• The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Sanders.
Also present were Committee Member D'Acquisto, Mayor De Angelis,
Utility Superintendent Kloskowski, Richard Eberhardt (Ruekert &
Mielke) and those per the attached list. Ald. Woodard was absent
due to a family emergency.
The Committee discussed status of the following projects:
Hillendale-North of HWY L Sewer and Water
Nothing new to report. Road restoration will be completed after
watermain has been installed.
Southeast Sewer Project
Ninety percent (90%) of the engineering has been completed.
Mayor's office is awaiting confirmation of meeting with MMSD to
discuss hookup to the City of Franklin's forced main.
Boxhorn, Groveway, Ryan
The engineering is 90% completed.
Mystic Drive/Foxboro North
Project on hold until notification from Developer that he is ready
• to proceed.
Project completed with some minor restoration (reseeding of
grass) still to be completed.
The Committee discussed status of REC Allocation and noted that
there are 1302 connections left to be allocated.
Mr. Scott Krause appeared before the Committee to discuss status
of Country Club Villages and expressed concern over MMSD's failure
to proceed with engineering review for forced main.
The Committee deferred action on Deferred Sewer Assessments
and will continue discussion at their July meeting.
The Committee deferred discussion of REC allocation for Jill's
Cleaners until the July meeting at the request of the petitioner.
The Committee reviewed list provided by the Sewer Utility Clerk
listing businesses that MMSD has requested be metered
(Commercial/Industrial/Business/Taverns/Halls). The Committee
agreed to comply with request and will budget through 1995 budget
• Richard Eberhardt reviewed with the Committee a cost estimate for
sewer capacity study for sewer service to the Agenten Property of
the Woods Road/Woodland Court liftstation and agreed to pass on
information to the owners of the Agenten property.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 2
June 16, 1994
is Senior
Committee further discussed sewer service for the proposed
Senior Housing project on the Boehm property. Richard Eberhardt
(Ruekert & Mielke) reported that there is sufficient capacity to
serve the Heinrich property east of Boehm and the Committee
determined that the Senior Citizen Development on the Boehm
property will be required to extend sewer main to their east
property line.
The Committee discussed Forced Hook-ups. Mayor advised Committee
of a trailer on the Bohrer property that is occupied and is in
violation of Plan Commission's directive to allow a trailer on the
property subject to it being connected to sewers prior to
occupancy. Ald. Sanders moved to direct Supt. Kloskowski to send
out a "30 Day Notice" to connect to sewers or a forced connection
will be done by the City. Seconded by Ald. D'Acquisto, motion
The Committee discussed status of Well Investigating Site and it
was noted that the site study is in test boring stage.
The Committee discussed status of Water Reservoir Site. Mayor
advised that Attorney Molter is working with Waste Management's
attorney to finalize acceptable language for Offer to Purchase.
A report from the City Engineers was read in answer to an inquiry
by the City on the need and costs involved for an Environmental
• Assessment to be performed on the selected site on Hillendale
Drive and the Committee determined that there was no need for the
The Committee reviewed preliminary verbal estimates for water
extension to the Senior Housing/Boehm Property and municipal
buildings. Richard Eberhardt discussed with the Committee options
for extending water to both above sites. The Committee deferred
action for receipt of final report and will continue discussion at
the July meeting.
The Committee further reviewed request for Acceptance of
Improvements/Overlook Bay and deferred action pending City
Engineer's report.
The Committee deferred action on Deferred Water Assessments
and will continue discussion at their July meeting.
The Committee reviewed bid for well test borings (Well #7)
received from Layne -Northwest Co. in the amount of $39,540.00
along with report from City Engineers dated June 16, 1994,
recommending acceptance of bid. Ald. Sanders moved to recommend
acceptance of bid. Seconded by Ald. D'Acquisto, motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M.
• Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Domonic D'Acquisto
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