The meeting was called to order at 7:08 P.M. by Chairman
Sanders. Also present were Committee Members Woodard and
Schneider, Mayor De Angelis, Utility Superintendent Scott
Kloskowski and Rich Eberhardt (Ruekert & Mielke) and those per
the attached list.
The Committee discussed the status of the following projects:
Hillendale-North of HWY L (Sewer and Water)
Superintendent Kloskowski advised that the Public Works
department will patch the road in the near future and a final
lift of asphalt is scheduled to be applied in 1994.
Southeast Sewer Project
The City Engineers are completing plan design and are awaiting
updated flow calculations from County Club Villages engineer.
Boxhorn-Ryan-Groveway Sewer Project
• The City Engineers are finalizing plans.
The Committee discussed the status of REC allocations and noted
that the figure remains at 1385.
The Committee discussed the policy for allocating RECs for
apartments and condominiums. Superintendent Kloskowski will
check further with MMSD to determine their method of charging
condominiums and to follow their policy.
Mr. Dave Anderson, Ehlers & Associates (Financial Consultants),
appeared before the Committee to discuss proposed amendments to
the Sewer and Water Assessment policies. Ald. Woodard moved to
have Mayor De Angelis, City Clerk Marenda and City Attorney
finalize Section 5 and report back to the Committee. Seconded
by Ald. Schneider, motion carried.
The Committee further discussed the sewer extension on Mystic
Drive. Affected property owners appeared before the Committee
to discuss whether the sewer connection will be made through
the back of their properties or through a main extension on
Mystic Drive. Ald. Schneider moved to approve sewer connection
through the back of the properties, through Foxboro -North
Subdivision. The project will be done by the Foxboro -North
Subdivision's engineer and be billed to the City. The affected
property owners will be allowed to put costs on the 10 year
• payment plan. Seconded by Ald. Woodard, motion carried. The
Committee directed that a letter be sent to the Archie Meinerz
Trust, c/o Leigh Peterson, W222 N833 Cheaney Road, Waukesha,
Public Utilities Committee - Page 2
September 16, 1993
WI 53186, explaining the Committee's decision and the owners
need to let us know about extending sewer main to their
property, at their own cost. A response is requested within
ten (10) days of receipt of letter.
The Committee deferred action on review of Subdivider's
Procedural Manual and will discuss further at October meeting.
The Committee began review on 1994 Sewer and Water budgets and
will continue review at the October meeting.
The Committee reviewed Subdivider's Agreement for the Village
of Sussex. Ald. Schneider moved to incorporate the following
language into the City of Muskego's Subdivider's Agreements:
The Developer shall televise the sanitary sewer
system, repair any defects as determined by
the City Engineer, and supply the video tape to
the City of Muskego, and clean all sewer lines
prior to the issuance of building permits and
acceptance of the improvements by the City of
Seconded by Ald. Woodard, motion carried.
• Utility Superintendent Kloskowski requested authorization for
two Utility personnel to attend the following seminars:
Upgrading Sanitary Sewer System & Maintenance $575.00
Disinfectant and Disinfectant By -Products $100.00
Ald. Woodard moved to recommend approval. Seconded by Ald.
Sanders, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed sanitary sewer plans for the Lakeview
Highlands -North Subdivision. Ald. Woodard moved to recommend
approval subject to technical corrections to lift station
design. Seconded by Ald. Schneider, motion carried.
The Committee deferred action on the sewer plans for the
Appletree Estates (Lowe) until the October meeting.
The Committee reviewed resubmitted water and sewer plans for
Candlewood Creek -Phase I Subdivision. Ald. Schneider moved to
recommend approval of standard plan for hydrant location and to
authorize submittal of sewer plans to MMSD. Seconded by Ald.
Woodard, motion carried. Water plans will be required to be
resubmitted to the Committee for approval.
Superintendent Kloskowski advised the Committee that he is
• attempting to secure bids from Contractors for several
properties that were part of the Hillendale-North of HWY L
Public Utilities Committee - Page 3
September 16, 1993
. sewer project. It appears as if all local contractors are too
busy to answer request for bids.
The Committee reviewed request from Candlewood Creek
Subdivision for a one year extension of sewer RECS which were
allocated by the Committee on October 28, 1992, and approved by
the Common Council on November 10, 1992, due to delays beyond
their control with the DNR and final siting of Moorland Road.
Ald. Schneider moved to grant request for a one-year
extension. Seconded by Ald. Woodard, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed correspondence from the City Engineers
regarding water connection between Meadow Green -West
Subdivision and Kristin Downs and Mayor De Angelis will work
with City Attorney to determine if there are grounds to secure
Mr. Dan Smith, Tom Hooper and Paul Kowalkowski appeared before
the Committee to discuss sewer connection to property on south
side of College Road. This item will be put on the October
The meeting adjourned at 10:55 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Donna M. Woodard
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