The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Chairman
Sanders. Also present were Committee Member Woodard, Mayor De
Angelis, Utilities Supt. Scott Kloskows.ki, Ald. deacon's and
those per the attached list.
The Committee discussed status of the following projects:
Hillendale-North of HWY. L Sewer and Water
Nothing new to report.
Southeast Sewer Project
Nothing new to report.
Boxhorn, Groveway, Ryan
Nothing new to report.
Mvstic Drive/Foxboro North
• Ald. Sanders moved to direct Utilities Supt. Kloskowski to
contact developer to determine status of project.
The Committee reviewed status of REC allocation and noted that
there is a balance of 1423 RECs left to allocate.
The Committee reviewed status of Sewer Deferred Assessments
and, after lengthy discussion, deferred to the May meeting.
The Committee reviewed MMSD invoice for Muskego's share of
non -increased Design Capacity costs for 1993 in the amount of
$190,146.68. Ald. Woodard moved to approve payment. Seconded
by Ald. Sanders, motion carried.
Mr. Russell Reith appeared before the Committee to request
waiving of one year's interest for WCA/RCA charges which have
been assessed to his property. Mr. Reith feels that the
responsibility for paying these fees prior to November 1, 1993,
were his developer's and he is now requesting the Committee to
forgive the interest fees. Ald. Woodard moved to deny request
and suggested that he work with the Developer to recover his
additional costs. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried.
The Committee removed item on review of REC charges for Sandra
Roberts Salon as no representative appeared to discuss.
• The Committee reviewed request from Information Systems Joe
Sommers to upgrade the Sewer Utility's software program. Ald.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 2
April 21, 1994
• Woodard moved to approve expenditure of $630.00. Seconded by
Ald. Sanders, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed MMSD quarterly invoice. Ald. Woodard
moved to approve payment in the amount of $151,158.11 for the
first quarter of 1994.
The Committee reviewed Town of Norway quarterly invoice. Ald.
Sanders moved to approve payment of $11,679.28 for the first
quarter of 1994. Seconded by Ald. Woodard, motion carried/
The Committee reviewed Town of Norway 1993 Audit and Invoice
for actual costs. Ald. Woodard moved to approve payment of
$12,231.42. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried.
The Committee discussed Clarification of RECs for Commercial
facilities. Ald. Sanders moved to clarify policy to require
1/4 REC per business in a multi -business building, with a 1 REC
minimum per building, or by REC chart assignment if their use
�\y\ is based on something other than employee number. Seconded by
'Woodard, motion carried. This clarification of policy is
effective immediately. The Committee deferred action on
clarification of REC allocation on taverns and halls and
request Utility Clerk to provide additional information on the
Nautica Pub, Inc. as to living units.
• The Committee reviewed Status of Well Investigating Site and
reviewed Well Site Study (Phase II). Ald. Woodard moved to
direct the City Engineers to prepare plans and specifications
for bidding of Phase III Geophysical Investigation/Well
Borings. It is anticipated that there will be borings done at
five (5) primary sites and it was agreed that minimum borings
will be done on the County Park property. Seconded by Ald.
Sanders, motion carried.
The Committee also reviewed Offer to Purchase for the Waste
Management Hillendale property. Ald. Woodard moved to
recommend approval of Offer to Purchase subject to the correct
figures being inserted. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion
carried. Ald. Woodard moved to recommend the balance of the
Sewer and Water Assessments for Tax Key 2229.997 for Waste
Management be converted into Deferred Proration, waiving the
500 feet minimum requirement. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion
The Committee discussed status of Water Reservoir Site.
Ald. Woodard moved to approve Option #2 to Construct a water
storage reservoir 36 feet high on the Hillendale site. This
would serve as elevated storage for the primary zone and a
suction source for a booster station on the same site to serve
• the boosted zone. The required volume of the reservoir to
serve both zones is approximately 750,000 gallons. Seconded by
Ald. Sanders, motion carried. Ald. Sanders moved to authorize
the City Engineers to proceed with preparation of plans and
Public Utilities Committee - Page 3
April 21, 1994
• specifications for Booster Pump watermain on Hillendale Drive.
Seconded by Ald. Woodard, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed status of Water Deferred Assessments
and, after lengthy discussion, deferred to the May meeting.
Mr. John Aiuppa appeared before the Committee to discuss recent
water bill for usage. Ald. Sanders moved to adjust billing of
March 31, 1994, to reflect an amended charge to Mr. Auippa of
$19.50 as a quarterly service charge since the service isn't
presently connected. Seconded by Ald. Woodard, motion
The Committee reviewed request from Information Systems Joe
Sommers to upgrade the Water Utility's software program. Ald.
Woodard moved to approve expenditure of $630.00. Seconded by
Ald. Sanders, motion carried.
Mr Scott Krause and Lew Averill (National Survey) appeared to
discuss their project and the Highway 36 Pump Station.
The Committee adjourned at 11:05 P.M.
C 1
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Donna M. Woodard
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