pump Station within Champions Village.
Clear definition of the final building architecture or
authorization to proceed to finalize the plans.
• Final site grades for the building site so that final
plans can be prepared.
Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 2
July 21, 1994
. Beth Rummel and Ron Gromachi appeared before the Committee and
presented a sketch of alternate ways to provide sewer and water
service to the Schaefer property and properties north and west.
After discussion and review, Ald. Woodard moved to accept concept
of revised layout for sewer and water service for the proposed
Subdivision. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. Ruekert &
Mielke have indicated that the plans appear to be viable pending
review of more detailed plans.
The Committee reviewed the status of REC allocation which is at
1302 available for allocation at the present time.
Discussion on Sewer and Water Deferred Assessment policies were
deferred until the August 18, 1994 meeting.
The Committee further discussed REC allocation for Jill's Fabric
Care Cleaners. At the February 17, 1994 Public Utilities
Committee meeting, the Committee deferred action and Mr. & Mrs.
Fitzgerald were requested to provide information substantiating
water loss in the machines and this information will be forwarded
to MMSD for their review and determination. Mr. & Mrs. Fitzgerald
were not in attendance, but they did submit a Discharge Factor
Certification Form which will be forwarded on to MMSD. It was
noted that the Fitzgeralds requested a copy of information given
to the City from Muskego Carwash.
• Mr. Lawrence Schmidt appeared before the Committee to discuss
notification from the Utility Superintendent that the City was
securing quotes for forced hookup for his property addressed W208
S8285 Hillendale Drive. The Committee deferred action in order to
review project and noted that Mr. Gerald Mutza is also in
violation and the Utility Superintendent is also securing quotes
for forced hookup for his property addressed W206 S7944 Pasadena
Request for sewer service-Hillendale, north of Mill Valley School
was removed from the agenda as the petitioner did not appear.
The Committee reviewed second quarter MMSD report for 1994 in the
amount of $154,371.76. Ald. Woodard moved to recommend approval.
Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried.
Mr. Terri Smerz appeared before the Committee to discuss sewer
assessment for Great Clips. Ald. Woodard moved to approve refund
of $324.87 due to an original miscalculation when business first
started. The new REC assignment is set at 4.5 RECs. Seconded by
Ald. Sanders, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed second quarter Town of Norway report for
1994 in the amount of $11,900.85. Ald. Woodard moved to recommend
• approval. Seconded by Ald. Sanders.
The Committee reviewed correspondence from Superior Services, Inc.
(Emerald Park), dated July 1, 1994, requesting the City's
Public Utilities Committee - Page 3
July 21, 1994
• cooperation in their plans to install a force main to run from the
proposed Emerald Park Landfill to the north approximately one and
one -quarter miles to the connection to the MMSD interceptor
sewer/lift station. City Engineer Ken Ward's letter of July 7,
1994, indicates that in order to proceed with the request of
Superior Services, Inc. it will be necessary for the City to
authorize the City Engineers to provide cost estimates for the
engineering costs for the design of the liftstation and related
forcemain. Ald. Sanders moved to authorize Ruekert & Mielke to
proceed with proposal for engineering services, with all costs to
be the responsibility of Superior Engineering, Inc. Seconded by
Ald. Woodard, motion carried.
The Committee noted that there was nothing new to report on the
Well Site Investigation.
The Committee discussed status of Water Reservoir Site on
Hillendale. It was noted that an amended Offer to Purchase is to
be acted on at the July 26, 1994 Common Council meeting. The
Committee reviewed the plans for the water main extension on
Hillendale Drive to the property proposed for the Water
Reservoir. Bids will be opened on August 11, 1994.
The Committee reviewed with Rich Eberhardt alternate plans for the
Woods Road Watermain Loop. The Committee recommends Option 3 -
• Completion of Loop in Woods Road from Clearbrook Drive to Racine
Avenue and in Racine Avenue from Woods Road to Gemini Drive but
deferred action to determine funding.
The Committee reviewed request of Terra Development for acceptance
of Improvements for Overlook Bay and deferred action in order to
confer with Utility Superintendent as to status of punch list.
The Committee reviewed plans for sanitary sewer extension for the
Mystic Drive/Foxboro North sewer project and approved contingent
upon items listed in Ruekert & Mielke's correspondence of July 14,
1994 being complied with.
The meeting adjourned at 10:50 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Donna M. Woodard
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