The meeting was called to order by Chairman Sanders at 7:03
P.M. Also present were Committee Members Woodard, Schneider,
Mayor De Angelis, Public Utilities Superintendent Scott
Kloskowski, Mike Campbell (Ruekert & Mielke) and those per the
attached list.
The Committee discussed the status of the following projects:
Hillendale-North of HWY L Sewer and Water
Nothing new to report.
Southeast Sewer Project
Further meeting has been scheduled with MMSD. The engineering
for the Forced Main has been completed and the Loomis Road Lift
Station is designed and awaiting approval by the Developer.
Boxhorn, Groveway, Ryan
Sewer Plans will be ready to review at the March meeting and
plans for the lift station will be ready for review by the
first week of April.
Mystic Drive/Foxboro North
Nothing new to report.
Shagbark, Lentini, College
Project has been completed and the City Engineers are working
on the As-builts.
The Committee reviewed the updated REC Allocation information
and noted that there are 1423 RECs left to allocate.
The Committee reviewed Outstanding Deferred Sewer Assessments
and deferred to the March meeting.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fitzgerald appeared before the Committee to
discuss request for adjustment of sewer usage for Jill's
Cleaners. They provided the Committee with information on
their sewer usage. The Committee deferred action and Mr. &
Mrs. Fitzgerald will provide information substantiating water
loss in the machines and this information will be forwarded to
MMSD for their review and determination.
Mayor De Angelis discussed with the Committee a request
received from State Bank Hales Corners to waive the increase of
fees for RCA and WCA for Tax Key 2199.999.006 (Lake Ridge
Public Utilities Committee - Page 2
February 17, 1994
• Apartments, W170 S7603 Gregory Dr.). Ald. Woodard moved to
waive increase in fees due to the fact that documentation
showed that closing and issuing of check for payment of RCA and
WCA charges was completed on December 29, 1993, but because of
escrowing, payment was not received until January 14, 1994.
Seconded by Ald. Schneider, motion carried.
The Committee received the following bids for the variable
frequency drive controls for the McShane Lift Station:
Venture Electrical Contractors
Pieper Power
Perigon Systems, Inc.
NSI Electrical Contractors
Habermehl Electric
B. H. Barg Electric
Base Bid
Ald. Schneider moved to approve the bid from Venture Electrical
Contractors in the amount of $54,347.00 subject to City
Attorney's review.
The Committee discussed the REC allocation clarification of
• minutes of November, 1989 wherein they state that, "Industrial
Park properties are considered "commercial" and should be
placed on the tax roll, with the exception of those requesting
metering; and the Sewer Usage for a business and living
quarters in the same property, without separate plumbing
facilities, shall be charged 1.25 RECs." Ald. Schneider moved
to clarify the above statement to reflect what is listed in the
REC chart that the sewer usage for a business with living
quarters without separate facilities, shall be charged a
minimum of 1.25 RECs. Seconded by Ald. Woodard, motion carried.
The Committee discussed Metering of New Businesses and
determined that, in accordance with MMSD regulations, any
facility that is determined by MMSD to be Commercial or
Industrial (Multi -family residential structures with two units
or more are considered Commercial) must meter their water
supply with the type of meter to be determined by the Utilities
Superintendent. Ald. Woodard moved to direct the City Attorney
to draft the necessary ordinance to amend Chapter 21, Section
21.13 to incorporate the above requirements. Seconded by Ald.
Sanders, motion carried.
The Committee discussed Waukesha County's inquiry on sewer
policy. Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski advised the
Committee of the County's inquiry as to connections of pit
toilets without water facilities and if the City would be
receptive to reduced winter rates for the park facilities. The
Committee agreed that the pit toilets without water facilities
Public Utilities Committee - Page 3
February 17, 1994
-� did not have to be connected to the sewer system and also
determined that no reduced seasonal rates are offered.
The Committee discussed status of Well Investigating Site and
review of Change Order. Ald. Woodard moved to approve change
order for Phase II Geophysical Exploration in the amount of
$15,000.00 for the field work on three sites which incorporate
four properties. Seconded by Ald. Schneider, motion carried.
Phase I and II have been completed and report will be available
for March meeting.
The Committee discussed the status of Water Reservoir Site and
noted that the Certified Survey Map has been approved and
The Committee deferred Outstanding Deferred Water Assessments
until the March meeting.
The Committee reviewed Subdivider Exhibits for the Kimberly
Estates Sewer/Water project. Ald. Schneider moved to approve
plans as submitted. Seconded by Ald. Woodard, motion carried.
Mayor De Angelis advised that the developer for the Candlewood
Creek Subdivision has removed their plat.
There was nothing new to report on Country Club Villages.
• The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Donna M. Woodard
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